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中国主要海洋底层鱼类生物学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
回顾了中国海洋主要底层经济鱼类资源生物学的研究历史和科研成果,并重点叙述了带鱼、小黄鱼、大黄鱼和绿鳍马面鲀等重要经济鱼类资源生物学研究概况.概述的内容包括地理种群及其产卵群体的鉴别和划分、生活史型的演变、种群和群体结构、种群数量变动、年龄组成和生长特性、摄食习性、性成熟周期、性腺成熟指数(GSI)、产卵群体生殖力、产卵场、索饵场、越冬场及洄游路线、资源量和渔获量、各种作业渔船的调整及其捕捞力量的限制措施等,并展望了中国海洋底层经济鱼类资源生物学研究的前景.  相似文献   
Abstract  The tremendous loss of life and assets resulting from the 2004 tsunami dealt a devastating blow to the coastal communities of Aceh Province, Indonesia. An assessment of the fishing fleet structure pre- and post-tsunami, including associated pattern in boat aid, in 15 coastal communities was conducted and compared with data on boat relief efforts over 17 districts of the Province. Aid was found to be not proportionally allocated to losses incurred by communities and was in many cases below what could be seen as a trend toward overcapacity. The distribution of aid appeared to be done without consideration of the former structure of the fleet, which changed significantly over time (pre- and post-tsunami), and resulted in a new fleet of reduced diversity with a strong focus on the smaller boat categories. If this situation perpetuates after the initial post-disaster period, it may further exacerbate the pre-existing economic and geographic marginalisation of some remote communities, and reduce the capacities of the fleets to diversify and develop multi-species harvesting strategies; thus, increasing the risk of ecologically unsustainable exploitation in near shore areas.  相似文献   
蟹类是福建海区重要的经济渔获种类之一。本文基于2009年1月-011年12月期间进行的蟹类调查资料,分析了福建中南部近海四种捕捞作业渔获物中蟹类的种类组成和分布特点。结果表明:福建中南部近海海域有蟹类94种,隶属16科、53属,以亚热带和热带的暖水性种为主,与南海关系最为密切,而与黄、渤海关系较为疏远。从蟹种分布区域看,这些蟹类在浅海均有分布,其中26.6%的蟹类既分布于浅海又分布于潮间带。从蟹种个体大小看,福建海区蟹类多数属于中小型种类。高强度捕捞加剧了对蟹类资源的破坏,因此需要调整捕捞作业结构,拓展外海蟹类捕捞作业,开展资源动态监测和苗种放流增殖工作,并实施TAC管理制度。  相似文献   
于2013年春季、夏季及秋季对威海南部近岸海域表层海水重金属进行调查,分析了重金属含量分布特征并利用重金属综合污染指数(WQI)进行污染评价。采用多元线性回归方法分析了重金属含量与表层海水盐度、pH及化学需要量之间的相关性。结果表明,威海南部近岸海域表层海水水质良好,符合二类海水水质标准,受外源输入的影响较大;综合污染指数均远低于1,呈现从海岸线向外海逐渐降低的趋势;重金属元素含量与环境要素测值(pH、盐度及COD)之间相关性顺序为:As>Hg>Cu>Cd>Pb>Zn。  相似文献   
在我市沿海丘陵旱地三种不同类型土壤通过“3417”田间肥料试验,并设置S、B、Zn中、微量肥效验证试验,分析施肥效果。建立甘薯产量和施肥利润与N、P、K施用量的数学模型,得出了甘薯合理施肥模式。结果表明,时薯施用NPK肥料均获得一定幅度的增产增值效果,施用S、B肥效果较Zn肥好。获得最高产量的施月巴量为154.3-173.6kg/hm^2N,^2P2O5,193.1-245.3kg/hmA^2K2O3,N2P2O5:K2O=l:O.26-0.43:1.24-1.41;最佳经济施肥量为140.0-162.0kg/hm^2N,40.8-67.0kg/hm^2P2O5,199.8-227.3kg/hm^2K2O,N:P2O5:K2O=l:0.25-O.41:1.23-1.64。低产田土壤适当增施N肥,P、K比例较低,中高产田土壤P、K比例要高些。  相似文献   
新兴绿色技术——水生植物修复技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水体富营养化治理已成为当今世界性难题,解决水体富营养化问题的关键是调控水生生态系统结构,使其恢复自然、健康和稳定的水生生态系统功能,提高水生生态系统的生物净化能力.水生植物是水生生态系统中最重要的初级生产者,在水生生态系统物质和能量循环中处于十分重要的地位.水生植物修复技术具有投资、维护和运行费用低,管理简便,处理效果好,可改善和恢复生态环境,回收资源和能源以及收获经济植物等优点,浮岛技术、人工湿地等技术也取得了显著的成就.植物修复技术作为一种绿色技术,将会有更加广阔的发展天地.  相似文献   
为了研究黄海近海鱼类活动规律,采用自主研制的科研型鱼探仪于2015年11月22日至12月5日对调查海域的鱼类活动进行了首次声学调查,统计分析鱼类活动规律。在调查海域布放4套鱼探仪设备对鱼类进行定点长时间监测,并将采集到的鱼类回波数据利用水声技术进行分析和处理,得到调查海域单体鱼类目标强度在垂直方向上的分布、鱼类目标强度大小的分布以及鱼类在不同水层和不同时间段的活动情况。结果显示,调查海域冬季鱼类主要活动在4~10 m的中上水层,鱼类分布随着水层深度的逐步增加而急剧减少;从9∶00至13∶00鱼类活动频度呈增大趋势,并在13∶00至14∶00频度达到顶峰(约为38%),随后频度减弱;统计得到该海域鱼类目标强度主要以-49~-40 d B占比最高,目标强度大于-40 d B的鱼类均匀分布在整个水层,目标强度小于-40 d B的鱼类主要分布在4~10 m浅水层。研究表明,采用水声技术能够实现对鱼类活动的监测;调查海域的鱼类目标强度分布比较集中,鱼类在深度上的分布主要集中于中上水层,鱼类在不同时间段的活动情况随水温变化而变化,温度升高鱼类活动频度增加,反之则降低。由此可知,该海域鱼类的种类以暖水物种为主。  相似文献   
  • 1. Ariake Bay, which is located in western Japan, has a large tidal range (>6 m) and a vast tidal flat (200 km2). In the early 1990s, the government‐managed Isahaya Reclamation Project began in the western part of Ariake Bay. A 16‐km2 area of tidal flat in the inner part of Isahaya Bay was destroyed through reclamation and separated from the sea by a dyke, which created land and a freshwater reservoir.
  • 2. Since the initiation of the project, fishery yields around Isahaya Bay have dramatically decreased. The objective of this study was to clarify the relationship between the work associated with the Isahaya Reclamation Project and the recent environmental deterioration in Ariake Bay, with references to present sediment thickness and organic matter content, and hypoxic water distributions in Isahaya Bay.
  • 3. The organic matter load from the reservoir has increased since the initiation of the reclamation project and has been associated with a thick layer of fine sediment at the bottom of Isahaya Bay. The thickness of fine sediment and the total organic carbon content were higher in Isahaya Bay than in the freshwater reservoir.
  • 4. Based on measurements in August 2001, hypoxic water spread widely in and around Isahaya Bay; the lowest dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration (0.53 mg L?1) was observed just outside the dyke. An analysis based on a two‐layered box model using data obtained in August 2001 showed that the DO consumption rate in the bottom layer was high (0.61 mg O2 L?1 day?1), and that 22–41% of the total organic carbon load needed to induce the hypoxic water was derived from the reclamation area.
  • 5. Our findings strongly suggest that enclosed seas may suffer from eutrophic and hypoxic conditions because of their low seawater‐exchange rate. A comprehensive conservation programme and environmental assessment including physical and material transport processes in the system is needed to manage the environment of the enclosed sea.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Jansson  Åsa  Folke  Carl  Langaas  Sindre 《Landscape Ecology》1998,13(4):249-262
We estimate the nitrogen retention capacity of natural wetlands in the 1.7 million km2 Baltic Sea drainage basin, using a wetland GIS data base. There are approximately 138,000 km2 of wetlands (bogs and fens) in the Baltic Sea drainage basin, corresponding to 8% of the area. The input of nitrogen to natural wetlands from atmospheric deposition was estimated to 55,000–161,000 ton y1. A map of the deposition of both wet and dry nitrogen is presented. The input from the human population was estimated to 255,000 ton y1 in terms of excretory release in processed sewage water. There may also be leakage from forests and agricultural land into the wetlands. Due to lack of data on hydrology and topography, such potential nitrogen sources are not accounted for here. The capacity of the wetlands to retain the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen was estimated to 34,000–99,000 ton y1. The potential retention by wetlands was estimated to 57,000–145,000 ton y1 when the nitrogen input from the human population was added. If drained wetlands were to be restored and their area added to the present wetland area, the nitrogen retention capacity was estimated to increase to 196,000–261,000 ton y1. Our results indicate that existing natural wetlands in the Baltic Sea drainage basin annually can retain an amount of nitrogen which corresponds to about 5–13% of annual total (natural and anthropogenic) nitrogen emissions entering the Baltic Sea. The ecosystem retention service performed by wetlands accounts for a substantial nitrogen removal, thereby reducing the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
通过对沿海防护林体系现状、存在问题及法律保护现状分析的基础上,提出建立起以国家专门立法为主的法律法规保障体系,将沿海防护林体系及其生态系统的保护纳入相应法律制度;完善法律责任制度,严格林地保护管理,明晰产权,维护国家对滨海湿地所有权和使用者的合法使用权等,从而实现对沿海防护林体系的有效保护,充分发挥沿海防护林体系的生态、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   
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