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育71—1是通过杂交、单株选择、株系选择和品比试验等一系列选育程序,培育成功的新桑树品种。其主要经济特性与湖桑32号相比,发芽期早2—3天,发芽率提高28.7%,产叶量提高47.7%,叶质较优,丝质成绩相仿;抗旱性较强。目前,正在江苏的海安、溧阳及山东等部分地区试种。  相似文献   
转基因苜蓿研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
就苜蓿基因工程在育种上的研究、转基因技术在苜蓿上的进展做了简要介绍。  相似文献   
苹果梨的育种价值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文指出,苹果梨综合性状优良,是很好的梨育种种质资源;以苹果梨及其后代为亲本已选育出30余个新品种,大大丰富了梨种质资源;苹果梨的大果、耐贮、小果心、抗寒等优良性状在后代品种中有较强的表现;以苹果梨与多倍体品种杂交后代为多倍体的比率较高。并展望了苹果梨在今后育种中的主要研究方向。  相似文献   
1. The aim of this study was to investigate if male-to-female aggression of common pheasants in the course of the breeding season was related to the concentration of plasma testosterone and/or other biochemical plasma indicators in male pheasants housed in breeding cages. The influence of season on the concentration of testosterone and biochemical indicators was also investigated.

2. Males were divided into non-aggressive and aggressive groups during the breeding season based on ethological evaluation. At the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the breeding season, a blood sample was taken from all males on the same day and the concentration of selected biochemical indicators and the total circulating testosterone in the plasma were determined.

3. Male-to-female aggression during the breeding season of pheasants was not influenced by the total plasma testosterone of males.

4. The concentration of total plasma testosterone in males decreased gradually during the breeding season.

5. Male-to-female aggression of pheasants did not have a significant effect on any of the assessed biochemical indicators.

6. The influence of the breeding season affected the activities of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase as well as the concentrations of glucose, magnesium, potassium and chloride in the blood plasma of cage-housed male pheasants.  相似文献   

根据2011-2015年南海海域灯光罩网渔船捕获的鸢乌贼样品,利用Fisat II软件对南海鸢乌贼群体的生长死亡系数进行估算。结果显示:南海没有大型群鸢乌贼个体,且雌性个体(12.05cm)比雄性个体(10.91cm)大;南海北部和南部的鸢乌贼均呈正异速生长,胴长和体质量关系b值分别为3.470~3.605和3.379~3.773;生长参数K反映了南海北部更适合于雄性鸢乌贼生长;南海南部海域鸢乌贼雌性(1.84)和雄性(1.76)总死亡系数相差不大,开发较为均衡;南海北部海域鸢乌贼雌性(0.60)总死亡系数远小于雄性(4.83),显示该海域鸢乌贼未能充分开发。从渔业资源开发的角度,渔业政策偏向于开发南海南部鸢乌贼资源,使得北部鸢乌贼资源未能充分开发,不利于南海鸢乌贼资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   
菘蓝秋季光合特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了15个不同居群菘蓝的光合色素含量、净光合速率差异及6个重点不同居群菘蓝净光合速率对光强的响应特性、7个典型居群的光合日变化.结果表明,叶缘无齿四倍体居群、叶缘具齿四倍体居群、叶片被蜡居群、甘蓝型居群光合色素含量较高,山东居群、山西居群、四川居群光合色素含量较低;甘蓝型菘蓝净光合速率(Pn)最高为23.27 μmol/(m2·s).四倍体净光合速率均高于二倍体.7个重点居群中四倍体类型菘蓝的光饱和点和补偿点相对于二倍体类型都较高,其中四倍体最高分别为2 375.00 μmol/(m2·s)、536.61 μmol/(m2·s),二倍体最高为2 100.00 μmol/(m2·s)和505.16 μmol/(m2·s).菘蓝的光合日变化曲线为双峰曲线,有明显午休现象.  相似文献   
辛红1号是由我所收集的国外辣椒品种“胡椒味辣椒”,采用系谱法,经过多代分离、定向选择获得的一个泡椒专用品种。该品种为半辛辣型,尾味带甜,果实硬度好,特适宜泡制。果实圆柱形,青椒深绿色,老熟时大红色,果面有少许网纹,一般667m2产红椒1400kg。经多点试验和生产示范,适宜在我国西南、长江流域和南方大部分地区种植。  相似文献   
桂航一号是红椒一号经过太空诱变处理后,单株选育3代、混合选育2代育成的高辣椒素含量辣椒新品种。该品种中晚熟,从定植至采收红椒约90d。株高90cm左右,植株开展度85cmx85cm左右。第一花着生13—14节。果实羊角形,纵径15~16cm,横径1.3cm,肉厚0.19cm,2—3心室。果肩平或斜,果顶锐尖,果面光滑,果皮薄,果形较直,青果深绿色,生物学成熟果鲜红色,平均单果质量12~13g,最大单果质量15g。果实每100g鲜质量维生素C含量87.9mg,辣椒素含量104mg/kg,干物质含量8.56%。其中辣椒素含量比红椒一号(5.55mg/kg)提高了近20倍,解决了红椒一号作为辣椒酱原料辣度不够的缺点。667m2产量3942.1奴,较红椒一号增产15.8%,达极显著水平。植株外被茸毛,较耐炭疽病、疫病、病毒病,抗高温,耐湿能力强,适于嗜辣地区作鲜食、加工盐渍、酱制或干制栽培。  相似文献   
新疆阿勒泰北屯地区位于额尔齐斯河下游,夏季蚊虫泛滥,严重威胁当地人民的身体健康.本研究跟踪调查了各种水体的幼蚊滋生情况,确定了幼蚊发生的2个高峰期分别出现在5月下旬至6月上旬及6月下旬至7月上旬,同时确定了洪水型积水、排碱渠积水和漫灌林带积水是幼蚊高发的孳生地类型.采集并对蚊虫样品进行形态学鉴定,确定了该地区的优势蚊种为刺扰伊蚊Aedes vexans.用苏云金芽胞杆菌以色列亚种Bacillus thuringiensis subsp.israelensis(Bti)水剂对该蚊种进行了室内生测,其LC50和LC90分别为0.055和0.198 mg/L.分别选取3种高发孳生地的3处积水进行野外试验,发现48 h后该药剂对幼蚊的杀灭率均在96%以上,对大面积孳生地也有很好的杀灭作用.监测显示成蚊出现的高峰时间是每年的6月上旬至6月中旬及7月中旬至7月下旬.连续施药3年后,2013年的成蚊数量相比2011年时下降幅度超过50%.本研究对于北屯地区蚊虫的进一步控制以及Bti制剂在新疆的推广有重要的意义.  相似文献   
Biological control is an efficient pest control method but there are still limitations that are hindering its wider adoption. Genetic improvement of biological control agents (BCAs) can help to overcome these constraints, but the choice of key attributes for better performance that need to be selected is still an open question. Several characteristics have been suggested but the harsh reality is that selective breeding of BCAs has received a lot of attention but resulted in very little progress. Identifying the appropriate traits to be prioritized may be the first step to reverse this situation. In our opinion, the best way is to look at the factors limiting the performance of key BCAs, especially generalist predators (pesticide compatibility, prey‐density dependence, non‐suitable crops, and extreme environmental conditions), and according to these challenges, to choose the attributes that would allow BCAs to overcome those limitations. The benefits of selection for higher resistance to toxins, whether artificially applied (pesticides) or plant produced (plant defenses); increased fitness when feeding on non‐prey food (supplemented or plant‐derived); and better adaptation to extreme temperature and humidity are discussed. In conclusion, genetic improvement of BCAs can bring about new opportunities to biocontrol industry and users to enhance biocontrol resilience. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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