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随着我国养猪业规模化发展及高密度养殖,生猪疫病不断发生,防疫问题越来越突出。养猪户落后的饲养方式、薄弱的防疫意识以及较差的硬件设施等问题严重威胁着养猪业的安全和发展。因此,建立健全防疫体系、实施标准化的管理、合理规划布局,是防止疫病发生、保证养猪业健康发展的重要措施。  相似文献   
正近年来,对于畜牧业来说,出现频率比较高的词汇有两个,一个是规模养殖,另一个是畜牧合作社。对于二者,政府推动有政策,扶持有资金,落实有手段,成效有目共睹。通过仔细观察和比较,发现前者相对较实,后者相对较虚。主要表现在:畜牧合作社数量较多,实际运作较少;形式较多,实际内容较少;说得较多,实际操作较少。原因固然很多,相当数量的畜牧合作社负责人,虽然对本企业业务比较了解,但对企业间的合作缺乏知识和经验的支撑,不太善于调研和思考,不擅长社员间的沟通,对养殖合作不知道从何下手。笔者认为,做实畜牧合作社需立足"六共"。  相似文献   
正1中国蛋鸡产业现状及存在的问题1.1疫病问题是困扰行业发展的主要问题疫苗越来越多,免疫程序越来越复杂,由此带来的是免疫人工成本增加、鸡群的免疫应激、机体免疫应答麻痹、发病后药物治疗导致的产品药物残留等问题。我们要通过鸡场选址改善养殖的大环境,通过使用先进设备改善鸡舍小环境。1.2适度规模化问题规模过小,劳动效率太低,简陋  相似文献   
鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD)又称鸡传染性腔上囊病,是由传染性法氏囊病毒引起的一种急性、接触性传染病。以法氏囊发炎、坏死、萎缩和法氏囊内淋巴细胞严重受损为特征。本病可引起鸡的免疫机能障碍,干扰各种疫苗的免疫效果。发病率高,几乎达100%,是目前养禽业最重要的疾病之一。近年来呈现出新的发病趋势。  相似文献   
环境净化和消毒是控制猪病发生、传播的重要环节。根据养猪生产的实际情况而制定规模化养猪场环境净化要求与消毒工作程序如下:  相似文献   
近年来由于各级动物卫生行政主体加大动物卫生监督执法力度,违法案件查处率呈逐年上升趋势,但是动物卫生执法人员执法办案能力,尚不能满足监管执法的需求。根据农业部《全国官方兽医培训规划(2010-2014年)》的要求,本刊在“培训园地”栏目中开设“以案说法”版块,特委托青岛东方动物卫生法学研究咨询中心就行政处罚案件中主体的适格性1、证据的形式要件2、法律适用的准确性3、程序的合法性4、一事不再罚原则的正确理解5、追诉时效的适用6、不予处罚7和从轻处罚8适用的情形等方面的问题以及吊销许可证的适用9等问题进行解读,此后“以案说法”将不断刊出。  相似文献   
The purpose of this experiment was to study the immunization rule of the egg yolk antibody affected by different vaccines,immunization dose and injection ways and further to discuss the optimal immunization procedures of the laying hens for the preparation of egg yolk antibody against swine Japanese encephalitis virus.180 brown laying hens without any vaccines were selected and divided into 18 groups randomly,each group of 10 hens.Groups 1,2 were the control groups,injected with the sterile saline;Groups 3 to 10 were injected with subcutaneous or intramuscular injection,and the vaccine was injected with 0.2,0.5,1.0 and 1.5 mL successively.Groups 11 to 18 were also adopted two kinds of injection,followed by the same dose of vaccine immunization.Six eggs of each experimental group were gathered before immune day and after 3,7,10,14,18,21 and 28 days,the egg yolk antibody was extracted and the titer was determined.As a result,the egg yolk antibody titers of groups 1 to 6,11 and 12 were all 0,and no significant immune response produced;The hens from 7 to 10 groups were injected with the inactivated vaccine.After 7 days,the average antibody titer reached the peak,and the duration of the antibody was 14 days.The hens from 13 to 18 groups were injected with the attenuated virus vaccine.After 14 days,the average antibody titer reached the highest value,and the duration of the antibody was 21 days.The egg yolk antibody titers were not significantly different in the two compared experiment groups with the same injection dose but with different injection ways (P>0.05).With the same injection way of each experiment group,and the difference was significant (P>0.05).Compared with some groups with the same injection and vaccine,the titer of yolk antibody was gradually increased with the increase of the immune dose,and the difference was significant (P<0.05).The results showed that,no matter intramuscular or subcutaneous injection,in order to produce a significant immune response to hens,the immune antigen dose was 1.0 mL inactivated vaccine or 0.5 mL attenuated vaccine at least.Compared with the attenuated and inactivated vaccine,inactivated vaccine stimulated the body to produce the antibody faster,but the maintenance time was shorter;The lower dose of attenuated vaccine could stimulate the body to produce antibodies,but the speed was slower,the maintenance time was longer.  相似文献   
ABB机器人在烟草行业可用于对烟箱打包带的剪断和收集,我厂现有剪带机器人存在打包带漏剪情况,剪带成功率较低,平均只有85.54%,未剪断的打包带需人工进行切割,存在一定的质量和安全隐患。针对此情况我们从人、机、料、法、环、测等方面进行了具体分析,找到了烟箱打包带漏剪的原因,并进行了规范来料物料、改装机器人夹具、优化相机识别程序、设计机器人复检系统的改进,使机器人剪带成功率由85.54%提高至99%,消除了质量和安全隐患,减少了人工操作,为打造智能化工厂提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
禽流感可分为高致病性禽流感、低致病性禽流感,高致病禽流感以H5和H7亚型为代表,低致病性禽流感以H9亚型为代表[ 1 ].H9亚型禽流感一般呈现较低的发病率和死亡率,但可引起禽呼吸道症状、造成料重比升高、产蛋下降等症状[2-3] , H9亚型也有感染儿童的报道[4-5].鸽子相对其他家禽来说具有较高的抗病能力,一般呈隐...  相似文献   
对肉仔鸡利用简化免疫程序免疫后的生产性能及免疫效果进行观察,结果表明:对肉仔鸡采用ND-IBD活疫苗、死疫苗一次性免疫接种,具有ND及IBD抗体产生早、抗体滴度高及维持时间持久的特点,足以保护肉仔鸡整个饲养周期,且能减少因免疫接种次数增加引起的应激反应,从而使生产性能得到显著提高。  相似文献   
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