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为筛选最适合芽菜培养的小豆品种,以‘白红8号’为试材,设置3种生长调节物质(乙酰水杨酸、乙烯利和6-苄氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA))的各6个浓度(0.0、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5 mmol/L;0、20、30、40、50、60 mg/L和0、2、3、4、5、6 mg/L)喷施处理,测定其生物特性(上胚轴长度、上胚轴直径、萌发率、鲜重、干重和产出比)、营养成分(可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖)及抗氧化等特性。结果表明:3种生长调节物质喷施处理都能够提升其营养价值,在乙烯利喷施浓度为50 mg/L,‘白红8号’小豆芽苗菜中各营养成分、酶活性及抗氧化性等均可达到最大值,显著提高了其营养价值。因此,为提高生产中小豆芽苗菜的产量和营养价值,最终确定乙烯利喷施浓度为50 mg/L效果最佳。  相似文献   
本文旨在研究等磷、钾量条件下,化肥减氮及有机肥不同用量配施对水稻产量及土壤养分的影响,试验共设6个处理,分别为T1∶80%N+20%有机肥;T2∶80%N+40%有机肥;T3∶70%N+60%有机肥;T4∶70%N+80%有机肥;T5∶60%化肥+100%有机肥;CK:100%N+0,对水稻生育期株高、群体动态、产量、构产因子以及秋季土壤养分含量进行分析,结果表明:1化肥减氮20%时,不会对水稻造成明显减产,且当有机肥配施量为500kg·mu-2时,水稻籽粒产量最高,为775.19kg·mu-2,比CK增产17.20%;2有机肥的施用能提高水稻基本苗,对水稻穗长有显著提高效果,对空秕率影响较大,对枝梗数影响最小;3化肥减氮+有机肥配施可以提高土壤肥力,增加土壤有机质含量,提高土壤碱解氮、速效钾含量。  相似文献   
Nutrient‐rich biochar produced from animal wastes, such as poultry litter, may increase plant growth and nutrient uptake although the role of direct and indirect mechanisms, such as stimulation of the activity of mycorrhizal fungi and plant infection, remains unclear. The effects of poultry litter biochar in combination with fertilizer on mycorrhizal infection, soil nutrient availability and corn (Zea mays L.) growth were investigated by growing corn in a loam soil in a greenhouse with biochar (0, 5 and 10 Mg/ha) and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer (0, half and full rates). Biochar did not affect microbial biomass C or N, mycorrhizal infection, or alkaline phosphomonoesterase activities, but acid phosphomonoesterase activities, water‐soluble P, Mehlich‐3 Mg, plant height, aboveground and root biomass, and root diameter were greater with 10 Mg/ha than with no biochar. Root length, volume, root tips and surface area were greatest in the fully fertilized soil receiving 10 Mg/ha biochar compared to all other treatments. The 10 Mg/ha biochar application may have improved plant access to soil nutrients by promoting plant growth and root structural features, rather than by enhancing mycorrhizal infection rates.  相似文献   
基于GIS的不同种植模式下凉州区日光温室土壤养分分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
采用GPS定位取样测试、ACIGIS软件数据分析和地统计分析方法,对凉州区日光温室土壤养分状况进行了分析评价。结果表明,在0~20 cm表层土壤中,不同种植模式的氮、磷、钾养分分布趋势基本一致。种植番茄—架豆、番茄—辣椒电导率最大,为1.97 ms/cm;种植番茄—架豆盐分最高,为11.9 g/kg;种植人参果CEC最大,为16.87%。在20~40 cm土壤中,种植番茄—辣椒电导率最高,为2.59 ms/cm;种植小乳瓜盐分最大,其值为17.9 g/kg;种植人参果CEC最大,为19.94%。  相似文献   
通过对青海省高寒牧区常见的9种多年生牧草单播2年后耕层0~15cm土壤理化(pH、容重(BD)、有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)、无机碳(C)及微生物学性质(微生物生物量碳(Cmic)、氮(Nmic)和群落代谢功能)等指标的测定分析,结果表明,研究区域只有在种植披碱草2年后土壤有机碳含量有所增加,说明与其他草种相比,种植披碱草利于有机质的积累;试验在每年施肥1次的情况下,土壤氮含量仍然偏低,说明此区氮素被过度利用,处于缺乏水平,因此每年增施氮肥数量、频率以及时间上应加强管理。通过对不同牧草种植区土壤各因子的聚类分析,发现贫花鹅观草、无芒雀麦、紫野麦草和扁穗冰草之间相似度较高,表明其对土壤养分及微生物群落功能的影响较为接近,故在大面积种植的时候可根据牧草地上生物量/质量的高低进行选择性播种。从土壤质量方向考虑,种植杂花苜蓿、红豆草和西北羊茅不利于土地的改良。  相似文献   
In this study, we evaluated the requirements of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and potassium (K) for sheep hair growth. Experimental diets contained different levels of metabolizable energy [ME; 0.96, 1.28, 1.72, 2.18 and 2.62 Mcal/kg of dry matter, (DM), corresponding to 4.23, 5.64, 7.58, 9.61 and 11.55 MJ/kg DM]. The lambs' hair (n = 48) at 2 months of age presented an average body weight (BW) of 12.05 ± 1.81 kg. At the beginning of the experiment, eight animals were slaughtered as a reference group to estimate the initial empty body weight and body composition. Net mineral requirements (g/day) ranged from 0.73 to 0.71 g of Ca, 0.51 to 0.49 g of P, 0.026 to 0.026 g of Mg, 0.16 to 0.19 g of Na and 0.15 to 0.13 g of K for animals with a BW ranging from 15 to 30 kg and a daily gain of 100 g. The results of this study indicate that the net macromineral requirements for weight gain in Morada Nova lambs are different from the values commonly recommended by the Agricultural and Food Research Council.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of compound p1ant nutrients (CPN) on rumen fermentation parameters, rumen microbiota and fatty acid composition of longissimus dorsi musc1e in finishing sma11 tai1 Han sheep. Sixteen 4-month-o1d finishing sma11 tai1 Han sheep with an initia1 body weight (BW) of (24.18±0.31) kg were random1y divided into two groups, name1y, with 8 rep1icates per group and 1 sheep per rep1icate. The sheep in the contro1 group were fed a basa1 diet, whereas the sheep of the contro1 group (CPN group) was fed the basa1 diet supp1ementation with 3‰ CPN. The experiment 1asted for 97 days after 7 days adaption. The resu1ts showed as fo11ows: compared with the contro1 group, 1) adding CPN decreased the concentration of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) (P<0.05); 2) CPN supp1ementation affected beta diversity of rumen microbiota; 3) the re1ative abundance of Acidobacteriota, Erysipe1otrichaceae_UCG-002, Lactobacillus, and Megasphaera were enhanced by adding CPN (P<0.05), whereas, the re1ative abundance of Bacteroidetes and Prevotella was 1ower (P<0.05); 4) the supp1ementation of CPN had no significant effect on fatty acid composition of longissimus dorsi musc1e of fattening sma11-tai1ed Han sheep (P>0.05); 5) the contents of tota1 MUFA, C18:1n9c, C14:1, C16:1, C18:2n6c, C18:3n3 and n-3PUFA in the longissimus dorsi musc1e were corre1ated with the re1ative abundance of Megasphaera, Erysipe1otrichaceae_UCG-002, Succiniclasticum and Ruminococcus (P<0.05). In conc1usion, CPN can regu1ate the rumen microbiota structure and reduce the rumen NH3-N concentration of fattening sma11-tai1ed Han sheep. In production practice, CPN can be used as a rumen eco1ogica1 regu1ator. © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
氯化铵作为小麦的氮肥施用,营养平衡时,其肥效与硫铵相近;小麦籽粒粗蛋白总量、面筋含量、蛋白质各组分含量亦差异不大。若麦体营养不平衡时,则氯铵肥效降低、吸氯量增加,氯毒害加重,明显影响小麦产量、品质及生长发育,且降低麦株对N.P.K的累积量。施入土壤中的氯化铵,约5-10%的氯为小麦吸收,约5%残留在耕层土壤中,余则在当季作物期间被淋洗。小麦吸收的氯主要分布在叶片和茎杆中,约占95%,很少向穗部运转。  相似文献   
[目的]探究黄土丘陵区土地利用方式变化前后土壤养分及生态化学计量比的变化特征,为该区农业生产以及生态恢复工作提供科学依据。[方法]选取山西省永和县岔口小流域因生态工程的实施而改变土地利用方式的坡改梯地(梯田)、退耕还林地(林地)、地埂核桃园地(园地)3种样地为研究对象,以现有坡耕地为对照,利用时空互代法,比较不同土地利用方式变化前后0—20 cm,20—40 cm土壤C,N,P,K含量以及生态化学计量比的差异。[结果]①流域各种生态恢复措施实施后,土壤C,N元素含量明显增加,梯田、林地、园地0—40 cm土壤有机C含量分别是坡耕地的1.38,2.44和1.09倍,全N含量分别是坡耕地的1.76,2.66,1.68倍。P,K元素增加量不明显,林地相比其他2种土地利用方式对C,N元素的固持更加明显;②通过分析土壤养分化学计量比的关系,发现流域土壤的限制性元素为C,N元素;③流域土壤养分及计量比之间存在着稳定的耦合关系,C-N之间的耦合关系最为显著且在各元素和生态化学计量比稳定方面发挥着重要作用。[结论]流域3种土地利用方式有效地改变了土壤全量养分含量和元素的生态化学计量比,有利于流域的生态保护和植被修复。  相似文献   
云南省施肥及土壤养分变化分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了掌握云南省农业生产中肥料施用量及施肥结构、土壤养分含量状况及其变化,对云南实施测土配方施肥项目的28个县16 000余农户的施肥情况进行调查,并采集土样分析化验,统计结果表明,云南化肥施用氮磷钾的比例由1989年的1∶0.34∶0.09提高到2008年的1∶0.33∶0.20,施肥比例有较大改善,但钾素总量仍不足;耕地土壤有机质含量较第二次土壤普查大幅下降,平均含量为28.14 g·kg-1,较第二次土壤普查下降49.93%;土壤磷含量明显增加,平均值达到22.7 mg·kg-1,比土壤普查增加61.0%.耕地土壤缺乏硼、钼、锌的比例较大,缺水溶态硼比例达78.26%,缺有效钼比例48.34%,缺有效锌比例28.84%.  相似文献   
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