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采用斯特鲁普任务范式,检验知觉负载理论是否适用于斯特鲁普效应,研究发现:屏幕中同时呈现6个彩色的颜色词,被试只对红色或者绿色的颜色词命名.在实验一中,需要在6个颜色词中进行视觉搜索(高负载),斯特鲁普效应消失了;在实验二中,增加有效线索,将注意直接集中在目标刺激上(低负载),产生了斯特鲁普效应.证明知觉负载理论也适用于斯特鲁普效应.  相似文献   
研制和采用Ni/海泡石为催化剂,使苯气固相选择加氢为环己烯,分析了此过程的热力学和动力学特性,考察了液苯空速、氢本比、反应和修饰剂对过程的影响规律,确定了苯部分加氢制环己烯的优化条件,修饰剂对选择性中氢有重要影响,以水为修饰剂时,取得卖座经率80%和环己烯选择性37.9%的结果。  相似文献   
认为水稻中可能存在对某些特定环境条件敏感的隐性选择致死基因(slsl),如果将其转育到光温敏核不育系,而将其对应的显性基因(SlSl)转育到其恢复系中,制种时若干敏感期遇到了异常低温,光温敏核不育系将会出现育性反复,而产生一定比例的自交结实种子,此时,即可利用这一特定的环境条件进行处理,不育系自交种子因具备纯合隐性选择致死基因(sls1)而死亡,杂交种子因为是杂合体(Slsl),故能正常存活。如此即可保证杂交种子的纯度。还提出了筛选和利用隐性药剂选择致死基因(csl)和隐性温度选择致死基因(tsl)的方法和程序。  相似文献   
降雨强度和坡度对东北黑土区顺坡垄体溅蚀特征的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
坡耕地溅蚀特征研究可揭示和反映溅蚀的发生和发展机理,而以往研究大多在无垄作坡面进行,较少涉及顺坡垄体。为此,该研究基于野外人工模拟降雨试验,设计3个降雨强度(30、60和90 mm/h)和2个坡度(3°、5°),研究降雨强度和坡度对典型黑土(Mollisol)农田顺坡垄体溅蚀量、溅蚀过程和溅蚀分选特征的影响。研究结果表明:当降雨强度由30 mm/h增加到90 mm/h时,总溅蚀量增加2.5~17.9倍。当坡度由3°增大到5°时,总溅蚀量增加30.52%~74.08%。当降雨强度为30和60 mm/h时,总溅蚀率随降雨历时呈迅速减小-缓慢减小-波动稳定的趋势。当降雨强度为90 mm/h时,总溅蚀率随降雨历时呈迅速增加-迅速减小-波动稳定的趋势。整体而言,总溅蚀量随降雨强度和坡度的增加呈幂函数关系。各试验处理下,溅蚀分选水稳性团聚体中均以<1 mm粒级的团聚体为主,平均占总量的79.01%,以0.5~1 mm粒级最多,2~5 mm粒级最少,分别占总量的32.94%和3.36%。30和60 mm/h降雨强度下,分别为<0.25和<2 mm的各粒级团聚体在降雨后期达到波动稳定,其中<0.25 mm的团聚体均呈迅速降低-缓慢降低-波动稳定的变化趋势。90 mm/h降雨强度下,1~5和<0.25 mm各粒级团聚体均呈线性平稳变化,其中<0.25 mm的团聚体呈线性减少趋势。研究可为东北黑土区水蚀防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   
观察次生韧皮部筛管分子发育过程中原生质组分的变化,对于研究筛管的生理功能具有重要作用.该文以美洲黑杨为实验材料,在电子显微镜下观察研究了次生韧皮部筛管发育过程.根据筛管细胞结构和原生质组分的系列变化,可将筛管发育过程划分为未成熟期、成熟期和衰退期.未成熟期是指筛管液泡膜破裂之前筛管的发育阶段,在这一时期内出现了细胞的径向扩展、壁的增厚以及筛管质体和P蛋白质的产生.成熟期是筛管原生质组分发生选择性自溶,形成成熟筛管的阶段,以液胞膜的裂解作为分化开始的标志.在此时期内,筛管内的游离核糖体、高尔基体、内质网、细胞核等细胞器迅速解体消失.细胞核的降解存在两种截然不同的方式:①核膜早期降解,核质呈弥散状,这种弥散状的核质与由P蛋白质构成的电子致密物相连;②染色质早期凝聚,后期核物质几乎完全降解,但核膜依然非常清晰.筛管衰退期以质膜开始解体作为标志.此时筛管质体的被膜裂解,淀粉类物质分散在筛管腔内,而线粒体是筛管内较迟降解的细胞器.后期筛板上产生胼胝质,筛管内P蛋白质解体.在筛管原生质完全降解消失后,筛板处的胼胝质自溶,最后形成具开放筛孔的筛板,至此筛管完全失去功能.   相似文献   
二氢吡啶二羧酸合成酶(DHDPS)是赖氨酸生物合成途径的关键酶,探讨DHDPS在不同植物中所受到的选择压力及其功能分歧,以期为阐明赖氨酸积累的分子机制奠定基础,并为植物逆境适应性研究提供线索。利用模式植物基因组数据库,通过生物信息学手段,鉴定并获得水稻、拟南芥和大豆等11个物种的DHDPS基因的核酸和蛋白全序列;利用Clustal X、PAML和DIVERGE等工具剖析了21条DHDPS基因的序列、功能分歧、选择压力及进化关系,并计算了相关参数。系统进化树揭示了植物DHDPS基因能被划分为5个类群,其中,杨树的2个DHDPS蛋白单独形成了E类群,剩余的4个类群至少包括2个物种的DHDPS蛋白。基于位点模型的选择压力检测显示,M8模型虽然能签定出正选择位点,但这些位点均未达到显著水平,说明植物DHDPS基因主要受控于纯净选择。类群间功能分歧研究显示:类群之间存在Ⅰ型功能分歧,不存在Ⅱ型功能分歧;总共鉴定了273个功能分歧位点,其中,Ⅰ型功能分歧位点214个,Ⅱ型功能分歧位点59个;似然比检测表明,Ⅰ型功能分歧位点均达到显著水平,但Ⅱ型功能分歧位点均不显著。因此,在长期进化过程中,DHDPS基因类群间发生Ⅰ型功能分化,同时,单个类群内纯净选择起着主导作用。  相似文献   
This study was aimed to screen the selection signatures on autosome of Tibetan goats and discover genes with important germplasm characteristics.Based on the Illumina 50K chip genotyping data of Tibetan goats,Xinjiang goats and Taihang goats,high quality SNP markers were obtained after filtering out SNPs with low allele frequency and not located.The genetic structure was analyzed by genetic differentiation coefficients (Fst).Meanwhile,the principal component analysis (PCA) and phylogenetic tree construction were conducted to determine the population structure.The selected genes in Tibetan goats were also identified through genome selective signals testing,which contained Di and XP-EHH with top 5% valued as a significant threshold.To identify the genes that were under selection,bioinformatics databases were examined that contained relevant data on goats.The results showed that 48 358 SNPs were identified in these three populations.Population genetic analysis showed that the three groups had similar genetic distance (Fst<0.05),but the degree of genetic differentiation of Tibetan goats (Fst=0.0376) was significantly higher than that of Xinjiang goats (Fst=0.0256) and Taihang goats (Fst=0.0257),indicating that Tibetan goats breed had already generated a certain degree of genetic differentiation.Based on these SNPs,36 SNPs and 211 genes were identified in Tibetan goats by Fst and XP-EHH.Among them,EGFR,AKT1,PDHB and PFKP genes were related to high altitude adaptation.These genes were found to be mainly enriched in purine metabolism pathway,metabolic pathway and HIF-1 signaling pathway.In conclusion,the genomic SNPs had more advantage in revealing the selection of Tibetan goats in high-altitude adaptability,and provided new theoretical references for the protection and utilization of germplasm resources.  相似文献   
基于骨架点的矮化密植枣树三维点云自动配准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现枣园的自动化管理,针对枣树自动化选择性冬剪作业要求,需要重建出矮化密植无叶枣树枝干的三维模型。利用2台固定的Azure Kinect DK深度相机搭建获取枣树点云信息的三维重建系统平台,然后把系统平台逆时针旋转55°获取同一棵枣树的另一帧三维点云信息。为了自动完成2帧点云的配准,提出了基于骨架点的枣树点云配准方法:首先利用FPFH特征描述子计算骨架点的特征向量,并采用SAC-IA(采样一致性)算法对2个视角下的枣树骨架点云进行初始匹配;其次利用经典的ICP算法对初始位姿进行优化;最终只采用2个视角下的点云重建枣树枝干的三维模型。实验对比了在3种典型自然环境下(晴天、阴天、夜间)枣树点云的配准精度和配准时间,结果表明:晴天时对采集系统有一定的影响,使得配准后的枣树枝干有部分不完整;阴天和夜间对采集系统影响小,能够重建出完整的枣树枝干;相对于阴天和夜间,晴天时,枣树点云配准耗时最少,为0.09s,而配准误差最大,其拟合分数为0.00029;阴天时,枣树点云配准时间介于晴天和夜间之间,为0.12s,而此时配准误差最小,其拟合分数为0.00011;夜间配准误差介于晴天和阴天,且此时配准时间最长,为0.16s。  相似文献   
Pig production contributes to environmental pollution through excretion of phosphorus and nitrogenous compounds. European pig production requires annual imports of currently 36 million tons of soya bean, because domestic plant protein sources often do not meet the required protein quality. Most of the mineral phosphate sources are also imported. It is therefore desirable to improve nutrient deposition efficiency through selective breeding, that is to realise similar growth rates and carcass compositions as currently achieved but with a lower intake of dietary crude protein or phosphate. For a preliminary evaluation of the potential of selecting for increased nutrient deposition efficiency, we estimated genetic parameters for nitrogen and phosphorus efficiencies in a Swiss Large White pig population including 294 individuals. Nutrient efficiency phenotypes were obtained from wet-chemistry analyses of pigs of various live weights. Heritability of nitrogen efficiency was estimated at 41%. Heritability of phosphorus efficiency was very low (0.3%), but positive genetic correlations with nitrogen efficiency suggest that breeding for nitrogen efficiency would positively affect phosphorus efficiency. Further studies are needed to improve the quality of estimates and to obtain accurate high-throughput measures of nutrient efficiency to be implemented on farms.  相似文献   
A breeding program for Sydney rock oysters Saccostrea glomerata (Gould, 1850) has been selecting oysters for resistance to QX disease (Marteilia sydneyi) and winter mortality (Bonamia roughleyi) for three generations at three sites in Georges River, New South Wales, Australia. The experimental sites are located at the upper, middle and lower reaches of oyster growing areas in the estuary. QX disease mainly occurs in the middle and upper reaches and is most severe at the latter. Winter mortality on the other hand occurs mainly at the lower and middle reaches and is most severe at the former. Progeny of third‐generation Sydney rock oyster breeding lines were evaluated for resistance to both QX disease and winter mortality against a non‐selected control. Line 1, selected for QX disease resistance at the upper estuary site, had excellent resistance to one season of exposure to disease, but suffered high mortality during the second season of exposure. However, these oysters had already reached market size of 50 g whole weight, with low mortality at 2 years of age, before the second episode of QX disease. Line 2 showed good improvement in resistance to both diseases, whereas Line 3, was the most resistant to winter mortality. Selection for resistance to QX disease did not appear to confer resistance to winter mortality and the converse also applied.  相似文献   
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