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半滑舌鳎的循环水养殖模式及经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3月至10月进行了半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossuss semilaevis Guanther)生产性养殖试验,期间对一套循环水养殖系统的水处理效果及半滑舌鳎养殖模式进行了深入的研究。养殖水体经系统处理后,养殖池内水温18~21℃,pH 7.0~8.0,DO≥6.6 mg/L,养殖池进水氨氮0.017~0.178 mg/L,亚硝酸氮0.012~0.064mg/L。文中详细阐述了放苗前养殖车间消毒、苗种选择与运输、生物滤池的培养、苗种投放、养殖过程中系统的日常维护、饵料投喂、光照控制、水质因子控制等内容,并对养殖半滑舌鳎8个月的经济效益进行了分析。以期为国内工厂化循环水养殖半滑舌鳎提供技术支持和经济效益分析方面的参考。  相似文献   
The nutritional effect of vitamin E in dietsfor Litopenaeus vannamei postlarve (PL19)was investigated. Four formulated diets withdifferent combinations of -tocopherylacetate (-TA), ascorbic acid (AA) andhighly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) weretested, using four replicates.No significant differences in survival wereobserved among treatments after 34 days offeeding. However, shrimp fed with a dietcontaining 2% fish oil (low n-3 HUFA content),200 mg.kg–1 -TA and100 mg.kg–1 AA (diet H/E/C) showedsignificantly better growth than those fed adiet supplemented with 5% fish oil (high n-3HUFA content), 200 mg.kg–1 -TA and100 mg.kg–1 AA (diet H+/E/C). Shrimp fedwith a diet containing 5% fish oil,900 mg.kg–1 -TA and100 mg.kg–1 AA (diet H+/E+/C) showed a significantly higher tissue level of n-6 PUFAthan postlarvae fed diet H+/E/C. No definiteconclusion could be drawn about a possibleinteraction between -TA and AA, since acomparison of the diet containing 5% fish oil,200 mg.kg–1 -TA and700 mg.kg–1 AA (H+/E+/C+) and the dietH+/E/C did not show any significant differencesin any of the measured parameters. Theantioxidative status of the shrimp tissue(measured by means of the thiobarbituric acid(TBA) assay and expressed as nM malonaldehyde(MA) per gramme dry weight) was equal for alltreatments. Nevertheless, there was a slightlylower MA value with the diet H+/E/C+,indicating that AA may be an effectiveantioxidant in the aqueous phase and at thewater/lipid interface of the tissue. The tissuelevels of -T and AA were highlydependent on the amounts in diets and nocorrelation between -T and AAincorporation could be observed.  相似文献   
农田面源污染一直被认为是竺山湾湖水质恶化的重要因素之一。采用实地调研农户的方法考察了环竺山湾湖小流域粮食作物(水稻、小麦)、蔬菜、果园生产在"十二五"初期养分投入状况,结合太湖流域"十一五"期间已获示范验证、可推广应用的环境友好型种植技术模式或实践,估算了环竺山湾湖小流域种植业生产控污减排能力。结果表明,基于目前的稻麦、蔬菜和果树种植面积,规模化应用稻-麦施肥减量技术和稻-绿肥技术轮作模式可分别实现无机N投入减量132.4、424.3 t·a-1和总N减排20、42.3 t·a-1;蔬菜种植优化技术模式可减少无机N投入993.7 t·a-1和减排总N 181.3 t·a-1;果园优化施肥与三叶草截流控害集成技术模式,至少可实现节省无机N投入1000 t·a-1和减排总N 116.8 t·a-1。综上,环竺山湾湖小流域种植业生产已较"十一五"时期无机N投入水平明显降低,但依然还有减量空间;有机肥施用量逐步提升,但符合竺山湾湖小流域的最适施用水平还有待深入研究。最后给出了环竺山湾湖小流域农田面源污染规模化防控建议,以期为改善竺山湾湖水质进而确保太湖水质安全提供支持。  相似文献   
稻鸭共作复合系统的生态环境效应研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
[目的]为稻鸭共作的实践应用提供理论依据。[方法]通过小区试验研究,分析稻鸭共作条件下,稻田土壤、水体理化性状、稻鸭共作对稻田常发性及危害严重的病虫草的发生情况以及对稻田天敌蜘蛛的影响和稻田生态系统的价值流动。[结果]结果表明,稻鸭共作较明显地改善了表层土壤的理化性状,与对照处理相比,表层土壤容重降低5.30%,土壤总孔隙度提高2.52%,土壤有机质增加6.41%;水体总氮、氧化还原电位、化学需氧量分别比对照增加了9.31%、27.51%、16.46%。稻鸭共作对稻田有害生物也有较明显的控制效应,对稻飞虱和稻纵卷叶螟的防效分别为65.49%和39.27%,对条纹叶枯病、稻田杂草的防效比常规稻作分别高0.62和22.2个百分点。稻鸭共作经济效益比常规稻作高3492元/hm2。[结论]稻鸭共作有利于水稻的生长发育。  相似文献   
The seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex P. C. Silva, a red algal species, is the main global source of Kappa carrageenan. The introduction of such exotic species in regions outside their original locale can change the community structure of the areas into which they are introduced. The possible influence of seaweed farming on the rocky reef fish assemblage was assessed in Paraty, Brazil. The reef fish assemblage in the seaweed farming area was compared before and after the commencement of farming with two undisturbed control areas. Among the ten species ranked as the most frequently occurring in each area, eight were the same. The fish community structure close to the seaweed farming area did not change from that of the control areas, over the months of the study. Neither the fish diversity and richness indices, nor the total average abundance among areas was significantly altered. The average abundance of the different trophic groups varied over time in both the farm and control areas, revealing similar patterns. These results suggest that K. alvarezii can be cultivated up to at least 50 m from a rocky coast without altering the fish community structure of the surrounding waters.  相似文献   
The objective of this research was to develop a low-cost attitude sensor for agricultural vehicles. The attitude sensor was composed of three vibratory gyroscopes and two inclinometers. A sensor fusion algorithm was developed to estimate tilt angles (roll and pitch) by least-squares method. In the algorithm, the drift error of the gyroscopes was estimated using the inclinometers. In addition to tilt angles, the attitude sensor also estimated the absolute heading angle and position with inclination error correction by integrating a GPS. Tests were conducted on a flat field, a sloping ground and a bumpy road. Results showed that the attitude sensor was able to estimate the roll angle with the maximum root mean square error of 0.43°, the pitch angle with 0.61° and the heading angle with 0.64°. Moreover, the attitude sensor dramatically improved the positioning accuracy from 25.9 cm to 3.0 cm in the sloping ground test and from 8.4 cm to 3.7 cm in the bumpy road test. The proposed technology used in the attitude sensor will help to develop advanced agricultural applications.  相似文献   
凡纳滨对虾塑料地膜高位池养成的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江国强 《农技服务》2009,26(7):91-92,107
2年来,用0.54 hm2的试验池,进行了4茬凡纳滨对虾塑料地膜高位池养成试验,通过池塘建设、基础饵料培养、苗种选择放养、饲料投喂、水质管理等措施,试验取得良好的经济效益。第1茬布苗密度105万尾/hm2,经74~76 d饲养,成活率89.2%,饵料系数0.895,商品虾规格76~82尾/kg。第2茬布苗密度150万尾/hm2,经116~122 d饲养,成活率89.3%,饵料系数1.21,商品虾规格50~78尾/kg,4茬养殖共获商品虾35 400 kg,平均每茬单位面积产量16 389 kg/hm2,盈利(未扣除固定资产)510 900元,每茬利润达236 528元/hm2。  相似文献   
高效农业及其发展思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高效农业是以市场为导向,运用现代科学技术,充分合理利用自然资源和社会资源,实现各种生产要素的最优组合,各种农业实用技术的科学集成,提高土地产出率、资源利用率、劳动生产率,生产多系列、多品种、高产量的质量安全农产品,最终实现经济、社会、生态综合效益最佳的农业。高效农业的发展思路就是要根据农业生态学原理, 从当地资源条件出发,以国际、国内市场为导向,以发展生态农业为基础,以农业产业化为动力,以设施和特色农业为辅助,科学发展农村经济。  相似文献   
【目的】明确旱作小麦宽幅条播方式与品种的交互作用,进一步提升产量和水分利用效率。【方法】在黄土高原旱作区,选取2个不同基因型品种,采用5个不同播种幅间距,二因素交互处理,在冬小麦不同生育期测定土壤水分、干物质积累量、透光率和产量,经过连续3年连续数据积累,分析不同幅间距的宽幅播种方式和不同株型品种互作对产量和水分利用的影响。【结果】冬小麦灌浆期品种间旗叶和底部位透光率均差异不显著,长6359秸秆+颖壳干物质运转量、运转率和贡献率均高于高秆品种陇鉴117;播种方式方面,幅间距缩小至18 cm时,旗叶部位透光率和干物质运转均高于普通条播;品种间全生育期耗水量差异不大,缩小幅间距至18 cm的宽幅播种,耗水量降低10.8 mm,水分利用效率提高8.91%;不同基因型冬小麦产量差异不显著,长6359和陇鉴117分别通过扩大库容和提高单位面积穗数达到增产目的,品种和幅间距二因素互作对产量影响差异不显著,宽幅播种调节幅间距均能适应不同基因型冬小麦品种,幅间距缩小至18 cm时产量增加139.2 kg·hm-2。【结论】旱作冬小麦采用宽幅播种,幅间距为18 cm时,配套不同基因...  相似文献   
引入养殖工程化设计和HACCP管理理念,集成南方室外对虾工程化无公害养殖技术,其1年3茬的产量达5~7 kg/m2,年产量可提高30%以上,对虾收获避开了市场收虾的高峰期,使对虾售价平均提高3%,年经济效益可提高70%以上,从而有效提高生产效益.  相似文献   
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