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Blue sucker Cycleptus elongatus (L.) in the upper Yazoo River basin, Mississippi, USA was studied using overnight hoop net sets (n = 4093) during 1988 and 1990–1998 to determine the influence of channel dredging. There were 264 blue suckers captured, ranging from 3 to 11 years of age. Length ranged from 265 to 700 mm and weight from 120 to 4700 g. Concurrent studies with smaller mesh hoop nets failed to capture any juvenile blue suckers. Catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE: fish net?1) declined throughout the study in the Yalobusha River, a river subjected to channel dredging during 1988 and 1994. With the exception of limited hydraulic dredging in the Tallahatchie River, there was no dredging in the other Yazoo River tributaries, nor were there declines in blue sucker catch rates in these rivers. Throughout the upper Yazoo River basin, blue sucker stocks were dominated by adult fish, and there was little evidence of reproduction or recruitment. Conservation of the blue sucker in the upper Yazoo River basin should include actions that ensure the functional integrity of this floodplain river ecosystem and elimination of channel dredging throughout the basin. 相似文献
为探究缩减饲料投喂量及清淤对养殖库湾水环境的影响,在鲢、鳙放养密度均为20 g/m~3的基础上,设置4个处理组库湾,分别为B1(不清淤、饵料投喂减半)、B2(清淤、不投饵)、B3(清淤、饵料投喂减半)和B4(不清淤、饵料投喂正常),实验周期为9个月。结果显示:4个库湾的总氮浓度、总磷浓度、高锰酸盐指数、藻类生物量从低到高分别为B2、B4、B1、B3,B2、B1、B4、B3,B2、B1、B4、B3,B2、B1、B3、B4(P0.05),浮游动物生物量之间无显著性差异(P0.05)。由此可见,B2无论是在营养盐的控制还是在藻类的控制方面均取得了最佳的效果。作为养殖库湾,其主要功能是得到更高的鱼产量。在达到养殖水质要求的情况下,为了得到更高的鱼产量,应合理地利用饵料。因此,对于养殖用水的处理,要根据具体的水质条件,采用合理的修复方式,实现水质改善和养殖生产的双赢。 相似文献
塔里木河下游生态输水及河道生态整治工程探讨 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
通过近几年向塔里木河下游的应急生态输水,水流到达塔里木河尾间台特玛湖,沿岸地下水位上升,沿河部分地段植被长势得以恢复,局部地区生态环境改善。为了从根本上解决塔里木河下游的生态环境问题.探讨了下游河道生态整治工程,包括河道疏浚输水线路选择和设置生态闸的问题。大西海子水库下游河道疏浚工程有3条输水线路可供选择,通过投资、占地、施工、管理、防洪等综合比较,选择在大西海子水库主坝上新建一座放水闸方案。方案在技术上和经济上是可行的。本着尽量少而又要满足河道疏浚后沿岸植被生长需水的原则,分析了沿岸生态闸设置的必要性和保护的生态植被的面积,并探讨了今后生态输水方式的选择与生态闸的开启顺序。 相似文献
[目的]金属矿区酸性矿山废水外排防控一直是个难题。探索酸性矿山废水源头控制与末端治理相结合的防控技术体系,为金属矿区酸性废水的防控提供新的解决思路。[方法]以广东省大宝山矿区为研究案例,坚持\"源头防控,末端治理\"的原则,构建基于沟渠库厂联合运用的酸性废水综合防控技术体系。[结果]建设截排水系统实施雨污分流,从源头上减少酸性废水产生量;清淤腾空拦泥库调蓄库容2.81×106 m3,并建设4.50×104 t/d处理规模的污水处理厂,对酸性废水进行未端治理,达到在5a一遇降雨条件下丰水期酸性废水不外排的防控目标。[结论]通过沟(截水沟)、渠(排水渠)、库(拦泥库)、厂(污水处理厂)的联合运用,可以控制酸性矿山废水在设计标准下不外排,该技术体系可用于类似矿山酸性废水的治理。 相似文献
为了验证气力提升技术在河道清淤过程中的应用效果,依据70%浸没深度的普遍工况,搭建了采用气力提升技术的泥沙输送试验平台.在0~4.5 m/s的进气速度下,开展了泥沙提升效率试验,探究了最佳提升效率所对应的进气速度.同时基于Matlab图像处理功能,着重对0.6与1.0 m/s进气速度下的流型进行分析,得到了最佳提升效率附近对应流型的固体颗粒运动特性.研究结果表明,管内流型以及颗粒的运动特性直接受进气速度的影响.在浸没深度一定的情况下,河沙提升效率由进气速度所决定.通过研究不同进气速度下的流型,进而探究不同流型的形成原因,得知当进气速度达到1.0 m/s时,气相被充分离散成均匀细泡,气体与液固两相发生了强烈的动量交换,气体携带的绝大部分动能转移到了固液两相,该进气速度下的提升效率最高,此时的流型亦为气力提升最佳流型.通过测量得到清淤效率与进气速度的关系,验证了气力提升技术应用于河道清淤的可行性. 相似文献
疏浚对影响上覆水体自净能力的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
分别在已疏浚和未疏浚河道底泥的影响下,考察了上覆水体自净系数——BOD减少速度系数和COD减少速度系数,以比较疏浚对于改善水体自净能力的效果。实验发现,疏浚前后,底泥向上覆水体释放污染物的规律虽然有所不同,但是释放通量均较大,严重影响上覆水体水质。若疏浚深度不足以疏浚掉大部分受污底泥,则疏浚对于抑制底泥影响上覆水体水质的效果不理想。 相似文献
The Battelle Conferences series represent the state-of-the-art of emerging technologies, science and management issues for
contaminated sediment remediation. In the 2007 Conference held in Savannah, GA, two in situ technologies for cleanup sites were at the centre of interest: Sediment capping, a form of in situ containment, which involves the placement of a subaqueous covering of clean sediment and/or other materials to isolate contaminated
sediments, and monitored natural recovery (MNR), where natural processes are used to mitigate the transfer of particle-bound contaminants into the water phase and/or
biota. A third priority technology in the Superfund program, recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
is environmental dredging, i.e., removing the sediments from the aquatic environment.
About 30 platform or poster presentations dealt with in situ capping as a technology, reflecting the rapid developments in this field, both in assessments and enhancements of ‘classic’
passive caps and the development and demonstration of active capping technologies. Issues relevant to monitored natural recovery
were spread throughout many sessions; e.g., contaminant source identification, control, remediation strategies; innovative
characterization and assessment, chemical/toxicological/biological measurements and characterization, bioavailability of contaminants,
contaminant fate and transport and remediation effectiveness: defining, monitoring, and demonstrating success.
Presentations addressing the role of science and stakeholder input were complemented by discussions on the importance of data
quality considerations, uncertainty analysis, and careful selection of reference sites highlighted the complex nature of these
multidisciplinary assessments. Case studies, in which site-specific information was linked to regional management objectives,
various approaches to watershed-scale assessment and management, and the role of ecosystem considerations, were all discussed
in these sessions, as well as in a complementary panel discussion.
One compelling feature of the Savannah Conference 2007 (relative to the first couple of meetings) is that there were a much
larger number of presentations that provided the tools, models, case studies, etc to fill in the lines of evidence that allow
a fair comparison between removal and in situ management when appropriate, and evidence of a growing acceptance that the residuals and impacts of removal approaches can
at times offset perceived benefits, so that in situ management can be considered if exposure risk can be properly assessed. 相似文献
指出了环保式清淤技术是在普通清淤方法的基础上发展起来的一种新型技术,技术的主要特征是在挖泥船上装配了专用的环保绞刀头,是一种可以高精度挖除水下污染底泥,而对周围扰动最小的新型绞刀。当清淤深度发生变化时通过绞刀水平调节器,使绞刀始终保持水平状态。清淤时绞刀外罩底边平贴河床,绞刀密封罩将绞刀扰动范围内的淤泥有效封盖并通过泥泵充分吸入。通过环保式清淤技术在南淝河清淤工程中的应用,结果表明:与常规清淤方法相比,环保式清淤降低了施工过程中因疏浚造成二次污染程度。 相似文献