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利用重组自交系群体构建番茄AFLP 遗传连锁图谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以普通栽培番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)99165-30为母本,野生多毛番茄(Solanum habrochaites)LA1777为父本进行杂交,通过单粒传得到了含有80个F5︰6家系的重组自交系分离群体,利用荧光AFLP分子标记技术构建番茄分子遗传连锁图谱。AFLP标记采用MseⅠ和EcoRⅠ两种内切酶及荧光标记(IRD-700或IRD-800)的E + 3和非荧光标记的M + 3引物组合进行选择性扩增,扩增结果经95 ℃预变性后在6%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶上电泳2.5 h,运用LICOR 公司的NEN Global Edition IR2 DNA Analyzer(Model 5200 LI-COR Biosciences,Lincoln,NE)荧光扫描检测DNA多态性。对RILs群体中产生分离的274个AFLP标记运用JoinMap 3.0软件分析,得到一张番茄分子遗传连锁图谱,图谱总长度为662 cM,共包括18个主要连锁群,125个多态性分子标记。每条连锁群上的标记数在3 ~ 22个之间,连锁群的长度在14.0 ~ 58.0 cM的范围内,平均图距在 2.27 ~ 13.3 cM。总平均距离5.3 cM,本研究中构建的番茄永久遗传图谱,为番茄分子辅助育种及重要农艺性状的定位奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The purposes of this research were: 1) a bio-assay to evaluate the effects of 2 feed enzymes (Hostazym X) and Avizyme 1505) on the performance of Cobb broilers; and 2) to calculate the economic value from the technical response data. A broiler response model that includes benefits from improved performance and incorporates the expected changes in output from Hostazym X and Avizyme 1505 is presented. Each of the 4 diets [1) Basal (corn, dried grains with solubles, and soybean meal based diet with 1,360 kcal/lb), 2) Basal+ Hostazym X, 3) Basal+ Avizyme 1505, 4) Basal+30 kcal/lb] was fed to 8 pens of 24 straight run Cobb chicks. Supplementing the basal diet with either enzyme showed significant effects on growth and feed efficiency. Quadratic equations were fitted through the response points for 49 d broilers: Body weights and feed intakes were: Basal, 6.085, 11.446; Basal+ Hostazym X, 6.231, 11.359; Basal+ Avizyme 1505, 6.165, 11.288; Basal+30 kcal, 6.455lb, 11.535 lb, respectively. Target live weights were compared at 4, 6 and 8 lb, chicken prices at $0.68 and $1.0/lb and feed costs at $200 and $400/ton. The value of feed savings by adding Hostazym X ranged from $6.92/ton for 4.0 lb broilers fed $200 feed, to $17.52/ton for 8.0 lb broilers fed $400 feed. The value of extra meat by adding Hostazym X ranged from $21.19/ton for 6.0 lb broilers selling for $0.68/lb, to $32.76/ton for 8.0 lb broilers selling for $1.0/lb. The value of feed savings by adding Avizyme 1505 ranged from $5.58/ton for 4.0 lb broilers fed $200 feed, to $12.09/ton for 8.0 lb broilers fed $400 feed. The value of extra meat from AZ1 ranged from $16.97/ton for 6.0 lb broilers selling for $0.68/lb, to $24.95/ton for 8.0 lb broilers selling for $1.0/lb. The value of the extra salable meat from feeding enzymes is 2 to 3 times greater than feed savings. Enzyme value is directly dependent on the costs of feed and meat value, and indirectly on reduced environmental costs for feed production and reduced unutilized nutrients (pollution) per lb of meat (not included in this analysis).  相似文献   
试验结果表明:绥粳10号在中等肥力条件下,施氮肥分为基肥、分蘖肥、调节肥和穗肥,比例3:3:3:1,最佳密度为30.0cm×13.3cm或(40+20)cm×13.3cm产量最高,实测达到了735.1k9/667m^2。  相似文献   
运用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数对湖南果园汽车改装厂的全要素生产率进行了定量分析,研究了其要素组合方式中的若干现象,讨论了这些现象产生的原因,并以此为基础,提出了加快湖南汽车工业发展的若干建议。  相似文献   
海南省红掌穿孔线虫的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用漏斗分离法,从海南省海口市花卉基地的红掌上分离到穿孔线虫群体,经光学显微观察和测计发现:该线虫的雌虫虫体头部骨质化明显,唇区半圆形,连续或稍缢缩,3~4个体环;中食道球发育好,瓣膜清晰,食道腺从背面覆盖肠;阴门明显,偶尔轻微突起,位于虫体的中后部;双生殖管平衡发育;角质膜具有细而明显的环纹,侧区刻线4条,在尾中部合并成3条。雄虫唇区高,半球形,明显缢缩,头架骨化程度低,食道退化,交合刺发育良好,引带和交合刺的前端伸出泄殖腔,交合伞包裹尾部的2/3,尾末端钝圆或尖,具有较长的透明区。该线虫被鉴定为相似穿孔线虫Radopholus similis(Cobb)Thorne。  相似文献   
本文研究了冬小麦不同生育时期叶面喷施光合微肥(PMF)并配合农业化学辅剂LI-700、Bond对其生长过程及产量构成的影响.结果表明:拔节期喷施PMF可促进植株营养体健壮生长,增加株高和地上部干物质积累,增加叶面积与次生根条数,为后期产量的形成提供更多的有机物质;抽稳期喷施可延长功能叶光合时间,增加光合面积,明显提高千粒重,增加产量;灌浆期喷施效果不明显,而加辅列处理作用显著.辅剂LI—700、Bond对光合微肥表现明显的增效作用,Bond作用大于LI—700,但在不同生育时期效果不一,增效作用顺序为抽穗期>灌浆期>拔节期,即在农作物后期喷肥中配合辅剂可达到明显的增效作用.  相似文献   
The rapid detection of glyphosate resistance in goosegrass(Eleusine indica) will enhance our ability to respond to new resistant populations of this major weed. Chlorophyll fluorescence(Fluo) and P700(reaction center chlorophyll of photosystem I) absorbance were analyzed in one biotype of goosegrass that is resistant to glyphosate and in another that remains sensitive to the herbicide. Both biotypes were treated with a foliar spray of glyphosate. Differences in photosystem II maximum quantum yield(Fv/Fm), effective photochemical quantum yield(Y(II)), and non-photochemical quenching(NPQ) between the biotypes increased over time. Values for Fv/Fm and Y(II) differed between the two biotypes 24 h after treatment(HAT). Differentiated activities and energy dissipation processes of photosystem II(PSII) and energy dissipation processes of photosystem I(PSI) were manifested in the two biotypes 24 HAT with 20 mmol L–1 glyphosate. Differentiated energy dissipation processes of PSI were still apparent 24 HAT with 200 mmol L–1 glyphosate. These results indicate that the Fluo parameters related to PSII activity and energy dissipation and the P700 parameters related to energy dissipation are suitable indicators that enable rapid detection of glyphosate resistance in goosegrass.  相似文献   
为了更好地防除玉米田杂草,对700 g/L 2,4-滴丁酯·乙草胺·莠去津悬乳剂防除玉米田杂草的效果及其对玉米的安全性进行了田间小区试验.结果表明:700 g/L 2,4-滴丁酯·乙草胺·莠去津悬乳剂在玉米田播后苗前施用1 575~2 100g a.i./hm2可有效防除玉米田的稗草狗尾草、小藜、虎尾草、卷茎蓼、反枝苋等.施药后40 d,对一年生杂草的鲜重防效在90%以上,推荐剂量下施用对玉米安全.  相似文献   
The effects of dietary amino acid (AA) density and AME on the growth and meat yield of summer-reared Cobb × Cobb 700 (CCB-700) broilers were evaluated. In addition, the responses of CCB-700 and Cobb × Cobb 500 (CCB-500) broilers to dietary AME levels (with low AA) were compared. All chicks were fed through a starter, grower, finisher, and withdrawal phase program. Grow-out performance, carcass traits, meat yield, and feed cost efficiency were evaluated using 2 separate 2-way ANOVA based on 2 separate 2 × 2 factorial arrangements of treatments. Each group includes 14 replicate pens with 14 chicks/replicate. Mortality was not affected by treatment; however, as compared with birds fed other diets, feeding CCB-700 broilers a low-AME and high-AA density diet decreased feed intake and BW on d 35, 42, and 54, and decreased carcass, breast, wing, front half, and back half weights on d 55. The CCB-500 broilers consumed more feed and gained more weight as compared with CCB-700 broilers at 14, 28, and 35 d of age. However, at 55 d of age, breast weight and wing yield were observed to be higher in the CCB-700 than in the CCB-500 broilers. However, the back half (drumstick and thigh) weights were lower in the CCB-700 than in the CCB-500 broilers. In conclusion, without affecting feed costs, broiler performance and carcass yield were affected by diet in both strains. More specifically, a higher AME diet and lower AA density increased the yield of all cut-up parts, except for legs, in summer-reared CCB-700 chicks.  相似文献   
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