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Sea trout, Salmo trutta L., populations in the Slupia River basin have been affected by mass stocking with smolts and fry. This work is focused on a small‐scale differentiation in sea trout populations from one basin with a strong emphasis on the relationship between wild and hatchery origin fish. A total of 216 sea trout were genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Global FST obtained by amova was low at 0.0165. Pairwise FST were significant for all tests except wild and stocked adults. The highest pairwise difference was found between the hatchery sample and Kwacza (FST = 0.038). Analysis of the genetic structure revealed micro‐geographical differentiation with four subpopulations. The quality of the artificial spawning was found not to be adequate with a high risk of adverse effects to the whole population. All future stocking actions in the basin should consider the existing population structures.  相似文献   
We report the presence of striped marlin larvae in coastal waters of the mouth of the Gulf of California, collected during seven oceanographic cruises during 1990 to 1993. From 169 sampled stations, 30 produced a total of 68 larvae of 2.4–30.5 mm total length. Most of the larvae were about 3 mm, indicating a recent spawn. The sea surface temperature at the sampled stations ranged from 19.4°C to 32.0°C, but larvae were caught at stations with temperatures between 27.8°C and 31.5°C. These results clarify the existence of a spawning area of striped marlin in the eastern Pacific, located closer to the coast than previously believed, during several months of the year.  相似文献   
为了寻找一种简易的泥鳅催产方法。浸泡催产激素有绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)、促黄体素释放激素类似物(LHRH-A2)和地欧酮(DOM),以HCG250 IU+LHRH-A22 μg+DOM1 mg/尾为基本剂量(X),食盐作为浸泡助渗剂,食用色拉油为消泡剂。分别进行不同浸泡时间、浓度和盐度的泥鳅催产试验。累计激素浸泡催产种鳅13.987 kg,900尾,获受精卵80.218万粒,其催产率在0%~100%,平均催产率为34.66%;得泥鳅水花苗71.42万尾。孵化率为在45.6%~93.3%之间,孵化率平均值为81.21%。激素浸泡催产率高达80.0%,激素浸泡催产获得泥鳅受精卵的孵化率和注射激素催产获受精卵的孵化率差别不大,说明利用激素浸泡泥鳅催产方便省时,是一种有前途的新方法。浸泡催产激素有绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)、促黄体素释放激素类似物(LHRH-A2)和地欧酮(DOM),按照HCG250IU+LHRH-A22μg+DOM1mg/尾基本剂量(X);食盐为浸泡助渗剂,食用色拉油为消泡剂。2011年6月15日至20日,笔者分别进行不同浸泡时间、浓度和盐度的泥鳅催产试验。累计激素浸泡催产种鳅13.987kg,900尾,获受精卵84.826万粒,其催产率在 0.00%~80.0%,得泥鳅水花苗71.42万尾。孵化率为在45.6%~93.3%之间,孵化率平均值为81.21%。  相似文献   
Goldfish,Carassius auratus, spawn several times within a spawning season. A gonadotropin (GtH) surge occurs at the time of ovulation in this cyprinid species. This ovulatory GtH surge mediates the processes of final oocyte maturation and ovulation, and occurs at the end of each spawning cycle. Within a cycle, there is a shift in the predominant plasma steroid from estradiol to testosterone, and finally 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one at the time of the ovulatory GtH surge. High levels of testosterone were always observed before ovulation. When ovariectomized or sexually regressed female goldfish were implanted with testosterone, they exhibited a GtH surge which was similar to those normally observed at ovulation. These results strongly suggest that elevated plasma testosterone is an important physiological requirement for the occurrence of the GtH surge.  相似文献   
长江上游白鲟幼鱼形态发育和产卵场的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1989年3月至1991年6月对长江重庆江段19尾白鲟(体长480~1148mm)的形态、生长和食性进行了分析及年龄鉴定。结果表明,幼鲟生长较快,身体各部分增长不一致,眼径、吻须增长较慢。其体长(BL)、体重(W)的关系式为:W=5.2119×10-6BL2.9271。白鲟为肉食性鱼类,体长约647mm的幼鲟主要摄食小型鲤科鱼类。葛洲坝截流后,长江上游白鲟产卵场未变,种群数量有所回升。  相似文献   
黄海玉筋鱼繁殖习性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999~2004年来,对黄海玉筋鱼渔场变动进行了全年跟踪调查。产卵期对沿海小型流动渔具及定置张网渔业进行了调查,研究其繁殖习性。研究结果表明,在黄海35N°以北近海,存在着范围很广的玉筋鱼产卵场,主要产卵场有3处,各自相互隔离。本文主要以北部产卵场为重点,开展该鱼繁殖习性的研究。北部产卵场玉筋鱼产卵盛期为11月,Ⅳ~V期卵巢内相同卵径的频率分布十分集中,为明显的单峰型,属一次性产卵类型。1龄玉筋鱼95%以上性成熟,作为小型鱼种,个体绝对生殖力很高,纯重在1.8~13.8g、体长在90~200mm,个体绝对生殖力一般在0.60~4.20×104粒,个体生殖力随年龄增长而增长。玉筋鱼群体组成简单,生殖群体最高仅为3龄,以1~2龄为主,年度发生量有波动,但不大。过度利用剩余群体以及对幼鱼的破坏,已导致了北部及西部产卵场的发生量连年锐减,实现可持续利用这一资源也是该项研究的重要目的之一。  相似文献   
Abstract –  We studied the migratory behaviour of armado, Pterodoras granulosus , in the Paraná River Basin of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, during 1997–2005. This species invaded the Upper Paraná River after upstream dispersal was facilitated when Itaipu Reservoir inundated a natural barrier. Fish were tagged ( N  = 8051) in the mainstems of the Yacyreta and Itaipu reservoirs, bays of major tributaries, the Paraná River floodplain above Itaipu Reservoir, and below dams. In all, 420 fish were recaptured of which 61% moved away from the release area. Fish moved a maximum of 215 km (mean 42), and at a maximum rate of 9.4 km·day−1 (mean 0.6). Of the 256 armados that moved away from the release site, 145 moved upstream towards unimpounded stretches of the Paraná River and 111 moved downstream into the reservoir and bays of its tributaries (maximum 150 km). Based on the observed migratory movements, we suspect that most of the reproductive output originates in tributaries to the reservoirs. The ability of this species to expand its range presents a conundrum by pitting fishery management interests against conservation needs. Maintenance of the important armado fisheries depends on the ability of the species to migrate freely to use spawning and nursery areas in reservoir tributaries and floodplains. However, its ability to migrate long distances can allow this non-native species the opportunity to invade most of the Upper Paraná River.  相似文献   
The levels of free fatty acid (FFA), monoglyceride (MG), diglyceride (DG), triglyceride (TG), phospholipid (PL), free cholesterol (CF) and esterified cholesterol (CE) were measured in the liver, plasma, ovary, abdominal fat and muscle during different phases of the annual reproductive cycle in femaleClarias batrachus. During the preparatory phase, hepatic lipogenic activity predominated over mobilization and consumption. In the prespawning season, an increased hepatic lipogenic activity was maintained, but lipids were transferred from the liver to the ovary. In the spawning phase, the diminished food intake, and enhanced caloric demand for spawning behaviour and activity limited hepatic lipogenic activity, and TG lypolysis was increased as was the production of more FFA. Maximum accumulation of vitellogenin, as reflected by maximum rise in ovarian PL titre was characteristic of this phase. Marked reductions in ovarian lipid occurred during the postspawning phase. In the resting phase, there was a recovery of lipogenic activity, but PL synthesis was still inhibited. In contrast to other investigated teleosts, there were extremely high level of FFA in liver, plasma, ovary and muscle throughout the annual reproductive cycle inC. batrachus. FFA appears to be the main lipid metabolite which had a very high turnover. As evidenced by the high TG content, abdominal fat seems to be the main fat depot, not the liver and muscle.Correspondent author  相似文献   
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