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依据田阳县2002—2012年水稻纹枯病观测田的病情系统调查记载表数据,采用分层随机抽样法抽取100对数据,构建了病情指数y与病株率x数学预测模型y=0.2919x-0.1478(%,0〈x〈20),应用于预测预报时可减少调查工作量,提高工作效率。  相似文献   
完善土地流转是推进农业现代化的一项重要举措,基于农户家庭视角,依据采集的1 036份全国农户样本数据,运用二元Logit选择模型分析了农户进行土地流转意愿的影响因素.研究发现,受教育程度、家庭非农收入、耕地流转价格、流转区域经济水平与农户进行土地流转的意愿有显著正相关影响,农户年龄、家庭农业劳动力数量、耕地质量与农户进行土地流转意愿有显著负相关影响.建议政府加快农村土地流转法治建设,强化土地流转规范化管理;建立城乡发展一体化体制,完善农村社会保障机制;积极推进新型城镇化建设,创造更多非农就业机会;改善农村教育培训条件,提高农民素质与技能.  相似文献   
考虑到保险公司在实际经营中收益所具有的不确定性和分红策略,建立一类具有线性红利界和带随机扰动的双复合Poisson风险模型,利用鞅方法给出模型关于破产概率的一个定理及上界.  相似文献   
A general linear model (GLM) was used to standardize catch per unit effort (CPUE) data for Alaska walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from the Bering Sea fleet for the years 1995–1999. Data were stratified temporally by year and season and spatially by area using either Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) reporting areas. Four factors were used: vessel identification (ID) number, vessel speed, percentage of pollock by weight in the haul (a measure of targeting), and whether most of the haul took place before or after sunset. At least 29 combinations of main effects, quadratic covariates, and interactions were tested for each year/area/season stratum. GLM models explained from 31 to 48% of the total sums of squares. Vessel identification number was included in all models and explained the most variability. Of the remaining factors, the square of the percentage of pollock in the haul was included in most models, following an F-test to determine parsimony. Analysis of the vessel identification number coefficients indicated that larger vessels tended to have higher CPUEs; and that this relationship differed between dedicated catcher vessels and offshore catcher processors. Coefficient estimates and response surfaces generally indicated increased CPUEs with the percentage of pollock in the haul and showed mixed results with vessel speed. The vessel identification number incorporated most vessel characteristics, leaving vessel speed primarily as a fitting variable with less biological meaning. The year/area/season stratification procedure was found to be necessary due to the unbalanced design, which otherwise would have factor levels with no data in a large combined model. In addition, the stratification procedure reduced the variability in CPUE substantially.  相似文献   
基于MODIS、Landsat-8 OLI和HJ-1A/1B CCD卫星遥感资料,结合2013-2014年甘南州夏河县桑科草原试验区野外实测数据,建立了高寒草地地上生物量遥感反演模型,筛选出基于不同遥感资料植被指数的生物量最优反演模型,比较分析了生物量最优模型的空间效应。同时,分析了2000-2013年基于MODIS植被指数估算的试验区产草量的年际变化特征。结果表明,草地生物量最优反演模型为基于Landsat-8 OLI NDVI数据的对数模型(y=727.54lnx1+495.23,R2=0.772,RMSE=31.333 kg DM·hm-2);在30和250 m空间分辨率下,基于MODIS NDVI及EVI、Landsat-8 OLI NDVI和HJ-1A/1B CCD NDVI最优模型估算的生物量均高于实测生物量,其中Landsat-8 OLI NDVI数据估算的草地生物量与实测生物量值最接近;2000-2013年试验区草地总生物量整体上具有显著增加的趋势(R2=0.590 7,P0.001),平均增加速率达50.57 kg DM·hm-2·a-1。  相似文献   
牻牛儿基牻牛儿基焦磷酸合酶(Geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase,GGPS)是萜类合成途径的结构酶,对植物生长发育具有重要意义。本研究通过RACE和RT-PCR方法克隆得到5条潜在的茶树GGPS序列,分别命名为CsGGPS1-4和CsGGPS9,其中CsGGPS9存在3条等位基因,分别是CsGGPS9-1、CsGGPS9-2和CsGGPS9-3,在系统进化树上与其他基因分成两支。蛋白质序列分析表明,茶树GGPS家族成员都具有polyprenyl_synt结构域,不存在信号肽序列。亚细胞定位预测结果显示,CsGGPS1、CsGGPS2和CsGGPS4定位在叶绿体上,CsGGPS3和CsGGPS9定位在线粒体上。通过Swiss Model进行三维建模,结合"three-floor"模型对茶树GGPS家族成员的功能进行预测,预测结果显示,CsGGPS1、CsGGPS2和CsGGPS4是GGPS;CsGGPS3是异源二聚体形式的牻牛儿基焦磷酸合酶的小亚基;CsGGPS9的催化主产物是碳链数大于30的异戊烯基焦磷酸。q RT-PCR分析表明,CsGGPS1整体表达丰度较低,仅在一芽二叶中表达量稍高;CsGGPS2在茶树各个组织中均有表达,在花中表达量最高,且花发育过程中表达量先上升后下降;CsGGPS3在叶和幼根中的表达量高于花,花发育过程中表达平稳;CsGGPS4在茶树各个组织中表达量数值相近,在花发育过程中表达量变化趋势与CsGGPS2相同;CsGGPS9的表达量在成熟叶中显著低于幼嫩叶片。  相似文献   
羊草+杂类草群落生物量动态模式的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对黑龙江肇州县羊草+杂类草群落地上生物量的季节动态、地下生物量的分布以及地上生物量与降雨量、温度之间的关系进行了分析.结果表明,在生长季内,群落地上生物量动态模式呈单峰型,符合四次多项式模型增长,最大地上生物量出现在8月5日,其值为197.3m2而后下降;群落地下生物量分布由上至下呈负幂函数变化,其模型为:Bu=Y·(D+10)-x.其中在0-30cm土层中,群落地下生物量占总地下生物量的77%~82%.  相似文献   
本文以吉林农业科技学院中药学院校内教学实习基地为例,总结了应用型本科院校对校内实习基地的管理方法。重点强调加强学生实践能力、管理能力的培养,使教学基地成为培养应用型本科人才的摇篮。  相似文献   
While the cumulative effects of the actions of multiple owners have long been recognized as critically relevant to efforts to maintain sustainable forests at the landscape scale, few studies have addressed these effects. We used the HARVEST timber harvest simulator to predict the cumulative effects of four owner groups (two paper companies, a state forest and non-industrial private owners) with different management objectives on landscape pattern in an upper Michigan landscape managed primarily for timber production. We quantified trends in landscape pattern metrics that were linked to Montreal Process indicators of forest sustainability, and used a simple wildlife habitat model to project habitat trends. Our results showed that most trends were considered favorable for forest sustainability, but that some were not. The proportion of all age classes and some forest types moved closer to presettlement conditions. The trend for the size of uneven-aged patches was essentially flat while the average size of patches of the oldest and youngest age classes increased and the size of patches of the remaining age classes decreased. Forest fragmentation generally declined, but edge density of age classes increased. Late seral forest habitat increased while early successional habitat declined. The owners use different management systems that cumulatively produce a diversity of habitats. Our approach provides a tool to evaluate such cumulative effects on other landscapes owned by multiple owners. The approach holds promise for helping landowner groups develop and evaluate cooperative strategies to improve landscape patterns for forest sustainability.  相似文献   
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