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《Veterinary parasitology》2015,207(3-4):342-345
Faecal egg counts (FECs) are used for detecting and quantifying nematode infections and are the basis for determining drug efficacy and anthelmintic resistance in faecal egg count reduction tests (FECRTs). Currently, several FEC techniques are available for detecting and quantifying eggs of sheep nematodes. A comparison of the egg counts from the FECPAK (with a minimum detection limit of 30 eggs per gram (epg)) and Mini-FLOTAC (with a minimum detection limit of 5 epg) showed better diagnostic performance with Mini-FLOTAC in terms of measurement error (level of over- or under-estimation of FEC) and precision (variability in FEC). A tendency to under-estimate FEC was observed with the FECPAK particularly at egg densities of less than 500 epg. It is concluded that Mini-FLOTAC is a reliable diagnostic tool offering reduced measurement error and a higher level of precision.  相似文献   
在保存家蚕突变基因资源过程中调查发现:黄血蚕蛾翅在羽化之初呈鲜黄色,白血蚕均不然。通过与白血蚕(非黄翅)和黄血抑制基因(I)进行杂交试验,分析黄翅的遗传规律,结合普查家蚕突变系统蛾翅色性状,证明黄翅性状与幼虫黄脚一样,为黄血基因支配。进而记录了因黄血基因的多效作用在卵、幼虫、茧、成虫各阶段表现的形态特征。  相似文献   
致泻大肠埃希氏菌O157:H7(STEC O157:H7)是大肠埃希氏菌中致病性最严重的一种食源性致病菌,主要存在于牛肉、牛奶、水果及其制品中,对身体健康造成很大危害,甚至引发死亡。食品中STEC O157:H7检测尤为重要。本文对国内外STEC O157:H7的检测标准进行比较,提出我国标准在样品前处理、快速筛选方法的应用等方面需要加强,以便为该菌快速准确检测提供帮助,实现与国际标准化体系建设接轨,满足实验室检测需要。  相似文献   
糖基化鸡蛋清大豆复合蛋白饮料加工技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究糖基化鸡蛋清大豆复合蛋白饮料的加工工艺,通过单因素及正交试验,确定了最佳配方及工艺条件。试验结果表明,选择合适的复合乳化稳定剂和采用预乳化及二次高压均质工艺,均有助于提高复合蛋白饮料的稳定性。  相似文献   
种子田间检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了核查种子田的品种特性是否名副其实,及影响收获种子质量的各种情况,根据这些检查的质量信息,采取相应的措施,以减少不可预见的因素对种子质量产生的影响,确保收获时符合规定的要求。  相似文献   
姚子麟  涂庆  季寿宏 《油气储运》2019,(7):793-797,815
为了研究管道内检测器皮碗过盈量对皮碗力学行为的影响,以直径为800 mm的管道的内检测器皮碗为研究对象,分析聚氨酯材料的力学特性,建立用于分析管道内检测器皮碗过盈量的二维轴对称有限元模型。通过计算分析,得到了皮碗过盈量为0~10%时,唇缘接触应力、唇缘接触长度、夹持端角度、唇缘角度、皮碗折点内外侧应力的变化趋势,并拟合得到了过盈量与上述参数之间的关系。结果表明:随着皮碗过盈量增加,皮碗唇缘应力趋势由指数下降趋势逐渐转化为线性下降趋势;皮碗唇缘接触长度、夹持端角度的增长速率随皮碗过盈量增大而快速增加;折点内外侧应力增长速率均随皮碗过盈量增大而减小;皮碗唇缘角度随着皮碗过盈量增大而线性减小。  相似文献   
Coexisting natural enemies that share a common host resource in the same guild usually exhibit variation in their life history traits, due to their need to share a similar ecological niche. In this study, we compared the immature development times and adult life history traits of two coexisting, host-feeding parasitoids, Diglyphus isaea Walker and Neochrysocharis formosa Westwood (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), of which both attack larvae of the same agromyzid leafminers. These two species are both synovigenic, idiobiont parasitoids, whose adults consume host fluids (“host feeding”) and lay anhydropic eggs. Of the two, D. isaea has a larger body but little or no initial egg load, and engages in similar lifetime host-feeding events. However, it achieves higher fecundity, longer adult longevity, and higher host suppression ability than N. formosa, which has a smaller body and higher initial egg load. Although D. isaea engages in similar lifetime host-feeding events with N. formosa, all of its gains in life history traits per host-feeding event of D. isaea were larger than those of N. formosa. The age-specific fecundity and host mortality curves of N. formosa were more skewed in early life than those of D. isaea. In addition, the ovigeny index of N. formosa was negatively correlated to body size. Our results confirmed that two coexisting parasitoids, which share the same host resource, show different immature development patterns and life history traits, suggesting that different resource allocation mode could be a general rule of coexisting species sharing the same habitat or host.  相似文献   
蛋用型鸡血浆极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)浓度与蛋黄中各种脂肪酸相对含量的相关均很小。蛋黄脂肪的多聚不饱和脂肪酸对饱和脂肪酸的比例(P/S)较高(0.61~0.62),对血浆VLDL浓度的正反选择均不会影响鸡蛋的这种优良品质  相似文献   
蛋壳中碳酸钙转化为柠檬酸钙的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾习  马美湖 《中国农业科学》2010,43(5):1031-1040
【目的】通过酸性介于碳酸和柠檬酸之间的有机酸与蛋壳反应制得有机酸钙,再与柠檬酸反应,置换出柠檬酸钙。【方法】试验对有机酸进行筛选,选定有机酸为乙酸。对试验过程中的各个影响因子进行研究,得到最佳工艺条件。采用三元二次回归正交旋转组合设计对试验进行优化,然后对产品进行纯化处理。【结果】优化后的最佳工艺条件为蛋壳过量30%、固液比1∶19.8、蛋壳粉与乙酸在25.4℃下反应3.5 h、柠檬酸与乙酸钙在50℃下反应3 h、加入柠檬酸的不足量为25.4%。【结论】在优化后的最佳工艺条件下利用蛋壳制备柠檬酸钙的产率为86.2%,纯化后的最终产率为85.4%,纯度达99%以上。  相似文献   
以蛋白液为原料,开发低胆固醇方便即食蛋制品、扩大蛋白液利用范围,研究鸡蛋干加工配方和关键工艺参数,并对添加剂、干物质含量、熟制工艺方式、卤制工艺方式对鸡蛋干产品品质的影响进行了研究。研究表明,添加蛋液1.5%的复合磷酸盐,干物质含量19%,采用热风干燥定型,经沸水煮1 h—放置1 h—煮1h,即可得到味美可口的鸡蛋干产品。  相似文献   
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