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Ultrasonography is a non‐invasive method that can be used to assess sex and maturity of fish. This study was conducted to examine the feasibility of using ultrasound images to sex juvenile and mature halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Linnaeus), mature winter Pleuronectes americanus (Walbaum) and yellowtail flounder Pleuronectes ferruginea (Storer) and mature haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Linnaeus). In females, both immature and mature ovaries were relatively easy to distinguish, but in males only mature testes were consistently distinguishable. Ovarian maturation of haddock and ovulatory cycles of halibut may also be assessed using ultrasound. 相似文献
Small raceways were used in a weaning experiment with Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) larvae. The size of the tanks was 1.0 × 0.4 m with a 1‐ to 2‐cm water level. Duplicate larval groups were transferred to the raceways from circular first feeding tanks at 0.07, 0.10 and 0.16 g wet weight, while recommended weaning size of this species is 0.2–0.3 g. During the first 7 days of weaning, Artemia was used as a food supplement in combination with the formulated dry feed. Thereafter only dry feed was used. The dry feed used in this experiment was produced by a special heat technique. The 0.07, 0.10 and 0.16 g larval groups were evaluated after 31, 25 and 17 days respectively (same date) The corresponding average survival was 81.4%, 78.0% and 96.6% and the specific daily growth rate was 3.18%, 3.17% and 2.38% respectively. In the Artemia control group, a survival rate of 96.0% and a growth rate of 5.28% was achieved. To evaluate the weaning success, the groups were followed in a 22‐day post‐weaning period on a commercial dry diet. Higher growth rates, 5.8–6.9%, were then obtained in all experimental groups, except control. The survival here averaged approximately 80% in the three experimental groups, but showed some differences between replicates. One hundred per cent survival was achieved during weaning in the former Artemia group. From the start of weaning to the end of the post‐weaning period, the survival rates averaged 64% for the 0.07 and 0.10 g groups, approximately 80% for the 0.16 g group and 96% in the Artemia control group. Higher variance (CV) through the experiment and highest growth of the 75% quartiles of the fish groups compared with the 50% and 25%, indicated suppressed growth of the smaller fish. The successful weaning at these small sizes considerably reduced the live food period. Based on the present knowledge of the energetic demands of this species, it is calculated that weaning at 0.07 g compared with 0.25 g will reduce the amount of Artemia needed by at least 60%. No differences in pigmentation or degree of completed eye migration were detected between groups, indicating that this is determined at earlier developmental stages. 相似文献
Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.), that were cultured in tanks with a smooth bottom (gel‐coated fibreglass) substrate developed papillary hyperplasia and skin erosions on the blind (ventral) side. No viruses, bacteria or parasites were observed in any sections of affected skin. Comparison of microscopic pathology with that of skin from normal, wild‐caught halibut showed severe epidermal proliferation with foci of severe mucous cell hyperplasia. Both epidermal thickness and mucous cell density were significantly greater in fish held on a smooth substrate compared to skin of healthy fish. Spongiosis was present, especially at the base of the papillary, hyperplastic epidermis, and there was a chronic inflammatory infiltrate in the scale pockets composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes and erythrocytes. Skin erosions had various degrees of epidermal loss, in some cases to the basement membrane. A predisposing factor for the epidermal sloughing may have been related to the spongiosis, and the vacuolated, degenerated basal cells. When affected halibut were cultured for an additional 28, 62 or 97 days on a sand substrate, which is conducive to skin lesion healing, there was no apparent change in epidermal thickness over time. However, mucous cell density significantly increased from day 0 to 97 during the healing process. 相似文献
采用体内注射植物血细胞凝集素(PHA)和秋水仙素法制备圆斑星鲽染色体,研究其染色体C-带、Ag-NORs带及G-带的显带特征.结果发现,圆斑星鲽具有46条染色体,核型为2n =46t,染色体臂数为NF =46,所检个体全部为二倍体,未发现存在异型性染色体和随体染色体的现象.带型研究表明,C-带特征为46条染色体均有大小不一的C-带,其中第22对染色体整体呈阳性深染,第19对染色体具有端部C-带,其余均为着丝粒C-带;计算其异染色质含量为30%;Ag-NORs带型特征为具有1对Ag-NORs,位于2号染色体的长臂末端,为端部Ag-NORs; G-带特征为具有38条深染带,21条浅染带.研究结果为圆斑星鲽染色体组学和种质资源保护提供了基础资料. 相似文献
为研究不同饲养条件对地方猪种宗地花猪心脏型脂肪酸结合蛋白(heart fatty acid binding protein,H-FABP)基因表达及肌内脂肪(intramuscular fat,IMF)含量的影响,试验利用实时荧光定量PCR技术,分别测定放养型和圈养型宗地花猪背最长肌中H-FABP基因的表达水平,并测定背最长肌的IMF、大理石纹、嫩度.结果发现,圈养型宗地花猪的IMF、大理石纹、嫩度均高于放养型宗地花猪(P >0.05),pH、肉色极显著高于放养型宗地花猪(P <0.01);放养型宗地花猪背最长肌中H-FABP mRNA 水平显著高于圈养型宗地花猪(P <0.05);放养型、圈养型宗地花猪H-FABP基因表达与IMF均无显著相关性(P >0.05).以上结果表明,不同饲养条件影响H-FABP基因表达并在一定程度上影响IMF,但影响不显著. 相似文献
《The Journal of Applied Poultry Research》2014,23(2):244-251
The current research was conducted to determine the comparison of hatchability and some egg quality characteristics in spotted and unspotted partridge (Alectoris chukar) eggs. The research was carried out on 51 male and 102 female chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) aged 50 wk, which were raised at the Research and Application Farm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Selcuk University. In total, 244 spotted and 261 unspotted eggs were used in the research. The hatching eggs were stored at 75% RH and 13°C for 14 d. Thirty spotted and 30 unspotted eggs laid on the same day were used for the evaluation of egg quality characteristics. Egg weight, chick weight, egg weight loss during the hatching period, shape index, hatchability, and some egg quality characteristics were evaluated at the end of the research. Spotted eggs exhibited a higher fertility and hatchability, as well as a lower percentage egg weight loss and embryonic mortality when compared with unspotted eggs. No significant differences were observed between spotted and unspotted eggs for egg weight, chick weight, shape index, specific gravity, albumen height, Haugh unit, yolk color green-red chromaticity (a*), albumen pH, and yolk pH. Spotted eggs had higher eggshell color a*, eggshell color blue-yellow chromaticity (b*), and eggshell strength, as well as a lower eggshell color light-dark chromaticity (L*), yolk color L*, and yolk color b* scores when compared with unspotted eggs. It was demonstrated that spots on the eggshells of chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) improved their hatchability by affecting various quality characteristics of their eggs. It was concluded that spotted eggs are more suitable for hatching. 相似文献
Fritz CL Kriner P Garcia D Padgett KA Espinosa A Chase R Hu R Messenger SL 《Zoonoses and public health》2012,59(1):4-7
In response to an outbreak of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) in Baja California in early 2009, dogs at two shelters in neighbouring Imperial County, California, were evaluated for ectoparasites. Brown dog ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), a recognized vector for RMSF, were found on 35 (30%) of 116 dogs but all ticks tested negative for Rickettsia rickettsii by PCR. 相似文献