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Water salinity affects survival, growth and metamorphosis of anuran tadpoles. Hoplobatrachus rugulosus is considered not only as a freshwater amphibian but is also found in brackish wetlands. However, whether salinity change interferes with hatching, survival, body mass and development of H. rugulosus tadpoles is unknown. We found that salinity levels of <4‰ did not affect of survival or hatching of H. rugulosus eggs. At an early larval stage, tadpoles could tolerate up to 9‰ salinity for 96 h; however, body water content decreased when salinity was >5‰. After a 3‐week experiment, body weights of tadpoles exposed to 2‰ and 4‰ salinities were higher but that of the 6‰ group was lower compared with the 0‰ group. More than 90% of tadpoles exposed to 2‰ and 4‰ salinity showed complete metamorphosis. Salinity levels <4‰ promoted survival of tadpoles better than 0‰, whereas none of tadpoles in the 6‰ group became juvenile frogs in 50 days. Time taken to reach metamorphosis was shorter for 2‰ and 4‰ (47.22 ± 0.28 and 47.26 ± 0.33 days, respectively) than for 0‰ (49.31 ± 0.35 days). Juvenile frogs in the 2‰ group had greater body weight than the control. It could be concluded that salinity of <4‰ increased survival and body weight of H. rugulosus tadpoles, and shortened the time taken to reach metamorphosis.  相似文献   
The Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus is an ancestral species of critical importance to the ecosystem and indigenous cultures in the Pacific Northwest. Conservation aquaculture has been proposed as a potential technique to restore Pacific lamprey populations. Intensive culture methods and diets for this species have not been developed. A sixteen week feeding trial tested the effects of seven diet treatments on the survival, growth, fatty acid profile and whole body lipid content of Pacific lamprey ammocoetes. Dietary treatments were: active dry yeast, yeast plus fish oil emulsion, micro‐algae, micro‐algae plus fish oil emulsion, yeast with micro‐algae, yeast with micro‐algae plus fish oil emulsion and yeast with larval fish diet. Each diet was offered to five replicate tanks stocked with 20 ammocoetes that were 51 days post hatch. Survival during the trial was not affected by diet. The greatest length and weight increases were in fish fed diets containing yeast. Growth decreased as the amount of algae in the diet was increased. Lipid retention was significantly higher in fish fed yeast with larval fish diet relative to the other treatments. Feed conversion ratio was lowest in fish fed diets containing yeast. Whole body fatty acid profiles tended to reflect the fatty acid profile of the diet. Percentages of 20:5n‐3 and 22:6n‐3 were significantly higher in fish fed diets containing fish oil emulsion. Overall, yeast with larval fish diet provided the best growth performance in larval Pacific lamprey.  相似文献   
The daily mortality rates of North Sea herring early‐stage larvae are found to vary over decades. Larval abundance data were used with a spatio‐temporal oceanographic model to reconstruct temperature histories of the observed larvae. The histories were used in conjunction with a temperature‐based growth model to estimate larval age. Mean daily mortality rates were then estimated for the four spawning components (Downs, Banks, Buchan and Orkney/Shetland) using the vertical life table approach, which considers instantaneous abundances across all ages rather than following distinct cohorts. All spawning components, but especially Downs (in the south), exhibited a steady rise in mortality associated with increasing population size. In addition, the three northern components shared a distinct trend in mortality that was significantly correlated with ambient water temperatures experienced by the larvae during the respective time periods after hatching. This trend was also significantly negatively correlated with the residuals of the whole stock‐recruitment relationship. These findings were generally robust to assumptions about growth and hatch length of larvae. The compensatory increase in productivity in the late 1980s and poor recruitment since 2000 coincide with changes in the mortality of larvae younger than 30 days post hatch and covary with larval density and temperature. Thus we suggest that the mortality of early‐stage larvae does impact on the population dynamics in North Sea herring in its current productivity regime, implying a critical period in the determination of year class strength.  相似文献   
短须裂腹鱼规模化人工繁育技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012—2013年,为提高短须裂腹鱼人工繁育能力,以刚涌出的清澈无致病菌和虫的地下泉水为水源,采用水流培育亲鱼、流水孵化受精卵、活体饵料培育鱼苗等关键技术,进行短须裂腹鱼规模化人工繁育技术研究。结果表明:2年共采捕野生短须裂腹鱼亲鱼403尾,在水流速度0.1~0.3 m/s、水温12~16℃、pH值6.5~7.0、溶氧6 mg/L以上的流水池中培育,平均驯养成活率49.4%,获成熟亲鱼234尾次;共催产亲鱼224尾次,产卵雌鱼133尾次,总产卵量127.3万粒,平均每尾雌鱼产卵0.957万粒;获受精卵93.8万粒,平均受精率为73.7%;受精卵在水温12.5~14.0℃的流水孵化槽中孵化199 h开始出膜,共孵出幼体85.5万粒,平均孵化率91.2%;共获2 cm仔鱼55.1万尾,平均出苗率58.7%;共获3.5 cm鱼苗45.2万尾,鱼苗培育成活率为82.0%。  相似文献   
Lamprey, Geotria australis, are widely distributed in New Zealand and are common in streams and rivers of the west coast of both islands, the southern tip of the North Island, the Banks Peninsula and the southern coast of the South Island. In fresh water, lamprey are found in association with all substrate types but are most commonly (> 50% of the sample sites) found in association with finer gravels. There is insufficient evidence to determine any change in historically abundant adult spawning migrations. Spawning, back calculated from larval growth rates, probably occurs late November-December, and emergence at 9.63 mm occurs in January. We estimate that, on average, ammocoetes grow 0.068 mm/day throughout the year, and metamorphose and emigrate to sea between January-May, 3.5 years after spawning at 101 mm (SD = 6.7).  相似文献   
[目的]探析褐牙鲆仔鱼早期发育阶段促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素基因(CRH)的表达情况及受甲状腺激素的影响作用,为开展牙鲆的人工繁育提供科学依据.[方法]通过实时荧光定量PCR检测褐牙鲆早期发育阶段CRH基因表达量,以ELISA测定褐牙鲆仔鱼甲状腺激素(T3和T4)水平,并测定经外源T3浸泡处理后早期发育褐牙鲆仔鱼CRH基因表达量的变化情况,探究CRH和甲状腺激素在褐牙鲆早期发育阶段的影响及作用关系.[结果]1~8日龄褐牙鲆仔鱼CRH基因相对表达量呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,在5日龄达最高值,显著高于其他日龄的仔鱼(P<0.05,下同).10~42日龄褐牙鲆仔鱼CRH基因主要在其头部表达,尾部CRH基因的相对表达量随着生长发育的进程而逐渐增加.褐牙鲆仔鱼变态前期甲状腺激素T4含量逐渐增加,变态高峰期迅速升高,在变态后期呈下降趋势.较其他早期发育时期,甲状腺激素T3在褐牙鲆变态期维持高水平,但含量低于甲状腺激素T4.22日龄褐牙鲆仔鱼经50 nmol/L外源T3处理2 h后,其头部和尾部CRH基因的相对表达量显著升高;但以外源T3处理8 h后,无论是头部还是尾部,CRH基因的相对表达量均呈显著下降趋势.[结论]褐牙鲆早期变态发育需CRH基因高表达及甲状腺激素积累,二者对褐牙鲆早期变态发育阶段具有重要作用并呈互相代偿效应.  相似文献   
During April to June 2009, a large bolus of Amazon River water impacted the northeastern Caribbean Sea. Shipboard observations collected near Saba Bank, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, and the Anegada Passage showed low surface salinity (35.76 ± 0.05 Practical Salinity Unit (PSU)), elevated surface temperature (26.77 ± 0.14°C), high chlorophyll‐a (1.26 ± 0.21 mg m?3) and high dissolved oxygen (4.90 ± 0.06 mL L?1) in a 20‐ to 30‐m thick surface layer in the riverine plume. The water was ~1°C warmer, 1 PSU fresher, 0.3 mL L?1 higher in oxygen and 1.2 mg m?3 higher in chlorophyll‐a than Atlantic Ocean waters to the north, with Caribbean surface waters showing intermediate values. Plankton net tows obtained in the upper 100 m of the water column revealed larval fish assemblages within the plume that were significantly different from those of the surrounding waters and from those encountered in the area in previous years. The plume waters contained higher concentrations of mesopelagic fish larvae from the families Myctophidae and Nomeidae, which as adults typically inhabit offshore, deep water habitats. Concentrations of larvae from inshore and reef‐associated families such as Scaridae, Serranidae, Labridae and Clupeidae were lower than those found outside the plume in similar shallow areas, particularly in near‐surface waters. An event like the one observed in 2009 had not been documented in at least the past 30 yr, and yet it was followed by another similarly extreme event in 2010. The ecological implications, including any long‐term consequences of such recent extreme events, are important and merit further study.  相似文献   
短须裂腹鱼仔稚鱼发育及生长特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了掌握长江上游特有鱼类短须裂腹鱼(Schizothorax wangchiachii)的基础生物学资料,遏制其自然资源迅速下降态势,维护长江鱼类的生物多样性,在水温10.0~20.4℃的条件下,对人工催产孵化的短须裂腹鱼仔稚鱼形态发育特征进行了连续观察,并逐日记录其生长情况,分析其生长特性。结果显示,刚出膜短须裂腹鱼仔鱼全长(9.83±0.88) mm,呈现透明淡黄色,卵黄囊较大,胸鳍较小,仔鱼多侧卧静栖水底,人为刺激下可以向前移动;23日龄仔鱼全长(15.18±0.52) mm,卵黄全部消失,鳔室呈长圆柱形,肠道内充满食物,进入稚鱼期;35日龄稚鱼全长(16.75±0.75)mm,出现二鳔室、腹鳍呈现月牙状,腹鳍褶皱宽大;65日龄稚鱼全长(23.64±0.82) mm,腹鳍褶皱几乎消失,除未见臀鳞外,各鳍均已出现,其生活习性已与成鱼相似。短须裂腹鱼仔稚鱼的生长呈现先急速增加、而后平缓、再快速增加、而后变慢的过程,特定生长率呈现先迅速增加然后指数型下降的趋势。运用Matlab对短须裂腹鱼体长(L_P)与日龄(t)的多项式关系函数(L_P=9.7296+0.55051t-0.0239t~2+5.1283×10~(-4)t~3-3.4419×10~(-6)t~4(R=0.9666,SD=0.6824,P0.001)进行分析,求得22.14日龄和52.35日龄是短须裂腹鱼仔稚鱼生长变化的关键日龄,与个体发育阶段的卵黄消失(23日龄)和52日龄左右(20 mm左右)稚鱼高死亡率接近。  相似文献   
油松毛虫越冬幼虫上树下树历期的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过1984~1986年对越冬幼虫的系统调查数据,分别求得油松毛虫越冬幼虫上树历期约为51d;下树历期约为87d;上树高峰期为每年的3月28日~4月19日;下树高峰期为每年的10月份。并同时对越冬幼虫上树过程中的物候学进行了观察。  相似文献   
通过对条石鲷胚胎发育和仔鱼发育形态的观察,确定了条石鲷早期发育的进程。条石鲷的受精卵为圆球形、透明、浮性,卵径为0.90~0.95mill,油球1个,卵裂为盘状卵裂。在水温23~24℃,盐度26~28的条件下,受精后7h 10mirh胚胎发育至原肠期;受精后12h,眼囊形成;受精后20h 30min,心跳开始搏动;受精后26h 30min仔鱼孵出。初孵仔鱼全长1.78~2.03min,至5日龄全长3.25~3.30min时,卵黄囊完全消失;至8~15日龄,全长3.50~4.97mm时,鳔形成;至18.20日龄,全长7.10~7.31min时,尾鳍鳍条发育完整。  相似文献   
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