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正枣树是抗逆性强、耐粗放管理的树种,广泛分布在我国东北、华北及西北地区的山区丘陵贫瘠土壤上。山区丘陵枣园的土壤特点是土层薄、有机质含量少、植被稀缺、水土流失严重,保水保肥能力差,灌溉条件差。东  相似文献   
文章认为开发治理太行山的主要矛盾是发展山区经济与整治山坡岗地之间的矛盾,而建设“生态经济沟”是上述矛盾对立统一的最佳选择。论述了建设“生态经济沟”仍然要以林业为基础的观点。本文还探讨了发展经济林商品生产问题,认为培育果树及经济林木要受自然条件和市场规律的制约,其产品应具有市场竞争能力。最后阐述了整治山坡岗地,发展山区林业是一种开发性的工程,需要广大群众的参与,认为要有相应的开发性经营管理形式,才能充分调动群众治山的积极性。  相似文献   
笔者去年6月曾去浙江省杭州市萧山区参加一个自助采杨梅活动,当时满身大汗地爬到山坡上,满目翠绿,星星点点的红梅点缀其间.先摘了一颗大的放进嘴里,好甜.在茂密的绿树丛中,眺望远处风景,品尝酸中透甜的杨梅,别有一番风情.  相似文献   
走进安徽宁国市中溪镇凤凰村九岭山场,呈现在人们面前的是绿意盎然、硕果累累的片片山核桃林。当地村民周忠健看着这些山核桃树,笑呵呵地对笔者说:"别小看这小小核桃,它可是我们的摇钱树,是它帮助大家甩掉了贫困的帽子。不但把村里的土房变成了楼房,还让大部分人还在城里买了房和车。"  相似文献   
河内兴农中心与石室县农民配合在贫瘠山坡上成功试种红肉火龙果,打开了作物结构调整的新方向。这段时间河内石室县金关乡的道路两旁都是一排排清翠葱绿的红肉火龙果树。红肉火龙果树原本只适合在平原、山区和沿海地区生长,特别是在越南南部各省种植的一种经济作物。但是,在河内兴农中心农艺师的指导下,石室县农  相似文献   
为将乌兰察布市打造成绿色生态文明窗口,该市市委、政府全面启动了京藏、二广高速公路乌兰察布段通道及荒山荒坡绿化工程。  相似文献   
池水插稻, 田园新貌, 青天红日茵荫罩。 水中苗, 影逍遥, 北方稻地鱼儿跳,  相似文献   
Purple soils are widely distributed in the Sichuan Hilly Basin and are highly susceptible to erosion, especially on the cultivated slopes. Quantitative assessment of the erosion rates is, however, difficult due to small size of the plots of the manually-tilled land, the complex land use, and steep hillslopes. 137Cs and 210Pbex (excess 210Pb) tracing techniques were used to investigate the spatial pattern of soil erosion rates associated with slope-land under hoe tillage in Neijiang of the Sichuan Hilly Basin. The 137Cs and 210Pbex inventories at the top of the cultivated slope were extremely low, and the highest inventories were found at the bottom of the cultivated slope. By combining the erosion rates estimates provided by both 137Cs and 210Pbex measurements, the weighted mean net soil loss from the study slope was estimated to be 3100 t km-2 year-1, which was significantly less than 6930 t km-2 year-1 reported for runoff plots on a 10°cultivated slope at the Suining Station of soil Erosion. The spatial pattern of soil erosion rates on the steep agricultural land showed that hoe tillage played an important role in soil redistribution along the slope. Also, traditional farming practices had a significant role in reducing soil loss, leading to a lower net erosion rate for the field.  相似文献   
新春伊始,正是种植户播种耕耘的时节,各地的植树造林、建植果园和烟叶、茶叶等经济作物开始新一年生产.然而,云南省的有效耕地大多在山坡,山地水源匮乏,灌溉需投入大量设施和劳力肩挑机抽,如果投入不足则只有靠天吃饭,致使许多农户终年辛劳而经济收益长年低下.  相似文献   
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