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During the processes of primary succession and soil development, large stocks of organic C with very long residence times accumulate in many soils. Soluble organic C adsorbed by soils may contribute to the stock of organic C accumulating during soil development. We determined whether the mineralization rate of water-soluble organic C and the insoluble residue from 14C-labelled leaf litter added to soils from a weathering chronosequence decrease as soil age and adsorption capacity increase. The soils were formed on mudflows of andesitic material deposited about 75, 255, 616 y ago, and another older but undetermined time before this study. The percentage of the DOC adsorbed by the soils increased with age. After 1 year of incubation there were no significant differences in the mineralization rates of DOC added to soils of different ages. The DOC appeared to be comprised of two fractions, one that comprises about 32% of the total that mineralized with a half decay time of 0.02 y (7 d) and a second fraction comprising 68% with a half decay time of about 1.6 y. Consequently, the slowly mineralized fraction of the soluble C contributed to the accumulation of slowly mineralized C in the soil. Both the slowly and rapidly mineralized fractions of the insoluble residue decomposed more slowly than the corresponding fractions in DOC. We found no support for the idea that increased adsorption capacity due to weathering resulted in protection of soluble organic C from microbial mineralization.  相似文献   
This paper calibrates the advanced injector angle and EGR of a four-in-line pressure engine on the specialized test stand, which makes the NOx achieved the standard of Euro IV. Then an experiment study of the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and the particulate oxidation catalyst (POC) are made. Both make the diesel engine emission achieving the Standard of Euro IV. This experiment study shows a kind of method that realizing diesel engine emission standard of Euro IV, and concludes the character and law of the method.  相似文献   
秸秆碳对不同施肥水平低肥力土壤碳组分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明不同施肥水平下秸秆碳对低肥力土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)、微生物量碳(MBC)和颗粒有机碳(POC)含量的影响,采用碳化硅管原位法,向不同施肥水平(0、120、240 kg·hm-2,以纯氮计)的低肥力土壤添加13C标记小麦秸秆,定期取土样测定不同有机碳组分的含量及其δ13C值,并计算秸秆碳在各有机碳库中的转化及贡献比例。研究结果显示,秸秆添加后7 d是快速转化阶段,此后秸秆碳转化渐缓,以向POC转化为主。相较于DOC,秸秆碳更倾向转化为MBC和POC,秸秆添加60 d后的转化比例分别为0.12%~0.38%、4.01%~6.25%和4.74%~9.54%。秸秆添加后,土壤DOC、MBC和POC含量均显著增加,来自于秸秆碳的贡献分别为0.29%~15.01%、13.20%~32.85%和33.62%~59.69%。相较于0、240 kg·hm-2的施氮处理,施氮量为120 kg·hm-2时,秸秆添加能同时大幅提高试验土壤的活性和缓效性有机碳库含量。由此表明,秸秆还田条件下,适量施加氮肥更有利于低肥力土壤的培肥与固碳。  相似文献   
Regulation of amino acid biodegradation in soil as affected by depth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and in particular free amino acids represent a key pool in the terrestrial soil C and N cycle. The factors controlling the rate of turnover of this pool in soil, however, remain poorly understood. We investigated the factors regulating the rate of amino acid turnover at different depths (up to 1.2 m) in five low-input, acid soil profiles. Within the root zone (0–60 cm), amino acids constituted 8% of the DON and represented only a small fraction of plant available N. In all the soil profiles, the rate of amino acid mineralisation decreased progressively with depth. The average half-life of the exogenously added amino acids in the soil was 5.8 h in topsoils (0–10 cm), falling to 20 h at a depth of 50 cm and to 33 h at 100 cm. Generally, the rate of amino acid mineralisation correlated positively with total soil C and N, soil microbial activity (basal soil respiration rate) and soil content. The relatively rapid rates of microbial amino acid assimilation in subsoils below the root zone (>60 cm) indicate that long-term transport of amino acids (e.g. from soil to freshwaters) will be low. Based upon the C-to-N ratio of the amino acid substrate and the microbial C assimilation efficiency, we estimate that approximately 40–60% of the amino acid-N will be excreted as . In conclusion, the rapid rate of free amino acid turnover and their low concentration in soil solution indicate that the formation of inorganic N ( and ) in soil is limited primarily by the rate of free amino acid appearance in soil and not by the rate of amino acid mineralisation.  相似文献   
尽管溶解有机碳(DOC)和溶解有机氮(DON)在森林养分循环中的作用日渐为人们所关注,但对它们的浓度及动态,特别是对亚热带森林DOC 和DON 的研究甚少。本文于2002 年通过野外天然降水及亚热带木荷和杉木人工林(monoculture plantations of Schima superba and Cunninghamia lanceolata,15 年生)穿透雨和树干茎流各水样的收集及室内各水样中DOC、NO3 -N、NH4 -N 和总溶解有机氮(TDN)浓度的测- +定,其中DON 浓度通过TDN 与NO3 -N、NH4 -N 的浓度差值来计算,- +结果表明,天然降水DOC 和DON 浓度分别为1.7 和0.13 mg·L-1。木荷人工林穿透雨DOC 和DON 浓度分别为11.2 和0.24 mg·L-1,高于杉木人工林的DOC 和DON 浓度(10.3 和0.19 mg·L-1)。杉木人工林树干茎流DOC 和DON 浓度(分别为19.1 和0.66 mg·L-1)明显高于木荷人工林(分别为17.6 和0.48 mg·L-1)。天然降水DOC 浓度的月变化不明显,而DON 浓度在夏季和秋季较高。两林分穿透雨DON 浓度的月动态与树干茎流的十分相似,均在雨季开始时(3 月)浓度增大。两林分穿透雨DOC 浓度在2-4 月间较高,而树干茎流DOC 浓度在9-11 月间较高。图4表2 参24。  相似文献   
为揭示河口区陆基养虾塘可溶性有机碳(DOC)、营养盐、叶绿素a时空动态变化及其生态化学计量特征,在福建省闽江河口鳝鱼滩选择3个陆基养虾塘作为研究对象,于2018年5-10月原位测定养虾塘水温、pH、盐度、溶解氧指标,并采集不同深度水样,实验室测定DOC、可溶性无机氮(DIN)、磷酸盐(PO43--P)、叶绿素a浓度,探讨其主要影响因素。结果表明,养虾塘水体中DOC、DIN、PO43--P和叶绿素a质量浓度分别介于5.73~16.79 mg·L-1、0.04~1.80 mg·L-1、0.03~0.16 mg·L-1和15.02~443.08μg·L-1,均存在明显的时空变化特征;养虾塘水体DOC、营养盐、叶绿素a浓度受到养殖水体水环境参数、人为活动、养殖生物的共同影响;养虾塘水体碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)营养元素组成与植物、土壤之间具有相似性,并且表现为碳盈余和氮限制。在养殖过程中,加强对养虾塘水体营养盐和叶绿素a的动态变化监测,通过人为方式调节养虾塘水体C、N、P比率,对于防止养虾塘水体富营养化,促进养虾塘生态系统绿色可持续生产具有重要作用。  相似文献   
Contemporary soil organic matter (SOM) models have been successful at simulating decomposition across a range of spatial and temporal scales using first-order kinetics to represent the decomposition process; however, recent work suggests the simplicity of the first-order representation of decomposition is not adequate to capture the microbially-driven dynamics of SOM decomposition over short timescales. For example, the response of soils to drying-rewetting events may best be explained by microbial and/or exoenzyme controls on decomposition. To test if adding these microbial mechanisms improves the ability of SOM models to simulate the response of soils to short-term environmental changes, we developed four different SOM decomposition models with varying mechanistic complexity and compared their ability to simulate soil respiration from a pulsed drying-rewetting laboratory-based experiment. Specifically, we tested the ability of the models to capture the timing and magnitude of soil CO2 efflux in response to rewetting or constant moisture conditions. The results of the comparison suggest that the inclusion of exoenzyme and microbial controls on decomposition can improve the ability to simulate pulsed rewetting dynamics; however, less mechanistic first-order models prevail under steady-state moisture conditions. These modeling results may have implications for understanding the long-term response of soil carbon stocks in response to local and regional climate change.  相似文献   
有机物料输入对干润砂质新成土可溶性有机碳、氮的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对采集于干润砂质新成土不同土层土壤分别添加高C/N(黑麦草)和低C/N(苜蓿)有机物料后进行了室内培养试验。结果表明,各土层土壤添加有机物料后,均存在不同程度的矿质氮微生物净固定现象,且氮固定时间及程度与有机物料的C/N和土壤层次密切相关,添加高C/N黑麦草的深层低肥力土壤氮固定现象最明显。添加有机物料后,培养期间可溶性有机碳(DOC)累积量前期较高,中期先减后增,后期趋于稳定,不同土层土壤DOC的变化有所不同。0~20、20~40cm可溶性有机氮(DON)累积同时受矿质氮固定影响,低C/N苜蓿残体加入土壤后,在短暂氮素固定后,后期DON累积量明显提高;而加入高C/N黑麦草残体后,在较长时间内DON累积量无明显增加。添加有机物料导致培养前期土壤DOC/DON上升,随后降低。以上研究结果表明,如果从增加干润砂质新成土土壤有机质角度考虑,应该种植高C/N比的植物。因此,研究有利于进一步深入理解土壤溶液速效C、N养分的来源及其转化,对该地区土壤质量的调控具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
UV-B辐射促进红壤水稻土中碳氮转化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以母质相同而有机质含量不同的两种水稻土(高有机质土,HO;低有机质土,LO)为对象,研究了三种强度的紫外(UV-B)辐射对两种土壤碳、氮转化的影响。结果表明:随着UV-B辐射强度的增加,土壤有机碳(TOC)含量降低,而可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量增加;UV-B辐射促进了土壤有机碳的降解和硝态氮的增加。在高强度的UV-B(2.83 W·m~(-2))辐射处理96 h后,LO和HO土壤的TOC含量分别减少了9.89%和10.16%,而DOC含量分别提高了39.24%和50.50%;同样辐射条件下,LO和HO土壤NO_3~--N含量分别比接受辐射前增加了74.48%和81.87%。因此,在农业生产中为了保护土壤碳库,减少氮素损失,应尽量避免地表裸露以降低UV-B辐射对土壤碳、氮转化的影响。  相似文献   
There are few pedological studies in Japan of fresh volcanic ash. Fundamental information of the material from which Japanese volcanic-ash soils have developed, is of importance to obtain a better understanding of pedogenesis of such soils. The present paper deals with the mechanical. mmeralogical, and chemical characteristics of fresh ash ejected from the Sakurajima and Aso volcanoes which are among the most active in Japan.  相似文献   
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