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为探究青藏高原地区抗落粒老芒麦种质的筛选及落粒率与农艺性状的关系,以15份采自青海不同地区的老芒麦种质资源为研究对象,对老芒麦的落粒率和农艺性状进行了变异分析、相关性分析、主成分分析、回归分析和聚类分析.结果表明:1)15份老芒麦资源自然落粒率存在明显差异,其中17-124的落粒最严重,平均落粒率为56.92%.以17...  相似文献   
黄河源区黑土滩垂穗披碱草人工草地土壤水分动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄河源区不同龄垂穗披碱草人工草地及黑土滩退化草地土壤水分动态进行了研究。结果表明:各样地0~20cm土层土壤含水量具有明显的季节变化规律,变化趋势总体上为先增高,后降低。人工草地7月下旬土壤含水量达到最高,黑土滩退化草地8月下旬土壤含水量达到最高。各个时期0~20cm土层土壤含水量总体上为黑土滩退化草地〉2龄人工草地〉6龄人工草地。各时期0~20cm土层土壤水分垂直变化为人工草地随土层深度的增加而减小,黑土滩退化草地总体上随土层深度的增加而增大。  相似文献   
周鸿进  毛祝新  黄德君  傅华 《草业科学》2011,28(6):1198-1202
摘要:对青藏高原地区6个垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)居群8个不同生育期的可溶性糖(WSC)和粗蛋白质(CP)含量进行了测定。结果表明,居群间不同生育期WSC和CP含量存在显著差异(P<0.05),种源地来自青海共和县居群和甘肃临潭县居群WSC含量在整个生育期显著高于其他4个居群;CP含量甘肃玛曲县居群显著高于其他居群。整个生育期,WSC含量呈单峰曲线,初花至盛花期最高(P<0.05),初花期WSC含量最高为6.91%,最低为1.58%,CP含量整体表现为下降趋势,完熟期最低。不同居群间WSC和CP含量均表现出一定变异度,其变异系数变幅分别为36.47%~51.29%和4.76%~20.29%。相关性分析表明,WSC与CP含量呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
根据植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性(DUS)测试的原理和技术,阐述了披碱草属植物新品种DUS测试指南的研制方法、性状选择与确定、标准品种的选用和判定标准等内容。按照UPOV《TG/1/3植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试及统一描述总则》、《中国饲用植物志》等资料,结合试验中披碱草属植物品种的生长特性,编写完成了《披碱草属DUS测试指南》。筛选出26个测试性状和10个标准品种;其中,质量性状2个、数量性状20个、假质量性状4个,为我国披碱草属植物新品种评价提供了DUS测试依据。  相似文献   
为了掌握花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)日食量和食物种类的关系,在实验室饲养条件下对花鼠的日食量和食物种类的关系进行了研究。结果表明,花鼠的平均日食量为(15.35±1.09)g,性别间平均日食量无显著差异,花鼠体重与日食量呈正相关,y=0.0487x+90.102。  相似文献   
Abstract. A forage model (FORYLD) was used to estimate average potential (constraint-free) yields ( B y) and yields under rainfed conditions ( B ya) of alfalfa and wheatgrasses for the prairie region of Western Canada. Yield estimates were determined using 30-year climatic means (monthly values) and assumed available water-holding capacities (AWC) of soils ranging from 50 to 280 mm as inputs to the model. Calculations were made for 252 areas or zones known as Agroecological Resource Areas (ARAs) for the region. Estimates of B y for alfalfa ranged from over 17.5 t/ha, in areas where three cuts of alfalfa were feasible if the crop were fully irrigated, to less than 10 t/ha in some northern ARAs where restricted length of the growing season limited potential to only one cut. For wheatgrasses B y ranged from 15 to 17.5 t/ha in most areas where two cuts are possible. Estimates of B ya for alfalfa, based on the predominant AWC for soils in each ARA, ranged from less than 2 t/ha in the driest portion of the prairie region to more than 8 t/ha in the more humid areas. Yields of wheatgrasses were very similar to those of alfalfa in the driest zones but slightly more in some of the more humid regions. Effects of varying soil AWC on yield estimates are presented for the major soil groups of the prairies.  相似文献   
在4个播种密度(Ⅰ:200、Ⅱ:400、Ⅲ:800、Ⅳ:1600苗/m ̄2)处理间,单位面积(0.04m ̄2)上老芒麦(Elymussibiricus)同龄种群的地上生物量(g)、植株高度(cm)、分蘖数、叶片数及穗数均无显著差异,单株穗数、单株分蘖数在播种当年存在显著差异,并随密度的增加而减少,在播种第2年差异消失;单株叶片数和单株地上生物量在2年中均存在显著差异,并随密度的增加而减少。这些结果表明,老芒麦同龄种群中个体植物特性的变化与种群初始密度有着密切的关系,而单位面积上构件种群数量及地上生物量的变化则相对独立于初始密度。从植物多重种群结构水平的数量调节特性来看,上述试验结果进一步证实了植物最外层次结构单元的数量变化对密度压力的反应,比内部层次结构单元数量的变化更为敏感的结论。  相似文献   
山地草原旱作老芒麦研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在阿拉善右旗南部山地干旱草原选择较好地块开荒引种老芒麦,经三年小区试验和大田推广广,结果表明,不施肥灌水,老芒麦能够完成整个生育期,表现抗旱并生长良好。丰年产干草1777kg/hm^2,三年平均产草1154kg/hm^2,比天然草地增产4倍。若当地660多公顷料似地带全部耕翻种植,将大大缓解干旱山区的草畜矛盾。  相似文献   
以贮藏0~8个月的"川草1号"老芒麦种子为材料,通过发芽试验,测定发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、畸形率等参数,研究其发芽特性。结果表明:老芒麦种子具有一定的休眠性,贮藏时间对种子发芽特性有显著的影响;随贮藏时间的增加,种子发芽势、发芽力、发芽指数显著增大,幼苗的畸形率逐渐下降,但种子的腐败率逐渐增加;生产中要选择合适的播种时期与播种量,以提高种子的种用价值。种子贮藏时,要注意贮藏条件的选择,避免种子腐败,保持种子具有较强的种子活力。  相似文献   

Waterlogging Stress is An Important Limiting Factor For Wheat and Barley Production. Waterlogging Tolerance Was Evaluated in The Seedlings of Seven Species From The Tribe Triticeae, including Wheat, Barley, Durum Wheat, Rye (Diploid and Tetraploid), Triticale, Einkorn Wheat, and Mizutakamoji (Agropyron Humidum), To Acquire Basic information About Their Variation in Waterlogging Tolerance and To Elucidate Opportunities For Genetic Improvement of Waterlogging Tolerance in Cultivated Wheat and Barley. The Seedlings At The One Leaf Stage Were Subjected To Waterlogging For 0 (Control: Ct) Or 12 Days (Waterlogging: Wt) in Plastic Cups (12 Cm Tall, 8 Cm in Diameter), and The Morphological Traits of Shoots and Roots Were Measured. Shoot Dry Weights (Dw) of Wheat (Cv. Norin 61) and Barley (Cv. Benkeimugi) Were Lower Under Wt By 73% and 59%, Respectively, Than Those in Ct. of All The Evaluated Genotypes, Only A. Humidum SHowed No Reduction in Shoot Dw Under Wt. The Relative Shoot Dw (W/C in Shoot Dw; Proportion of Shoot Dw in Wt To That in Ct) Was Significantly Correlated With Relative Root Dw (W/C in Root Dw). The W/C in Root Dw Correlated Significantly With W/C in The Number and Length of Adventitious Roots, and With W/C in Frequency of Branching Roots On The Seminal Root, Suggesting That Development of Adventitious Roots and Branching Roots Under Wt Might Be Related To Waterlogging Tolerance in Tribe Triticeae. The Results of This Study indicated That Wild Species of Tribe Triticeae, Such As A. Humidum, Might Be Useful Resources To Analyze Waterlogging Tolerance in Cultivated Wheat and Barley.  相似文献   
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