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对大明山退化生态系统 34个群落的木本植物密度进行了研究。结果表明 :1.退化生态系统木本植物的密度与植被的恢复阶段紧密相关 ;2 .乔木层植物的密度变化呈现恢复初期 ( 2年 )较低 ,中前期 ( 10~ 2 0年 )迅速提高 ,中后期 ( 50年 )下降 ,后期 ( 150~ 2 0 0年 )又缓慢回升的趋势 ;3.乔木层与灌木层植物密度的变化具有相同的趋势和不同的速率 ,灌木层植物密度变化缓慢。  相似文献   
The chloride ion transport in concretes with different size of splitting cracks at marine tidal zone is investigated. The splitting crack widths of concrete are about 003 mm, 005 mm, 010 mm, 015 mm and 030 mm. The cracked concrete and sound concrete are placed at marine tidal zone for 30 d, and the chloride ion content in crack zone and perimeter zone of concrete, chloride ion penetration depth and steel bar corrosion area are quantitatively determined. It is shown that splitting crack will be recovered when the concrete is unloaded in split test. And the splitting crack width of concrete should be characterized by the value of displacement sensor when the concrete is unloaded in split test. The chloride ion content of cracked concrete decreases with increased depth, and then gets to remain steady from 10 mm to the inner. The relationship between chloride ion content and crack width in the steady zone can be regressed as the exponential function and the linear function for the crack zone and the perimeter zone of concrete, respectively. Due to away from the crack zone, the influence of splitting crack width on accelerated chloride ion ingression in the perimeter zone is less than that in the crack zone. When the splitting crack width is more than 005 mm, the chloride ion penetration depth in crack plane and in vertical crack plane of concrete is 50 mm and 20 mm, respectively. And the steel corrosion area enlarges with the increasing crack width. And the chloride diffusion coefficient of cracked concrete is closely related to the resistance capacity to chloride penetration of concrete, crack density (matrix width, crack width), and chloride binding capacity of concrete. When the crack density of concrete is less than 70, the chloride diffusion coefficient of cracked concrete increases with decreased crack density linearly. The chloride penetration will accelerate near the crack zone. And the raised splitting crack width will lead to its influence area in concrete increased quickly.  相似文献   
密度、种植方式对夏玉米茎秆抗倒伏能力的影响   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
为了提高玉米抗倒特性,在豫北高产灌区生产条件下,以郑单958和浚单20为试验材料,采用了等行距、宽窄行种植方式,设6.75万、7.50万、8.25万、9.00万株/hm24个密度处理,研究了不同密度、种植方式对夏玉米茎秆抗倒伏能力的影响。结果表明:在成熟期,郑单958的平均茎折率比浚单20低43.55%,茎秆第三节间的茎粗系数、茎秆外皮穿刺强度分别比浚单20高0.04、564.1 N/mm2,宽窄行种植的玉米茎粗系数、外皮穿刺强度比等行距种植的高0.01、59.23N/mm2。随着密度的增加,玉米的茎折率、空秆率和穗位系数增大,茎粗系数和穿刺强度降低。郑单958在密度为8.25万株/hm2、采用宽窄行种植时抗倒伏能力最强,而浚单20表现最好的为7.50万株/hm2的宽窄行种植方式。  相似文献   
【目的】探索河西绿洲区新疆杨适宜种植密度,为新疆杨人工林的集约栽培提供科学依据.【方法】以新疆杨(Populus alba L.var.pyramidalis Bge.)为研究对象,研究3种造林密度(株距×行距分别为2m×3m、3m×4m、4m×5m)对新疆杨生长发育及光合特性的影响.【结果】不同造林密度间新疆杨人工林单株材积、胸径、树高均存在显著差异,并随林龄增加差异更加明显.4m×5m配置新疆杨人工林的胸径、单株材积大于其他两种密度,同时具有较高的光合速率(P_n)、蒸腾速率(T_r)、气孔导度(Gs)和较低的胞间CO_2浓度(C_i).相关分析表明,日均Pn、Tr与胸径、树高、单株材积呈显著正相关,Gs仅与树高呈显著正相关,C_i与各生长指标均呈负相关.【结论】株距×行距为4m×5m配置是河西新疆杨种植的最佳密度.  相似文献   
为明确白浆土低产原因,对白浆土不同土层的机械组成、土壤硬度、透水性和水浸容重进行了比较研究。结果表明:白浆土机械组成呈上轻下粘的“二层性”特点。耕层和白浆层以粉粒为主,特别是粗粉粒和中粉粒含量比淀积层高17.5%~42.5%,粘粒含量不足淀积层的1/2;白浆土耕层通透性良好,白浆层和淀积层固相率高、气相率低;白浆层和淀积层土壤透水性不良;白浆层土壤硬度大,容重高,埋藏深度浅,是作物根系生长的障碍层次。  相似文献   
基于计算机绘图软件的雨滴谱测定新方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 为寻找天然降雨和人工模拟降雨特征及设计人工降雨装置的新方法,运用计算机绘图软件与传统色斑法相结合,探索出一种新的测量雨滴直径与数据处理方法。该方法弥补了传统色斑法在观测与数据转换方面工作冗繁、精度低的缺陷,使测量下限由1mm下降到0.2mm,测量范围扩大了一个数量级,大大减少了测量工作量,并得出雨滴直径与色斑直径率定关系式。对其普适性与优越性进行了检验,结果表明:在应用新方法对降雨雨谱进行分析时,所得公式最佳。  相似文献   
采用回归通用旋转设计方法试验,组建了以水稻纹枯病进展速率(R)为目标函数的数学模型:结果表明:对纹枯病进展速率的影响是氮量>密度>钾肥,其中以施氮量为关键因素;对病害进展速率影响的交互因素是氮量和钾肥。经模型的模拟优化和仿真,在试验幅度内,每亩施纯氮量最高,钾肥用量最小,密度最大的情况下,病害进展速率最大;在施氮量最小、钾肥量偏低、密度最小的情况下,病害进展速率最小(最优)。  相似文献   
以探讨西安市城区绿化覆盖率、绿化密度、绿化植被类型三者与空气中Pm^2.5浓度之间的关系为目的,选取了西安市区内7个监测点为代表点,测量范围为监测点方圆400m,约50万m^2.从2013年8 ~11月,历时4个月,每天获取监测点提供的PMt2.5浓度值.结果表明,提高总体绿化密度,采用适合的绿化植被种类,能够在一定程度上降低空气中的Pm^2.5浓度,提高空气质量.  相似文献   
Since 1993, Rhizoctonia crown and root rot (Rhizoctonia solani AG 2–2 IIIB) has represented an increasing problem for sugar beet production in Germany. Up to now, the outbreak of the infection and the spread of the disease within a field cannot be predicted and effective countermeasures are not available. Although little is known about the living conditions of R. solani in soils, abiotic soil properties are likely to influence the disease occurrence. Investigations were carried out based on 60 pairwise comparisons, each consisting of a disease‐affected and an adjacent nonaffected patch on farmers' fields in 2002 and 2003. Soil samples from the top soil layer (0–30 cm) were collected before harvest, and eight of the most frequently mentioned soil properties potentially influencing Rhizoctonia crown and root rot infection were examined: bulk density, texture, carbonate carbon, potassium, phosphorus, organic carbon, total nitrogen, and pH. The occurrence of the disease was significantly related to the soil C : N ratio, indicating the influence of soil organic matter on the disease occurrence. Examinations of soil thin sections showed that organic‐matter particles in the soil serve as a substrate for R. solani. All other soil physical and chemical properties examined did not differ between the disease‐affected and nonaffected patches and seem to be of minor importance.  相似文献   
密度和施肥与小麦面筋含量交互效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用五因素二元正交旋转试验设计,进行密度、氮肥、磷肥、钾肥、锌肥对小麦面筋含量影响的研究.结果表明,氮肥、磷肥单效应对小麦面筋含量有一定的影响.密度和氮肥、氮肥和锌肥、磷肥和钾肥都有显著的互作效应.在试验条件下,当密度为150万株·hm-2、施氮量为75kg·hm-2、施磷量为56.25kg·hm-2、施钾量为37.5kg·hm-2、不施用锌肥,小麦面筋含量可达25.97%.  相似文献   
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