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The loading by currents and waves of a submerged mussel longline and the resulting motions of the structure were monitored during 40 days at an open ocean site. Current velocity did not exceed 24 cm/s and the wave field alternated between calm and moderate conditions (maximum wave height of 3.5 m). Legs on the longline maintained the mainline between 10 and 12.5 m above the seabed (around 10 m below the surface). The loading and motion of the longline were relatively small. Tension in the mooring lines (semi-hourly averaged maximum of 580 N) was limited by the combined effect of a small pretension, current shielding between mussel droppers, flow blockage by surrounding longlines and leg resistance. Significant longline displacement occurred only during short periods of time when the predicted drag force transmitted to the legs exceeded their predicted holding capacity. Mussel dropper vertical acceleration (maximum of 1/20 g) was limited by the exponential attenuation of wave loading with depth.  相似文献   
Generalized additive models (GAMs) were applied to examine the relative influence of various factors on fishery performance, defined as nominal catch- per-unit-effort (CPUE) of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Hawaii-based swordfish fishery. Commercial fisheries data for the analysis consisted of a 5 year (1991–1995) time series of 27 901 longline sets. Mesoscale relationships were analysed for seven physical variables (latitude, longitude, SST, SST frontal energy, temporal changes in SST (ΔSST), SST frontal energy (ΔSST frontal energy) and bathymetry), all of which may affect the availability of swordfish and blue shark to the fishery, and three variables (number of lightsticks per hook, lunar index, and wind velocity) which may relate to the effectiveness of the fishing gear. Longline CPUE data were analysed in relation to SST data on three spatiotemporal scales (18 km weekly, 1°-weekly, 1°-monthly). Depending on the scale of SST data, GAM analysis accounted for 39–42% and 44–45% of the variance in nominal CPUE for swordfish and blue shark, respectively. Stepwise GAM building revealed the relative importance of the variables in explaining the variance in CPUE. For swordfish, by decreasing importance, the variables ranked: (1) latitude, (2) time, (3) longitude, (4) lunar index, (5) lightsticks per hook, (6) SST, (7) ΔSST frontal energy, (8) wind velocity, (9) SST frontal energy, (10) bathymetry, and (11) ΔSST. For blue shark, the variables ranked: (1) latitude, (2) longitude, (3) time, (4) SST, (5) lightsticks per hook, (6) ΔSST, (7) ΔSST frontal energy, (8) SST frontal energy, (9) wind velocity, (10) lunar index, and (11) bathymetry. Swordfish CPUE increased with latitude to peak at 35–40°N and increased in the vicinity of temperature fronts and during the full moon. Shark CPUE also increased with latitude up to 40°N, and increased westward, but declined abruptly at SSTs colder than 16°C. As a comparison with modelling fishery performance in relation to specific environmental and fishery operational effects, fishery performance was also modelled as a function of categorical time (month) and area (2° squares) variables using a generalized linear model (GLM) approach. The variance accounted for by the GLMs was ≈ 1–3% lower than the variance explained by the GAMs. Time series of swordfish and blue shark CPUE standardized for the environmental and operational variables quantified in the GAM and for the time-area effects in the GLM are presented. For swordfish, both nominal and standardized time series indicate a decline in CPUE, whereas the opposite trend was seen for blue shark.  相似文献   
环型和圆型钓钩的力学性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了在我国金枪鱼延绳钓渔业中推广应用圆型钓钩,必须掌握圆型钓钩、环型钓钩受力时的位移和应变等力学性能。实验对环型钓钩3.4~4.5和圆型钓钩14/0~4.5采用万能实验机进行拉伸实验,利用数字图像相关测试系统对实验过程中钓钩的位移、应变等进行动态测量。结果显示:(1)当拉力为0~500 N、500~800 N时,圆型钩14/0~4.5最大应变分别为0.012、0.018,环型钩3.4~4.5最大应变分别为0.010、0.025;(2)当拉力为0~500 N、500~800 N时,圆型钩14/0~4.5最大位移分别为5.16 mm、8.50 mm,环型钩3.4~4.5最大位移分别为4.36 mm、6.01 mm。环型钓钩3.4~4.5为4.36 mm。对环型钓钩3.4~4.5和圆型钓钩14/0~4.5应变、位移进行卡方检验,发现环型钓钩3.4~4.5、圆型钓钩14/0~4.5力学性能无显著性差异。研究建议今后在金枪鱼延绳钓渔业中推广应用圆型钓钩。  相似文献   
A new habitat‐based model is developed to improve estimates of relative abundance of Pacific bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus). The model provides estimates of `effective' longline effort and therefore better estimates of catch‐per‐unit‐of‐effort (CPUE) by incorporating information on the variation in longline fishing depth and depth of bigeye tuna preferred habitat. The essential elements in the model are: (1) estimation of the depth distribution of the longline gear, using information on gear configuration and ocean currents; (2) estimation of the depth distribution of bigeye tuna, based on habitat preference and oceanographic data; (3) estimation of effective longline effort, using fine‐scale Japanese longline fishery data; and (4) aggregation of catch and effective effort over appropriate spatial zones to produce revised time series of CPUE. Model results indicate that effective effort has increased in both the western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) and eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). In the WCPO, effective effort increased by 43% from the late 1960s to the late 1980s due primarily to the increased effectiveness of effort (deeper longline sets) rather than to increased nominal effort. Over the same period, effective effort increased 250% in the EPO due primarily to increased nominal effort. Nominal and standardized CPUE indices in the EPO show similar trends – a decline during the 1960s, a period of stability in the 1970s, high values during 1985–1986 and a decline thereafter. In the WCPO, nominal CPUE is stable over the time‐series; however, standardized CPUE has declined by ~50%. If estimates of standardized CPUE accurately reflect relative abundance, then we have documented substantial reductions of bigeye tuna abundance for some regions in the Pacific Ocean. A decline in standardized CPUE in the subtropical gyres concurrent with stability in equatorial areas may represent a contraction in the range of the population resulting from a decline in population abundance. The sensitivity of the results to the habitat (temperature and oxygen) assumptions was tested using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   
  • 1. Seabirds killed incidentally in Australia's eastern tuna and billfish (ETBF) longline fishery between September 2001 and June 2006 were examined to evaluate species composition and to relate, where possible, capture events to operational and environmental factors.
  • 2. During this period 2.129 million hooks on 2202 shots were observed, and 369 birds were reported killed. The majority (78%) of these were flesh‐footed shearwaters (Puffinus carniepes), 53% of which were male and 44% female. Smaller numbers of medium to large sized albatrosses (Diomedeidae, predominantly female) and other shearwaters (Puffinus spp.) and petrels (Pterodroma spp.) dominated the remainder of the bycatch.
  • 3. Of the 369 birds reported taken as bycatch, 280 were available for necropsy, and species identifications performed in situ by observers were assessed. While observer identifications were generally correct for common species, performance was poor for less common ones.
  • 4. The geographical location (latitude) of shots, season, time of day at which shots were set, and bait type and life status (dead or alive) influenced the seabird bycatch rate. The majority of captures (87% overall) occurred between 30 and 35°S, with bycatch being lowest in winter, and remaining at similar levels across the other seasons.
  • 5. The use of live fish bait was generally associated with increased captures of both seabirds overall, and flesh‐footed shearwaters in particular. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
报道 1 994年 1 1月至 1 996年 1 0月 (4~ 7月除外 )金丰 2号延绳钓船在中部大西洋公海 (0 9°N~ 0 5°S ,1 8°W~ 34°W )钓捕渔获物和各月经济鱼种上钩率的状况。经过鉴定共有 2 7种鱼类和一种海龟。在 2月的北纬渔场和 1 2月上半月在南纬西部渔场 (0 1°S~ 0 5°S ,2 4°W以西 ) ,大眼金枪鱼的上钩率达到高峰值 ,均大于 8‰ ,其它期间在钓捕海域上钩率在 2‰~ 8‰之间 ;在 1 1月、1 2月的北纬渔场和 1 2月上半月在南纬西部渔场 ,黄鳍金枪鱼的上钩率均大于 4‰ ,而在南纬中部渔场 (0 1°S~ 0 5°S ,2 4°W~ 1 8°W )黄鳍金枪鱼的上钩率最低 ,小于 1‰ ;箭鱼的上钩率在钓捕海域大体在 2‰以下 ,其它低经济价值的鱼上钩率几乎都小于 1‰。本文探讨了影响上钩率的因素。  相似文献   
根据2007年12月~2008年3月采集的热带大西洋(05°37′~12°01′N、29°00′~36°51′W)金枪鱼延绳钓渔获物数据,分析了金枪鱼延绳钓兼捕鲨鱼的种类组成、渔获量、渔获率及其与表温的关系。本次调查共捕获鲨鱼8种,隶属3目7科7属,总渔获尾数为633 ind,总渔获量达26 837.4 kg,其中大青鲨为主要兼捕种类。各种鲨鱼渔获率平均值在0.003~1.524 ind/1 000 hooks之间,其中大青鲨最高,其值为1.524 ind/1 000 hooks,大眼砂锥齿鲨最低,其值为0.003 ind/1 000 hooks。各种鲨鱼渔获率月变化不明显(ANOVA,P=0.901)。鲨鱼总渔获率和大青鲨渔获率与表温都呈显著性负相关。大青鲨主要出现渔场的表温范围为24.6~25.8℃。  相似文献   
Robust assessments of the effects of fishing require accounting for components of fishing mortality, including post‐release fishing mortality (Fr). Random‐effects meta‐analysis synthesized Fr in seven pelagic shark species captured, tagged and released with 401 pop‐up satellite archival tags compiled from 33 studies and three gears (longline, purse‐seine, rod & reel). The majority of Fr outcomes occurred within days of release, and the summary effect size for Fr was 0.27 [95% CI: 0.19–0.36], ranging from a low pooled effect size of 0.17 for blue shark (Prionace glauca, Carcharhinidae) to 0.38 (silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, Carcharhinidae). Fr rates in blue shark were consistent over dissimilar spatial and temporal scales, and results from earlier meta‐analysis were replicated, which is the most powerful way to authenticate results. Condition at tagging was a strong predictor, and dichotomized survival outcomes in silky shark and no sex‐, size‐, location‐ or gear‐specific Fr rates were demonstrated. Meta‐analyses and sensitivity analyses indicated exposure to risk factors and conditions whilst caught on the gear probably had the largest explanatory effect on Fr, rather than stressors incurred during handling and release. Records from 549 tagged istiophorid billfishes (six species, three gears, 43 studies) demonstrated they are more robust to stressors sustained during capture, handling and release than pelagic sharks. Findings from previous meta‐analysis on Fr rates in white marlin (Kajikia albida, Istiophoridae) were replicated. Synthesized Fr rates enable prioritizing approaches to mitigate by‐catch fishing mortality, to improve the quality of stock and ecological risk assessments and to expand our knowledge of factors influencing trophic structure.  相似文献   
三倍体长牡蛎浮筏养殖技术的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道了两个相邻海区近500hm^2三倍体长牡蛎Crassotrea gigas(Thunberg)浮筏养殖的研究结果。三倍体牡蛎的采苗器为栉孔扇贝壳,每片采苗器采苗10 ̄12个,以15 ̄20cm间距夹于3股聚乙(丙)烯蝇间并吊养在浮筏上。三倍体牡蛎在个体重、出肉率和条件指数等养殖经济性状方面比二部体分别增加42.1%、16.2%、56.7%,成活率也有一定的提高。三部体在生长等方面性状优势的生  相似文献   
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