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明确玉米(Zea mays L.)根系性状对氮肥的响应特征及其与产量的关系,是揭示玉米氮营养机制、优化氮肥管理策略的基础。以供试玉米品种‘安农591’为试材,于2022年设置6种氮肥处理,即:不施氮(CK)、氮肥全部基施(N10)、基肥70%+拔节肥30% (N7∶3)、基肥50%+拔节肥50% (N5∶5)、基肥30%+拔节肥50%+大喇叭口肥20% (N3∶5∶2)、基肥20%+拔节肥40%+大喇叭口肥40% (N2:4:4),研究不同氮肥运筹下玉米根系性状的变化特征,并分析根系性状与产量的关系。结果表明,与CK相比,施氮提高吐丝期玉米根总长度、根表面积、根平均直径、根尖数、根体积、根组织质量密度和根系活力,降低比根长、根比表面积和根冠比。N7:3和N5:5处理的籽粒产量和全株生物量较高,其籽粒产量比N10处理提高6.6% ~ 7.3%。施氮降低成熟期玉米根干物质分配比例,提高籽粒干物质分配比例。适当氮肥后移有提高氮肥农学效率的趋势。玉米产量与吐丝期比根长和根冠比呈负相关,与根总长度、根表面积、根尖数、根系体积和根系活力呈正相关(P < 0.05)。在10种根系性状中,根总长度、根系活力、根表面积、根尖数和根冠比对产量影响较强,根平均直径、比根长、根表面积、根组织质量密度和根比表面积对氮肥农学效率影响较强。上述性状分别反映的是玉米产量潜力和氮肥利用率的重要根系性状。  相似文献   
蚕蛹壳聚糖复合水凝胶的抗菌性能及对创伤的愈合作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以蚕蛹壳聚糖、蜂蜜和明胶等为基质制备医用复合水凝胶。对以不同配比制备的蚕蛹壳聚糖复合水凝胶、单纯蚕蛹壳聚糖水凝胶、蜂蜜水凝胶的抗菌性能进行比较试验,并以大耳白兔为受试动物,采用切片法检测蚕蛹壳聚糖复合水凝胶对烫伤伤口的愈合作用。结果表明:用质量分数为0.25%的蚕蛹壳聚糖和质量分数为20%的蜂蜜制成的复合水凝胶的杀菌作用明显高于市售烧伤膏和单纯蚕蛹壳聚糖或蜂蜜水凝胶,对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌24 h内的抑菌率均达到100%,且持久性好;大耳白兔烫伤伤口经0.25%蚕蛹壳聚糖+20%蜂蜜复合水凝胶处理后12 d可基本愈合,切片观察愈合的伤口表皮无溃疡,局部毛囊增生,且有新生表皮细胞生成。研究结果显示,蚕蛹壳聚糖复合水凝胶具有广谱抗菌性能,可用作创伤敷料。  相似文献   
提高旱农地区甘草田间出苗率的试验分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过随机区组田间试验的方法,对如何提高甘草田间出苗率进行了研究。试验证明:甘草的田间出苗率与播种深度呈负相关,若底墒好,播后不浇水,播深2.5-3.0cm,可提高其田间出苗率;若底墒差,播后浇水,播深1.5-2.0cm,亦能提高其田间出苗率。在新垦重盐碱地播种甘草,用生长素4号和1号拌种,可分别提高田间出苗率2.9倍和2.6倍。播后3d浇水比播后16d浇水的田间出苗率提高29.5%。  相似文献   
旱种水稻基部节间性状与倒伏的关系及其生理机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
倒伏是制约旱种水稻大面积推广的主要因素之一。以籼型杂交稻汕优63和粳稻9516为材料,研究了旱种水稻倒伏的原因及其机理。结果表明,与水种相比,旱种水稻的倒伏率明显高,结实率和粒重明显降低,产量明显降低。自抽穗至成熟,旱种水稻基部节间强度(厚度、单位长度重量)、碳水化合物(尤其是淀粉)含量低于常规水种稻,α-淀粉酶活性明显高于水种稻。水稻基部节间淀粉含量与节间厚度和单位长度重量呈极显著正相关,与α-淀粉酶活性呈显著或极显著负相关。淀粉输出与α-淀粉酶活性呈显著或极显著正相关。施用硅、钾肥能降低旱种水稻基部节间α-淀粉酶活性,提高基部节间淀粉含量,增强基部节间强度,大幅度降低倒伏率,提高旱种水稻的结实率和粒重,从而提高产量。孕穗期去1/2叶,效果则相反。表明在旱种条件下,水稻基部节间α-淀粉酶活性高,促进了节间贮存淀粉的降解,降低了基部节间强度,造成旱种水稻的倒伏。  相似文献   

A water culture pot experiment was conducted to analyze the effects of N application during the ripening period (RP) on photosynthesis, dry matter production, and its impact on grain ripening and yield in two semidwarf indica type varieties viz. Gui Zhao 2 (GZ) and BR3 (BR) compared with a japonica type variety Koganemasari (KO) under four N rates viz. 0 (N0), 10 (N10), 20 (N20), and 40 (N40) mg L?1. Results showed that N application enabled to maintain a higher leaf area and delay leaf senescence in both indica and japonica type varieties but the decrease in the rate, of leaf area was higher in the former than in the latter and the rate was reduced with increasing N rates. Flag leaf photosynthesis and SPAD values of N treated plants were higher throughout the RP, showing the presence of a significant correlation either for each variety or all the varieties together. Higher photosynthetic rate was supported by higher leaf chlorophyll (SPAD value basis) content, stomatai conductance, and N concentration in leaf blades. Top dry matter content increased with increasing N rates mainly due to mean leaf area rather than NAR except for BR during RP but it was higher in KO than in GZ and BR. Reduction of shoot weight due to translocation of dry matter to panicles during RP was suppressed by N rates both in GZ and BR while shoot weight increased in the N-treated plants in KO. The dependency of KO on current photosynthates for panicle weight was found to be almost hundred percent while the contribution of stored carbohydrates in shoot before heading to panicle weight in GZ and BR was in the range of 4-27 and 33-54%, respectively and the rest was contributed by current photosynthates. The percentage increased with increasing N rates. Percentage of ripened grains (PRG) increased with increasing N rates in GZ and BR due to the increase in dry matter production and in the photosynthetic rates of apex leaves, despite the larger spikelet number and larger hull size. However, KO showed almost no variation although it had the highest PRG among the varieties. Brown rice yield followed the same pattern as that of PRG in GZ and BR and the highest yield was produced by BR followed by GZ and KO. These results suggest that N application during RP was more effective in increasing yield in the semidwarf indica type varieties than in the japonica type variety.  相似文献   
Alginates are naturally occurring polysaccharides extracted from brown marine algae and bacteria. Being biocompatible, biodegradable, non-toxic and easy to gel, alginates can be processed into various forms, such as hydrogels, microspheres, fibers and sponges, and have been widely applied in biomedical field. The present review provides an overview of the properties and processing methods of alginates, as well as their applications in wound healing, tissue repair and drug delivery in recent years.  相似文献   
玉米苗枯病的发生及药剂处理种子对该病控制作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵培宝  任爱芝 《种子》2004,23(8):27-29
自1998~2002年对鲁西北玉米主产区苗枯病进行了调查研究,田间调查表明玉米苗枯病的发生与土壤类型、苗期降雨量、品种抗性及种子带菌率等多种因素有关.病原鉴定结果得知玉米苗枯病是由串珠镰刀菌(Fusarium moniliforme)、禾谷镰刀菌(Egraminearum)、玉米丝核菌(Rhizoctonia zeae)等多种真菌引起.药剂拌种可明显减轻病害发生,用种子量0.15%的适乐时、卫福、多菌灵拌种防治效果分别为95.63%、92.82%、84.31%,尤其使用适乐和卫福处理玉米种子,田间出苗率高、苗健壮、叶色浓绿,值得推广使用.  相似文献   
密度和追肥时期对重穗型高产冬小麦的群体发展,冠层辐射和光合特性有明显的调节效应.随着密度增加,开花前的叶面积指数(LAI)、群体净光合速率(NCP)、群体叶源量(CLSC)提高,但生育后期衰减较快;密度过高导致群体透光率下降,消光系数增加,单茎受光量降低,冠层光环境恶化,后期旗叶的羧化效率降低;密度过低则导致生育前期漏光损失  相似文献   
高岭石-甲醇夹层复合体的合成及其特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴德意  孔海南  褚春凤 《土壤》2004,36(1):51-55
以水合联胺,10 mol尿素水溶液及甲醇先后与高岭石反应,合成了晶面间距为1.0 nm的高岭石甲醇夹层复合物。复合物不太稳定,在常温下 (约放置72 h) 或1050C加热下 (2 min)晶面间距收缩为0.85 nm。于2000C加热时,晶面间距进一步收缩为0.79 nm。0.79 nm复合物在3000C条件下长时间加热也未再发生变化。由层间膨胀值的大小及甲醇分子的最小厚度推测,0.85 nm及0.79 nm夹层复合体中甲醇分子明显地嵌入了高岭石的结构内部。其甲基可能嵌入了硅氧四面体的六角环空洞中,而羟基嵌入了铝氧八面体内。IR图谱表明0.79 nm复合物中甲醇分子与高岭石的相互作用较之0.85 nm复合物更强。  相似文献   
The Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) unit of the U.S. Forest Service has collected, compiled, and made available plot data from three measurement periods (identified as 1977, 1990, and 2003, respectively) within Minnesota. Yet little if any research has compared the relative utility of these datasets for developing empirical yield models. This paper compares these and other subdatasets in the context of fitting a basal area (B) yield model to plot data from the aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) forest type. In addition, several models and fitting methods are compared for their applicability and stability over time. Results suggest that the three parent datasets, along with their subdatasets, provide very similar three parameter B yield model prediction capability, but as model complexity increases, variability in coefficient estimates increases between datasets. The absence of data for older aspen stands and the inherent noise within B data prevented the exact determination of an overall best model. However, the model B = b1Sb2(1 − exp( − b3A)) with site index (S) and stand age (A) as predictors was found consistently among the highest in precision and stability. Additionally, nonlinear least squares and nonlinear mixed-effects fitting procedures produced similar model fits, but the latter is preferred for its potential to improve model projections. The results indicate little practical difference between datasets from different time periods and different sizes when used for fitting the models. Additionally, these results will likely extend to other states or regions with similar remeasurement data on aspen and other forest types, thus facilitating the development of other ecological models focused on forest management.  相似文献   
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