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基于淮河流域1960-2015年61个气象站点地面0cm日最低气温资料,采用线性倾向估计、反距离加权、Mann-Kendall突变检验、滑动T检验方法,分析近56a淮河流域初霜日、终霜日和无霜期的时空变化特征及突变年份。结果显示:(1)研究期内,淮河流域平均初霜日期 、终霜日期和无霜期分别以2.15、2.49、4.38d·10a-1的速率呈推迟、提前、延长的趋势(P<0.01),其中,在20世纪90年代的变化最为显著(P<0.01),速率分别为16.38、5.34、20.6d·10a-1。(2)平均初霜日期在空间上呈北早、南迟,山区早、平原迟的分布;86.9%的站点初霜日期呈显著推迟趋势(P<0.05)。终霜日期呈西南早、东北迟,平原早、山区迟的分布;83.6%的站点通过0.05水平的显著性检验,以3.44~5.92d·10a-1的速率呈提早趋势。无霜期随纬度和海拔升高而缩短;93.4%的站点通过0.05水平的显著性检验,变化率为3.56~7.59d·10a-1,无霜期整体延长。(3)11月8日线、4月1日线、220d等值线位置较其它各气候基准期和各年代分别偏北约1个和2个纬距,在32°N和34°N附近的偏北趋势最为明显,佐证了该区初霜日期整体推迟、终霜日期整体提前、无霜期整体延长的趋势。(4)初霜日期、终霜日期和无霜期分别在2002年、1995年和1998年发生突变。  相似文献   
黑龙江省第一积温带春季地温变化及玉米播期分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黑龙江省第一积温带4个代表市(县)哈尔滨、双城、泰来、肇东的近10年4~5月的5~10 cm土层日平均地温为基础数据,分析播种至出苗期间地温的变化规律,同时结合玉米种子萌发温度,确定该积温带的适宜播种日期。结果表明,日平均地温均随着生育进程在波动中增长,4月1~8日地温增长比较稳定,4月9~22日地温波动大,而后稳定上升;地温稳定通过6℃、7℃、8℃、9℃和10℃的平均日期分别为4月3日、4月5日、4月16日、4月17日和4月22日,但年际间差异较大;第一积温带的最早播种期建议为4月16日,适宜播种期为4月22日至5月5日。  相似文献   
祁门红茶初制中萎凋与初烘工艺研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
本试验设置高、中、低的3种萎凋风力处理和重、中、轻3种初烘程度处理,研究祁门红茶初制中不同的萎凋、初烘工艺对主要生化成分含量变化的影响。结果表明:相应试验茶样所检测得到的水解产物、茶多酚及其氧化产物含量数据有一定差异、却大都并不显著,说明现有的制茶设备调控适应性强。风力大的萎调方式工效较高但水解作用较弱,果胶质、游离氨基酸、可溶性糖等水解产物含量略低,风力小的萎调方式水解作用较强、水解产物略高,但工效较低、调控难度大,中等风力的萎凋方式工效较高、理化品质表现较好。初烘程度偏轻的处理,酶性反应及湿热作用较强、时间较长,游离氨基酸、可溶性糖、茶多酚等主要理化品质成分含量相对较低,茶褐素含量较高。初烘程度适中的处理,游离氨基酸、可溶性糖、茶多酚等主要理化品质成分含量相对较高,茶红素、茶黄素、茶褐素等比例相对适宜。初烘程度偏重的工艺处理掌控不佳时,容易造成急火或高火,并且不利于后续的足烘焙香。  相似文献   
Solanum okadae Hawkes et Hjert is a wild diploid potato species endemic to Argentina and Bolivia, of potential breeding value. However, no genetic studies have been carried out with this species and its crossability relations with the common tetraploid potato, S. tuberosum L. ssp. tuberosum, are unknown. Furthermore, accessions from both countries differed in their morphological phenotypes. To ascertain the feasibility of incorporating this wild germplasm into cultivated potato, 2n pollen screening was carried out in 10 accessions and families derived from crosses between accessions; also, pollen-pistil compatibility relations were studied in reciprocal interspecific crosses. Plants of four of the 10 accessions produced 2n pollen (0.1 to 5.0%) and 4n pollen (0.0 to 3.0%). Parallel and tripolar spindles at Anaphase II were the cytological mechanisms involved in 2n pollen formation; lack of chromosome migration in both meiotic divisions originated the 4n pollen. Both full compatibility and incompatibility at various sites along the pistil were observed in the S. tuberosum × S. okadae combinations; most reciprocal combinations were incompatible. Compatible genotypes produced 2n pollen. However, only a few seeds were obtained and chromosome counts could not be carried out in the hybrid progeny because seedlings died at an early stage. The pollen-pistil barriers are incomplete and can be circumvented by the appropiate choice of parents. The identification of the post-zygotic barriers will be the focus of further studies.  相似文献   
气候变暖背景下太原市霜冻发生特征及其对农业的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张霞  钱锦霞 《中国农业气象》2010,31(1):111-114,120
基于太原市1951-2008年逐日最低气温资料,按轻微、中度和重度3级霜冻强度,分析了太原市霜冻发生的基本特征;采用累积滤波器法结合非参数统计检验方法分析了太原市霜冻的变化趋势;利用异常霜冻指标,分析了太原市霜冻的异常发生情况。结果表明:1)太原市轻微霜冻平均初霜冻日为10月14日、终霜冻日为4月15日,平均无霜冻期为182d。与轻微霜冻相比,中度、重度霜冻平均初霜冻日分别推后9d和23d,平均终霜冻日分别提前11d和24d,平均无霜冻期分别延长20d和47d。2)各级霜冻强度下,初霜冻日在年代际间的变化较为复杂,终霜冻日则表现为20世纪50-70年代偏晚、80年代之后偏早,无霜冻期表现为50-70年代缩短、80年代之后延长为主的变化特点。3)在α=0.05显著水平下,太原市各级霜冻的初霜冻日呈现显著的推后趋势、终霜冻日呈现显著的提前趋势以及无霜冻期呈现显著的延长趋势,以重度终霜冻日提前趋势最显著。4)太原市轻微偏早初霜冻、中度偏晚终霜冻和重度偏早初霜冻发生频率达15%以上,其余各级异常霜冻的发生频率在5%~10%;大多数异常霜冻发生在50-70年代。5)太原市轻微异常初霜冻对秋粮作物的产量影响较小,中度和重度异常初霜冻会使大白菜遭受不同程度的冻害;春播幼苗主要受到特晚终霜冻的影响;冬小麦遭受终霜冻危害的平均频率为5年一遇,尤以拔节后5d内发生的频率最大。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to predict the likely amounts of carbon sequestration on a national scale for Japan in the Article-3.4 private planted forests of the Kyoto Protocol during the first commitment period. We regarded the planted forests that had undergone silvicultural practices such as weeding, pruning, and thinning since 1990 as Article-3.4 planted forests in accordance with the definition given by the Forestry Agency of Japan. Regression models were developed to predict the forest areas that had undergone silvicultural practices, employing silvicultural subsidies and forest workers' wages as predictor variables. Then the time series changes in the predictor variables were provided by extending their recent trends, with the result being that the forest areas that have undergone silvicultural practices were predicted on the basis of the three scenarios of the variables. Thus, the Article-3.4 forest area was calculated considering overlaps of silvicultural practices over fixed stands, and the area was converted into the amount of carbon sequestration by multiplying it by coefficients such as a volume table, biomass expansion factor, and others. The result implied that Article-3.4 private planted forests were expected to sequester 8.16–8.87 Mt-C year−1 during the first commitment period. These amounts cover 63%–68% of the carbon sequestration goal by land-use change and forestry activities capped under the Marrakesh Accords. To realize this prediction, it is important to provide a sufficient silvicultural subsidy to last until the end of the first commitment period and to implement silvicultural practices on the forest stands that have not undergone such practices since 1990.  相似文献   
对西宁市奶牛场97头荷斯坦奶牛不同初配月龄与头胎产奶量的关系进行了统计分析。结果表明,17.0~17.9月龄初配受孕的奶牛头胎产奶量最高,比16.9月龄以前初配受孕的高542.45kg(P<0.05),比18.0~18.9月龄初配受孕的高520.41kg(P<0.05),比19.0~19.9月龄初配受孕的高1042.01kg(P<0.01),比20.0月龄以上初配受孕的高201.29kg(P>0.05)。说明西宁地区的荷斯坦奶牛在17.0~17.9月龄初配较为理想。  相似文献   

Seedlings of Hong Mang Mai wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) emerge from much deeper in the soil than do other cultivars by elongating their first internode. We examined the roles of ethylene, gibberellins (GA) and potassium in the elongation of the first internode in wheat cultivars. Although ethylene stimulated the elongation of the first internode of Hong Mang Mai in the dark, the ethylene evolution and the expression level of ethylene-receptor-like gene of this cultivar were not greater than those of other cultivars.

In Hong Mang Mai, gibberellin A3 (GA3) substantially stimulated the elongation of the first internode in the dark. Maximum elongation of the first internode was obtained by GA3 at the concentrations of 2.89 × 10–6 to 2.89 × 10–7 M. This cultivar responded markedly to gibberellins A1 and A3 by elongating the first internode in the dark. A mixture of gibberellins A4 and A7 (GA4+7) was not effective in inducing the elongation. Haruhikari, a cultivar having no GA -insensitive-reducing-height (Rht) genes, substantially responded to GA3, but other cultivars did not. The differences in the sensitivity to GA could account, at least in part, for the varietal differences in the elongation of the first internode in wheat. Takune-komugi, a cultivar whose first internode elongates in response to ethylene, did not respond to GA3. Thus, there are different mechanisms for the GA- and ethylene-stimulated elongation of the first internode in wheat.

Also, it was suggested that potassium uptake from the soil might function together with endogenous GA in inducing the elongation of the first internode in Hong Mang Mai wheat.  相似文献   
温度对厌氧条件下不同pH水稻土氮素矿化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氮矿化反应是土壤生态系统氮素循环的重要环节之一,决定了土壤氮素的可利用性。温度和pH是影响氮素矿化的重要环境因子。为研究厌氧条件下温度对不同pH水稻土氮素矿化的影响,本文以两种不同pH的水稻土为试验对象,在厌氧条件下,设置15℃、25℃、37℃和50℃4个温度,结合一级反应动力学方程式和有效积温式研究温度对土壤氮素矿化势、矿化速率、矿化程度和矿化势/全氮等矿化参数的影响。结果表明,两种土壤氮素矿化势均随着温度的升高而增大。在15~37℃范围内,两种土壤的矿化速率以及矿化程度均随着温度升高而增大,且同种温度下两土壤差异不显著。但在37~50℃范围内,随着温度的升高,两种pH土壤矿化速率以及矿化程度有增大也有减小,差异达1%显著水平。说明在高温范围内,不同pH土壤氮素矿化对温度的响应有很大差异。4个温度下,矿化势/全氮的值均随温度升高而增大,说明有机氮的品质随温度升高而提高。通过温度与矿化参数的相关性分析发现,在15~37℃范围内,各矿化参数与温度均呈正相关,且相关性极显著(P0.01);但37~50℃时,各矿化参数与温度相关性均较小,有的为负相关。本试验测定各培养周期的pH,发现在培养过程中,两种土壤pH波动不大,对土壤氮矿化的变化无影响。结果表明,厌氧条件下,尽管中、低温时不同pH水稻土氮素矿化对温度有相似的响应,但高温时不同pH土壤的氮素矿化显著不同。  相似文献   
稻鸭共作生态模式应用评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘敏  王萍 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(8):2343-2343,2360
通过新疆农一师稻鸭共作生态模式和常规模式的对比试验,分析了土壤养分和试验地土壤、所产大米的重金属含量和农药残留指标.结果发现,除土壤速效磷含量外,稻鸭共作稻田的土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效钾的含量均比常规耕作稻田有所增加;生产环境和所产大米均符合生产有机大米的国家标准.初步表明,该区稻鸭共作生态农业模式可以实现水稻生产过程中不使用任何化肥和农药,且生产出有机大米的目的.  相似文献   
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