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2022年7月至2023年2月对山东省聊城市3处城市竹林景观进行鸟类群落调查,共记录到鸟类15种,优势种为白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、棕头鸦雀(Paradoxornis webbianus)、树麻雀(Passer montanus)、银喉长尾山雀(Aegithalos caudatus)等小型鸟类。研究表明,适度发展混交林有利于丰富城市景观的生态多样性和物种多样性。  相似文献   
类胡萝卜素是园艺植物中广泛存在的次生代谢物和色素物质,在植物生长发育和观赏价值中发挥重要作用。同时它也是高价值的天然活性物质,对人体健康有益。因此,类胡萝卜素的代谢调控一直是园艺植物的研究热点。类胡萝卜素组分和含量的差异是造成园艺植物色泽和营养成分多样性的重要原因之一,解析优质性状形成的分子机制是进行定向改良的前提和基础。目前,植物类胡萝卜素代谢途径已明确,大量研究表明代谢通路上基因的启动子和编码区变异是造成类胡萝卜素代谢多样性的关键因素之一。本文对园艺植物类胡萝卜素变异遗传机制的研究策略、启动子和编码区的变异类型及变异对类胡萝卜素代谢的影响进行综述,为园艺植物类胡萝卜素的定向改良提供理论依据。  相似文献   
以延安市当地藓结皮中的土著优势种土生对齿藓(Didymodon vinealis)、反扭藓(Timmiella anomala)和青藓(Brachythecium albicans)为研究对象,分析3种苔藓植株内生细菌的群落组成和多样性,揭示3种不同品种的苔藓植株内生细菌的群落结构及多样性差异。采用高通量测序技术分析3种苔藓植株内生细菌16S rRNA基因V3~V4 变异区序列,使用生物信息学方法分析3种苔藓内生细菌的群落结构及多样性。结果表明:土生对齿藓、反扭藓、青藓3种苔藓测序共获得178 173条有效序列,在97%一致性下共产生705个有效的OTUs。在门、纲和属水平上,土生对齿藓的优势类群分别是蓝藻细菌门(Cyanobacteria,57.91%)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria,41.00%),γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria,35.02%)、α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria,5.92%)和假单胞细菌属(Pseudomonas,24.92%)、(Massilia,6.26%);反扭藓分别为蓝藻细菌门(Cyanobacteria,40.05%)、变形菌门( Proteobacteria,40.88%),α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria,30.87%)和(Phytohabitans,4.10%)、鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas,3.93%);青藓分别是蓝藻细菌门(Cyanobacteria,80.49%)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria,15.26%),γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria,7.66%)、α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria,7.45%)和假单胞细菌属(Pseudomonas,6.46%)。Alpha多样性和Beta多样性分析表明,反扭藓的Chao1指数(370.667)和Shannon指数(5.368)最大,基于韦恩图分析3种苔藓存在87个共有OTUs,土生对齿藓、反扭藓和青藓独有OTUs分别为7、175和13,说明3种苔藓不仅有较高的细菌多样性,还存在一定的差异。典范对应分析(Canonical Correlation Analysis, CCA)结果表明,土壤中有效氮(AN)和有机质(OM)的含量是影响3种苔藓内生细菌的群落多样性变化的主要因素。3个不同品种的苔藓的内生细菌种类丰富,群落结构组成和丰度均存在较大的差异,且苔藓所生长的微环境如有效氮和有机质的含量会对其内生细菌群落结构和多样性有较大影响。本研究可为苔藓内生细菌菌种资源的开发和生产应用提供理论支持。  相似文献   
猪在农业和医学领域均具有重要应用价值,利用基因修饰技术能够快速提高猪的经济性状和培育 人类疾病动物模型。CRISPR/Cas9 基因编辑技术具有操作简单、高效和低成本的优势,在猪基因修饰领域具有重 要应用。但 CRISPR/Cas9 易引发基因组结构不稳、大范围染色体重排和基因脱靶等问题,因而具有潜在的生物 安全风险。近年基于 CRISPR/Cas9 开发的碱基编辑技术可以实现单个碱基定向转换,不会导致 DNA 双链断裂, 理论上不会引发插入 / 缺失(Indels),对基因编辑更精准、更安全。随着碱基编辑工具的不断开发和改良,其 不仅能产生 C → T(A → G)突变,还能产生 C、A 两种碱基的同时突变以及 C → G 突变,增加了应用范围;改 良的碱基编辑工具在保持编辑效率的同时能够降低甚至消除旁侧突变、非 C → T(A → G)突变以及 Indels,使 得碱基编辑技术在猪遗传修饰上具有更加重要的潜在应用价值。综述了不同的碱基编辑系统原理、碱基编辑技 术在基因修饰猪模型构建和猪遗传改良中的应用,以及碱基编辑系统在猪成纤维细胞中的编辑效率和脱靶情况, 以期为开展猪碱基编辑应用实践提供参考。  相似文献   
【目的】谷子抽穗时间的适应性表现是广适性新品种选育的基础,分析抽穗时间关键基因的遗传变异和单倍型效应,为品种适应性改良提供基础信息。【方法】通过全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS),定位谷子抽穗时间关键基因SiTOC1,利用多组学数据库(multi-omics database for Setaria italica,MDSi)提供的SiTOC1数字表达量,分析SiTOC1的组织时空表达特性,并利用原生质体对SiTOC1蛋白进行亚细胞定位。采用qRT-PCR在短日(10 h光照/14 h黑暗)条件下进行SiTOC1 24 h节律表达模式分析。利用有代表性的99份谷子品种,分析SiTOC1编码区和启动子区的遗传多态性、单倍型以及转录水平,并对单倍型与抽穗时间的关系进行鉴定。【结果】在第1染色体物理位置31 456 761 bp处鉴定到了一个显著的关联信号,与抽穗时间紧密相关,该位点附近存在一个拟南芥抽穗期TOC1的同源基因SiTOC1SiTOC1在光周期响应组织(根、茎、叶等)中高表达,亚细胞定位于细胞核,在傍晚表达量上调,呈现出24 h节律性表达模式。SiTOC1在不同谷子品种中存在丰富的多态性,但REC和CCT结构域高度保守。SiTOC1编码区2种主要单倍型H-2和H-6分别与启动子单倍型Hp-591C和Hp-591A共分离,其中,启动子单倍型Hp-591C较Hp-591A的相对表达量显著上调了约2.5倍(P=0.014),并且该单倍型在三亚市、长治市和乌鲁木齐市3个环境下的抽穗时间分别平均延迟9、11和12 d。【结论】SiTOC1启动子区第591 bp处的SNP是引起抽穗时间差异的主效位点,单倍型Hp-591A较Hp-591C早熟,可作为主效单倍型用于分子育种选择。  相似文献   
Understanding the heterosis in multiple environments between different heterotic groups is of fundamental importance in successful maize breeding. A total of 737 hybrids derived from 41 maize inbreds were evaluated over two years, with the aim of assessing the genetic diversity and their performance between heterotic groups under drought-stressed (DS) and well-watered (WW) treatments. A total of 38 737 SNPs were employed to assess the genetic diversity. The genetic distance (GD) between the parents ranged from 0.05 to 0.74, and the 41 inbreds were classified into five heterotic groups. According to the hybrid performance (high yield and early maturity between heterotic groups), the heterosis and heterotic patterns of Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic (BSSS)×Non-Stiff Stalk (NSS), NSS×Sipingtou (SPT) and BSSS×SPT were identified to be useful options in China's maize breeding. The relative importance of general and specific combining abilities (GCA and SCA) suggests the importance of the additive genetic effects for grain yield traits under the WW treatment, but the non-additive effects under the DS treatment. At least one of the parental lines with drought tolerance and a high GCA effect would be required to achieve the ideal hybrid performance under drought conditions. GD showed a positive correlation with yield and yield heterosis in within-group hybrids over a certain range of GD. The present investigation suggests that the heterosis is due to the combined accumulation of superior genes/alleles in parents and the optimal genetic distance between parents, and that yield heterosis under DS treatment was mainly determined by the non-additive effects.  相似文献   
Stocking strategies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract  Stocking, transfer and introduction of fish are commonly used to mitigate loss of stocks, enhance recreational or commercial catches, restore fisheries or to create new fisheries. However, many stocking programmes are carried out without definition of objectives or evaluation of the potential or actual success of the exercise. This paper describes a strategic approach to stocking aimed at maximizing the potential benefits. A protocol is discussed which reviews factors such as source of fish, stocking density, age and size of fish at stocking, timing of stocking and mechanism of stocking. The potential genetic, ecological and environmental impacts of stocking are described.  相似文献   
Developing country livestock production systems are diverse and dynamic, and include those where existing indigenous breeds are currently optimal and likely to remain so, those where non‐indigenous breed types are already in common use, and systems that are changing, such as by intensification, where the introduction of new breed types represents significant opportunities. These include opportunities to improve the livelihood of the world's poor, increase food and nutrition security and enhance environmental sustainability. At present, very little research has focused on this issue, such that significant knowledge gaps in relation to breed‐change interventions remain. The purpose of this study is to raise awareness of this issue and suggests strategic research areas to begin filling these knowledge gaps. Such strategic research would include (i) assessing the impact of differing breed types in developing country livestock productions systems, from a range of viewpoints including intrahousehold livelihood benefit, food and nutrition security at different scales, and environmental sustainability; (ii) identification of specific livestock production systems within developing countries, and the type of livestock keepers within these system, that are most likely to benefit from new breed types; and (iii) identification of new breed types as candidates for in‐situ testing within these systems, such as through the use of spatial analysis to identify similar production environments combined with community acceptance studies. Results of these studies would primarily assist stakeholders in agriculture, including both policy makers and livestock keepers, to make informed decisions on the potential use of new breed types.  相似文献   
猪α-干扰素表达系统及其应用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
就猪α-干扰素的分子特征、生物学特性、表达系统和猪基因工程α-干扰素的应用进行综述,以期为猪α-干扰素在广谱抗病毒活性、抗肿瘤以及免疫调节的临床应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Siberian Pine (Pinus sibirica) is an ecologically and eco-nomically important species in pristine forests throughout northern Rus-sia. Four provenances of P. sibirica were introduced from Mongolia and Russia to the Greater Xing’an Range (the Daxing’anling), northeast China in 1993. The aim of this research was to study genetic variation and selection of the introduced four Pinus sibirica provenances. Heights (H), basal diameters (BD), survival rates (SR) and crown lengths (CL) of different families were measured as primary outcomes in different growth years. Results of data analyses demonstrated high coefficients of phenotypic variation (PCV) and heritability (H2) for H, BD and CL at 18 years after introduction. PCV and H2 increased with age. Correlations of growth traits between any two growth years were all significantly positive, but the correlation coefficient was smaller when the growth year interval was larger. Correlations between H and the original environment factors decreased gradually, indicating that with long-term subsistence in the new environment, the influence of the source environment declined. Colligation of multiple traits to estimate provenances showed that Novosibirsk, Tomsk, and Altai Mountains had higher survival rates and biomass, and proved more suitable for introduction and plantation in the Greater Xing’an Range in China.  相似文献   
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