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海象生活在南美洲的亚马逊河流域,又名“巨骨舌鱼”,已有近亿年的历史,是最大的淡水鱼,属于土著一族。此鱼嘴部没有龙须,外观和龙鱼根本没有相似之处,但却属同科兄弟。海象是典型的“老来俏”,随着年龄的增大,身体后半部的鳞片边沿会由尾部开始逐渐变成鲜红色,直到背腹部。它的体长可达5米,重达近千斤,它宽大的肢体、厚重的“铠甲”,古铜色的头部花纹,仿若从远古而来的战士,真可谓淡水中的巨无霸!  相似文献   
The analysis of the systematic transitions in the forested landscape and the study of the forest fragmentation patterns allow us to deepen our understanding of the changes in the vegetation ground cover. The importance of knowing the intricate patterns of the land usage of the upper basin of the Amazon region is widely recognized. This zone is one of the most diverse biological areas in the world, is home to large areas of mature tropical cloud forest and demonstrates high probabilities of stable climatic conditions in light of global warming. The research quan- tiffed systematic transitions through the "loss" and "gain" of the different categories of landscape during the eighteen-year study period of the Ecuadorian Amazon Region (EAR), the forest fragmentation patterns were also analyzed based on a set of indicators. Therefore, with respect to the entirety of the landscape, the results registered for the ground coverage in forested areas during the first period (1990-2000), show a decrease of 6.99% and an increase of 0.68%; and during the second period (2000-2008), show a decrease of 3.99% and an increase of 2.14%. It demonstrated that forest and agricultural areas tended to replace or be replaced by herbaceous vegetation faster than expected fortuitously. Finally, the indices of fragmentation signaled intense changes during the 1990-2000 period with a reduction during the period 2000-2008. Per- centages registered in the Largest Patch Index (LPI) were between 79.58%; 52.39% and 49.99% respectively; while the Patch Density (PD) varied between 0.04; 0.06 and 0.07. This suggests the propensity of for- est cover to remain intact. The results of this investigation suggest a tendency towards stability in Ecuador's Amazon landscape. Within the framework for development and management of this area, the tendency is natural regeneration. This permits a consolidation of the conservation, reforestation, forestation and agricultural forestry plans, programs and systems for the protected areas in EAR.  相似文献   
小露 《海鲜世界》2007,(6):15-18
七彩神仙最早源于南美洲亚马逊河流域的热带雨林,这里的许多地方人迹罕至,又平空给七彩神仙添了几分神秘色彩。直到60年代,七彩神仙鱼的庐山真面目才得以从神秘的亚马逊河现身欧洲乃至全世界。而从80年代初,七彩神仙鱼惊现于我国广州后,自此在我国掀起了中国的“七彩旋风”,什么“热带鱼之王”、“观赏鱼之尊”、“热带鱼之帝”等等各种美誉都一下子笼罩在它身上,真可谓是“集三千宠于一身”。  相似文献   
淡水白鲳,学名短盖巨脂鲤,原产南美洲亚马逊河,具有生长快、体型大、食性广、肉质好、产量高、易捕捞、耐低氧、抗病力强等优点,适合在我国南方地区水面养殖.  相似文献   
<正>巴西粮食行业将把亚马逊地区大豆收购禁令期限延长到2016年5月31日,因为担心亚马逊雨林遭砍伐的面积仍在增加。该禁令原定于2014年12月31日结束,但是在将近到期前得到延长,因为政府实施了2012年林业法所规划的新环境控制体系。据巴西植物油行业协会(ABIOVE)主席Nanoel  相似文献   
<正>龙鱼,是一种大型淡水鱼类,属于骨舌鱼科,其生存年代久远,早在远古石炭纪时就已存在,1829年由美国鱼类学家温带理博士(Vandell)在南美亚马逊流域发现并定名。龙鱼因体色艳丽,有王者独尊的气质,代表着好运、吉祥等意义,吸引了无  相似文献   
内蒙古大兴安岭是祖国北方的重要生态屏障,和南美洲亚马逊热带雨林同被誉为地球的两大肺叶。这里的万顷林海波澜壮阔;这里的锦绣河山斑斓多姿;这里  相似文献   
牡丹鹦鹉别名情侣鹦鹉 ,属鹦鹉目 ,鹦鹉科动物。牡丹鹦鹉原产于非洲的坦桑尼亚、乌干达、埃塞俄比亚、苏丹等国 ,是世界著名的观赏鸟。1 形态特征及雌雄鉴别牡丹鹦鹉有 8个品种 ,有棕头牡丹鹦鹉、黑头牡丹鹦鹉、黑脸牡丹鹦鹉以及人工培育定型的新品种等 ,它们的体型都不大 ,一  相似文献   
沈大平 《花卉》2009,(1):38-38
白鹦,又名几内亚白鹦,鹦鹉科大型观赏鸟类。它头圆嘴强健,上嘴峰弯曲,浅蓝色。足部的外趾可以向前转动,利于攀援。羽毛洁白,纯净可爱。  相似文献   
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