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在老秃顶子自然保护区北坡海拔700~1320m地段,从低海拔到高海拔设置12块样地,并采用Jaccard指数,对不同蜱螨目(Acarina)土壤动物群落间物种共有度的海拔梯度变化进行了分析.结果表明,不同海拔蜱螨群落间物种的共有度,无论以哪一生活层的螨类来表达,基本都以与其最相邻的群落间为最高.中气门亚目(Mesostigmata)、甲螨亚目(Oribatida)、蜱螨目(Acarina)螨类的共有度,均随着海拔差的增加呈下降趋势,但并不与植被情况完全吻合,低海拔群落间甲螨亚目、蜱螨目共有度大于高海拔,而中气门亚目则相反.  相似文献   
对卫辉市某2.5月龄的以后肢麻痹为特征的藏獒进行临床检查、血液涂片染色镜检、血液常规检测、蜱形态学观察和蜱种鉴定.结果表明:藏獒红细胞内有大量犬巴贝斯虫寄生,血液常规检查白细胞数升高,血红蛋白含量正常,感染蜱为长角血蜱.最终确诊为长角血蜱侵袭致藏獒"蜱麻痹"和巴贝斯虫感染.应用伊维茵素、血虫净等药物进行治疗,3 d后该...  相似文献   
A study carried out for assessment of acaricide for control and how to show resistance of hard tick (Ixodidae) with some types of acaricide which available in Sulaimani marked froro February to April 2012, isolated 80 cattle (local breed) naturally infested with hard tick. Six hundred and fifteen ticks min7 tick/cattle including three genera species were collected and identified, the highest Boophilus spp. followed by Hyalomma spp., and Rhipicephalus spp. were less frequent species collected. Experimental cattle divided into four groups each group content 20 cattle, treatment with four types acaricide and their average of infestation in cattle with Boophilus spp. 33 (41.25%) as the commonest, followed by Hyalomma spp. 31 (75.38%), Rhipicephalus spp. 11 (13.75%) and 5 (6.25%) found mixed infested with Boophilus spp. and Hyalomma spp. 65 (81.3%) of cattle samples had emaciation and skin lesions. According to site of infestation, it showed that inguinal region was the most common predilection site for the ticks. Observed the genera Boophilus spp., there were highly significant differences (12.52%) between different tick species when calculated by general test (LSD). The objective of this study was to estimate and compare these acaricide to control hard tick, and there was highly significant relation between different species of hard ticks when treated by these acaricide, according to the chi-square tests. The activities of the acaricide through the time of application were different on the tick genera species. Diazinon (60%) and carbamate (saven 85%) has been a greater degree than other acaricide resistance, while shows the activity of both acaricide injectable ivermactin and cypromethrein through the early time on all species. The results of the study otherwise provide encouraging possibilities for the potential use recommended dose with both acaricide ivermactin-l% and cypromethrine-10%.  相似文献   
本文主要对甘肃省迭部山区波尔山羊泰勒氏焦虫病的产生根源、传播途柽、发病症状进行了分析讨沦 ,并提出了本病的防治措施和相关建议 ,从而为正确及时地诊断和防治焦虫病提供了参考。  相似文献   
采用血片、淋巴涂片镜检,结合发病季节、临床症状检查及羊体蜱类调查,并用采集于疫区羊体的青海血蜱叮蛟使健康羊感染,进行山羊泰勒虫单一体的分离,均证实在张家川县东、中部地区长期以来流行的以危害羔羊、外地引进羊为主的疫病为山羊泰勒虫病。发病季节与在流行病学调查中查明的本病传播媒介——青海血蜱——的出没季节相一致.羊泰勒虫病在该地区呈地方流行的形式存在已久,对养羊业造成了严重危害,成为发展商品养羊业的一大祸患。开展流行病学调查,掌握危害特点和流行规律,为开展有效防制提供了资料.针对该病由青海血蜱传播,一岁以内及外地引进羊为主要受害对象这些主要流行特点,采取防止蜱侵袭与杀灭病原相结合的措施进行防制,收到了明显效果.  相似文献   
由于夏季高温多湿,加之蚊蝇叮咬,造成奶牛食欲降低,精神不振,产奶量下降,据调查,每年夏季,牛奶产量一般要下降15%左右。在夏季如何使奶牛产奶稳产高产呢?  相似文献   
硬蜱病是由蛛形纲、蜱螨目、硬蜱科的多种硬蜱寄生于动物体表引起的一种外寄生虫病。也可以感染人,是一种重要的人畜共患寄生虫病,硬蜱俗称壁虱、扁虱、草爬子、狗豆子。它以吸食血液为生,引起宿主贫血、消瘦、叮咬伤口处炎症和感染,其唾液腺分泌毒素,大量寄生时导致中毒性瘫痪,同时硬蜱还是牛羊焦虫病的传播媒介,并能传播多种人畜共患病,对人类和动物都具有严重的危害。  相似文献   
在巴基斯坦,害螨是果园的严重害虫,但此前并未作过广泛的研究.对巴基斯坦芒果种植区苏加堡的芒果树螨类区系进行了调查.记载并描述了短须螨属一新种:杓短须螨B.arystis.  相似文献   
本文研究并描述了在重庆发现的三皱甲螨属一新亚种,定名为阿杜三皱甲螨缙云亚种,新亚种Rhysotria ardua jinyunia Lee et Chen ssp.nov.  相似文献   
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