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European nase (Chondrostoma nasus) is a specialist riverine fish, characterised by a complex life cycle making it vulnerable to habitat degradation. Recent findings indicate that, analogously to salmonids, the interstitial zone quality may pose a serious bottleneck for successful recruitment of this species. In this study, nase eggs were exposed to different substrate qualities. First, standardised substrate mixtures with differing fine sediment additions were used. Second, we tested different homogenous gravel fractions for their influence on egg development and emergence success. In both setups, substrate composition significantly affected emergence success, timing of emergence and larvae size at emergence. In the substrate mixtures, emergence was most successful in substratum with no fine sediment addition (98%) and decreased to 55% in substratum with 20% fine sediment addition. Emergence was most successful in the coarsest fraction (93%) and decreased to 47% in the finest fraction. Over all treatments, the time between hatching and emergence from substrate differed by up to 156 degree days, thereby indicating that free embryos of nase use the shelter of the interstitial zone for early ontogeny. These results suggest that a loose and porous stream bed can positively contribute to the development success of eggs and larvae and thereby potentially improve the recruitment of nase populations. It is thus important to consider the substrate and interstitial conditions in the conservation and restoration management of this rheophilic cyprinid.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distribution of spawning activity by autumn‐run Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) was examined across multiple years. The study period included two years of extreme drought conditions when water temperatures in the spawning reach of the Stanislaus River were considered sub‐optimal for spawning and egg incubation. Despite varying levels of superimposition, redd counts and densities remained stable and positively associated with river location, indicating that superimposition may be driven by habitat preference rather than the absence of suitable spawning locations. Spawning occurred slightly later during drought years (6–10 days later compared with wetter years). This delay was attributable to deferred migration instead of deferred spawning, and the majority of redds were constructed at water temperatures exceeding the optimal temperature range. As a consequence, estimates of juvenile production during 2014 and 2015 were among the lowest on record. These findings may be related in part to the high hatchery contribution to the population, above‐average temperatures during spawning and incubation, and superimposition rates. Management recommendations include adequate cold‐water storage in the upstream reservoir, refined spawning habitat restoration techniques in the light of superimposition rates and, on a broader system scale, actions that reduce the amount of stray hatchery Chinook salmon.  相似文献   
为探索黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)繁殖时期对人工鱼巢的偏好性, 2018年6—7月开展了不同水温条件下黄颡鱼对不同鱼巢颜色和材质产卵偏好性的对比实验。实验用产卵鱼巢为半球形棕榈空鱼巢(直径25 cm,深12 cm);同规格内部放置4~6枚碎石块的棕榈鱼巢和塑料鱼巢;折叠6层尼龙渔网(30cm×40cm)和棕榈片(30cm×40cm)鱼巢,于水泥池(290 cm×120 cm×100 cm)内开展两种温度区间条件下产卵偏好性实验。实验用黄颡鱼亲本雌雄比例为1:1,雌鱼体长(167.8±19.0)mm,体重(99.9±21.7)g;雄鱼体长(235.1±18.8)mm,体重(188.5±38.1)g。结果表明,在24~26℃水环境下,半球形棕色棕榈(无石子)鱼巢内个体平均附卵量为628.49粒/m2,个体单位面积平均附卵率为2.77%;28~32℃水环境下,半球形棕榈(无石子)个体平均附卵量为225.48粒/m2,个体单位面积平均附卵率为1.40%。结果分析发现, 24~26℃是黄颡鱼产卵的最适水温区间;黄颡鱼对棕色鱼巢产卵偏好显著(P0.05),而对灰色、粉色、黄色和绿色无明显偏好;黄颡鱼对半球形棕榈(无石子)鱼巢产卵偏好显著(P0.05),而对其他材质鱼巢的偏好性依次为:半球形棕榈(有石子)平铺棕榈片悬挂棕榈片半球形塑料水泥池。可见,黄颡鱼产卵的最佳偏好为24~26℃水环境下棕色半球形棕榈鱼巢。本研究结果对黄颡鱼的人工繁殖、产沉黏性卵鱼类产卵场的修复和资源增殖有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
Identifying spawning sites for broadcast spawning fish species is a key element of delineating critical habitat for managing and regulating marine fisheries. Genetic barcoding has enabled accurate taxonomic identification of individual fish eggs, overcoming limitations of morphological classification techniques. In this study, planktonic fish eggs were collected at 23 stations along the northwestern coast of Cuba and across the Florida Straits to United States waters. A total of 564 fish eggs were successfully identified to 89 taxa within 30 families, with the majority of taxa resolved to species. We provide new spawning information for Luvarus imperialis (Louvar), Bothus lunatus (Plate Fish), Eumegistus illustris (Brilliant Pomfret), and many economically important species. Data from most sites supported previously established patterns of eggs from neritic fish species being found on continental shelves and oceanic species spawning over deeper waters. However, some sites deviated from this pattern, with eggs from reef‐associated fish species detected in the deep waters of the Florida Straits and pelagic species detected in the shallow, continental shelf waters off the coast of northwestern Cuba. Further investigation using satellite imagery revealed the presence of a mesoscale cyclonic eddy that likely entrained neritic fish eggs and transported them into the Florida Straits. The technique of combining DNA‐based fish egg identification with remotely‐sensed hydrodynamics provides an important new tool for assessing the interplay of regional oceanography with fish spawning strategies.  相似文献   
Natural spawning, early development and larviculture of the ornate goby Istigobius ornatus in captivity were studied for the first time. I. ornatus spawned 46 times from 31 October 2013 to 31 October 2014. Fecundity ranged from 246 to 10,214 eggs per clutch, with an average hatching rate of 77.8% ± 9.9% (M ± SEM). Fertilized eggs (1.31–1.54 × 0.46–0.50 mm in diameter) were adhesive demersal and oval‐shaped. Embryonic development lasted 84 hr at 27.5 ± 0.5°C. Newly hatched larvae [2.12 ± 0.04 mm in total length (TL)] transformed to the juvenile stage completely when TL was 7.79 mm. Effects of different water temperatures (24, 28 and 32°C) and salinities (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 g/L) on per cent survivals (%) and survival activity indices (SAIs) were tested. Survival was not significantly different under different temperatures; SAIs was significantly higher at 28°C. Larvae showed the significantly higher survival and SAIs at salinities 10–30 g/L than at 35 and 40 g/L. Effect of different prey densities on survival was significantly higher in 7 days post hatch larvae fed 20 and 30 rotifers/ml. These findings could guide future programs in captive breeding technology development and commercial production of other marine ornamental gobies.  相似文献   
对赣江鱼类早期资源的调查,可为赣江鱼类资源保护以及水利工程生态调度提供科学依据.2017年5-7月,在赣江丰城段使用圆锥网采集鱼卵和弶网采集仔鱼,对鱼类早期资源种类组成、产卵规模和产卵场进行分析.结果显示,调查期间共采集鱼卵11215粒,仔鱼12645尾,隶属于4目、8科、36种,其中产漂流性卵鱼类24种.估算调查期间通过丰城段卵苗径流量为66.66×10^8粒(尾),其中鱼卵径流量63.84×10^8 粒,鱼苗径流量2.82×10^8 尾;“四大家鱼”卵苗径流量为0.11×10^8 粒(尾),其中鱼卵径流量0.07×10^8 粒,鱼苗径流量0.04×10^8 尾.调查期间出现3次产卵高峰,集中在6 月上、中旬.各类群鱼卵数量呈现出不同的时间动态,银鮈(Squalidusargentatus)产卵高峰期主要出现在5月,银鲴(Xenocyprisargentea)、鳊(Parabramispekinensis)、赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbuscurriculus)以及“四大家鱼”则主要出现在6月.研究表明,峡江水利枢纽运行后,邻近峡江水利枢纽的巴邱“四大家鱼”产卵场消失,但其下游的仁和、新干产卵场保存较完整,在离坝较远的大洋洲镇江段新调查到一处“四大家鱼”产卵场.建议开展生态调度及增殖放流活动,以保护赣江鱼类资源.  相似文献   
Mystus gulio, the long whiskers catfish, is a popular food fish and potential candidate species for aquaculture in Sundarban area of India and Bangladesh. Recently, catch of this species has declined due to overfishing and various ecological changes. In the present study, mature fish was induced to spawn in captivity through intramuscular injection of human chorionic gonadotropin at the doses of 10 IU/g to female and 5 IU/g to male. Photomicrographs of all developmental stages of live embryo and larvae were documented with the aid of a light microscope. Results demonstrated that morula, blastula, gastrula and neurula and organogenesis ended at 1:30‐, 3:00‐, 5:30‐, 7:30‐ and 17:15‐hour post‐spawning (hps) respectively. Heartbeat and muscular contraction of embryo commenced at 8:30 and 11.15 hps respectively. Hatching of embryo started after an incubation period of 17:30 hour at an ambient temperature of 29 ± 1°C. The newly hatched larvae measured 2.17 ± 0.29 mm in total length with a yolk volume of 0.165 ± 0.03 mm3 started feeding 36 hr after hatching. The present study, on induced breeding and chronological development of M. gulio embryo, will have significant implications on conservation and seed production for aquaculture.  相似文献   
Upstream counts of adult salmon in a tributary to the River Dee during autumn and winter were examined over a 13‐year period using an optical fish counter. Statistical analysis indicated that salmon were mainly primed to enter the tributary at a particular time of year, peaking at early December. However, environmental factors also had a large influence. Entry of salmon was initiated by high flow rates in the main stem of the River Dee. Increases in water level in the tributary itself were not needed to stimulate the entry of salmon. Moreover, a change in flow from 1 day to the next did not result in a response from salmon. Rather, they reacted only after more than a day of flow increase. There was no consistent threshold level of flow that triggered tributary entry. The upstream passage of salmon was reduced at low temperatures (below 3°C). The numbers of salmon migrating upstream showed a gradual increase as the temperatures increased up to 11°C, and then sharply decreased at higher temperatures. Female salmon migrated earlier by about 2 weeks on average than males. Increasingly, counters and traps are being installed on spawning tributaries to examine the state of salmon stocks. Caution should be exercised, however, in using upstream entry data from individual tributaries to provide an overall assessment of salmon abundance, as local conditions in the tributaries may affect the salmon counts in particular years.  相似文献   
黄渤海蓝点马鲛繁殖群体渔业生物学特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用2016年4-5月、2017年4月在黄、渤海调查采集的350尾蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)繁殖群体的生物学数据,对该繁殖群体的生物学特征进行了分析研究。结果表明:该繁殖群体的叉长范围为406~1010 mm,体重范围为533~7245 g,年龄组成为1~10龄,其中1龄与2龄个体分别占总数的39.2%与33.7%。采用Von Bertalanffy生长方程表示其生长特性,生长参数分别为L_∞=1246.9mm,K=0.11;雌雄性比为1:1.49,3龄前雄性个体数占优势,3龄后雌性个体数占优势。蓝点马鲛的产卵期在4~6月,产卵盛期为4~5月;其绝对繁殖力范围为9.2~127.5万粒/尾,平均50.5万粒/尾;绝对繁殖力随着年龄、叉长的上升逐渐增大,7龄后出现衰退现象。蓝点马鲛的优势饵料生物为玉筋鱼(Ammodytes personatus)、细鳌虾(Leptochela gracilis)。与历史记录比较,蓝点马鲛低龄化、小型化现象更加突出,摄食结构改变,繁殖期提前,繁殖力水平有减小的趋势。  相似文献   
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