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章丘大葱生产基地硒元素的生态地球化学研究(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用局部生态地球化学调查评价成果,对章丘地区大葱产地内土壤中的硒进行了系统研究,分析了表层土壤及大葱中硒的生态地球化学特征,探讨了植物中硒含量同土壤硒含量的关系。研究表明,章丘地区土壤中硒含量充足,适宜发展特色富硒大葱。  相似文献   
The present research developed a bioeconomic model for control of Californian thistle (Cirsium arvense L. Scop.) in intensive, lowland sheep pastures in New Zealand. Production costs included two control methods: herbicides and defoliation, with defoliation encompassing both physical means and biocontrol measures. The model was used to examine the economic value of a research programme into biological control of the weed, given several different future scenarios. These scenarios were high herbicide prices, a price premium for lamb raised without chemical herbicides, and development of herbicide resistance. The model results were used to estimate national impacts. If the only change in the agricultural sector was the cost of the biocontrol to the nation's farmers, the research programme to find an effective biocontrol agent had little economic impact. If other factors changed, such as the price of petroleum or levels of herbicide resistance in the weed. the model's results suggested that intensive sheep farming could grow or shrink by as much as NZ$219 million dollars over five years. In the latter case, having an alternative control method reduced potential losses and increased potential gains, resulting in a net benefit of between NZ$81 million and NZ$153 million. This work extended prior research in several ways. First. Californian thistle reproduces via root buds, which affected the modelling of weed behaviour. Secondly, the model allowed optimistation over continuous levels of weed control for two different methods. Thirdly, the model accounted for both weed control and damage to nitrogen-fixing clover from herbicide use. Finally, the research investigated optimal weed control in several different alternative future states.  相似文献   
对在不同温度(-80%,-20℃,0℃,5℃)下保藏了一个月的鳊鱼鱼糜品质进行比较和研究,检测了凝胶强度、挥发性盐基氮、肌球蛋白含量,保藏效果为:一80℃效果最好,-20℃其次,0℃一般,5℃变质严重,即温度越低,保藏效果越好;通过化学作用力、凝胶溶解率、巯基含量、SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分析品质差异原因,结果发现:在鳊鱼鱼糜蛋白质构象稳定时,离子键作用力强、总巯基含量高。在品质较差的鱼糜中,疏水键和非二硫键较强。  相似文献   
果品食用安全越来越受到社会和消费者的重视,传统的以化学药剂防治为主要于段的果树害虫防治,给果品和环境造成不同程度的农药污染。近年来,随着绿色无公害果品栽培技术的快速发展,使用物理除虫法在果树害虫防治过程中,发挥着愈来愈重要的作用,它有效降低了病虫害的发生,大幅度减少了农药的使用量,减少了经济开支,有效提高了果品食用安全。  相似文献   
采用免疫荧光技术联合共聚焦技术研究不同培养细胞中蛋白的表达及定位.结果发现:①同样以丙酮固定293细胞,不用0.5%Triton X-100处理,着丝粒蛋白E亚型(CENP-E)在分裂期细胞核周浓聚,核内未见;而用0.5%TritonX-100处理后,CENP-E呈散点状分布于分裂期细胞的核内.②分别以甲醇、95%乙醇和4%多聚甲醛固定并以1%TritonX-100处理k562细胞,不同固定剂处理组间结果无明显差异,信号转导与转录激活因子(STAT3)均定位于胞浆.共聚焦系统PMT=511时,显示胞核染色适中,核仁染色明显,而PMT=593时,整个核呈饱和染色状,微细结构不清楚.③以2%甲醛联合0.5%TritonX-100处理平滑肌细胞,固醇调节元件结合蛋白裂解激活蛋白(SCAP)在整个细胞中呈弥散性分布,核内含量较高,高尔基体上SCAP无特异性高表达.结论:是否使用TritonX-100处理对293细胞中核蛋白CENP-E的定位具有较大影响;k562细胞对醛类固定剂及醇类固定剂无特殊选择性,图片采集时共聚焦参数PMT对蛋白定位结果也有影响;醛类固定剂和Triton联用可准确定位SCAP在平滑肌细胞中的表达.
The expression and location of proteins in single cells cultured under different conditions were studied with a laser scanning confocal microscope. CENP-E appeared mainly around the nucleus in HEK293 cells by fixing with acetone without 0.5% Triton X-100 treatment, but localized mainly in the nucleus when the cells were fixed with acetone plus further 0.5 %Triton X-100-PBS solution and scattered in the nucleus with condensed points. Plus l% Triton treatment, K562 cells fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, methanol or 95 % ethanol all showed that STAT3 protein mainly distributed in cytoplasm at the edge of the cell body, the nucleus occupied a greater part of the cell body with PI staining, nucleolus staining seemed stronger under PMT= 511, but seemed the same as the other part of the nucleus under PMT=593. SCAP (SREBP cleavage-activating protein) could be detected in cytoplasm and was more accumulated in nucleus in smooth muscle cells fixed with 2 % formaldehyde and 0.5 % Triton penetrating, and Golgi apparatus were found to scatter around the nucleus. In conclusion, it is important to locate CENP-E protein in HEK293 cells with TritonX-100 by immunofluorescence microscopy. SCAP in smooth muscle cells and STAT3 expression in K562 cell can be exactly located with the combination of formaldehyde and Triton penetrating. STAT3 expression in k562 cells fixed with formaldehyde or spirits fixative has no difference.The confocal system itself, such as PMT gain, can also affect the location of proteins in single cells.  相似文献   
化学淋洗和深层土壤固定联合技术修复重金属污染土壤   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
联合技术用于修复重金属污染土壤是土壤修复领域的研究热点,本研究主要是利用化学试剂淋洗污染土壤,在深层土壤添加固定剂,固定从耕作层淋下来的重金属,旨在形成一种原位修复重金属污染土壤的新方法。  相似文献   
1.对土地的要求 高粱的适应性和耐、抗性均较强,对选地和茬口要求不严,一般地块和茬口,只要精耕细作,加强管理,均可获得较好的产量。但是,前茬种玉米、大豆且用过化学除草剂有残留药害的地块不能种高粱。最好不种重茬高粱,如要重茬,应增施钾肥,否则高粱易养分失调,病虫害也更易发生。  相似文献   
[目的]建立水产品中磺胺类药物残留的化学显色快速检测法。[方法]用甲醇提取水产品中的磺胺类药物残留,采用化学显色法对其进行快速检测。[结果]通过磺胺类药物残留与特定的衍生化试剂反应,形成稳定的紫红色衍生物,检测灵敏度最低可达50μg/kg。[结论]该方法检测限能满足欧盟及我国对磺胺类药物检测的需求,且能够实现水产样品中多种磺胺类药物的现场快速检测。  相似文献   
针对现在市场上常见的两种大米掺伪现象,利用近红外光谱技术结合化学计量学方法分别建立了大米中掺入低档米和掺入矿物油的定量分析模型。制配不同掺伪比例的大米样品,采集其近红外光谱,并选用标准正态变量变换、最大最小归一化、平滑和一阶导数4种方法对原始光谱进行预处理,分别结合偏最小二乘法建立PLS定量分析模型。通过对比建模结果选出的最优预处理方法是最大最小归一化,建立的掺低档米模型的校正集和预测集相关系数分别为0.9698和0.9845,均方根误差分别为8.66和6.46;掺矿物油米模型的校正集和预测集相关系数分别为0.9739和0.9888,均方根误差分别为0.106和0.0698。模型的预测精度和稳定性均很好,实现了对两种掺伪大米快速、准确的定量判别,为大米的品质监控提供了一种新的方法思路。  相似文献   
孙中冲 《蔬菜》2007,(6):29-29
化学除草是农田草害综合防治中的重要手段之一,为降低农田杂草危害和保障作物安全生长发挥了重要作用。由于田间杂草具有种群数量大、适应性广、生命性广、生命力强的特点,给化学除草工作带来  相似文献   
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