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本文报道了裙带菜幼孢子体的营养细胞2n配子体的产生过程及其发育特点、性分化、发育成熟时间,进行了2n配子体间及与正常配子体的杂交,培育出3n、4n幼孢子体。测定了不同倍性幼孢子体的生长。观察到3n幼孢子体的染色体数为90。  相似文献   
庞通  刘建国  林伟 《水产学报》2010,34(4):531-539
2007年11月到2009年4月在海南黎安,以养殖多年的红褐色长心卡帕藻为材料,跟踪观察了四分孢子形成、释放、萌发以及配子体苗形态建成过程。结果表明,(1)该长心卡帕藻被确定为四分孢子体,四分孢子形成和释放主要发生在夏季和秋季(2008年4月到2008年10月)。(2)人工诱导可促使四分孢子萌发并形成胚苗,胚苗色泽出现明显分化,有红褐色、黄绿色、深绿色、黄绿—红嵌合等不同类型。(3)四分孢子萌发率达到87.1%±7.2%,培养皿内胚苗平均日生长率为(6.3±1.1) %/d,在四分孢子萌发10 d左右假根出现并于培养30 d左右消失。(4)胚苗经过约5个月实验室培养发育成的配子体苗达到了下海挂养程度大小,在海上培养初期配子体苗日生长率大多在10 %/d以上,最高可达21.2 %/d,但随着藻体长大生长速率逐渐下降。经过4个多月海上挂养栽培,获得了藻枝形态、粗细、疏密程度和生长速率等差异明显的多种配子体,部分配子体活力和抗逆性比其母本有显著增加。  相似文献   
The traditional process of obtaining maize hybrids involves the generation of inbred lines through successive generations of selfing and subsequent testcrosses in order to identify the best combining ability by allelic complementation. A fast alternative to obtain inbred lines is to induce the formation of haploids followed by chromosome doubling. However, even with the aid of haploid-inducing genetic sources, this strategy has not been widely used in maize breeding programs, partly due to difficulties inherent to haploid generation and identification. In order to evaluate the possibility of using dihaploids to generate homozygous maize tropical lines, we used the androgenetic haploid inducer line W23 as a female parent in crosses with the tropical single-cross hybrid BRS1010. Within the progeny of these crosses, 462 seeds were phenotypically selected as putative haploids by the purple-colored endosperm and colorless embryo conditioned by the R1-nj gene. Among these, only four individuals were confirmed as being haploids using SSR markers, chromosome counting and flow cytometry, showing that the phenotypic marker was not efficient in detecting haploids in the tropical maize genotype used. All four haploids as well as some diploid plants presented reduced size, corroborating the difficulties for haploid identification by phenotypic evaluation. Genetic diversity analysis revealed by SSR markers divided the haploids in two groups represented by flint and dent maize inbred lines, which could be helpful in identifying complementary dihaploid lines. The present article demonstrates that a combination of haploid production and SSR fingerprinting is a feasible strategy for maize hybrid development in tropical germplasm.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   The effects caused by suspended particles in seawater and sediment cover of the substrate on the attachment to the substrate of zoospores, and on the subsequent growth and survival of gametophytes of the brown alga Eisenia bicyclis were examined in the laboratory. The attachment rate to the substrate of the zoospores was remarkably reduced by the sediment cover on the substrate, and it decreased to 3.8% of the no-sediment control by a slight sediment cover of 3.0 mg/cm2 (0.048 mm in thickness). The growth of gametophytes was not inhibited at 10 mg/cm2 or less of sediment cover, though it was stopped at 30 mg/cm2. The survival rate of gametophytes became 39.4% at 5 mg/cm2 on the substrate, and gametophytes were all blighted at 30 mg/cm2. The ratio of male to female of the surviving gametophytes became 81.5:18.5, when the sediment cover was 10 mg/cm2. The rate of total loss ( TL [%]) of zoospores and gametophytes of Eisenia bicyclis was obtained from the following equation: TL  = 100 (1 − exp[−0.0339  C ] exp[−1.24  Q ]), where, C (mg/L) and Q (mg/cm2) indicate the concentration of suspended particles in seawater and the sediment on the substrate, respectively.  相似文献   
 金花茶(Camellia chrysantha Tuyama)的花粉粒具二细胞型,生殖核孚尔根染色比营养核深,营养核在花粉萌发前消失。小孢子萌发前,用固绿、溴酚兰、高碘酸-席夫试剂染色,细胞质呈阳性反应,特别是在三个萌发孔处。在花粉管萌发以后,管端着色较深,花粉管外的胼胝质塞及四分体外的胼胝质壁,仅在PAS反应与苏木精染色中呈现阳性反应,被染成淡红色及淡紫色。  相似文献   
本文研究了大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)的小孢子发生和雄配子体发育的细胞学过程,主要结论是:小孢子母细胞减数分裂胞质分裂为连续型,四分体排列为左右对称型.小孢子第一次有丝分裂形成生殖和营养细胞.生殖细胞再分裂一次,形成一对精子.所以,大麦的成熟花粉粒为三细胞型.绒毡层为分泌型.母细胞减数分裂时,绒毡层细胞内多数具双核.小孢子释放前,绒毡层开始退化,二核花粉粒时仅留残痕.  相似文献   
通过电镜对拟南芥野生型及epn型突变体小孢子发生和发育进一步研究(此突变体的特征是花粉从游离核时期就具有多核、多沟并有分枝的花粉管),值得注意的是突变体在发育至四核花粉母细胞时期,在整个母细胞原生质膜外开始形成小孢子的外壁(与野生型晚期四分体内单倍体小孢子原生质体外形成的外壁相同),此外,在突变体小孢子发生的整个过程中也未见到正常四分体的出现。因此,设想具有两个营养核、两个生殖核的突变体的大花粉直接由非正常的四核花粉母细胞形成,突变体发生缺失的时期在前减数分裂期或减数分裂Ⅱ  相似文献   
杏大小孢子与雌雄配子体发育   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以龙垦2号品种为试材、分期取样固定,按常规石蜡法制片观察。结果表明,哈尔滨地区3月5日花药壁已分化,次生造孢细胞和花粉母细胞已形成。四分体属同时型,其排列方式为四面体型,成熟花粉呈椭圆形、具3孔沟。有的药室内产生巨型细胞。子房内具2胚珠,1枚后期退化消失。胚珠倒生,近珠孔处为双被,其余部分愈合;厚珠心,具珠心帽结构;胚囊发育属蓼型。杏雌蕊发育的异常情况较其它果树的比率都大。  相似文献   
本工作主要应用石蜡切片方法,对芝麻大孢子发生和雌配子体的发育进行了观察,同时初步观察了淀粉粒以及减数分裂过程中胼胝质的变化。结果表明:①芝麻为倒生胚珠,单珠被,薄珠心;②大孢子母细胞直接来源于孢原细胞,减数分裂形成线形排列四分体,合点端一个为功能大孢子,胚囊发育为蓼型,成熟胚囊中见不到反足细胞;③在胚囊发育过程中,胚囊两侧的珠心表皮细胞解体,胚囊紧贴于由珠被内表皮转变而成的珠被绒毡层之下。合点端珠心细胞转变为承珠盘;④减数分裂前期,大孢子母细胞无胼胝质壁,二分体、四分体也只有横向的胼胝质壁,而侧壁则无;⑤淀粉粒最初出现在子房壁和胎座中,并不断向胚囊提供多糖类物质。  相似文献   
为探究禅寺丸大小孢子发生及雌雄配子体发育过程,并观察是否存在花粉及胚囊败育现象,采用常规石蜡切片法对其大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育的过程进行观察。结果表明:禅寺丸花药四室,花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层和腺质绒毡层组成;小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列方式为四面体型;成熟花粉粒为2-细胞型,有3个萌发孔;不同药室间及同一药室内的小孢子母细胞减数分裂不同步,且有巨大花粉(未减数花粉)的产生。子房8室,中轴胎座,胚珠倒生,双珠被,薄珠心和单孢原细胞;大孢子四分体直线排列,功能大孢子位于合点端,蓼型胚囊。禅寺丸花粉和胚囊发育过程多数正常,不仅可作为授粉树种,也可作为优良的杂交母本。  相似文献   
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