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闽东野生药用蕨类植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据历史资料并结合补充调查可知,宁德市有野生蕨类植物30科53属93种,其中具有药用价值的有28科49属72种。通过对药用蕨类植物资源的分布现状和药用价值分析,提出了宁德市药用蕨类植物资源保护与开发利用的建议。  相似文献   
我国茶叶生产历史悠久,茶叶品种资源及种类相当丰富.近年来,随着茶叶产量的增加,新型饮料的不断开发,茶叶在国际市场上的竞争日益激烈.特别是2000年7月1日以来,欧盟不断利用技术壁垒对我国出口农产品实施限制,使我国出口茶叶遇到了前所未有的阻力.2004年欧盟实行新的茶叶农残标准,对农残的检测项目从80年代的6项增加到180余项.  相似文献   
阳春三月正是人们播种的季节.而福建省顺昌县公安局建西森林派出所却迎来了他们的收获季节。日前从顺昌县公安局建西森林派出所传来喜讯.在福建省森林公安局召开的抗击洪灾表彰大会上.顺昌县公安局建西森林派出所荣立集体三等功.该所所长陈裕水荣记个人三等功:在2005年度“冬季攻势”、“长剑一号”、“长剑二号”专项行动表彰会上.建西森林派出所荣立集体三等功.该所所长陈裕水记个人三等功、  相似文献   
福建新农村建设进程中注重与推进海峡西岸经济区建设结合起来,通过下派驻村科技特派员、大学生村官,深化农村产权制度改革,加快农村金融服务体系创新,为新农村建设提供科技支撑、后备人才、产权保证、资金支持;通过加强农村队伍建设,建立农村最低生活保障制度,构建农村新型公共服务体系和社会保障网;通过选派党员干部驻村任党支部书记、加强三级核心网络建设,推广村务决策听证会和户代表议事会议制度,实现了党的领导与村民的管理民主的有机统一。  相似文献   
通过踏查方式对福建省内野生球兰(Hoya carnosa)资源进行调查,总结了其驯化栽培技术,以期为球兰种植爱好者和家庭盆栽花卉的栽培管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   
漳州香蕉低温害分析的GIS应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用地理信息系统(GIS),使用“数字福建”工程提供的地理信息数据,应用已建立的模式,推算漳州市网格精度为50m×50m分辨率的年度极端最低气温平均值;根据给定的分级指标显示漳州香蕉低温害的空间分布情况;结合地形影响的分析揭示漳州香蕉低温害的分布特征.  相似文献   
借鉴台湾经验 发展福建休闲农业的思考   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
休闲农业在台湾发展较早,现已取得了良好的社会、经济和生态效益,是台湾农业转型的新走向。本文介绍了台湾休闲农业特色,分析了福建发展休闲农业基础,提出借鉴台湾经验,发展福建休闲农业的策略。  相似文献   
The clay minerals of more than 200 soil samples collected from various sites of Fujian Province were studied by the X-ray diffraction method and transmission electron microscopy to study their distribution and evolution.Montmorillonite was found in coastal solonchak,paddy soils derived from marine deposit,lacustrine deposit and river deposit,and some lateritic red soil,red soil and yellow soil with a low weathering degree.Chlorite existed mainly in coastal solonchak and paddy soil developed from marine deposit.1.4nm intergradient mineral appeared frequently in yellow soil,red soil and lateritic red soil.The content of 1.4nm intergradient mineral increased with the decrease of weathering degree from lateritic red soil to red soil to yellow soil.Hydrous micas were more in coastal solonchak,paddy soils derived from marine deposit,lacustrine deposit and river deposit.and puple soil from purple shale than in other soils.Kaolinte was the most important clay mineral in the soils iun this province.The higher the soil weathering degree,the more the kaolinite existed.From yellow soil to red soil to lateritic red soil,kaolinite increased gradually,Kaolinite was the predominant clay mineral accompanied by few other minerals in typical lateritic red soil. Tubular halloysite was a widespread clay mineral in soils of Fujian Province with varying quantities.The soil derived from the paent rocks rich in feldspar contained more tubular halloysite.Spheroidal halloysite was found in a red soil and a paddy soil developed from olivine basalt gibbsite in the soils in this district was largely“primary gibbsite” which formed in the early weathering stage.Gibbsite decreased with the increase of weathering degree from yellow soil to red soil to lateritic red soil.Goethite also decreased in the same sequence while hematite increased.  相似文献   
东吾洋水域营养盐与浮游生物量初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东吾洋位于闽东三都湾内(图1),地理位置颇为特殊,系内湾的内湾,历史上盛产长毛对虾和褶牡蛎。  相似文献   
两系杂交稻是利用水稻核不育系和恢复系杂交而成的新型杂交稻。水稻核不育系具有参与制种和繁殖自身双重功能,即处于不育时期参与制种,可育期可自交结实以繁衍自身,核不育系的育性转换变化受日照和温度变化控制,因此核不育系视其对光(温)的变化敏感程度分为光敏或温...  相似文献   
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