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以‘上野’温州蜜柑为试材,研究了加温促成栽培柑橘果实成熟期间着色变化与糖、酸积累特性及加温起始时间对柑橘物候期变化的影响。结果表明,12月13日加温可使柑橘1月开花,6月下旬成熟,比露地栽培成熟期提早4个月以上;加温延迟,物候期相应推迟。加温促成栽培柑橘果实的色差值随果实成熟而上升,但成熟时色差a*和b*值都比露地成熟果实低。促成栽培柑橘果实可溶性固形物和糖分含量随果实成熟而上升,可滴定酸与有机酸含量随果实成熟而下降。促成栽培的柑橘果实以积累果糖为主,其次为葡萄糖,蔗糖含量最低,不到总糖含量的1/3。加温促成栽培柑橘着色不良与糖分构成的改变可能与果实成熟期间所处的高温环境有关。  相似文献   

Finding sustainable land-use systems within the Panama Canal Watershed will be necessary for future management by the Panamanian government. Agroforestry is a land-use option for small-scale farmers living within the Watershed that can help achieve the goals of both conservation and productivity. This case study qualitatively evaluates current agroforestry projects in the Canal Watershed using an analytical framework based on other evaluations of agroforestry systems in Central America. Designated criteria for the analysis include: management objectives, project life span, incentives, technology, economic feasibility, community involvement, and extension. These factors can present obstacles to wide-scale adoption of agroforestry systems by small-scale farmers, thus preventing the realization of associated benefits of agroforestry. The analysis of the three field sites visited in March 1998 is followed by recommendations for expanding agroforestry practices among farmers in the Watershed.  相似文献   
Nanomaterials and particularly silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have increased great interest in many fields of science. The element may affect plant growth and development but so far research studies have been scarce and their results disparate. Tulip is one of the most important ornamental plants and its production technology is constantly being improved. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of AgNPs on growth and yield attributes of tulip cv. ‘Pink Impression’. Before planting, the tulip ‘Pink Impression’ bulbs were soaked in the following concentrations of AgNPs: 25, 50, 100 and 150?mg?L-1. Control bulbs were soaked in deionized water. The plants were forced in a greenhouse for two growing seasons. The tulips treated with 100?mg?L?1 AgNPs flowered earlier, had longer cut-flower stem, larger petals, greater stem diameter and cut-flower fresh weight. Moreover, at this concentration of AgNPs, they showed increased leaf greenness index (SPAD), stomatal conductance, root fresh weight, root length and produced daughter bulbs of the greatest weight. The study outcomes indicate that AgNPs may be used as plant growth promoters in horticulture.  相似文献   
小型制粒机喂料器参数优化与试验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用离散元法EDEM对喂料器的工作过程进行了数值模拟,定量研究了喂料过程中喂料量的变化规律以及由于物料受螺旋叶片终止断面的影响,产生不稳定、不均匀的"脉动"喂料现象,此现象在转速较低的情况下尤其明显。以主轴直径X1、螺距X2和喂料转速X3为因素,以喂料质量流率Y1、稳定性Y2和出料口落料速度Y3为评价指标,按照3因素5水平正交旋转组合设计试验方法,利用Design-Expert 8.0.6软件回归分析法和响应面分析法,建立了3个因素下喂料评价指标的数学模型。通过与研制的喂料器的实际运送情况进行对比,验证了模型的可靠性。结果表明,3个因素相对喂料质量流率和流率稳定性都具有显著相关性,显著水平分别为P0.01和P0.05,而这3个因素与出料口落料速度无明显相关性;采用响应面法对最佳参数组寻优,得到喂料器的最佳参数组合:轴径为35 mm、螺距为57 mm、转速为139(°)/s,喂料器喂料量波动性减小、喂料稳定性得到提高。采用该参数组的虚拟试验结果显示,喂料器质量流率为13.89 g/s,稳定性为8.46 g/s。实体样机验证试验表明:采用该参数组设计的喂料器可以使得小型环模制粒机的喂料质量流率提高4.28%,喂料变异系数降低16.11%。  相似文献   
为了提高中国轻小型喷灌机组的技术水平,全面分析中国轻小型喷灌机组的研究现状和未来的发展趋势.轻小型喷灌机组是中国应用比较广泛的一种喷灌机具,在农田灌溉、排涝抗旱及生态环境建设等方面发挥着较为重要的作用.经过40多年的发展,中国的轻小型喷灌机组已经具有多种机组型式,可满足各种地形条件、投资水平及劳动力状况等不同场合应用.目前国产机组的水力性能较好,部分配套件质量达到或超过国外同类产品水平,但产品的可靠性、使用寿命和外观等与国外产品仍存在较大差距.中国农业生产力水平和经济发展状况决定了在未来较长时间内,轻小型喷灌机组在节水灌溉设备行业仍有较高的市场份额.因此,国家应加大扶持力度,支持开展轻小型喷灌机组配套模式、机械化技术、低能耗技术和使用可靠性的开发研究,进一步提高轻小型喷灌机组的技术水平.  相似文献   
Small-scale shrimp-culture is an important livelihood for rural residents in Thua Thien Hue (TTH) province, central Vietnam. However, they are facing the risk of exclusion from the food system due to globalization and trade liberalization. To keep these farmers in modern supply chains, their relationships with other chain actors, foremost the collectors, need to be improved. Thus, this study explores the characteristics and constructs of the relationships between the small-scale shrimp growers and their collectors. Data was based on a survey on 83 small-scale shrimp growers, together with 16 unstructured interviews with growers (10) and collectors (6). It was revealed that the relationships between small-scale shrimp growers and collectors in TTH province are short-term and price-driven and are influenced by the power of collectors. The relationship strength was measured by five intercorrelated constructs including reliability, willingness-to-maintain, desire-fulfilment, negotiation capacity, and discussion capacity. Although some constructs were positively correlated, the strength of the relationships was weak. Both business linkages and social connections affected the grower-collector relationships. Female traders had stronger relationships with collectors than males. Therefore, interventions should be focused on business and social linkages as well as females’ involvement in shrimp trade.  相似文献   
This article presents the use of a stochastic frontier production function to examine the efficiency of resource utilization in pond fish farming in Uganda. The study draws on data from a field survey administered to 200 small-scale fish farmers in three major fish farming districts in Central Uganda: Mukono, Mpigi and Wakiso. The districts were part of a large aquaculture development project funded by the United States Agency for International Development-Aquaculture and Fisheries Collaborative Research Support Program. Productive efficiency was analyzed using stochastic frontier analysis with a translog production function while assuming a truncated-normal distribution for the inefficiency term. The output variable was total quantity of fish produced, while input variables were quantity or value of inputs used in the production process, namely labor, pond size, stocking density, capital and feeds. The estimated index of resource-use efficiency revealed that small-scale farmers were inefficient in resource allocation by over-utilizing labor with an estimated allocative efficiency index of ?0.94 and grossly under-utilized pond size, feeds and fingerlings with allocative efficient indices of 1.15, 1.64, 3.71, respectively. The results suggest that there is considerable scope to expand output and also productivity by increasing production efficiency at the relatively inefficient farms and sustaining the efficiency of those operating at or closer to the frontier.  相似文献   
小型农田水利建设是农业发展的基础条件,是实现农业可持续发展,促进农村经济高效、科学发展的重要条件。通过对吉林省洮南市小型农田水利工程的现状进行分析,探寻其存在的问题,寻找解决的对策建议。  相似文献   
‘Niigata S3’ is a new strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivar that is early flowering and possesses high soluble solid content and good coloration. It was selected from a cross between Kei812 (seed parent) and ‘Asuka-Ruby’ (pollen parent). The first harvest date of ‘Niigata S3’ was December 27, 34 days earlier than ‘Echigohime’ and 9 days earlier than ‘Asuka-Ruby’ (means of 2007 and 2008). The marketable yield of ‘Niigata S3’ was 85% of ‘Echigohime’, 107% of ‘Asuka-Ruby’, while the early yield was 145% of ‘Echigohime’, 85% of ‘Asuka-Ruby’ (based on 2007 and 2008 means). The shape of the fruit is long conical, and its skin color medium-red. The fruit skin hardness of ‘Niigata S3’ was 31.5 g/mm2, which was harder than ‘Echigohime’, and its average soluble solid content was 11.4%, which was higher than the values for ‘Echigohime’ and ‘Asuka-Ruby’ (2008). Furthermore, ‘Niigata S3’ did not bear apical overripe fruit. This new cultivar is adaptable to the climatic conditions of Niigata, as well as other regions that experience low winter temperatures and insolation.  相似文献   
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