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Petersen-Jones SM Mentzer AL Dubielzig RR Render JA Steficek BA Kiupel M 《Veterinary ophthalmology》2008,11(4):260-268
Objective To describe the microscopic features and lineage of proliferating/infiltrating pigmented cells in ocular melanosis of Cairn Terriers.
Animals studied Forty-nine globes removed from 45 Cairn Terriers with ocular melanosis and three globes from control dogs were available for microscopic examination.
Procedures All globes were examined histologically, eight affected and three control globes were also examined by immunohistochemistry, and three affected and three control globes by transmission electron microscopy.
Results Large round pigment-laden cells infiltrated the anterior uvea, obscured the drainage angle and were present within the sclera and episclera of affected globes. Similar pigmented cells were present in lower numbers in the posterior segment of the globe, the optic nerve meninges and periphery of the optic nerve. Changes due to chronic glaucoma were present in many globes and some had evidence of uveitis. Many of the pigmented cells were immunoreactive to HMB45 and some were MITF and vimentin positive. One globe, which was inflamed when removed, had many pigmented cells that were CD18 immunoreactive. The other eyes had lower numbers of CD18 positive cells. The pigmented cells were not immunoreactive to smooth muscle actin, S-100, MART/Melan A, chromogranin A/B, PGP 9.5, synaptophysin, MNF116, AE1/AE3, and CD45. Ultrastructurally many of the pigmented cells had features typical of melanocytes while a smaller number appeared to be melanophages.
Conclusions Ocular melanosis in Cairn Terriers is characterized by an infiltration of pigment-laden cells predominantly, but not exclusively, within the anterior uvea and anterior sclera. Most of these cells appear to be melanocytes although a variable proportion are pigment-laden melanophages. 相似文献
Animals studied Forty-nine globes removed from 45 Cairn Terriers with ocular melanosis and three globes from control dogs were available for microscopic examination.
Procedures All globes were examined histologically, eight affected and three control globes were also examined by immunohistochemistry, and three affected and three control globes by transmission electron microscopy.
Results Large round pigment-laden cells infiltrated the anterior uvea, obscured the drainage angle and were present within the sclera and episclera of affected globes. Similar pigmented cells were present in lower numbers in the posterior segment of the globe, the optic nerve meninges and periphery of the optic nerve. Changes due to chronic glaucoma were present in many globes and some had evidence of uveitis. Many of the pigmented cells were immunoreactive to HMB45 and some were MITF and vimentin positive. One globe, which was inflamed when removed, had many pigmented cells that were CD18 immunoreactive. The other eyes had lower numbers of CD18 positive cells. The pigmented cells were not immunoreactive to smooth muscle actin, S-100, MART/Melan A, chromogranin A/B, PGP 9.5, synaptophysin, MNF116, AE1/AE3, and CD45. Ultrastructurally many of the pigmented cells had features typical of melanocytes while a smaller number appeared to be melanophages.
Conclusions Ocular melanosis in Cairn Terriers is characterized by an infiltration of pigment-laden cells predominantly, but not exclusively, within the anterior uvea and anterior sclera. Most of these cells appear to be melanocytes although a variable proportion are pigment-laden melanophages. 相似文献
不同品种种公牛繁殖性能分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
[目的]在相同的饲养环境条件下,分析不同品种种公牛之间繁殖性能及适应性的差异。[方法]通过对云南省家畜冷冻精液站四个品种的种公牛相关精液品质测量数据及终生冻精产量数据进行对比分析。[结果]经过对16头种公牛繁殖性能及适应性分析,荷斯坦种公牛原精活力及冻后活力都较其它种公牛表现出较明显的优势;荷斯坦种公牛在有效采精率及冻精产量上也明显高于其它品种公牛。 相似文献
温度对奶牛冻精解冻后活力的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本研究对奶牛冻精解冻后在4℃,15℃,25℃温度下分别保存2 h,4 h,6 h,8 h,10 h的活力进行了测定。结果表明,4℃和15℃保存到10 h精子活力0.381±0.0170和0.379±0.0197,与初解冻接近(P0.05);25℃保存随时间延长精子活力呈下降趋势,和初解冻相比,6 h为0.349±0.0223(P0.05),8 h和10 h分别为0.302±0.0215和0.263±0.0287(P0.01)。牛冻精解冻后在4℃和15℃保存10 h以内,精子活力仍然维持在一个较高水平,符合输精要求,在此温度和时间范围内进行长距离携带,对精液质量影响小,可以达到预期的输精效果。环境温度在25℃左右时,冻精解冻后宜于4 h以内进行输精。 相似文献
Julie M. Ducoté DVM Kathalyn E. Johnson DVM Curtis W. Dewey DVM MS Michael A. Walker DVM Joan R. Coates DVM MS Brian R. Berridge DVM PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1999,40(6):617-621
A necrotizing meningoencephalitis of Yorkshire terriers has recently been reported in 6 dogs in Switzerland, 1 dog in Japan and 1 dog in the United States. The purpose of this report is to describe the computed tomographic (CT) findings in 3 dogs with this disease, and to correlate the CT abnormalities with the clinical and pathologic findings in each case. Three Yorkshire Terriers between 2 and 10 years old were evaluated. Physical and neurologic examinations, complete blood count (CBC), serum biochemistry profile, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and CT scan were performed on all 3 dogs. Brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAER) were evaluated for 2 dogs. Two dogs were euthanized at the owners' request and necropsies were performed. Neurologic examination findings were consistent with a multifocal/diffuse encephalitis involving the cerebrum and brainstem in all 3 dogs. Complete blood count and biochemistry profiles were normal. Elevated protein concentration and a mononuclear pleocytosis were demonstrated in 2 of 3 dogs on cerebrospinal fluid evaluation. Multifocal, extensive areas of decreased opacity throughout the cerebral hemispheres, asymmetric ventriculomegaly, and lack of contrast enhancement were appreciated on CT images of all three dogs. No mass effect was seen. These findings correlated well with pathologic findings at necropsy, which included multiple malacic cavitations within the brain, representing areas of locally extensive necrosis. CT abnormalities in combination with signalment, clinical findings and cerebrospinal fluid analysis should facilitate a presumptive diagnosis of Yorkshire Terrier necrotizing meningoencephalitis. 相似文献
早胜牛肉用性能测定报告 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
选择18月龄早胜牛公牛6头,24月龄母牛4头屠宰,测定产肉性能,观察其产肉性能提高状况和了解不同性别的产肉特点。结果表明,18月龄公牛除屠宰率和净肉率与1982年测定结果差异不显著(P<0.05)外,胴体重、净肉重、胴体产肉率、肉骨比、肉脂比和眼肌面积测定结果均极显著(P>0.01)高于1982年测定结果。另外虽然公牛月龄小于母牛6个月,但净肉率、肉脂比和眼肌面积测定结果均显著地高于母牛,同时肉中脂肪含量显著低于母牛。 相似文献
Clarissa Noureddine DVM MS Rebecca Harder DVM Natasha J. Olby Vet. MB PhD Kathy Spaulding DVM Talmage Brown DVM PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2004,45(4):336-339
Congenital cerebellar disorders can be caused by in utero or neonatal infections, genetic aberrations causing malformations, and neurodegenerative processes. Most congenital cerebellar disorders are diagnosed definitively with histopathology. However, antemortem diagnosis of cerebellar malformations can be made by imaging the brain. This paper describes the antemortem appearance of a congenital cerebellar malformation in a Boston Terrier puppy on ultrasound images. This appearance was compared with the postmortem findings that were comparable to Dandy Walker Syndrome in humans. A previous report of this syndrome in Boston Terriers suggests the problem may be inherited in this breed. 相似文献