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国有林场在内蒙古林业生态建设中具有骨架作用,是祖国生态安全屏障的重要组成部分与支撑点,也是贯彻落实生态文明建设,践行“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念不可或缺的重要实施主体。在深入了解与掌握内蒙古自治区西部地区6个市国有林场经营现状的基础上,总结归纳了内蒙古西部地区国有林场经营的特点,深入分析了内蒙古西部地区国有林场面临的问题与困境,并探讨解决这些问题的途径,为国有林场今后的发展提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   
Expanding tree canopies can be difficult to achieve in built environments because urban land is costly and urban soil inhospitable to vegetation so engineered planting systems offer a potentially valuable tool for achieving sustainable urban forests. Tree water uptake, performance and root distribution were assessed in systems of structural soil and structural cell. Structural soil relies on stone and soil, it is highly porous and designed to support tree root growth and possess pavement strength. The structural cell is made up of rigid structural units with 90% void space which is to be filled with soil. To evaluate tree performance under the conditions of fill and drain regimes in structural soil and structural cell, these two systems were subjected to three simulated infiltration rates. This study was conducted in April 2015 to April 2016 in the tropical equatorial environment of South East Asia. Infiltration rate affected both biomass accumulation and rooting depth. Species and substrate effect was significant for biomass and rooting characteristics but less prominent for transpiration. Biomass was greater for trees in structural cells, and Pouteria obovata was particularly sensitive to prolonged inundation. Rooting depth was always higher in the rapid infiltration indicating the negative effects inundation had on this parameter. Root system in the structural cell was deeper while those in the structural soil were wider. Samanea saman had better adapted to the drain and fill regimes, and this was despite Pouteria obovata being a coastal species and was expected to be flood tolerant. Species and substrate effect was weak (R2 ranging from 0.20 to 0.28) but moderate drainage consistently led to higher transpiration. We conclude that structural soil and structural cell are potential solutions and provide a tool to overcome suboptimal urban growing conditions. The application of these solutions will allow for seamless integration of greenery with urban infrastructure.  相似文献   
[目的 /意义]大数据时代,中国农业科研单位持续加强信息化建设,给科学研究和科研管理带来极大的便利,但相应的信息安全问题也开始逐渐显现。依托信息等级保护工作,深入分析农业科研单位信息系统建设中各个薄弱环节,提高信息系统安全,避免发生网络安全事件已被摆在农业科研单位工作的突出地位。[方法 /过程]按照等级保护制度要求,论文主要围绕加强农业科研单位信息安全管理的内容进行探讨,介绍了信息等级保护的重要性,对比分析了等级保护2.0标准与等级保护1.0标准的不同;详细分析中国农业科学院的网络安全管理制度体系和网络安全管理技术等内容,最后对加强农业科研单位信息安全建设的有效策略提出了相关建议。[结果 /结论]论文以中国农业科学院为例详细论述其相关做法,希望为各农业科研机构开展网络安全等级保护安全建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   
探究农地流转对农业生态效率的影响,对促进中国农地的高效、低碳利用和农业的绿色发展具有重要意义。本文基于2005—2021年的中国省级面板数据,采用SBM模型对各省份农业生态效率进行测度,用固定效应模型、门槛回归模型和中介效应模型实证分析了农地流转对农业生态效率的作用机制,揭示了农地经营规模和农业机械化服务在两者之间的中介作用。结果表明:1)中国农业生态效率在2005—2021年间总体呈上升趋势,但存在地区差异,其中东部地区>西部地区>中部地区;2)农地流转显著提高了农业生态效率,且该影响存在门槛效应,当农地流转面积超过门槛值后,对农业生态效率的正向影响会下降;3)农地流转通过扩大农地经营规模、推动农业机械化服务提高农业生态效率。为提高农业生态效率,本研究建议:加快推动农地流转水平,扩大农地经营规模,推动农业机械化服务,结合区域差异性,重视西部地区的农地流转。  相似文献   
实施农业水价综合改革是农业节水工作的关键环节,关乎国家水安全和农业可持续发展.从广东省农业水价综合改革工作现状出发,阐述了全省改革实施区供水计量设施和信息化建设、农业水权分配制度、水权交易体系、水价形成机制、工程运行管护机制、精准补贴和节水奖励机制等主要改革内容和实践情况,总结了创新经验和做法,分析了改革过程中存在的困...  相似文献   
新西兰国有林管理体制改革及其对中国的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了新西兰国有林管理体制改革的背景、改革内容、林业企业发展中存在的问题与挑战以及对中国的启示, 期望能够推动中国国有林管理体制改革, 促进林业可持续发展。  相似文献   
柴榕 《农业网络信息》2016,(12):115-116
辅导员是学生在校学习期间的管理者和责任人,学生在校期间发生法律纠纷都与辅导员有着间接关系。在传统的高校学生管理过程中,辅导员只是强调了自身对学生的管理权,却忽略了自身可能承担的法律风险,很容易成为法律风险的承担者。随着社会法律体制的不断发展和完善,人们对法律的理解也越来越全面,对法律责任的追究也越来越熟悉,所以在高校学生管理过程中,辅导员应该加强学生管理,提高自身的法律意识,将学生管理的法律风险降到最低。  相似文献   
Abstract. Under the Kyoto Protocol, the European Union is committed to an 8% reduction in CO2 emissions, compared to baseline (1990) levels, during the first commitment period (2008–2012). However, within the overall EU agreement, the UK is committed to a 12.5% reduction. In this paper, we estimate the carbon mitigation potential of various agricultural land-management strategies (Kyoto Article 3.4) and examine the consequences of UK and European policy options on the potential for carbon mitigation.
We show that integrated agricultural land management strategies have considerable potential for carbon mitigation. Our figures suggest the following potentials (Tg yr−1) for each scenario: animal manure, 3.7; sewage sludge, 0.3; cereal straw incorporation, 1.9; no-till farming, 3.5; agricultural extensification, 3.3; natural woodland regeneration, 3.2 and bioenergy crop production, 4.1. A realistic land-use scenario combining a number of these individual management options has a mitigation potential of 10.4 Tg C yr−1 (equivalent to about 6.6% of 1990 UK CO2-carbon emissions). An important resource for carbon mitigation in agriculture is the surplus arable land, but in order to fully exploit it, policies governing the use of surplus arable land would need to be changed. Of all options examined, bioenergy crops show the greatest potential. Bioenergy crop production also shows an indefinite mitigation potential compared to other options where the potential is infinite.
The UK will not attempt to meet its climate change commitments solely through changes in agricultural land-use, but since all sources of carbon mitigation will be important in meeting these commitments, agricultural options should be taken very seriously.  相似文献   
基于1995年在黑龙江省大庆市肇州县进行的长期定位试验,研究了长期施用有机肥对草甸碱土活性有机质和碳库管理指数的影响。采用3种浓度的KMnO4(33,167,333mmol/L)氧化法测定了土壤高活性有机质、中活性有机质和活性有机质3部分含量。结果表明,长期施用有机肥能增加草甸碱土活性有机质各组分含量和碳库管理指数。活性有机质各组分含量和碳库管理指数在施用有机肥1~5a的处理间均呈上升的变化趋势,并与玉米产量趋势相一致,在施用有机肥第5a时,均达到最高值,施用有机肥5~16a的处理间,均呈现逐渐下降趋势,最终趋于稳定。中活性有机质和活性有机质与总有机质均达到极显著性正相关,而高活性有机质与总有机质无显著性相关,活性有机质各组分与碳库管理指数也均达到极显著性正相关。研究表明,总有机质不能很好地评价草甸碱土的土壤肥力,而中活性有机质、活性有机质和碳库管理指数能更为客观地反映草甸碱土的土壤肥力,可作为草甸碱土改良的良好评价指标。  相似文献   
Recent reports suggested that multiple midsummer copper (Cu) sprays could improve the proportion of apple fruit (Malus × domestica Borkh.) being packed in the reddest market color grades. We conducted a three‐year field experiment in a low‐Cu orchard with a history of poor fruit coloring. We applied multiple mid‐summer sprays of Cu sulfate and basic Cu sulfate in 1994 and 1995 to ‘Bisbee Delicious’ and ‘Oregon Spur II Delicious’ apple trees. Plant tissue nutrient levels, fruit color grade, and fruit typiness were evaluated in the years of application and the following year. The Cu sprays increased leaf Cu in the years of application; however, leaf Cu in the Cu‐sprayed plots returned to or very near to background concentrations in the year after sprays were terminated. The Cu treatments did not increase the proportion of fruit in the reddest market color grades or influence five fruit typiness indices of either apple cultivar. Although midsummer Cu sprays may not enhance apple fruit red color or typiness, they may be useful for increasing overall tree Cu status, particularly for long‐season cultivars which are harvested too late for postharvest sprays to be effective.  相似文献   
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