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Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is an opportunistic pathogen in AIDS patients and pigs, and causes dissemination through primary intestinal lesions. However, its pathogenesis is not well understood. In this article, we hypothesize that pigs can provide a suitable experimental model of disseminated MAC disease. We compared the initial route of infection, the characteristics of the pathogenic strains, the immunological status of the hosts, and the histological characteristics. The route of infection and infective strains are similar in AIDS patients and pigs. Pigs can respond to infection by the formation of systemic epithelioid granuloma with sufficient cell-mediated immunity. However, there are differences in immunological status and histological features between AIDS patients and pigs. Therefore, pigs might be used as an appropriate animal model because of their good cell mediated immunity triggered by systemic mycobacterial infection. In conclusion, MAC infections in AIDS patients and pigs show similarities in terms of the initial route of infection and the genetic characteristics of the pathogenic strains.  相似文献   
The trace element selenium is essential to both dogs and cats. Dry diets are formulated with a large range of ingredients, which may vary in selenium concentration and accessibility. This paper reports equations to predict the average in vitro selenium accessibility from dry pet foods based on essential dietary nutrient concentrations, including crude protein, amino acids and crude fat. Predictive equations were made using stepwise linear regression for extruded and pelleted diets. The equations can be used to aid diet formulation to optimize selenium accessibility within the diet and to prevent selenium deficiency or toxicity.  相似文献   
针对《饲料质量分析与品质检测》课程实验长期以来考核方式存在的弊端,尝试通过教学改革建立一套能够有效反映学生学习成绩的科学合理、公平公正的实验课考核模式。实践表明,学生从思想上转变了对实验课的认识.极大地提高了学生的积极性、主动性及分析问题和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   
塞北兔生长发育及生长曲线的拟合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Logistic非线性动物生长模型拟合塞北兔初生到6月龄的平均体重,进行生长曲线分析.结果表明:①根据Logistic生长曲线方程原理,确定了塞北兔生长曲线方程参数a=24.2593,b=0.9297,并对方程进行了拟合,建立了塞北兔生长曲线方程y^^=6596.5589/(1+24.259 3e^-0.9297x)(P〈0.05);②Logistic方程能很好的拟合塞北兔的生长过程,拟合度均在0.95以上,生长的拐点时间为3.43月龄,拐点体重为3298.28g,极限体重参数6596.5589g。  相似文献   
Using spline functions (segmented polynomials) in regression models requires the knowledge of the location of the knots. Knots are the points at which independent linear segments are connected. Optimal positions of knots for linear splines of different orders were determined in this study for different scenarios, using existing estimates of covariance functions and an optimization algorithm. The traits considered were test‐day milk, fat and protein yields, and somatic cell score (SCS) in the first three lactations of Canadian Holsteins. Two ranges of days in milk (from 5 to 305 and from 5 to 365) were taken into account. In addition, four different populations of Holstein cows, from Australia, Canada, Italy and New Zealand, were examined with respect to first lactation (305 days) milk only. The estimates of genetic and permanent environmental covariance functions were based on single‐ and multiple‐trait test‐day models, with Legendre polynomials of order 4 as random regressions. A differential evolution algorithm was applied to find the best location of knots for splines of orders 4 to 7 and the criterion for optimization was the goodness‐of‐fit of the spline covariance function. Results indicated that the optimal position of knots for linear splines differed between genetic and permanent environmental effects, as well as between traits and lactations. Different populations also exhibited different patterns of optimal knot locations. With linear splines, different positions of knots should therefore be used for different effects and traits in random regression test‐day models when analysing milk production traits.  相似文献   

Die groeifunksies benodig vir die simulasie van produksie van ‘n Themeda triandra‐grasveld met behulp van die PUTU 11 simulasiemodel is ontwikkel. Vir die ontwikkeling van die model is die veldproduksiedata van die 1980/81 groeiseisoen gebruik waarna dit suksesvol, vir drie groeiseisoene met uiteenlopende klimaatstoestande, getoets is. In die model is koolhidraatverdeling tussen verskillende plantdele gesimuleer deur van verskillende funksies vir elke groeistadium gebruik te maak. Die hipotese is gestel dat die verskillende plantdele na ‘ n gewenste massaverhouding tot die totale plantmassa streef deur die translokasie van koolhidrate. ‘n Beperkte maksimum tempo van translokasie in en uit plantdele is gestel. Die werklike translokasietempo verander sigmoidaal met die relatiewe massaverhoudingafwyking.  相似文献   
本研究通过实地调查,运用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型和环境气候数据模拟未来气候变化对青藏高原地区藏药独一味(Lamiophlomis rotata(Benth.)Kudo)适生区空间分布格局的影响,探索其适生区变迁规律.通过ArcGIS和SPSS对模拟结果分析显示,当前气候条件下独一味最适宜生长地区主要分布于青藏高原地区...  相似文献   
To eliminate unnecessary feeding trials, a mechanistic model of sugarcane digestion was used in the search for suitable supplements to improve milk production. Milk production simulated by the model was compared with data observed in four feeding trials published in the tropical literature where crossbred dairy cows were fed sugarcane/urea diets with different types of supplements. The predicted effects of the supplements on the ruminal microbial population, concentrations of ammonia and volatile fatty acids were also compared with the published results in one experiment. The model indicated the nutrient most limiting milk production for the different feeding situations. The addtion of Leucaena to the basal sugarcane/urea improved the availability of amino acids and long-chain fatty acids, with energy becoming the limiting factor. Supplementation with rice bran increased the availability of energy and long-chain fatty acids, but amino acids then became the limiting factor. Supplementation with both Leucaena and rice bran further improved the milk yield, but availability of energy now limited milk production. Supplementation with Leucaena increased milk production more than supplementation with king grass. The main reason for this increase was increased amino acid absorption due to increased microbial outflow. In all feeding situations, the average difference between the predicted milk production and that observed experimentally was 0.57 kg/d (ranging from 0.08 to 1 kg/d).  相似文献   
The authors construct a microcanonical ensemble system and analyzes the phase change of the two-dimensional Ising model Cellular Automata Q2R/WQ2R method. The result indicates that the numerical value simulation can show the spontaneous magnetization of two-dimensional crystal lattice in isolated system. The authors have observed the critical phase transition phenomenon and gotten the critical energy. The simulation of three-dimensional Ising model can be grounded on the method that this article establishes.  相似文献   
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