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对呼伦贝尔黄花苜蓿进行区域试验研究结果表明:呼伦贝尔黄花苜蓿在各试验点种植均表现出较强的适应性,鲜草和千草产量与对照品种肇东苜蓿接近,3个试验点3年平均鲜草产量为33865.6kg/hm^2,干草产量为9146.2kg/hm^2,分别比对照的肇东苜蓿低0.6%和3.2%。方差分析表明二者无显著差异,具有良好的丰产性和持久性,对呼伦贝尔高寒地区严酷的自然条件具有很强的适应性,适宜在我国北方高寒地区大面积推广种植。  相似文献   
试验选用360只健康1日龄艾维茵肉仔鸡(公、母混养),采用2×2×3三因子析因化设计,将360只试验雏鸡随机分成12组,每组设3个重复,每个重复10只鸡。锌的添加浓度为50、100mg/kg,铁的添加浓度为30、60mg/kg,维生素A的添加浓度为1500、3000、6000IU/kg。测定了肉仔鸡血清、肝脏谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性,过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、铜锌超氧化物歧化(酶CuZn-SOD)活性,丙二醛(MDA)含量,以此来研究不同水平的锌、铁、维生素A同时添加,三者在肉仔鸡血清、肝脏抗氧化功能方面的互作效应。结果表明:锌、铁与维生素A三者互作对提高肉仔鸡血清CuZn-SOD活性影响极显(著P<0.01),对提高肉仔鸡肝脏GSH-Px活性和降低MDA含量影响极显(著P<0.01)。这说明锌、铁、维生素A三者之间在肉仔鸡抗氧化方面存在协同效应。  相似文献   
辛亥革命肇始,中国思想文化多元的局面得以形成,并造就了沈从文文艺创作的辉煌。北伐战争、抗日战争、解放战争、反右斗争和文化大革命等诸次重大社会变局有着深刻的国内国际背景,所形成的社会政治生态使20世纪中国思想文化领域多数时间呈现出由多元向单一的走向。特定的社会政治生态使自由知识分子逐渐边沿化乃至于消失。沈从文创作理念、艺术风格与主流文艺标准的冲突过程以及挣扎沉浮的人生轨迹,显示出20世纪中国自由知识分子一个时代的缩影。沈从文个体经历折射出的普遍意义,或可为中国现当代文学史研究作出可供参考的注脚。  相似文献   
对驴驴蒿草原三个草地型(驴驴蒿型,驴驴蒿—红砂型,驴驴蒿+珍珠型)的土壤水盐动态及其与牧草产量的关系进行了研究。结果表明:土壤水分变化受雨量的影响具有阶段性。随着土壤深度的增加,土壤含水量随时间的变化而变小。土壤各层内,春季含水量相近,并呈下降趋势,夏季变化大,秋冬则随土壤深度增加而增加,趋向稳定。盐分随水分而移动,其含量基本上随土壤深度的增加而增加。牧草产量的变化与土壤水分的变化具有“一致性”。在驴驴蒿型和驴驴蒿—红砂型中,驴驴蒿的绝对生长量与0~40cm内各土层的含水量呈显著的正相关,并建立了产量预测模型。  相似文献   
将患有蹄病的奶牛按病情严重程度分为三级,每级选12头,将36头牛随机分为4组,每组9头。第一组为对照组,第二组每头牛日粮中添加35%石粉18g,第三组每头牛日粮中添加硫酸锌1.2g,第四组每头牛日粮中同时添加35%石粉18g和硫酸锌1.2g。同样护理,每周对试验牛群进行修蹄或换药。经过一个月的治疗,第一组治愈1头、有效3头、无效5头;第二组治愈2头、有效6头、无效1头;第三组治愈3头、有效4头、无效2头;第四组治愈7头、有效2头、无效0头。经卡方检验,除第二、三组差异不显著外,其他各组之间差异显著。结果表明,在日粮中适量提高钙、锌含量,对奶牛蹄病有良好的预防和治疗作用。  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: Assessing patients' quality of life (QOL) is a core part of clinical decision making. Various methodologies for assessing patients' QOL have been developed in human medicine and small animal veterinary disciplines. In contrast, the lack of aids for QOL assessment in equine veterinary practice leaves practitioners reliant on subjective assessments of QOL, which may be prone to avoidable errors. Objectives: This paper suggests pragmatic ways in which QOL may be enhanced, while remaining appropriate for the time, financial and owner‐based constraints within equine practice. Methods: Through interdisciplinary research, this paper identifies, adapts and applies insights from several areas of research and practical experience in order to develop an overarching approach to making QOL‐based decisions in clinical cases. Results: The paper identifies 6 steps involved in QOL‐based decision making and provides examples of how these steps may be practically applied. These include deciding what each clinician feels is important; deciding how to evaluate it, including taking owners' views into consideration; making decisions about each case and achieving the desired clinical outcomes. Conclusions: Practitioners can draw their own conclusions on how they may improve QOL assessment in practice and may usefully share these with colleagues. Reporting cases and sharing practical examples of QOL tools used on the ground are vital to the development of this field and appropriate methodologies. Potential relevance: Improvements in QOL assessment are relevant to all areas of equine veterinary practice, and several areas of research. Further research may develop QOL assessment in practice, but more important are the personal improvements that each practitioner may achieve. See also correspondence by Grove  相似文献   
In 283 dairy cows suffering from internal disorders the serum proteins were studied by agarose gel electrophoresis supplemented by total protein and albumin determinations. The clinical diagnoses could be grouped according to protein pattern. Group 1 (abomasal displacement and traumatic muscle injury) did not appreciably affect the serum protein concentrations and represented primarily non-inflammatory diseases or diseases of non-infectious origin. Group 2 (leukosis) occupied an exceptional position, with heavy lowering of albumin unaccompanied by a corresponding rise of total globulin. The γ-globulin concentration was significantly lowered. Group 3 (acute traumatic peritonitis) represented an acute inflammatory process with increase chiefly of the α-globulins, while the γ-globulin concentration was normal. Group 4 (chronic traumatic peritonitis, summer mastitis, chronic subclinical mastitis, chronic laminitis and polyarthritis, urinary tract infection, abscess, and sub-acute-chronic pneumonia) comprised diseases chiefly of chronic inflammatory character and with infectious origin. Especially characteristic was the heavy rise of globulins in general and of γ-globulin in particular. In most cases there was a large increase also of the α- and p-globulin fractions.  相似文献   
为了改造低产桑园、建立密植高产桑园,研究建立了提高压条苗生产效率的压条苗甲醛处理法,研究结果表明压条苗甲醛处理的生根数比环割处理增加130%,比非环割增加190%;压条苗甲醛处理的新根的生长比环割处理高1.5倍,比非环割处理高1.3倍;成苗率也是压条苗甲醛处理最好。该方法是一种高效成苗的方法。  相似文献   
草地畜牧业是江河源区主要的生产方式,也是人类生产活动影响这一地区生态环境演变的主要方式,在系统回顾和总结江河源区畜牧业经济发展的历史过程的基础上,提出畜牧业对环境的作用主要取决于游牧空间、畜群数量、畜群结构、草地的自我恢复能力,建立江河源区草地畜牧业对其生态环境演变作用的机理模型,利用该模型对畜牧业发展过程中出现的游牧和固定放牧2种模式对区域生态环境的演变进行了定性分析.  相似文献   
本文分析了青藏高原东缘高寒湿地在全年放牧、冬季放牧和全年禁牧3种放牧模式下土壤理化性质的变化,探讨其在不同土层深度的变化及季节性动态。结果如下:1)沿着全年禁牧—冬季放牧—全年放牧3种放牧模式,土壤表层(0~15 cm)及下层(15~30 cm)的土壤含水量和有机碳含量显著减小。2)土壤含水量、有机碳、全氮、全磷和速效氮含量均随土层深度的增加而降低,而速效磷表现为无规律。3)3种放牧模式下表层土壤有机碳含量均为:9月>5月>7月;全氮和全磷含量一般都在9月份较高,而速效氮和速效磷含量9月份最低,每种放牧模式下它们之间的具体差异也不完全相同。4)除5月份,两个土层土壤全氮含量均与有机碳含量呈极显著正相关。综上,全年放牧模式加快了土壤中C、N、P的周转,使土壤养分输出量增加,进而导致土壤肥力下降,草地退化。  相似文献   
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