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In this paper the stabilization of ground reinforced by plastic drain board is analyzed and calculated by reliability method. The reliable index is calculated by polyhedron error function, based on studying variability of the shearing strength of reinforced ground. The standard of ground stable index is proposed through some practical works.  相似文献   
In mineral soil, organic matter (OM) accumulates mainly on and around surfaces of silt- and clay-size particles. When fractionated according to particle density, C and N concentration (per g fraction) and C/N of these soil organo-mineral particles decrease with increasing particle density across soils of widely divergent texture, mineralogy, location, and management. The variation in particle density is explained potentially by two factors: (1) a decrease in the mass ratio of organic to mineral phase of these particles, and (2) variations in density of the mineral phase. The first explanation implies that the thickness of the organic accumulations decreases with increasing particle density. The decrease in C/N can be explained at least partially by especially stable sorption of nitrogenous N-containing compounds (amine, amide, and pyrrole) directly to mineral surfaces, a phenomenon well documented both empirically and theoretically. These peptidic compounds, along with ligand-exchanged carboxylic compounds, could then form a stable inner organic layer onto which other organics could sorb more readily than onto the unconditioned mineral surfaces (“onion” layering model).To explore mechanisms underlying this trend in C concentration and C/N with particle density, we sequentially density fractionated an Oregon andic soil at 1.65, 1.85, 2.00, 2.28, and 2.55 g cm−3 and analyzed the six fractions for measures of organic matter and mineral phase properties.All measures of OM composition showed either: (1) a monotonic change with density, or (2) a monotonic change across the lightest fractions, then little change over the heaviest fractions. Total C, N, and lignin phenol concentration all decreased monotonically with increasing density, and 14C mean residence time (MRT) increased with particle density from ca. 150 years to >980 years in the four organo-mineral fractions. In contrast, C/N, 13C and 15N concentration all showed the second pattern. All these data are consistent with a general pattern of an increase in extent of microbial processing with increasing organo-mineral particle density, and also with an “onion” layering model.X-ray diffraction before and after separation of magnetic materials showed that the sequential density fractionation (SDF) isolated pools of differing mineralogy, with layer-silicate clays dominating in two of the intermediate fractions and primary minerals in the heaviest two fractions. There was no indication that these differences in mineralogy controlled the differences in density of the organo-mineral particles in this soil. Thus, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that variation in particle density reflects variation in thickness of the organic accumulations and with an “onion” layering model for organic matter accumulation on mineral surfaces. However, the mineralogy differences among fractions made it difficult to test either the layer-thickness or “onion” layering models with this soil. Although SDF isolated pools of distinct mineralogy and organic-matter composition, more work will be needed to understand mechanisms relating the two factors.  相似文献   
阐明池塘养殖鱼类的致病因素,疾病的诊断及主要防病措施。说明只有明确池塘养殖鱼类真正的致病因素,才能正确地诊断和尽早地防治鱼病,以减少或避免因鱼病而造成重大的经济损失。  相似文献   
为了降低灌溉水中Cd向农田输入,减轻农田土壤Cd污染,试验选取梭鱼草、狐尾藻、野茭白为材料,构建"植物塘+人工湿地+吸附池"系统,研究其对湖南典型矿区Cd超标灌溉水净化效果,并分析Cd在系统中的分布规律。结果表明:在2018年11月—2019年9月监测期间,进水全量Cd平均浓度为6.35μg·L~(-1),经系统净化后灌溉水中可溶态Cd、悬浮态Cd及悬浮颗粒物平均去除率分别为86.58%、90.37%和81.54%,构建的人工系统可有效降低灌溉水中Cd含量。进水口悬浮态Cd与悬浮颗粒物呈极显著正相关,悬浮颗粒物与进水流速呈显著正相关。灌溉水Cd输入总量为859.61 g,大气沉降Cd输入总量为95.34 g,处理系统拦截为865.52 g,各个单元拦截量从高到低依次为一级植物塘(544.64 g)三级人工湿地+吸附池(167.62 g)二级植物塘(156.26 g)。3种湿地植物对Cd均有较好的富集效果,富集浓度随水流方向下降。一、二级植物塘底泥最大Cd浓度分别为11.05、4.75 mg·kg~(-1),底泥中Cd弱酸可溶态比值较大,存在向水体解吸释放的风险。所构建的"植物塘+人工湿地+吸附池"净化系统可有效降低湖南典型矿区灌溉水中超标Cd含量,降低农田土壤Cd的灌溉输入通量。  相似文献   
池沼公鱼在新疆大水面的移植推广研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
池沼公鱼自1989年由吉林省移植到新疆后,经进一步移植推广,已经广泛分布到博斯腾湖、天池、乌伦古湖、石城子水库等20个总面积为29.24×104hm2的湖泊和水库,共移植池沼公鱼受精卵12.99×108粒,捕获池沼公鱼1012802t,本研究从池沼公鱼受精卵移植、生物学性状、丰满度、繁殖力等方面论证了池沼公鱼在新疆大水面移植推广是成功的。  相似文献   
在我国西部地质、气候条件恶劣的沼泽地建设管道,其稳定方法是一个技术关键。在沼泽地的管道,除钢管自重,输送介质重量、回填土重量外,还有浮力、如果前三种力之和小于管道所受的浮力。管道将会上浮,相反,管道则会下沉,详细介绍了几种常用的管道稳定方法,并做了初步比较。指出,在沼泽地区管道的稳定不仅关系到管道的安全性,稳定性,同时也会影响到沼泽地区管道建设的投资。  相似文献   
为了降低处理成本并达到较为满意的白度稳定效果 ,该文主要研究了几种助剂协同处理对黑杨APMP纸浆干 湿热和光返黄的抑制作用效果 .采用了几种较优的黑杨APMP纸浆光稳定剂 (紫外吸收剂ZW 1,ZW 2及抗氧剂抗坏血酸、次亚磷酸钠 )组合处理纸浆 .研究发现 ,抗坏血酸和其它助剂共同处理纸浆同它单独作用情形一致 ,随其用量增加对纸浆诱导返黄促进作用增大 ;用特定的助剂组合共同处理纸浆 ,可以在降低助剂总用量的前提下大幅度的改善黑杨APMP纸浆的光稳定性 ,与它们单独处理效果相比存在着协同作用效果 .ZW 1 抗坏血酸 次亚磷酸钠是该研究中最优的助剂结合  相似文献   
不同荻繁殖体地下部分生长的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物的选择是植被护坡的重要研究内容。获是一种易栽种生长快的禾木科草本植物,具有强盛的地下根状茎和不定根网络系统,可用于加固和防护边坡。本实验采用获不同部位的繁殖体进行无性繁殖,定量研究获的不定根长度和数量、根状茎新生芽数量和地下部分包裹土壤的体积,以预测其护坡效果。结果表明:不同繁殖体发芽率分别为:一年生根状茎顶芽70%,一年生根状茎切段78%,两年或多年生根状茎切段70%,地上茎基部鳞芽73.33%。一年生根状茎切段长出新生植株基部不定根的平均数量为40.95,平均长度为27.62cm,新生芽平均数量为7.4,地下部分最大包裹沙土体积3116623.38cm^3,其地下部分总体生长状态优于其它3种繁殖体。  相似文献   
选择一种新型高效反应器系统对奶牛养殖场废水进行处理试验研究,这种反应器系统主要包括两级组合生物巢厌氧反应器和砂式沼液处理池。试验结果表明,该系统处理奶牛养殖废水速度快,两级组合生物巢厌氧反应器水力停留时间(HRT)仅为15h,处理效率高,砂式沼液处理池结构简单,对生物巢厌氧反应器出水处理效果好。该新型高效反应器组合系统对化学需氧量(COD)、生化需氧量(BOD)、氨氮(NH3-N)和总固体悬浮物(TSS)的平均去除率分别为97.6%、98.2%、81.3%和98.1%,出水体积质量平均值分别为89.0、27.1、15.7mg·L^-1和64.9mg·L^-1,满足国家二级排放标准。  相似文献   
桩板墙在土木工程领域应用较为广泛,但在粒状碎屑溜砂坡防治工程中的应用却不多。主要原因在于粒状碎屑溜砂坡的散体结构特征不同于一般的岩土体。首先介绍了目前一些常用的溜砂坡防治对策,指出他们存在的问题,然后根据溜砂坡的特点,推导出了砂坡土压力的计算方法,最后针对溜砂坡边挖砂坡脚边溜砂难题提出了一种解决方法。为溜砂坡灾害的防治提供了另外一种可供选择的方案。  相似文献   
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