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采用自行设计的抽屉式生物滤器应用于漠斑牙鲆(Paralichthys lethostigma)闭合循环水养殖系统,研究其对循环养殖水的处理效果及漠斑牙鲆的增重和饲料利用率的影响。结果表明:经过60 d的循环水养殖,漠斑牙鲆从初始时的(225.4±11.9)g增加到结束时的(337.5±10.3)g,增重率49.97%;试验饲料系数1.06,养殖密度24.1 kg/m3,成活率100%;抽屉式生物滤器对于NH4+-N、NO2--N和COD去除率分别为(10.61±1.88)%、(14.90±3.06)%和(16.11±1.70)%,可满足漠斑牙鲆养殖水体的水质要求。  相似文献   
为了解广东地区猪-鱼复合养殖模式下气单胞菌整合子流行情况及其耐药特征,从广东省5个不同猪-鱼复合养殖场采集分离猪粪、鱼、池塘水及池塘底泥的气单胞菌共317株,通过微量二倍稀释法测定其对20种药物的敏感性;PCR扩增Ⅰ类整合子整合酶基因intI1,并分析其基因盒阵列结构。结果表明,317株气单胞菌对20种药物耐药程度不一,氨苄西林、磺胺间甲氧嘧啶、萘啶酸的耐药率相对较高。intI1的检出率为15.77%,鱼源和猪源的整合子检出率高于环境源。整合子阳性菌对测试的12种药物的耐药率显著高于阴性菌,且表现为多重耐药;50个Ⅰ类整合子共检测到16种耐药基因盒,包括了编码氨基糖苷类耐药基因aadA1、aadA2、aac6-Ⅱ、aacA4,甲氧苄啶耐药基因drfA1、dfrA12、dfrA15、dfrA17、dfrB4,β内酰胺类耐药基因bla_(OXA-10)、bla_(OXA-21),氯霉素耐药基因catB3、catB8,利福平耐药基因arr2、arr3以及质粒介导的喹诺酮类耐药基因aac(6')-Ib-cr。携带了不同类耐药基因盒的整合子阳性菌还表现出所对应的对甲氧苄啶、链霉素、氯霉素类等的耐药表型,由此推测整合子的存在与细菌的多重耐药密切相关。研究表明,I类整合子分布于广东地区猪-鱼复合养殖模式下不同来源气单胞菌,并介导细菌对多种抗菌药物耐药。有必要开展畜禽-鱼复合养殖模式下细菌耐药性的传播机制研究,为水产养殖合理用药提供依据。  相似文献   
我国蓝色粮仓科技创新的发展思路与实施途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨红生 《水产学报》2019,43(1):97-104
蓝色粮仓建设对保障食物安全、推动经济发展、催生新兴产业、彰显国家权益、改善生态环境以及突破产业瓶颈具有重要意义。在当前科技和产业背景下,如何卓有成效地构建蓝色粮仓已成为社会各界关注的热点。本文明确了蓝色粮仓的概念和特点,分析了蓝色粮仓构建的必要性和可行性,提出了实现渔业产业由大国向强国跨越以及提升科技创新和产业发展能力的总体目标,从聚焦重大需求、构建科技创新链,坚持原创驱动、突破重大科学问题,强化集成示范、支撑产业健康持续发展等方面论述了实施途径,即按照基础研究、重大共性关键技术、典型应用示范全链条布局的要求,坚持生态优先谋划,陆海统筹布局,针对种质创制、健康养殖、资源养护、友好捕捞、流通加工五大产业类型需求,实施良种引领、空间拓展、技术升级、产业示范四大行动,建立智慧养殖、智能捕捞、绿色加工三大体系,满足优质蛋白供给和产业转型升级两大需求,最终构建中国特色的蓝色粮仓。  相似文献   
As a function of the water quality provided by square, circular and oval experimental ponds, the growth, survival and oxygen requirements in epibenthic postlarvae of Farfantepenaeus aztecus were analysed in relation to their routine metabolism and apparent heat increment. Temperature, oxygen concentration, pH and salinity were measured daily in two experimental ponds of each shape. The postlarvae oxygen consumption during two 24‐h cycles, their growth, physiological condition and survival and the productivity in the ponds were estimated. Low values of pH, oxygen concentration and phytobenthos productivity, and reduced postlarvae relative growth and survival were observed in the square ponds. We suggest that the latter results from a deficient water circulation related to the effect of the pond's shape on dissolved oxygen levels and, consequently, on growth and survival. The postlarvae routine metabolism, including feeding, varied between 1.91 and 2.25 mg O2 h?1 g?1 wet weight, whereas the minimum oxygen concentration needed in the ponds is approximately 4.25 mg O2 L?1. These conditions were achieved in the oval ponds concurrent with higher survival and growth values, in which individuals distributed randomly, for which we suggest that oval‐shaped ponds could be the most adequate for the culture of this and other penaeid species.  相似文献   
Analyses of a unique database containing sea lice records over an 11 year period provide evidence of changing infestation patterns in Scotland. The data, collected from more than 50 commercial Atlantic salmon farms, indicate that both species of sea lice commonly found in Scotland, Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus, have declined on farms over the past decade. Reductions for both species have been particularly marked since 2001 when more effective veterinary medicines became available. Treatment data were also available in the database and these show a growing trend towards the use of the in-feed medication emamectin benzoate (Slice), particularly in the first year of the salmon production cycle. However, this trend towards single product use has not been sustained in 2006, the latest year for which data are available. There is some evidence of region to region variation within Scotland with the Western Isles experiencing higher levels of infestation. However, compared to the levels observed between 1996 and 2000, all regions have benefited from reduced lice infestation, with the overall pattern showing a particular reduction in the second and third quarters of the second year of production.  相似文献   
The West-African euryhaline tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii shift from visually feeding on zooplankton when juveniles to mostly filter feeding on phytoplankton when adults. When reared using an appropriate ration in intensive aquaculture systems, S. m. heudelotii also consume algal-based detritus, and contribute to sediment mineralization, clean up their environment, and ultimately stimulate and sustain algal growth. We analysed such practical advantages for phytoplankton-based recirculating systems, using S. m. heudelotii and Chlorella sp. as biological material originating from the prototype of such a system operated in Senegal. We performed a 24-h factorial design experiment in 36 tubs, cross-classifying three levels of S. m. heudelotii (fishless control, unfed fish, and fed fish) with four levels of Chlorella initial density.Chlorella overall mean density increased significantly from fishless, to unfed fish, and fed fish treatments, and with Chlorella initial density. S. m. heudelotii did not alter nitrogen nor phosphorus concentrations, only affected by algal initial densities. Most ammonia excreted by fish was probably uptaken by Chlorella. Bacteria-mediated diurnal nitrification was possibly an alternative ammonium loss mechanism at highest oxygen concentrations. Algae were not limited by nitrogen or phosphorus but most likely by low dissolved organic carbon availability. Chlorella differential responses with fed vs. unfed Sarotherodon suggest that CO2 supplied by heterotrophic S. m. heudelotii respiration played a key role. Observed Chlorella growth rates were similar to the highest rates obtained in algal mass cultures, enriched with CO2, nitrate and phosphate, under artificial lighting.Our results suggest the existence of a Sarotherodon-Chlorella mutualism in our systems, where S. m. heudelotii provide CO2, the major limiting factor of Chlorella growth, whereas Chlorella oxygenate and detoxify the water media from ammonia, promoting S. m. heudelotii production. This mutualism could be used to optimize photosynthetic suspended-growth aquaculture systems, particularly in the Tropics where light is abundant and temperature is continuously high.  相似文献   
以甬优12在居于5 300℃积温线的浙江中部新昌县的试验实践为基础,提出了1 000 kg/667 m2手插栽培的基本技术思路、群体生育指标及主要集成技术。  相似文献   
A numerical model for analyzing dynamic properties of a net-cage system exposed in the open sea is proposed. The model is based on a lumped-mass method. In this model, the mooring lines are divided into linear elements and the net cage divided into several plane surface elements. The interconnected points or corners are called nodes or lumped-mass centers. The external force is calculated on each element and then equally distributed to its nodes. By adding the contributed forces from the neighboring elements, a system of motion equations for nodes is formed. The volume reduction coefficient of a net cage is estimated by the ratio of minimum volume of net cage during fluid and structure interaction to the original volume. In general, the numerical results are in good agreements with the experimental data. However, the results also show that if the Reynolds number is lower than the suggested range of 1400–1800, the numerical model may underestimate the environmental forces on a net-cage system.  相似文献   
Wild sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, are a valuable commercial species whose populations are declining. Fortunately, sablefish are excellent species for commercial aquaculture. Sablefish raised under high‐density conditions in the marine environment require the use of efficacious vaccines to control disease. Sablefish impacted by disease in net pens may have poor flesh quality and high mortality during grow‐out. As a result, disease can cause financial hardship for sablefish aquaculture operators. The efficacy of a multivalent vaccine preparation for sablefish, administered either by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection or by immersion, against atypical and typical Aeromonas salmonicida, the causative agents of atypical and typical furunculosis, respectively, was examined. A. salmonicida can affect sablefish at any age and size. Consequently, an efficacious vaccine that can be appropriately and optimally administered to all life stages is desirable. Sablefish vaccinated by immersion at ~1.5 or ~4.5 g with a whole‐cell multivalent vaccine were not protected against either typical or atypical A. salmonicida. Factors that may have contributed to the ineffectiveness of the immersion vaccine are discussed. By contrast, the relative per cent survival (RPS) or potency of the whole‐cell multivalent vaccine injected i.p. in juvenile sablefish at ~50 g against typical and atypical A. salmonicida was 94.3% and 81.7% respectively. The high RPS values indicated that the vaccine successfully initiated an immune response in sablefish upon a second encounter with the pathogen.  相似文献   
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