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提出了一种空气罐与超压泄压阀联合设置的停泵水锤防护方案,并基于瞬变流计算的特征线法建立了空气罐、液控蝶阀、超压泄压阀等边界条件的数学模型,模拟了停泵工况下系统的压力变化过程.结合工程实例,对比分析了空气罐单独防护、空气罐与两阶段关闭泵后液控蝶阀联合防护以及空气罐与超压泄压阀联合防护对停泵水锤的影响.在空气罐体型一定时,对超压泄压阀的启闭规律进行了敏感性分析.计算结果表明,空气罐与两阶段关闭泵后液控蝶阀联合防护方案对输水系统正负水锤防护均不利;而空气罐与超压泄压阀联合防护方案对输水系统正负水锤均有较好的防护效果,与空气罐单独防护方案相比,泵后高压管段最高压应力由1.343 MPa降至1.087 MPa,在满足承压标准1.2 MPa的基础上安全裕度提高了9.4%,空气罐体型也由200 m3缩减至160 m3.超压泄压阀应在5 s内开启至全开度,且开启后持续时间应接近1个相长.  相似文献   
为了提高玉米收割机的株距的自适应能力、降低漏采率、提升工作效率,设计了一种新的株距自适应玉米收割机,大大提高了玉米收割机的作业精度和效率。依据移动4G信号的传播特性,设计了玉米株距实时测量系统,针对中国4G现场测试环境,研究提出了一种电波传播特性测量与建模方法,结合高性能测试仪器和虚拟仪器技术设计构建了3.5GHz测量系统。测量得到的株距量由A/D转换器转换为数字信号,再由单片机进行处理,对执行末端发出指令,调整玉米收割机割台分禾器的间距,从而可以对不同株距的玉米进行收割作业。对设计的玉米收割机进行测试发现:其株距自适应能力较好,可以随株距的变化自动调整分禾器间距,玉米穗的漏采率和破碎率较低,符合高精度作业玉米收割机的设计要求,为玉米自动化收割机械装置的研究提供了较有价值的参考。  相似文献   
宽垄沟灌作为一种大田作物栽培灌水方式已逐步受到关注.为研究灌水前后水分在垄沟间的运移及再分布,本试验在大棚内模拟宽垄沟灌垄上覆膜栽培条件以及灌水方案,采用中子仪进行水分观测.试验数据显示,在本试验条件下,垄背剖面的两个观测点表层,灌水前其含水量仅为田间持水量的65%和66%,灌水后垄沟水分的侧向入渗,144 h(6 d)分别达到田间持水量的73%和80%,408 h(17 d)达到田间持水量的78%和79%.试验结果表明,在宽垄沟灌覆膜条件下,水平向及垄背垂直向含水量梯度的存在导致水分侧向及向垄背的补给明显,且在覆膜条件下,垄背蒸散发损失少,起到减少土壤水分无效损耗、高效利用之效果.  相似文献   
去核作业是对荔枝进行精深加工的准备工作,但多年来去核后果肉的完整性问题在我国一直没能得到很好地解决,已经成为制约荔枝产品精深加工的瓶颈.为此,在分析去核机理的基础上,进行了以果肉的完整性和去核成功率为指标的手工去核试验.试验中刀具采用了旋转切入、直线切入和直线切入果核后再旋转等3种不同的运动形式.试验表明,刀具旋转切入去核的效果最佳.在此基础上,设计并制作了模拟手工作业的荔枝去核机,对结构不同的3种圆筒形去核刀具在3个转速下进行去核试验表明,刀具结构和旋转速度对果肉的完整性影响显著,但对去核率影响不明显.  相似文献   
提出一种新型压电驱动精密位移机构,着重介绍了其结构、工作原理和控制方法,分析了机构参数与输出性能之间的关系。该机构以压电叠堆为动力元件驱动流体,利用换向阀控制流体流向,通过执行缸两个腔体内流体置换的方法将压电叠堆的往复振动转换成执行缸的直线运动。调整电压或执行缸的参数可获得所需的进给步长和输出推力,具有精度高、易于控制、稳定性好等特点,适用于微位移以及较大行程范围内的精密进给运动。  相似文献   
Anadromous Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, feed in the marine environment for several months during the summer and migrate back to fresh water in late summer to spawn and/or overwinter. While overwintering, anadromous Arctic charr are generally believed to reduce or cease feeding, and they are poorly described in their winter movement activity. This study used telemetry data collected from two locations to describe overwintering movement activity, including interindividual variation. Movement activity declined markedly during the ice‐covered period, suggesting opportunistic maintenance feeding was used as an energy conservation strategy. Fall and spring movement was correlated with daylight hours, and ice break‐up had a significant effect on the timing of outmigration. Movement activity was negatively correlated with body length, with smaller individuals being more active than larger fish. Although general activity patterns were evident, there were significant differences among individuals, particularly during spring immediately prior to lake departure. Lake size and individual differences in metabolic rate may account for some of this variation.  相似文献   
Quantifying fish movements in river networks helps identify critical habitat needs and how they change with environmental conditions. Some of the challenges in tracking fish movements can be overcome with the use of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagging and antennas. We used PIT technology to test predictions of movement behaviour for four fish species at a mainstem–tributary confluence zone in an arid‐land river system. Specifically, we focused on the McElmo Creek tributary confluence with the San Juan River in south‐western Utah, USA. We quantified variation in species occurrences at this confluence zone from May 2012 to December 2015 relative to temporal and environmental conditions. We considered occurrences among species relative to tagging origins (tributary versus mainstem), season and time of day. Generally, fishes tagged in the focal tributary were more likely to be detected compared to fish tagged in the mainstem river or other tributaries. Additionally, adults were most likely to be detected across multiple years compared to subadults. Based on a Random Forests model, the best performing environmental variables for predicting seasonal detections included mainstem discharge during run‐off season (razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus), tributary discharge during monsoon season (Colorado pikeminnow Ptychocheilus lucius) and mainstem water temperature (flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis and channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus). The variable responses by endemic and introduced fishes indicate tributary habitats provide several key functions within a fish community including spawning, rearing, foraging and refuge.  相似文献   
Due to a recruitment decline of more than 90% in 30 years, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) has been classified by IUCN as critically endangered. Although the species has been studied intensively to obtain knowledge to improve management, studies about the resident yellow stage are relatively scarce. In this study, 52 large female yellow eels were tagged with acoustic transmitters in a Belgian polder system and tracked by a network of 23 automatic listening stations. We studied both circadian and seasonal movement patterns and the effect of environmental variables on these patterns. Large female yellow eels were most active at night in late summer and early autumn. A generalised linear mixed model showed that their movement is only slightly influenced by environmental variables. Moreover, as yellow eels show high site fidelity (i.e., the majority was detected only in the habitat type of their catch‐release location), they do not encounter many human‐induced connectivity problems in polder systems, which makes these systems highly suitable as eel growth habitat. These results can contribute to an effective eel management regarding habitat protection and restoration.  相似文献   
香蕉束顶病毒(BBTV)侵染对寄主内源激素的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 本试验用ELISA方法测定了香蕉感染束顶病毒(BBTV)后植株体内的3种内源激素,赤霉素(GA3)、玉米素类(iPAs)和脱落酸(ABA)的变化。结果表明,感株的GA3水平在侵染过程中虽有微弱增加,但含量和增长速度显著低于健株对照;iPAs在接种BBTV第14天后明显下降,并维持较低水平;ABA在BBTV侵染后被大量诱导增加并不断积累,在接种后第35天测定含量最高,为对照的3.34倍。试验还同时检测了BBTV在侵染过程中的运转。用间接ELISA测定的接种叶和顶叶的BBTV含量显示:接种21天后BBTV在接种叶和顶叶中还大量增殖,呈系统性分布。但寄主的症状在接种35天后才逐渐在顶叶表现。以上结果表明:香蕉束顶病的症状表现似乎主要与病株中的内源激素的失调有关,而与BBTV在体内的运转并不直接相关  相似文献   
农业航空喷雾雾滴漂移及其数学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间试验研究,探索了装配GP—81喷头的运五型飞机喷洒2,4—D丁酯乳油稀释液的雾滴漂移状况,建立了有关数学模型。研究表明,较低蒸发度的水雾滴漂移距离为340m,较高挥发度的2,4—D丁酯漂移距离达700m;雾滴密度和沉降量随下风距离增加而减小较快,雾滴直径减小较慢;气象因子和喷液配方对雾滴漂移有重要影响;三次多项式方程Y=b_0 b_1X b_2X~2 b_3X~3能很好地描述雾滴漂移与下风距离的关系,模型中的参数具有明确的实际意义,提出了喷洒2,4—D丁酯时的有效隔离带宽度。  相似文献   
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