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试验结果表明,虫情测报灯对茶树鳞翅目(尺蠖蛾科、斑蛾科、鹿蛾科、卷叶蛾科、细蛾科、蓑蛾科、豹蠹蛾科、毒蛾科、剌蛾科、螟蛾科、镰蛾科等)、鞘翅目(金龟甲科、天牛科等)、直翅目(蝗虫科、蝼蛄科、蟋蟀科等)、同翅目(叶蝉科、蛾蜡蝉科)、等翅目具有良好的诱集作用,初步明确了白蚁、金龟甲、卷叶蛾类、茶银尺蠖、茶尺蠖、油桐尺蠖、茶斑蛾、茶鹿蛾、茶白纹螟、黑跗眼天牛、茶天牛、红翅天牛等害虫的灯下年消长规律,其中部分害虫的发生规律和世代数与文献记录存在差异。LED红光杀虫灯对昆虫没有诱集作用,蓝光杀虫灯诱虫能力强于紫光杀虫灯,其中,紫光杀虫灯诱集鳞翅目能力强于蓝光杀虫灯,诱集茶树鞘翅目害虫和天敌的能力也强于蓝光杀虫灯,而蓝光杀虫灯诱集半翅目、双翅目、同翅目和蜉蝣目昆虫的能力则比紫光杀虫灯强,频振灯除了诱集中性昆虫(蚊虫和蜉蝣)的能力比蓝光杀虫灯差外,对茶树害虫和天敌的诱集能力均大大优于紫光杀虫灯和蓝光杀虫灯,尤其对天敌有很强的杀伤力。而且,频振灯的诱虫谱比紫光杀虫灯和蓝光杀虫灯更宽。  相似文献   
为了寻求白浆土大豆最佳群体结构,改善大豆生长发育动态,提高白浆土大豆单产水平,选用品种、密度、行距3因素3水平正交试验设计(正交表采用L9(34)),对不同群体结构对白浆土大豆产量及生长发育的影响进行研究。结果表明:品种(F=43.63>F0.01=18.00)和密度(F=18.03>F0.01=18.00)均达到极显著水平,行距(F=9.28>F0.05=6.94)达到显著水平,各因素以选用半矮秆品种‘合农60’、密度55株/m2、行距17 cm组合群体产量最高。群体株高和倒伏主要由品种基因型决定,LAI和干重主要受密度、品种遗传特性影响,其次是行距;‘合农60号’植株矮、节间短、秆强、抗倒伏,尽管个体性状较差,但群体性状较好。  相似文献   
为了解贵州野生扇脉杓兰原生境植被物种的数量和种类,为其群落的动态监测、保护野生扇脉杓兰的遗传资源提供参考,运用线路调查和样地调查相结合的方法,对贵州省道真县大沙河省级自然保护区的野生扇脉杓兰植物资源以及境内伴生物种进行了多样性调查.结果表明:大沙河省级自然保护区扇脉杓兰原生境有植物89种、分属59科.按乔木层、灌木层和草本层进行分类,乔木有13种,分属10科;灌木层有57种,分属32科;草本层有19种,分属17科.扇脉杓兰原生境的物种数总体表现为草本层极少、乔木层较少、灌木层为主的特征,其中灌木层又以忍冬科植物为主,蔷薇科植物其次.  相似文献   
为寻求与稻米加工品质相关的QTL,为分子标记辅助选择(MAS)培育优质水稻新品种提供理论基础.以水稻品种V20B和CPSLO17为亲本,构建150个V20B/CPSLO17重组自交家系(RIL)为作图群体,进行稻米加工品质相关QTL检测及其遗传效应分析.结果表明:根据稻米加工品质性状表型数据,结合SLAF标签构建的分子连锁图谱,运用QTL IciMapping 4.0软件检测到1个糙米率QTL(qBR-1)和1个整精米率QTL(qHR-1).qBR-1(LOD=3.267)对表型变异的解释率为9.77%;qHR-1(LOD=3.356)对表型变异的解释率为8.71%,且这2个QTL等位基因都来自亲本CPSLO17.  相似文献   
Grapevine leafroll‐associated virus 3 (GLRaV‐3; Ampelovirus, Closteroviridae) isolates from Galicia in northwestern Spain were selected to characterize their genetic diversity according to different factors (age, origin, location, variety, etc.). The vines belonged either to local white and red varieties autochthonous to Galicia or to varieties from other Spanish regions but widely used in Galicia. These GLRaV‐3 isolates came from different vineyards in Galicia located in coastal or inner areas. Multiplex RT‐PCR allowed the detection of isolates belonging to groups I, II, III–V and VI. Two genomic regions were studied in the isolates, the HSP70h and the capsid protein, using specific primers that allow the detection of variants from groups I to V. Some possible recombinants could be detected; however, multiple infections with different variants indicated that they were not genuine recombinants. No differences were found in the population structure considering variety or geographical factors. Isolates belonging to four groups were found in the distinct areas surveyed: groups I and II were the most common, followed by groups VI and III, as is the case in the rest of the world. In the same surveys, the presence of insect vectors for GLRaV‐3 was investigated and found lacking in inland areas but present in those with milder climate. Genetic analysis did not support isolation of the GLRaV‐3 isolates in Galicia, suggesting that the uncontrolled exchange of infected vines and/or rootstocks has been a major agent of virus spread.  相似文献   
为扩大小麦突变群体类型,提高目的基因点突变挖掘效率,选用北部冬麦区骨干亲本京411为材料,利用甲基磺酸乙酯(ethyl methylsulfonate,EMS)化学诱变剂构建小麦突变群体,以Wx-A1为候选基因,用TILLING技术检测所创建的突变群体。结果表明,0.90%EMS溶液处理8 h和1.50%EMS溶液处理4 h均能获得较好的损伤效果,致死率分别达到38.47%和56.00%;在此基础上创建了包含867个株系的M2突变群体,在该群体中获得Wx-A1基因的7个点突变,突变密度为1/67.0 kb;其中预测有功能变异的4个错义突变系均可以稳定遗传至下一代,其直链淀粉含量降低2.8%~7.4%。本研究所构建的小麦突变群体可以作为其他目的基因的TILLING检测材料,用于小麦目的基因突变挖掘及功能基因组学研究。  相似文献   
人口、耕地和粮食的协调发展是区域可持续发展的重要保障,也是当今社会的关注热点。以沧州市为研究对象,应用协调度函数模型对沧州市14个县(市)的人口—耕地—粮食系统协调发展度进行综合评价,以确定和识别沧州市2003—2012年该系统的演进态势,研究分析了各区域协调发展关系的时空变异。结果表明:沧州市人口—耕地—粮食系统协调发展水平总体不高,协调发展度D值约为0.52,处于基本协调水平。从时间序列上看,沧州市人口—耕地—粮食系统协调发展水平呈波动起伏变化,无明显规律可循,但总体上呈上升态势。所辖14个县(市)由2003年的以极不协调为主发展为2012年以比较协调和高度协调为主。从空间分布来看,沧州市所辖14个县(市)人口—耕地—粮食系统协调发展水平及年平均增长率均存在显著差异,吴桥县协调发展水平在沧州市始终最高,海兴县最低,协调发展度平均增长率青县最高,为8.60%;吴桥县最低,为0.33%。协调发展水平总体上呈现出西南部最高,中部地区次之,西部再次,东部最低。研究为制定区域粮食安全预警机制,制定差异化三农政策,推动区域内各地区农业生态经济系统的均衡发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Plant Diseases     

Following declining numbers in some areas in the 1980s, Mute Swan numbers have shown a marked increase in recent years. In some areas, such as the Wylye Valley in Wiltshire, this increase has been accompanied by complaints of damage caused to farming and fishing interests. The population dynamics of this population of Mute Swans is described, including its habitat preferences, and these findings are related to possible management options. As the Wylye catchment already receives immigrants from unknown sources, culling and translocation are not appropriate solutions to prevent agricultural damage. A combination of scaring, repellents and the provision of alternative food sources could provide the most successful long‐term management. Whilst different techniques may be needed to resolve the fishing problem, it is considered that integration of selected management options is most likely to provide maximum benefit.  相似文献   

The climate, soil types, vegetation, land use and crops of The Gambia are briefly introduced. The most important weeds are commented on and a checklist of 219 species is appended. Methods of weed control in current use and which are undergoing research and development are described. They include hand cultivations, animal-drawn equipment, herbicides and fallow management. Current training of farmers and agricultural staff is mentioned.  相似文献   

Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is used in a variety of bait formulations to control populations of the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), an introduced pest that seriously damages and threatens primary production and native biota in New Zealand. In cage trials, possums readily ate sublethal baits containing either an estimated LD15 or LD40 dose of cholecalciferol, leading to a depression of appetite that lasted for 7-15 days. When lethal quantities of baits were presented 21-30 days after the initial LD15 or LD40 baits, 40 and 88% of possums survived, respectively, compared with a 21% survival rate among naive possums, and bait consumption was also reduced among survivors of the initial baits. Subsequent switching of the bait base to a gel was partially successful in overcoming bait shyness, killing 40% of one group (formed by pooling the original groups), while switching both the bait type (to gel) and the toxicant (to 1080) resulted in a 63% mortality rate in a second group. By comparison, 95 and 100% of naive groups were killed by cholecalciferol and 1080 gel respectively. Practical measures are identified for both avoiding and overcoming bait shyness based on the use of alternative bait types and toxicants.  相似文献   
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