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油菜对Cd的吸收转运不仅受外源S供应的影响,且与自身S代谢关系非常密切。硫苷是影响油菜品质的重要含S次级代谢产物,而油菜籽粒硫苷含量能较好地表征油菜的硫苷特性。为了解油菜硫苷特性与油菜吸收积累Cd之间的关联,通过Cd污染土壤的大田试验,研究了不同硫苷特性甘蓝型油菜的Cd吸收积累特性。结果表明,初花期高、低硫苷油菜不同器官间Cd含量皆为根叶茎,成熟期皆为茎根壳籽粒。初花期高硫苷与低硫苷油菜对Cd的吸收积累无显著差异;而成熟期高硫苷油菜对Cd的吸收积累显著低于低硫苷油菜,高硫苷油菜成熟期根、茎、壳、籽粒Cd含量分别为3.90 mg?kg?1、4.50 mg?kg?1、0.97 mg?kg?1、0.17 mg?kg?1,低硫苷油菜则分别为4.57 mg?kg?1、5.20 mg?kg?1、1.32 mg?kg?1、0.29 mg?kg?1,比高硫苷油菜分别高17.18%(P0.05)、15.56%(P0.05)、36.08%(P0.05)、70.59%(P0.05)。成熟期高硫苷油菜壳/茎、籽粒/壳Cd转运系数分别为0.22和0.17,而低硫苷油菜分别为0.25和0.23,比高硫苷油菜分别高13.64%(P0.05)和35.29%(P0.05)。高硫苷油菜显著抑制了Cd从茎向其上位器官(壳、籽粒)的转运。研究结果还表明,低硫苷油菜与高硫苷油菜对污染土壤Cd的单季净化率分别仅为0.90%和0.76%,作为修复Cd污染土壤的富集植物,其净化效率皆有待提高。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨缺硫胁迫下拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)生长到12片莲座叶时芥子油苷组成和含量的变化规律。[方法]以模式植物拟南芥为原材料,通过水培方法进行缺硫胁迫处理,采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用(HLPC-MS)法分析芥子油苷的组成和含量。[结果]缺硫胁迫处理48 h,拟南芥莲座叶中检测出7种脂肪族芥子油苷、4种吲哚族芥子油苷。缺硫胁迫对吲哚族芥子油苷含量影响不显著,对脂肪族芥子油苷含量影响显著。[结论]试验结果为探索缺硫胁迫下芥子油苷的代谢途径提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
采用HPLC法测定了3种类型15个花椰菜品种的硫代葡萄糖苷(Glucosinolates,简称硫苷)组分及含量。结果表明:供试花椰菜品种均含有9种硫苷,包括5种脂肪族硫苷:3-甲基硫氧烯丙基硫苷(Glucoiberin,IBE)、2-羟基-3-丁烯基硫苷(Progoitrin,PRO)、2-丙烯基硫苷(Sinigrin,SIN)、4-甲基硫氧丁基硫苷(Glucoraphanin,RAA)和3-丁烯基硫苷(Gluconapin,NAP);4种吲哚族硫苷:4-羟基吲哚基-3-甲基硫苷(4-Hydroxyglucobrassicin,4OH)、3-甲基吲哚基硫苷(Glucobrassicin,GBC)、4-甲氧基吲哚基-3-甲基硫苷(4-Methoxyglucobrassicin,4ME)和1-甲氧基吲哚基-3-甲基硫苷(Neoglucobrassicin,NEO)。各品种的吲哚族硫苷总含量均高于脂肪族硫苷总含量,其中NEO和GBC是花椰菜的主要硫苷组分,分别占总硫苷含量的42.61%和35.02%。不同花椰菜品种的硫苷总含量差异较大,变异范围在0.3323~4.8728μmol·g-1(FW)之间;紫花菜的总硫苷含量最高,松花菜其次,紧花菜最低。  相似文献   
采用超高效液相色谱(UPLC)法,对30个油菜品种薹和蕾中硫代葡萄糖苷(glucosinolate,简称硫苷)的组分及含量进行测定。结果表明:30个油菜品种的总硫苷含量变异范围较大,在21.67~119.29μmol·g-1之间;大多数油菜品种蕾中的硫苷含量高于薹,蕾中硫苷含量均值为37.26μmol·g-1,薹中为28.06μmol·g-1;薹和蕾中的硫苷组分相似,均以4-戊烯基硫苷和2-羟基-3-丁烯基硫苷为主要成分,两者在薹和蕾中的含量分别占总硫苷含量的46.24%、28.52%和45.19%、29.13%。进一步分析高、中、低硫苷含量油菜品种的硫苷组分及含量,结果表明油菜不同品种间硫苷含量的差异主要是由4-戊烯基硫苷引起的。  相似文献   
Miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements(MITEs)are a group of DNA transposable element(TE)which preferentially distributed with gene associated regions.Tens of MITEs families have been revealed in Brassica napus genome,they scatter across the genome with tens of thousands copies and produce polymorphisms both intra-and inter-species.Our previous studies revealed a Tourist-like MITE,Monkey King,associated with vernalization requirement of B.napus,however there are still few studies reveal MITE association with agricultural traits in B.napus.In the present study,80 polymorphic markers were developed from 55 MITEs,and used to evaluate genetic diversity in a panel of B.napus accessions consisting of 101 natural and 25 synthetic genotypes.Five agricultural traits,oil content,glucosinolate content,erucic acid content,weight of thousand seeds(WTS)and plant height,were investigated across 3-years field experiments,in addition,two traits,hypocotyl length and root length,were evaluated at the 4-leaf stage in the laboratory.Correlations between the MITE-based markers and seven traits were analyzed,finally,10 polymorphic markers produced by 6 pairs of MITE specific primers were revealed relatively high correlation with 5 traits.Two polymorphic markers were anchored with two candidate genes,BnaA02g13530D and BnaA08g20010D,respectively,which may contribute to glucosinolate content and WTS.This research may contribute to genetic improvement through utilization of MITE-induced polymorphisms in Brassica species.  相似文献   
Biofumigation, as originally defined, is the use, in agriculture, of the toxicity of Brassica crop residues to control soilborne plant pathogens. This toxicity is specifically attributed to the release of toxic isothiocyanates, through the hydrolysis of glucosinolates present in the crop residues. This technique is considered a possible alternative to the use of pesticides, but field studies have generated conflicting data concerning the efficacy of biofumigation at field scale, limiting the use of this technique. Analytical studies based on a systematic approach involving evaluation of the potential effects of isothiocyanates can be used to address this problem in a rigorous manner. However, many recent studies have indicated that the mechanisms underlying biofumigation are much more complex than a simple toxic effect of residues. In this review, we dissect and discuss the problems encountered when trying to understand the variability in biofumigation efficacy and propose an integrative epidemiological approach to overcome these problems. This approach involves separating the effects of the different parameters of the system, such as the effects of different management phases of the biofumigant crop (i.e. the period of biofumigant crop growth and the phase during which crop residues are pulverised and incorporated into the soil) on the epidemiological mechanisms driving the development of an epidemic (density of primary inoculum and dynamics of disease progression). Finally, we propose new avenues of research into biofumigation in which the use of epidemiological tools and methods may improve our understanding of the factors underlying variation in the efficacy of biofumigant crops.  相似文献   
[目的]研究西兰苔籽中硫代葡萄糖苷酶解的影响因素,确定硫苷酶解的最佳条件并分析和鉴定酶解产物。[方法]以西兰苔籽粉末为材料,研究不同的温度、pH以及时间对酶水解的影响,并且利用气相色谱-质谱连用技术分析鉴定了酶解产物。[结果]酶解时间为8h,水解温度为25℃,pH值为7是最佳酶解条件。利用气象色谱-质谱连用技术分析鉴定出5种化合物,占硫苷酶解产物中挥发性化合物总量的80%。[结论]确定了西兰苔籽中硫代葡萄糖苷酶解的最佳条件,并为西兰苔籽的抗癌活性研究提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
试验结果表明,不论硫甙含量高低,白菜型黑籽油菜皮壳率约为19%,黄籽为14%。普通油菜的种胚和种皮的硫甙含量分别占种子硫甙含量的96%和4%,优质油菜的种胚和种皮的硫甙含量分别占种子硫甙含量的89%和11%。种子和种胚中以3—丁烯基硫甙为主,种皮中则以3—了烯基硫甙和2—羟基—3—丁烯基硫甙为主。  相似文献   
本文比较了甘蓝型优质油菜和普通油菜、黑籽油莱和黄籽油菜种皮、种胚的比率和硫甙含量及其组分。结果表明:黑籽油菜的种皮重量占17%、黄籽为12%。普通油菜种胚和种皮的硫甙含量分别占种子硫甙含量的97%和3%,而优质油菜分别占91%和9%。在种皮中,以2—羟基—3—丁烯基硫甙为主。在种胚中,优质油菜的2—羟基—3—丁烯基硫甙和3—丁烯基硫甙明显比普通油菜的低。育成的低硫甙新品系,吲哚硫甙含量比较高。  相似文献   
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