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Ozone (O3) dissolved in seawater (ODS) was evaluated, as an egg disinfectant, on the spawn of captive gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, brood stock. Four contact times (CT) were tested (0.6, 1.2, 2.4 and 4.8 mg min L−1) where CT was calculated by multiplying the dissolved O3 concentration (0.3 mg L−1) by different exposure periods (2, 4, 8, 16 min). There was also a disinfected seawater treatment that contained no O3 or derived compounds (CT 0) and an untreated seawater control. All ODS treatments reduced egg surface bacterial counts to zero, which was significantly (P<0.05) lower than the CT 0 and the control groups (194 and 1320 plate−1 respectively). Nevertheless, the hatching rate was high in the control and the CT treatments 0, 0.6 and 1.2 (88.7%, 87.3%, 89.5% and 83.7% respectively) while eggs exposed to a CT 2.4 and 4.8 hatched poorly (36.5% and 20.4% respectively), which was likely due, at least in part, to larvae unable to break the egg chorion successfully. Swim‐bladder inflation was significantly higher in the ODS groups (>97%) compared with the control and CT 0 treatments (ca. 70%). The results suggest that a 2‐min exposure of eggs to 0.3 mg O3 L−1 of ODS (CT 0.6) would improve current protocols in marine larviculture.  相似文献   
Coral reef fish are collected from the wild and exhibited in aquaria worldwide. Some of the fish spawn in captivity; however, the eggs are usually neglected. In this study, we collected the eggs spawned naturally in the exhibit tanks, hatched and cultured them indoor in 2000‐L fibreglass tanks (initial density = 18 000 egg tank?1). We applied an inorganic fertilization method commonly used in freshwater fish culture in raising these coral reef fish larvae. We maintained inorganic phosphorus concentration at 100 μg P L?1 and inorganic nitrogen at 700 μg N L?1 daily in the fertilized group (n = 4), while the control tanks (n = 4) were fed with rotifers (10 ind mL?1). Chlorophyll a at particle sizes of both 0.45–20 μm and >20 μm, as well as NH3‐N, NO3‐N, and PO4‐P concentrations were significantly higher in the fertilized group than the control. Zooplankton in the size groups of 10–50 μm (mainly flagellates) and 50–100 μm (mainly ciliates) were abundant (about 10~60 ind mL?1) during 3–7 days in fertilized tanks. The average larval fish survival rate at 21 day after hatch in fertilized group was consistently higher than the control in two trials. The experiments demonstrated that the inorganic fertilization approach can be successfully adapted for coral reef fish culture in an aquarium to achieve sustainable exhibits.  相似文献   
Apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein, lipid and energy, and amino acids availability in white fish meal, brown fish meal, meat meal, fermented soybean meal, soybean meal and rapeseed meal were determined for loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) (12.05 ± 0.21 g), using a reference diet with 5 g kg?1 chromic oxide and test diets that contained 700 g kg?1 reference diet, by weight, and 300 g kg?1 of the test feed ingredients. The juvenile loach was held in 300‐l tanks at a density of 30 fish per tank. White fish meal, brown fish meal, meat meal and fermented soybean meal had highest apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter, crude protein and gross energy among ingredients tested, ranged from 50.4% to 60.9% for dry matter, from 64.6% to 88.4% for crude protein and from 57.9% to 79.0% for gross energy. The apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter ranged from 61.0% to 66.9% for animal products and 50.4% to 60.7% for plant products. For crude protein, apparent digestibility coefficients of protein exceeding 80% were observed for white fish meal, brown fish meal, meat meal and fermented soybean meal, and the apparent digestibility coefficients of protein in rapeseed meal were the lowest among all the treatments. Lipids from both animal and plant feedstuffs were poorly digested by loach, ranging from 64.0% to 77.6%. The apparent digestibility coefficients of energy were similar to those of dry matter and protein, and the highest and lowest ADCs of energy were found in WFM and RM, respectively. The loach used dietary phosphorus from the animal feedstuffs more efficiently than from plant feedstuffs (soybean meal and rapeseed meal), with ADC‐values ranging from 42.3% to 53.1% and from 25.1% to 32.7%, respectively. For the animal products, the availabilities of amino acids in white fish meal and brown fish meal were higher than that in meat meal, expect for Met, Asp, Pro, Gly, and Cys. Among all the plant products, the availabilities of amino acids in fermented soybean meal were higher than in soybean meal and rapeseed meal, and thus had a greater potential to be used as a dietary replacement of fish meal in loach diets.  相似文献   
鞍带石斑鱼仔稚(幼)鱼的发育和生长研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对鞍带石斑鱼的仔稚幼鱼形态发育的各个阶段进行了观察与研究,详细描述从初孵仔鱼到幼鱼各个发育时期的形态特征和发育时间。根据卵黄囊的变化,长鳍棘的长出与收缩,鳞片和体色斑纹的出现,鞍带石斑鱼胚后发育可以划分为仔鱼期、稚鱼期、幼鱼期。仔鱼期又可分为卵黄囊期仔鱼和后期仔鱼。水温27~30℃,盐度27~31,pH值8.0~8.4的海水中培育,初孵仔鱼至孵化后2日龄为卵黄囊期仔鱼。2日龄仔鱼开口,3日龄至20日龄为后期仔鱼,22日龄至30日龄为稚鱼期,31日龄进入幼鱼期。鞍带石斑鱼胚后发育过程中最明显的变化是背鳍棘和腹鳍棘的生长和收缩,也是生产育苗当中比较关键的仔稚幼鱼变态过程。  相似文献   
为了解流溪河光倒刺鲃国家级水产种质资源保护区鱼类群落结构,分析不同河段、不同季节鱼类群落多样性的变化,于2017年12月-2018年10月对保护区上、中、下游的鱼类开展了每个季度一次的调查。调查结果显示,共采集鱼类57种,隶属于5目14科50属,其中鲤形目43种、鲈形目6种、鲇形目5种,合鳃鱼目2种,鳉形目1种;计算57种鱼类的相对重要性指数,结果显示,尼罗罗非鱼、越南■及鲤鱼为2017-2018年度优势种;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数计算结果显示,下游鱼类群落的多样性及均匀度最高,夏季鱼类群落的多样性、丰富度及均匀度最高;各监测点之间的种类相似性系数显示,保护区上中游、上下游之间鱼类种类组成为中等不相似,中下游种类组成为中等相似,春夏、春冬、夏冬及夏秋季节鱼类种类组成为中等不相似,春秋、秋冬季节为中等相似;ABC分析结果显示,春、夏及冬季鱼类群落处于稳定状态,秋季处于中度干扰状态。  相似文献   
Despite the abundant literature on circadian heart rate rhythms in fish, few studies have attempted to elucidate if such pattern is endogenous or if it is modulated by environmental cues. In this study, heart rates were continuously recorded in Sparus aurata acclimated to different light regimes (normal or shifted LD 12:12 cycle and a pulsed 0.75:0.75 LD cycle) to investigate the endogenous nature and the role of light on the circadian pattern of heart rate. Under LD 12:12, the daily pattern of heart rate showed higher values at night and lower rates during the day (average amplitude of the heart rate change of 10.6 ± 5.7 beats min–1). The circadian pattern was maintained in animals under constant light but the amplitude was decreased (2.4 ± 1.1 beats min–1). Light masks the expression of the rhythm because under a pulsed LD cycle, heart rate tracks the pulsed LD phases, increasing during the dark phase and decreasing during the light phase. Besides the ultradian pattern imposed, an underlying circadian rhythm was detected, which indicates that the rhythm is endogenous. However, the strong link between heart rate and light obtained under pulsed LD cycles suggest the timing mechanism to be mostly based on external light reception.  相似文献   
根据2012年2月—2013年1月赤水河赤水市江段逐月渔获物调查数据,对该江段鱼类群落结构的季节变化特征进行了研究。调查期间共采集鱼类41种,隶属于3目7科38属。唇(Hemibarbus labeo)、蛇(Saurogobio dabryi)、瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)、银(Squalidus argentatus)、大鳍鳠(Mystus macropterus)、中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)、粗唇(Leiocassis crassilabris)、吻(Rhinogobio typus)和鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)为该江段的重要优势种,它们的百分比相对重要性指数(IRI%)均在2%以上。聚类分析和排序分析显示,赤水市江段鱼类群落结构季节变化显著,在50%的相似性水平上,鱼类群落可以划分为两个群组,其中群组Ⅰ包括4个冬季月份(2012年2月、3月、12月和2013年1月),而群组Ⅱ包括其它8个非冬季月份。对于群落季节差异贡献率较大的种类依次为唇、瓦氏黄颡鱼、蛇、大鳍鳠、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、中华倒刺鲃、鲫(Carassius auratus)、粗唇、银、吻、鳜、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)和切尾拟鲿(Pseudobagrus truncates),其中唇、蛇、鲤、鲫、吻和草鱼在冬季月份的相对丰度明显高于非冬季月份,而瓦氏黄颡鱼、大鳍鳠、中华倒刺鲃、粗唇、银、鳜和切尾拟鲿的相对丰度以非冬季月份为高。典型对应分析(CCA)显示,水温和溶氧量是影响该江段鱼类群落结构季节变化的主要环境因子。  相似文献   
以鲫为对象进行投饲试验,研究复合氨基酸、小肽及几种中草药对鲫在摄食方面及生长情况的影响。结果表明,0.1%复合氨基酸组和0.5%木香组的鱼明显集中抢食,15d的摄食率结果为0.1%复合氨基酸组和0.5%木香组的鱼体活力明显强于其他组,即0.1%复合氨基酸和0.5%木香组的鱼增重率和特定生长率(SGR)明显高于其他组。饲料中添加0.5%木香组比对照组增重率高18.9%,比0.1%复合氨基酸组高6.3%,表现出明显的增重作用;而0.5%动物肽纽增重可能由于添加量的不足而没体现出增重作用。  相似文献   
2011年6月3日~6月21日和8月2日~8月20日,调查了黄河干流山西段鱼类组成的现状及群落结构特征。结果表明,全段共采集鱼类42种,隶属5目9科,其中以鲤科鱼类最多,共24种,占总种数的57%。渔获物数据表明,该流域小型鱼类较多,小型化现象明显,优势种为鲤、残、鲶、鲫,和麦穗鱼。物种组成差异和多样性分析结果表明,不同河段鱼类群落有明显的空间分异,风陵渡、刘家畔、关河口、圣天湖物种丰富,多样性水平高,群落结构稳定,而军渡和老牛湾物种少,群落较为简单。与历史资料相比,黄河干流山西段鱼类物种数减少,群落结构发生了较大变化。水体污染、大量水工建筑以及过度捕捞等因素是导致变化的主要原因。  相似文献   
Samples from multiple animals may be pooled and tested to reduce costs of surveillance for infectious agents in aquatic animal populations. The primary advantage of pooling is increased population‐level coverage when prevalence is low (<10%) and the number of tests is fixed, because of increased likelihood of including target analyte from at least one infected animal in a tested pool. Important questions and a priori design considerations need to be addressed. Unfortunately, pooling recommendations in disease‐specific chapters of the 2018 OIE Aquatic Manual are incomplete and, except for amphibian chytrid fungus, are not supported by peer‐reviewed research. A systematic review identified only 12 peer‐reviewed aquatic diagnostic accuracy and surveillance studies using pooled samples. No clear patterns for pooling methods and characteristics were evident across reviewed studies, although most authors agreed there is a negative effect on detection. Therefore, our purpose was to review pooling procedures used in published aquatic infectious disease research, present evidence‐based guidelines, and provide simulated data examples for white spot syndrome virus in shrimp. A decision tree of pooling guidelines was developed for use by peer‐reviewed journals and research institutions for the design, statistical analysis and reporting of comparative accuracy studies of individual and pooled tests for surveillance purposes.  相似文献   
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