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湖南邵阳县农业开发办在提高"三个需要"思想认识的基础上,积极探索加强农业综合开发,推进现代农业发展的"三个着力点",进而在实践中感到要进一步推进现代农业发展,农业开发部门必须力创并实施好"三要"新举措。  相似文献   
The activities associated with raw milk production on dairy farms require an effective evaluation of their environmental impact. The present study evaluates the global environmental impacts associated with milk production on dairy farms in Portugal and identifies the processes that have the greatest environmental impact by using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The main factors involved in milk production were included, namely: the dairy farm, maize silage, ryegrass silage, straw, concentrates, diesel and electricity. The results suggest that the major source of air and water emissions in the life cycle of milk is the production of concentrates. The activities carried out on dairy farms were the major source of nitrous oxides (from fuel combustion), ammonia, and methane (from manure management and enteric fermentation). Nevertheless, dairy farm activities, which include manure management, enteric fermentation and diesel consumption, make the greatest contributions to the categories of impact considered, with the exception of the abiotic depletion category, contributing to over 70% of the total global warming potential (1021.3 kg CO2 eq. per tonne of milk), 84% of the total photochemical oxidation potential (0.2 kg C2H4 eq. per tonne of milk), 70% of the total acidification potential (20.4 kg SO2 eq. per tonne of milk), and 41% of the total eutrophication potential (7.1 kg eq. per tonne of milk). The production of concentrates and maize silage are the major contributors to the abiotic depletion category, accounting for 35% and 28%, respectively, of the overall abiotic depletion potential (1.4 Sb eq. per tonne of milk). Based on this LCA case study, we recommend further work to evaluate some possible opportunities to improve the environmental performance of Portuguese milk production, namely: (i) implementing integrated solutions for manure recovery/treatment (e.g. anaerobic digestion) before its application to the soil as organic fertiliser during maize and ryegrass production; (ii) improving manure nutrient use efficiency in order to decrease the importation of nutrients; (iii) diversifying feeding crops, as the dependence on two annual forage crops is expected to lead to excessive soil mobilisation (and related impacts) and to insignificant carbon dioxide sequestration from the atmosphere; and (iv) changing the concentrate mixtures.  相似文献   
为分析矿区充填复垦土壤种植农作物的生态安全性,以中国徐州市柳新矿区复垦场地为例,对照当地农田土壤,对充填场地种植小麦不同部位As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Pb、Zn 7种重金属元素含量进行检测,分析了Cd、Cr在成熟小麦不同器官中的分布、富集情况,并利用单项污染指数法和综合指数法对小麦籽粒进行了风险评价。结果表明,三场地中Cd 和Hg在未成熟苗中的含量小于成熟茎中的含量,Cr、Cu和Zn则与之相反,Pb和As的含量规律性不太明显;复垦场地小麦未成熟根的重金属含量都小于成熟根中的含量;比照地中除Cr 和Zn之外,其余元素在未成熟根中的含量均大于成熟根的含量;参照粮食污染限量标准,小麦籽粒中Cd和Cr含量均超标。风险评价显示三场地小麦籽粒中Cd、Cr单项污染指数达到轻度至重度水平,综合污染指数处于轻度污染至中度污染水平之间。该研究对矿区粮食安全的监控具有重要的实际应用价值。  相似文献   
根据湖泊富营养化特性,选择总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、耗氧量(CODMn)、透明度(SD)、生物量共5个指标作为评价因子,建立湖泊富营养化评价的投影寻踪分析模型,采用遗传算法对评价模型进行优化,并将该模型应用于我国8个湖泊富营养化程度的评价。研究表明,投影寻踪回归分析法,避免了传统评价方法由于主观原因造成的误差,评价结果合理可信,评价方法简单易行,为湖泊水体营养化状态的评价提供了新途径。  相似文献   
海参加工业是我国北方重要的水产品加工行业之一。近年来,随着市场需求的不断增大,海参加工产品产量逐年增加,海参加工业面临的环境问题日益凸显。为了促进我国海参加工业的清洁生产,保证产业的可持续发展,本研究基于我国清洁生产技术体系及海参加工行业的特点,构建了由生产工艺及装备等6个一级指标和加工工艺等24个二级指标组成的海参加工业清洁生产评价指标体系,并选择两家案例企业进行清洁生产水平的评价。研究结果表明,案例企业的清洁生产水平均为Ⅱ级:国内清洁生产先进水平;通过案例分析结果与企业生产现状的对比,证明本指标体系具有一定的科学性、可操作性和适用性。根据评价结果对两家案例企业提出了改变能源类型、提高废弃物资源利用率的清洁生产改进措施,为我国水产品加工行业的清洁生产提供了借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
基于生活史特征的数据有限条件下渔业资源评估方法比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
渔业资源评估是开展渔业资源管理,维系渔业可持续发展的基础工作。传统的渔业资源评估方法需要统计产量、资源丰度指数甚至年龄结构等大量数据,由于调查经费和数据的缺乏,全球仅1%的鱼种进行过系统性的资源评估。近年来,在数据有限(data-limited)条件下如何开展资源评估已日益成为学术界的关注热点。本文将基于生活史特征的评估方法分为仅需要生活史参数,需要产量数据和生活史参数,需要产量数据、生活史参数及体长或年龄数据等3大类,分别从方法、数据要求、输出结果及局限性进行了系统回顾分析,提供了关于生活史特征参数的常见估算方法,并就其中两种模型对北大西洋大青鲨(Prionace glauca)的可持续渔获量进行了初步评估与比较。最后,对数据缺乏模型的使用及模型在中国近海渔业资源评估中的运用提出了建议。  相似文献   
A Bayesian population modelling tool integrating separable virtual population analysis, per‐recruit models and age‐structured demographic analysis was developed for the bigeye thresher Alopias superciliosus (Lowe) population in an area subset of the western North Pacific. The mortality rates for years 1989–2016 were estimated, various biological reference points and associated risks of decline were also estimated, and alternative harvest strategies for the stock were evaluated. Estimates of the posterior mean of fishing mortality for bigeye thresher shark suggest fishing pressure has been high in recent years (2011–2016). The estimated population growth rate (λ) (without fishing) obtained from age‐structured demographic model was relatively low (λ = 1.01 per year; 95% confidence intervals of 1.00 and 1.03 per year). Risk analyses revealed that only low levels of fishing pressure (10% of the current fishing pressure) over a wide range of ages could maintain a relatively low risk of population decline for bigeye threshers. Sensitivity testing indicated that the model is robust to prior specification. The developed framework could be used as an assessment tool to evaluate the risk of decline for other widely distributed pelagic shark species where insufficient catch and effort data are available.  相似文献   
大亚湾核电临近海域中国毛虾声学探测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2019年1月11―14日在大亚湾核电基地临近海域尝试采用声学探测技术,同时辅以拖网调查与水下视频观测的方法,对该海域中国毛虾(Acetes chinensis)的空间分布特征、定向迁移聚集规律和种群资源评估方法进行了研究分析,以期为大亚湾核电基地典型冷源致灾生物中国毛虾的监测预警与应急防控提供新的思路。调查发现,拖网渔获物中中国毛虾所占比重在99%以上,仅有数量极少的水母和鱼类。19:00―07:00的声学原位观测结果显示,不同时段中国毛虾海里面积反向散射系数(NASC)波动较大(0.56~170.30m~2/nmile~2),整体呈先增后减的变化趋势,最高值出现在22:30―22:40时段。垂直空间分布上,中国毛虾主要集群分布于水深5.2~7.2m的中下层水域,在22:50―00:10期间有明显向底层迁移的趋势。水平空间分布上,中国毛虾生物量密度由湾内至湾口断面逐渐增大。结合不同时段中国毛虾资源动态规律与水下视频观测结果,调查海域中国毛虾很可能在19:00―23:00期间向湾内迁移,23:00之后向湾口迁移。综上分析可知,声学评估方法较传统的渔业调查手段具有生态、高效、时空分辨率高、能提供实时监测数据等诸多优点,更能满足大亚湾核电站冷源生物安全预警与应急防控的现实需求。  相似文献   
Surprisingly little published information exists on the pros and cons of managing extracted resources that are pooled as compound taxa such as species complexes. Current fisheries management includes many species complexes; in Hawaii, this includes two taxa of species pooled at subfamily and higher levels. These include seven species of parrotfishes (Scarinae, Labridae) and a seven‐species ‘bottomfish’ complex (the ‘Deep‐7’: comprising six species of snappers [Etelinae, Lutjanidae] and a single species of grouper [Epinephelidae]). Recent research on key vital rates (growth, reproduction) for major species in both taxa indicates that these complexes consist of species with disparate life histories. Species in the parrotfish taxon exhibit fast to very fast growth and short to moderate longevities, whilst Deep‐7 bottomfishes exhibit moderate to very slow growth and long to very long lifespans. These data clearly indicate that, although pooling species is a tempting default option in data‐poor situations, it is at best a necessary evil to be avoided when sufficient data on the demographics of component species become available. Pooling species is especially problematic when the ecosystem effects of extracting functionally dominant species should be an important management consideration in addition to that of species demographics. Assessments that recognize and quantify the ecosystem importance of habitat engineers and other ecological dominants could substantively improve management of species complexes. Ultimately, complexes of resource species need to be evaluated and managed based on many, sometimes conflicting and sometimes reinforcing, but always careful considerations such as those contrasted herein between the parrotfishes and bottomfishes of Hawaii.  相似文献   
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