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Summary Observations in outdoor culture beds indicated that food availability and frequency of feeding influenced worm density. In order to study the role of feeding status on the growth and reproduction of Eisenia fetida, pre-clitellate specimens were kept for 180 days under controlled conditions. A control group was regularly provided with freshly produced cattle manure while the experimental groups were fed only sporadically and at some stage even starved by removing some of the substrate. Worm growth, maturation, and cocoon production were monitored. The role of food availability was highlighted by this study. Both worm growth and cocoon production were correlated closely with the feeding pattern that was followed. This study also showed that freshly produced, urine-free, cattle manure proved an excellent food source provided it was added in such a way as to prevent the development of anaerobic conditions. Regular feeding gave high growth and reproduction rates.  相似文献   
The study was conducted on Dendrobaena octaedra—a small epigeic earthworm species common in different forest types. In the laboratory the P (parent animals collected in forest) and F1 generations were cultured separately in containers filled with 50 g artificial soil. The containers were kept at 15±0.5 °C, 80% humidity and constant artificial light of low intensity. Every month during the 47 months of culture, the animals and cocoons were removed from the soil by washing on a sieve, weighed, and replaced into new soil. Individuals of the F1 generation did not reproduce continuously. Cocoon production was seasonal, despite culture in constant conditions throughout the whole experiment. Reproduction was highest in spring and summer, and dropped in the winter months. Seasonality characterized the fraction of animals reproducing as well as the number of cocoons produced. The observed seasonal changes in the cocoon production of the F1 generation cultured in constant conditions suggest that internal regulation of reproduction may exist in the earthworm D. octaedra. External factors like temperature, moisture, photoperiod or food supply, which could be responsible for seasonality of reproduction were missing.  相似文献   
Summary Poultry manure (PM) is commonly applied to cropland as a fertilizer, usually at rates determined by the nitrogen content of the manure. Limited information is available, however, on the volatilization of ammonia from poultry manure-amended soils, despite the effect these losses may have on the fertilizer value of the manure. This study was initiated to determine the influence of incorporation and residue cover on NH3 losses from PM-amended soils. In the first experiment, a dynamic flow technique was used to measure NH3 losses from 18 manures applied to a bare soil surface at a rate of 12 Mg ha-1. In the second experiment, 3 of the 18 manures were incorporated either immediately, 24 h or 72 h after application. The third experiment compared the same three manures applied to a bare soil surface or to corn or soybean residues. Surface application of the manures resulted in the loss of from 4 to 31% of the total N applied in the manures. Incorporation of the PM with soil significantly reduced NH3 loss with the greatest decrease following immediate incorporation. Crop residues either had no effect or slightly reduced NH3 volatilization losses relative to PM application to a bare soil surface. Ammonia volatilization was not well correlated with individual manure properties, but a multiple regression approach using manure pH and total N content offered some promise as a means to segregate manures of the basis of volatilization potential.  相似文献   
Summary Topsoils (0–75 mm) from four different soil types were collected from stock camp and non-camp (main grazing area) areas of grazed pastures in New Zealand, which had been fertilised annually with superphosphate for more than 15 years, in order to assess the effects of grazing animals on the status and distribution of soil S fractions and organic matter. These soils were analysed for organic C, total N, total S, C-bonded S, hydriodic acid-reducible S, 0.01 M CaCl2, and 0.04 M Ca(H2PO4)2-extractable S fractions, and soil pH. Soil inorganic and organic S fractions extracted by NaHCO3 and NaOH extractants were also determined. The results obtained showed that camp soils contain higher soil pH, organic C, total N, total S, organic (C-bonded S and hydriodic acid-reducible S) and inorganic S fractions, NaHCO3-and NaOH-extractable soil S fractions but a lower anion retention capacity than non-camp soils, attributed to a higher return of plant litter and animal excreta to camp soils. In both soils, total S, organic S, C-bonded S, and hydriodic acid-reducible S were significantly correlated with organic C (r0.90***, ***P0.001) and total N (r0.95***), suggesting that C, N, and S are integral components of soil organic matter. However, C: N : S ratios tended to be lower in camp (60: 5.6: 1–103: 7.2: 1) than in non-camp soils (60:6.1:1–117:8.3:1). Most (>95%) of the total soil S in camp and non-camp soils is present as organic S, while the remainder is readily soluble and adsorbed S (i.e. Ca(H2PO4)2-extractable S). C-bonded S and hydriodic acid-reducible S constituted 55%–74% and 26%–45% of total S, respectively, reflecting a regular return of plant litter and animal excreta to the grazed pastures. NaHCO3, and especially NaOH, extracted significantly higher amounts of total soil S (13%–22% and 49%–75%, respectively) than Ca(H2PO4)2 or CaCl2 (<5%). In addition, NaHCO3 and NaOH-extractable soil S fractions were significantly rorrelated with soil organic S (r0.94***), C-bonded S (r0.90***) and hydriodic acid-reducible soil S (r0.93***). Differences between soils in either camp or non-camp areas were related to their sulphate retention capacities, as soils with high sulphate retention capacities (>45%) contain higher levels of C-bonded and hydriodic acid-reducible S fractions than those of low sulphate retention soils (<10%). Long-term annual superphosphate applications significantly increased the accumulation of soil organic and inorganic S fractions, and organic C and total N in the topsoil, although this accumulation did not occur when the superphosphate application rates were increased from 188 to 376 kg ha-1 year-1.  相似文献   
针对我国动物源性产品质量安全问题,概述动物及其产品风险评估的重要作用.采用Visual Studio.NET 2008,面向对象程序设计思想的编程语言C#和.NET Framework3.5编程环境,研发了动物及其产品风险预警系统.该系统利用计算机对不同的动物的养殖环境、疫病发生及动物产品在实际生产中的数据进行风险评估.通过3个实例的演示,将风险评估应用于畜牧生产实际.结果表明,该系统简单易操作,覆盖面较广,数据采集较简易.利用风险评估模型在养殖等相关环节可控制动物及其产品的风险,减少经济损失,保障公众健康.  相似文献   
首先分析畜禽遗传资源学的发展概况及畜禽遗传资源学教学过程中存在的问题,其次分析了近些年西南大学动物科学系在畜禽遗传资源学教学中利用产学研“三位一体”化教学模式的探索与取得的成绩,探明今后畜禽遗传资源学教学改革的方向,如改良教学内容,优化教学过程和强化学生专业技能等.  相似文献   
根据2003~2012年相关数据,运用灰色关联模型,实证分析了内蒙古农业经济内部结构和内蒙古畜牧业产业内部结构.结果表明,畜牧业和种植业是内蒙古农业经济中最重要的2个部门;在畜牧业产业内部,奶牛、羊肉、牛肉和山羊毛生产的影响作用最明显.基于此,提出了稳定种植业和畜牧业在农业经济中的主体地位、不断调整和优化农业经济的内部结构、合理定位和引导畜牧业内部各产业的发展方向等建议.  相似文献   
[目的]为云南省奶山羊产业的发展提供参考.[方法]在初产.萨能奶山羊日粮中添加低、中、高水平的精料,探讨不同精料水平对初产萨能奶山羊的生长及繁殖性能的影响.[结果]补饲中、高水平的精料后,初产萨能奶山羊的妊娠增重及产后失重均有一定程度提高,但其产羔率、羔羊初生重、产奶量和育成增重等繁殖性能均没有太大改善.[结论]综合考虑养殖成本及奶山羊后续生产,建议在生产中采用中营养水平精料对妊娠期和哺乳期的初产萨能奶山羊进行补饲.  相似文献   
生态畜牧业是青海省畜牧业可持续发展的必然选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李旭谦 《青海草业》2008,17(4):12-16
论述了生态畜牧业在青海畜牧业经济中的地位和作用,分析了当前畜牧业的现状与存在的问题,提出了发展生态畜牧业是青海省实现生态系统良性循环和畜牧业可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   
设计饲料配方程序,将可利用氨基酸饲料配方技术与电脑编程技术进行有机地结合,并进行线性规划算法改进和功能创新,使这项技术更具实用性和人性化.  相似文献   
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