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 烟草青枯病是高温、高湿地区烟草的一种重要病害,由青枯雷尔氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)引起,以土壤传播为主,对烟草产量造成重大损失。因其生理小种的变化,利用抗病品种尚未获得较满意的防病效果,目前对该病的防治主要以化学防治为主,但长期大量施用化学农药易产生抗药性、毒性及存在残留问题,造成环境污染。因此,有必要探讨烟草青枯病的最佳防治途径。  相似文献   
牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana)蛙皮抗菌肽基因的克隆、测序及其表达   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
利用RT—PCR的方法从牛蛙皮肤组织中克隆到大小为270bp的片段RCABP,将其克隆到pGEM—T载体,测序获得1个新的碱基序列。将此基因克隆到原核表达载体pQE一80L,获得融合表达质粒pQE一80L/DHFR/ABP,在1%IPTG诱导下进行表达。SDS—PAGE检测表明,重组蛙皮抗菌肽蛋白的表达量占菌体总蛋白的24%,以包涵体形式存在。体外抑菌试验表明,所构建的质粒能在大肠杆菌中表达具有体外抑菌活性的蛙皮抗菌肽,该融合蛋白具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
试验研究注射促生长激素释放肽(GHRP-2)对雅南猪生产性能、胴体性状和血液生化指标的影响。试验采用单因子试验设计,试验组隔天肌肉注射20μg/kg BW GHRP-2,对照组隔天注射同等剂量的生理盐水。试验期为4周。结果表明:与对照组相比,注射20μg/kgBW GHRP-2显著提高了蛋白质的消化利用率和血清中总蛋白的水平;有提高日增重、饲料转化率的趋势,但不影响日采食量;对猪胴体性状没有明显影响。  相似文献   
CART肽作为新近发现的一种神经内分泌肽类物质,参与动物体内多种生物功能的调节.本文就其对动物采食量、摄食行为方面的影响,以及其调节途径作一简要综述.  相似文献   
鸡肠道抗菌肽的提取及活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取新鲜鸡肠黏膜超声波破碎,乙酸浸提,经Sephadex G-50层析后,收集具有抑菌活性的组分进行超滤离心,抑菌实验表明滤过物具有抑菌活性.滤过物经SDS-PAGE分析为一个条带,分子量约为6.078KD,得到电泳纯的鸡肠道抗微生物肽.该肽具有一定的耐热性,但经90℃以上热处理后活性下降较大;pH值对其活性影响较大,在pH6~8时活性最强.  相似文献   
Desotamides A, a cyclohexapeptide produced by the deep-sea-derived Streptomyces scopuliridis SCSIO ZJ46, displays notable antibacterial activities against strains of Streptococcus pnuemoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE). In this study, to further explore its antibacterial potential and reveal the antibacterial structure-activity relationship of desotamides, 13 cyclopeptides including 10 new synthetic desotamide A analogues and wollamides B/B1/B2 were synthesized and evaluated for their antibacterial activities against a panel of Gram-positive and -negative pathogens. The bioactivity data reveal that residues at position II and VI greatly impact antibacterial activity. The most potent antibacterial analogues are desotamide A4 (13) and A6 (15) where l-allo-Ile at position II was substituted with l-Ile and Gly at position VI was simultaneously replaced by d-Lys or d-Arg; desotamides A4 (13) and A6 (15) showed a 2–4-fold increase of antibacterial activities against a series of Gram-positive pathogens including the prevalent clinical drug-resistant pathogen methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) with MIC values of 8–32 μg/mL compared to the original desotamide A. The enhanced antibacterial activity, broad antibacterial spectrum of desotamides A4 and A6 highlighted their potential as new antibiotic leads for further development.  相似文献   
旨在考察鼠源抗菌肽CRAMP的安全性、稳定性及其在清除铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜中的作用。采用兔血红细胞悬液的溶血性和小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞(RAW264.7)的细胞毒性考察CRAMP的安全性;采用不同温度、蛋白酶、金属离子和酸碱梯度对CRAMP抗菌活性的影响,考察其稳定性;通过在6孔细胞培养板中构建铜绿假单胞菌(PAO1株)成熟生物被膜,以人源抗菌肽LL-37和3种抗菌药为对照,采用结晶紫染色法检测生物被膜量,平板菌落计数法对生物被膜活菌数进行计数,苯酚-硫酸法结合Folin-酚试剂法检测生物被膜胞外基质含量,激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(CLSM)观察CRAMP干预PAO1生物被膜形态学的变化。结果显示,CRAMP在所测试浓度下对兔血红细胞溶血率均<2%;在62.5~125 mg·L-1时对 RAW264.7没有细胞毒性。温度(25~100 ℃)、两种盐离子(Na+、K+)以及pH为5~10时对CRAMP的抗菌活性没有影响;胃蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶均不同程度影响了CRAMP的抗菌活性。6孔细胞培养板中,4倍MIC 的CRAMP极显著降低了PAO1生物被膜量(减少率为76.74%,P<0.01),极显著减少了生物被膜中的活菌数量(减少了1.2个CFU·mL-1,P<0.01),效果优于LL-37和3种抗菌药。CRAMP组的胞外基质显著低于空白对照组和LL-37组(P<0.05)。CLSM结果显示:与对照组相比较,4MIC浓度下,CRAMP组的细菌总荧光强度(PI+SYTO)显著低于空白对照组和LL-37组(P<0.05);与空白对照组相比,CRAMP组和LL-37组的死菌荧光强度/活菌荧光强度比值 (PI/SYTO)均极显著增大(P<0.01)。综上表明,CRAMP具有低溶血性、低细胞毒性,除蛋白酶作用不稳定外,具有较好的稳定性,对PAO1成熟生物被膜具有明显的清除作用,且效果优于LL-37,具有良好的药物开发前景。  相似文献   
This study investigated the effect of repeated acute restraint stress and high‐fat diet (HFD) on intestinal expression of nutrient transporters, concomitant to intestinal inflammation. The ability of adenosine to reverse any change was examined. Six‐week‐old male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into eight groups: control or non‐stressed (C), rats exposed to restraint stress for 6 h per day for 14 days (S), control rats fed with HFD (CHF) and restraint‐stressed rats fed with HFD (SHF); four additional groups received the same treatments and were also given 50 mg/l adenosine dissolved in drinking water. Fasting blood glucose, plasma insulin, adiponectin and corticosterone were measured. Intestinal expression of SLC5A1, SLC2A2, NPC1L1 and TNF‐α was analysed. Histological evaluation was conducted to observe for morphological and anatomical changes in the intestinal tissues. Results showed that HFD feeding increased glucose and insulin levels, and repeated acute restraint stress raised the corticosterone level by 22%. Exposure to both stress and HFD caused a further increase in corticosterone to 41%, while decreasing plasma adiponectin level. Restraint stress altered intestinal expression of SLC5A1, SLC2A2 and NPC1L1. These changes were enhanced in SHF rats. Adenosine was found to alleviate HFD‐induced increase in glucose and insulin levels, suppress elevation of corticosterone in S rats and improve the altered nutrient transporters expression profiles. It also prevented upregulation of TNF‐α in the intestine of SHF rats. In summary, a combination of stress and HFD exaggerated stress‐ and HFD‐induced pathophysiological changes in the intestine, and biochemical parameters related to obesity. Adenosine attenuated the elevation of corticosterone and altered expression of SLC5A1, NPC1L1 and TNF‐α.  相似文献   
荻草谷网蚜Sitobion miscanthi是严重威胁我国小麦生产安全的迁飞性害虫。蜕皮激素是参与蚜虫翅型分化调控的内激素, 在有翅成蚜体内保持高滴度, 且诱导后代产生更高比例的无翅蚜, 其进出靶细胞需要经过细胞膜上特定蛋白的转运。ATP结合盒转运蛋白家族G亚家族(ATP-binding cassette transporter G, ABCG)中的 ABCG1是通过跨膜转运昆虫类固醇、对蜕皮激素信号进行负调控的功能蛋白之一, 在蚜虫中尚未见报道。本文克隆了荻草谷网蚜ABCG1(SmisABCG1)基因, 并进行了序列比对、系统进化分析以及不同组织部位和发育时期表达模式分析。结果显示, SmisABCG1基因的开放阅读框全长为1 851 bp, 编码616个氨基酸, 含7个跨膜结构域, 符合ABCG蛋白家族典型结构特性, 基因登录ID:OP626323。昆虫间ABCG1较保守, 该蛋白系统进化关系与各自物种间亲缘关系的远近保持一致。其中, SmisABCG1与来自豌豆蚜、禾谷缢管蚜、棉蚜、花生蚜和雪松长足大蚜等的ABCG1氨基酸序列高度一致(>87%), 以上蚜虫聚为一支。与SmisABCG1亲缘关系最近的是豌豆蚜的ABCG1, 其次是半翅目的褐飞虱、白背飞虱和灰飞虱, 与膜翅目的新疆菜叶蜂、阿里山潜蝇茧蜂以及鞘翅目的赤拟谷盗、蜂箱小甲虫亲缘关系较远。该基因在伪胚胎和成蚜阶段高表达。包含伪胚胎的有翅、无翅成蚜整蚜SmisABCG1的转录水平无显著差异, 但其在来自有翅成蚜的伪胚胎中的转录水平高于无翅成蚜伪胚胎, 证实无翅成蚜自身的转录水平较高, 而有翅成蚜较低。进一步分析显示这一差异主要是无翅蚜胸部显著高表达所导致。基于该蛋白对蜕皮激素负调控, 与有翅成蚜转录水平低, 但蜕皮激素水平更高相符合。  相似文献   
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