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There is a growing interest in the effects of deciduous trees on biodiversity, soil processes and long-term productivity in boreal, conifer-dominated forests. This study investigated whether individual birch trees allowed to grow to maturity in the coniferous forest can have a local effect on floristic richness and regeneration of tree saplings. The ground vegetation was compared in 2?m radius plots around the stem under the canopies of matched conifer–deciduous trees in a mature, conifer-dominated forest, and included in the analysis variables that could potentially mediate the tree effect (soil pH, cover of lichens, bryophytes, leaf and needle litter). The field layer vegetation was more species rich under birch (Betula pendula and B. pubescens) than under conifers (Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris), and several vascular plant species (including saplings of tree species) occurred more often under birch than under conifers. However, when the effect of the number of subordinate trees was taken into account the difference between birch and pine was not significant. The number of tree regenerations (saplings) was lowest under pines, but did not differ between spruce and birch. There were no effects of the canopy species on soil pH or on cover of lichens and bryophytes. The difference in diversity may be caused by the different effects of leaf and needle litter, and it is also likely that canopy structure has an influence via interception and throughfall and by affecting the light and microclimate.  相似文献   
从海南三亚和福建福州金山采集的水稻根中分离鉴定出8种线虫,包括异盘大刺环线虫(Macroposthonia xenoplax)、大刺环线虫(Macroposthonia sp.)、农地矮化线虫(Tylenchorhynchus agri)、玉米短体线虫(Pratylenchus zeae)、草地短体线虫(P.pratensis)、双宫螺旋线虫(Helicotylenchus dihystera)、刻尾螺旋线虫(H.crenacauda)和燕麦真滑刃线虫(Aphelenchus ave-nae).其中,异盘大刺环线虫、农地矮化线虫、玉米短体线虫及刻尾螺旋线虫为我国水稻上的新记录种.  相似文献   
Cogongrass ( Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.), an invasive C4 perennial grass, negatively influences native plant communities by forming dense monotypic stands that alter ecosystem properties and lower local species diversity. A hypothesized mechanism by which cogongrass achieves competitive dominance is a novel use of below-ground vegetative disturbance of neighboring vegetation (i.e. puncturing). However, very little empirical evidence is found in the peer-reviewed literature to quantify this phenomenon, much less establish it as a true form of competitive interaction. The present field study was conducted to quantify the occurrence of rhizome-mediated, below-ground vegetative penetration, both interspecifically and intraspecifically, document how this phenomenon is influenced by spatial location relative to the cogongrass stand, and determine the role that above-ground and below-ground biomass might have in the process. Analyses of 100 sod samples indicated that rhizome-mediated, below-ground vegetative penetration is a much larger intraspecific phenomenon than an interspecific one. The data also strongly suggested spatial location as a significant factor, with most penetrations occurring in the interior of a cogongrass stand as opposed to the advancing border. Significant correlations between rhizome-mediated, below-ground vegetative penetration and above-ground cogongrass biomass were found in the overall plot analysis and most strongly in the advancing border of the cogongrass stands.  相似文献   
为揭示不同潮位红树林群落结构及动态规律,本文对雷州半岛徐闻官曹红树林群落的物种组成、物种年龄结构和多样性等群落特征进行了分析.结果表明:离岸高潮位和和中潮位均为白骨壤+红海榄群落,低潮位为白骨壤群落,反映随潮位的降低,群落物种数逐渐减少,白骨壤种群在各潮位均为优势种,具较宽生态位,而次优势种群红海榄则只分布于中高潮位,生态位相对较窄.白骨壤和红海榄在所出现的潮位中,其幼苗和苗木均较多,年龄结构均属于增长型.各群落物种多样性Simpson指数(D)、Shannon(H)和Pielou均匀度指数(J)的大小顺序关系均为中潮位的白骨壤+红海榄群落>高潮位的白骨壤+红海榄>低潮位的白骨壤群落.隐含着高潮位物种竞争剧烈,均匀度较小,中潮位物种关系稳定,均匀度较大,低潮位物种受环境严重胁迫表现适生选择性.白骨壤和红海榄在所出现的潮位中,种群格局均属于集群分布,反映其典型的胎生红树特征.  相似文献   
为了更好地了解传统咸干蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)(鲅鱼)的品质特征,以市售产品中感官品质较为突出的咸干鲅鱼作为研究对象,对其水分、含盐量、NaNO2含量、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、硫代巴比妥酸值(TBARS)等理化指标进行了测定,并进一步对咸干鲅鱼中的优势菌进行了分离、纯化与鉴定。结果显示,咸干鲅鱼样品含水量为54.40%、含盐量为3.1%,属于半干低盐制品;NaNO2含量为5.07 mg/kg,符合相关食品安全标准的规定;TVB-N含量高达40.12 mg/100 g,说明发酵过程蛋白质降解程度较大;TBARS值为10.00 mg/kg,脂质氧化程度在感官可接受的范围内。咸干鲅鱼中的微生物以细菌为主,清酒乳杆菌(Lactobacillus sakei)、产气肠杆菌(Enterobacter aerogenes)、长赖氨酸芽孢杆菌(Lysinibacillus macrolides)和香坊肠杆菌(Enterobacter xiangfangensis)为优势菌。其中,清酒乳杆菌具有发酵菌的典型特征,可能在咸干鲅鱼发酵过程中起主要作用。  相似文献   
采用固定样地和样方法调查了小陇山林区百花林场3个实施不同经营措施的锐齿栎天然林林分特征和物种组成,运用4种常用的物种多样性指数对调查林分的乔木层、灌木层和草本层的物种多样性进行对比分析,结果表明:3种类型锐齿天然林的灌木层相对于其乔木层和草本物种组成丰富,多样性高;长期封育后的锐齿栎天然林群落在3种天然林类型中物种组成最丰富,乔木层、灌木层和草本层的Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数和Margalef指数值在3个林分中最高;近自然技术单株经营后的锐齿栎天然林各层次的物种组成相对较少,多样性较低,但其林分中保留的乔木树种个体较大;结构优化抚育后的锐齿栎天然林的物种组成和多样性介于二者之间.抚育经营措施对林分的影响与抚育经营强度密切相关,适当的抚育经营强度能够促进林分多样性提高,否则会带来不利的影响,结构化森林经营技术是一种有效的经营方法.  相似文献   
基于无人机高光谱成像遥感系统,在400~1 000 nm波段内采集低矮、混杂生长的荒漠草原退化指示物种的高光谱图像信息。分别在退化指示物种的开花期、结实期和黄枯期进行飞行实验,飞行高度30 m,高光谱图像地面分辨率2. 3 cm。采用特征波段提取与深度学习卷积神经网络相结合的方式,提出一种荒漠草原物种水平分类的方法,结合植物物候给出了中国内蒙古中部荒漠草原物种分类的推荐时相,总体分类精度和Kappa系数平均值分别达到94%和0. 91。研究结果表明,无人机高光谱成像遥感技术及深度卷积神经网络可以较好地实现荒漠草原退化指示物种的分类,与基于径向基核函数的支持向量机、基于主成分分析的深度卷积神经网络分类法相比,基于特征波段选择的深度卷积神经网络分类法效果最好,分类精度最高。无人机搭载高光谱成像仪低空遥感和卷积神经网络法提供了一种草原物种水平分类的途径。  相似文献   
中国地方胡萝卜品种资源的核心样品构建   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
 以340份我国地方胡萝卜品种为材料, 通过对4个数量性状和9个质量性状的评价进行聚类分组, 设定适宜的阈值, 以靠近阈值最近的材料作为候选样品, 分别按10%、15%和20%比例初步构建了胡萝卜3个核心种质。对3个核心样品13个性状基本参数与总体资源比较的结果表明, 3个核心样品的β - 胡萝卜素、干物质及维生素C的含量平均值均与总体资源存在显著差异, 但核心样品的4个数量性状与总体资源符合度(表型保留比例) 比较好。核心样品9个质量性状表现型频率与总体无显著差异, 符合度均达到了100%。随着取样比例的减少, 核心样品的地域分布迅速减少, 10%核心样品的分布省市数比总体资源减少了8个, 资源主要来源省市所占比例由原来的50%降到了35%。因此, 建议以15%~20%作为构建小规模胡萝卜资源核心样品的适宜比例。  相似文献   
云南南瓜资源地理分布的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南地处高原山区、祖国西南边陲,南瓜资源丰富多样。本文重点阐述了南瓜在云南的主要分布区、资源种类及代表资源特性、不同地方的不同资源分布;并简要描述了迄今为止,云南对南瓜资源开发利用的现状。  相似文献   
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