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花,荟萃了大自然的灵秀,。每到草长莺飞,春意盎然的季节,朦胧的春雨便催绽了青秀山的树树桃花。爱花是人们的天性。随着扶老携幼前来赏花的人群,我来到了青秀山的“桃花岛”。这是青秀山桃花品种最多最集中的地方。目前已经有日月桃、绛桃、变种碧桃、白花山桃、碧桃、寿星桃、  相似文献   
为探明我国北方草原区在矿业开采背景下景观格局演变规律以及对群落α多样性的影响,选择锡林浩特市大型煤电基地为研究对象,分析了该区土地利用/覆盖变化和景观格局动态变化,以及景观格局变化对草原群落α多样性指标(Shannon-Wiener指数与Pielou均匀度指数)的影响.主要结论如下:1)在1991-2016年间,作为主...  相似文献   
详细介绍构成龙湖省级森林公园景观资源的五大类型:生物、水域、天象、地文和人文景观资源.依据公园的性质、规划原则进行总体布局,并分别对规划的观光游览、休闲度假、激情游乐、悠游探秘四大景区的特点和园林绿化规划内容进行阐述.提出在保护自然环境的前提下,实行利用与保护兼顾,突出特色,将其规划建设成为一个兼有避暑、度假、休闲、娱乐、科普教育于一体的生态型多功能省级森林公园.  相似文献   
街道是城市的框架,是城市功能区之间的纽带.本文首先从概念方面探索园林,绿化,景观.继而分析了街道景观功能,街道景观设计原则,最后从几个方面分析街道景观设计,并着重分析城市街道绿化,从而论述城市街道景观的重要性.  相似文献   
祁连圆柏嫩枝扦插育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii kom)是我国西部高山寒温性针叶林的阳坡替化种,具有很广的生态适应幅度和抗逆性,是较差立地类型的先锋树种及园林景观树种.为常绿乔木,高10~20 m.小枝直立或下垂;树干直或扭曲,雌雄同株或异株,浆果状球果2年成熟落地,其种仁率低;成熟采收的种子需2年的沙藏层积变温处理才可正常发芽出苗.故其林木更新不良,实生繁殖困难,资源日渐枯竭.  相似文献   
在GIS技术的支持下,结合相关调查数据,分析云南大理苍山国家地质公园景观结构特征与景观格局指数,对该区域旅游资源进行分类和评价.结果表明,在13个景观类型中杜鹃林面积占比最大,达23.60%,其次为常绿阔叶林,占17.87%,林地面积占绝对优势;各景观类型斑块形状较为简单,相比之下草地和其他灌木林的斑块形状较复杂,整体...  相似文献   
随着社会经济的发展和城市化进程的推进,人们走进森林,回归自然的愿望越来越迫切.2004年6月,浙江省南山省级森林公园应运而生,然而该公园的主体是国有西甑山林场所属山林,其森林景观资源很大一部分是由经营性的人工林组成的,形成了若干个森林类型.  相似文献   
Within a forested watershed at the Uryu Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University in northern Hokkaido, overstory litterfall and related nutrient fluxes were measured at different landscape zones over two years. The wetland zone covered with Picea glehnii pure stand. The riparian zone was deciduous broad-leaved stand dominated by Alnus hirsuta and Salix spp., while the mixture of deciduous broadleaf and evergreen conifer dominated by Betula platyphylla, Quercus crispula and Abies sachalinensis distributed on the upland zone. Annual litterfall averaged 1444, 5122, and 4123 kg.hm^-2·a^-1 in the wetland, riparian and upland zones, respectively. Litterfall production peaked in September-October, and foliage litter contributed the greatest amount (73.4%-87.6 %) of the annual total litterfall. Concentrations of nutrients analyzed in foliage litter of the dominant species showed a similar seasonal variation over the year except for N in P glehnii and A. hirsuta. The nutrient fluxes for all elements analyzed were greatest on riparian zone and lowest in wetland zone. Nutrient fluxes via litterfall followed the decreasing sequence: N (11-129 kg.hm-2.aq) 〉 Ca (9-69) 〉 K (5-20) 〉 Mg (3-15) 〉 P (0.4-4.7) for all stands. Significant differences were found in litterfall production and nutrient fluxes among the different landscape components. There existed significant differences in soil chemistry between the different landscape zones. The consistently low soil C:N ratios at the riparian zone might be due to the higher-quality litter inputs (largely N-fixing alder).  相似文献   
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