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辣椒若干性状的相关及通径分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
对辣椒的13个杂种一代及其16个亲本的总产量等16个性状进行分析,结果表明,辣椒的总产量与早期产量及果实胎座宽度呈显著正相关,与干物质含量呈显著负相关;单果重与胎座宽度及果肉厚度呈显著正相关,与单株果数呈显著负相关。株高与播种至花期天数,始花节位与播种至花期天数及维生素C含量与果实长度之间也呈显著正相关;单株果数对总产量的直接影响最大,果实胎座宽度及早期产量也对总产量有明显的直接影响,而其它性状则仅对总产量产生有限的直接影响。  相似文献   
Summary The production, vigour, and fertility of F1 hybrids between nine African species of the genus Cucumis L. were studied as a measure of the relationships between the species. Hybrid plants were obtained from 29 out of the 72 possible cross combinations. Two F1 hybrids died as seedlings, and 27 hybrids were raised to maturity. Pollen production and stainability varied greatly amongst these hybrids, as did fruit and seed set following self pollination and backcrossing with either parental species. The fruit shape of the hybrids was always intermediate between that of both parental species.Two species appeared to be closely related: C. prophetarum L. and C. anguria var. longipes A. Meeuse. Most other species produced highly to moderately fertile F1 hybrids with at least one other species. C. metuliferus Naud. produced only sterile hybrids with C. zeyheri Sond. 2x. The results sustain the recent taxonomic classification of the genus (Jeffrey, 1980).  相似文献   
Repeatability of different stability parameters for grain yield in chickpea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. Kumar    O. Singh    H. A. Van  Rheenen  K. V. S. Rao 《Plant Breeding》1998,117(2):143-146
The presence of genotype × environment (GE) interactions in plant breeding experiments has led to the development of several stability parameters in the past few decades. The present study investigated the repeatability of these parameters for 16 chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes by correlating their estimates obtained from extreme subsets of environments within a year and also over years. Based on the estimates of response and stability parameters within each trial, the ranking of genotypes in the low-yielding subset differed from that in the high-yielding subset. This indicates poor repeatability for response and stability parameters over the extreme environmental subsets. The estimates of mean yield and stability parameters represented by ecovalence, W2i, were consistent over years, whereas those of response parameters (bi, and S2i) showed poor repeatability. Our results suggest that single-year results for yield and stability can be used effectively for selecting cultivars with stable grain yield if tested in a wider range of environments.  相似文献   
干旱胁迫下‘宁玉’草莓生长发育及相关基因表达特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析基因诊断草莓在干旱逆境条件下生长状态的可行性,以‘宁玉’草莓为试材,调查了不同干旱胁迫条件下的生长特点以及与生长素合成、脱落酸合成、花果发育、色素合成相关的10个基因的表达情况。研究结果表明:在不同干旱条件下草莓均可完成从营养生长到生殖生长的生命周期,所选基因也都行使并完成了其调控功能。与对照植株相比,在轻度和中度干旱胁迫(50%~65%土壤持水量)条件下,草莓植株的物候期较对照(80%土壤持水量)提早,而在严重干旱胁迫(35%土壤含水量时)条件下延缓,随着干旱胁迫条件的加重,草莓植株、叶片、果实明显变小,果实着色加深。每个基因在不同干旱条件下表达水平的变化趋势基本一致,且都与相应的物候期以及生长发育时间长短的变化情况相一致,但所选基因在几种干旱条件下其表达开始的早晚、表达水平的高低以及表达相应程度持续时间的长短存在不同。在轻度和中度干旱条件下,这些基因的表达时间提早,但持续时间较短,表达水平高于对照;而在重度干旱条件下,这些基因的表达开始的时间较对照延缓,表达水平较低但持续时间拉长。上述研究结果表明,利用基因的表达信息可以提前推断草莓植株在不同干旱条件下的生长发育状态,了解干旱胁迫对草莓生长发育的影响以及为是否需要提早采取管理措施等提供重要依据。  相似文献   
比较分析棕黄色、棕红色和黑色3种颜色玛咖种子的大小、萌发特性、幼苗生长特性和酶活力,探讨3种颜色玛咖种子的表型性状及其与种子活力之间的相关性。结果表明,棕黄色和黑色种子的长、厚、厚宽比、千粒质量、发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、幼苗苗长、根长、单株鲜质量和干质量、POD活性、脱氢酶活性等性状之间无显著差异,但均显著高于棕红色种子(P<0.05);棕黄色和黑色种子的新鲜不发芽种子数、死种子数和不正常幼苗数均显著低于棕红色种子(P<0.05)。不同颜色玛咖种子的千粒质量与种子的长、厚存在显著正相关(P<0.05),种子发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数均与千粒质量、POD和脱氢酶呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。说明棕黄色和黑色种子活力高于棕红色种子,萌发能力更强。  相似文献   
目的 综合分析华重楼Paris polyphylla var. chinensis (Franch.) Hara野生种群的表型变异规律,为其种质资源保护、药材资源开发利用和繁育改良提供理论支撑。方法 以我国分布区内7个野生华重楼地理种群为研究对象,对其17个表型性状进行系统测量,利用方差分析、变异系数分析、多重比较分析和相关性分析等多种数理统计分析方法,探讨其表型变异规律及其与地理气候因子的关系。结果 除叶片数和花萼片数外,野生华重楼其他15个表型性状在种群间和种群内有显著或极显著的差异;种群内的变异(方差分量占比为52.19%)大于种群间的变异(方差分量占比为26.39%),表型性状的平均分化系数为34.27%,种群内变异是华重楼表型变异的主要来源;各表型性状的平均变异系数为17.72%,变异幅度为6.83%~29.95%,花梗长、叶面积、花萼面积和株高的变异幅度远大于平均变异系数,叶片数、花萼片数、果球横径、果球纵径、果球横纵比和种子千粒质量的变异幅度远小于平均变异系数,表明华重楼花、叶的数量指标及果球、种子的性状稳定性大于叶片形态性状的稳定性;相关分析表明,大多数表型因子与地理气候因子之间存在显著或极显著的相关性。结论 广东清远地理种群变异最为丰富,可作为种质资源收集保存的优选对象。  相似文献   
Pheromones are communication chemicals and regulatory signals used by animals and represent unique tools for organisms to mediate behaviors and make “decisions” to maximize their fitness. Phenotypic plasticity refers to the innate capacity of a species to tolerate a greater breadth of environmental conditions across which it adapts to improve its survival, reproduction, and fitness. The pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, an invasive nematode species, was accidentally introduced from North America into Japan, China, and Europe; however, few studies have investigated its pheromones and phenotypic plasticity as a natural model. Here, we demonstrated a novel phenomenon, in which nematodes under the condition of pheromone presence triggered increased reproduction in invasive strains (JP1, JP2, CN1, CN2, EU1, and EU2), while it simultaneously decreased reproduction in native strains (US1 and US2). The bidirectional effect on fecundity, mediated by presence/absence of pheromones, is henceforth termed pheromone-regulative reproductive plasticity (PRRP). We further found that synthetic ascaroside asc-C5 (ascr#9), the major pheromone component, plays a leading role in PRRP and identified 2 candidate receptor genes, Bxydaf-38 and Bxysrd-10, involved in perceiving asc-C5. These results suggest that plasticity of reproductive responses to pheromones in pinewood nematode may increase its fitness in novel environments following introduction. This opens up a new perspective for invasion biology and presents a novel strategy of invasion, suggesting that pheromones, in addition to their traditional roles in chemical signaling, can influence the reproductive phenotype among native and invasive isolates. In addition, this novel mechanism could broadly explain, through comparative studies of native and invasive populations of animals, a potential underlying factor behind of the success of other biological invasions.  相似文献   
桑细菌性青枯病病原及其生化型鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为有效治理浙江省杭州地区桑树上严重发生的新病害,开展了病原及其特性研究。从临安市和桐庐县的青枯桑树上分离出15株致病细菌,经25项主要细菌学特性、菌落形态、致病性、Bi-olog、脂肪酸分析、RAPD-PCR鉴定及与4株标准菌株比较,证实了这种桑青枯病是由Ralstoniaso-lanacearum引起,属于生化型Ⅴ和Ⅳ,它们在15株分离菌中分别占73.3%和26.7%。同时,在该病原细菌的鉴定中,建立了简便易行的桑青枯病病原细菌致病性测定新方法。  相似文献   
研究了空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)匍匐茎片段(来源于水体)和宿根片段(来源于陆生环境)萌生苗在不同光照强度下的生长。主要结果为:2种来源的空心莲子草幼苗(陆生苗和水生苗)在相同的光照强度下(全光照、33%光照、9%光照),具有基本相同的生长格局,对光照强度的变化也具有相似的反应。随着光照强度的降低,甚至在9%光照时,空心莲子草的总分枝数、最长枝长、节间长度、叶片数没有显著差异,而空心莲子草的叶绿素相对含量显著降低,地上茎直径显著减小;在中等光照条件下(33%光照),其叶面积发生补偿性增大;就生物量的分配而言,随着光强的减弱,根生物量和总生物量显著减少,而茎、叶的生物量只有在光强极低的条件下(9%光照)才显著减少。这些结果表明,在不同的光照强度下,一方面空心莲子草的生长表现出一定程度的形态可塑性,另一方面,空心莲子草基本的空间生长格局特征具有相对稳定性,这种生长策略上的权衡可能是空心莲子草成功入侵的一个重要机制。  相似文献   
Artemia, in all stages of its life cycle, is suitable food for most diversified groups of aquatic animals. Although its size at different stages restricts its use as a food for some groups of fish, this problem can be overcome using selective breeding techniques. The formulation of any selective breeding programme calls for a proper understanding of the genetic architecture of the economically important traits of the population under study. Thus, heritability for certain important life history and reproductive traits was estimated in Artemia franciscana from the Great Salt Lake, Utah. In the present study, the sexwise heritability values for growth and reproduction traits were estimated using parent–offspring regression. The phenotypic parameters for the same traits are also recorded. The naupliar length was 487.0±2.0 and 490.6±1.8 μm for males and females, respectively, whereas the heritability values for naupliar length were 0.5851±0.2153 and 0.3766±0.1899 respectively. The length at 3 and 6 days of age were 1.87±0.03 and 4.10±0.08 mm, respectively, for males whereas 1.87±0.03 and 4.30±0.08 mm, respectively, for females. The heritability values for length at 3 and 6 days of age for males were 0.3272±0.3651 and 0.4965±0.2466, respectively, whereas the respective values for the females were 0.1167±0.3841 and 0.0222±0.2971. The estimates of length at first brood, pre‐reproductive period and number of offspring in first brood were 10.09±0.23 mm, 16.00±0.23 days and 53.57±1.37 days, respectively, whereas the heritability values for respective traits were 0.0403±0.1078, 0.3234±0.2874 and 0.3404±0.2202.  相似文献   
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