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  • 1. Drifting longlines are considered a major threat to endangered sea turtle populations worldwide. However, for a number of reasons, the mortality rate of captured turtles is not known with any certainty.
  • 2. Information on 409 loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), collected during the day‐to‐day activities of a turtle rescue centre in Lampedusa island, central Mediterranean, in the period 2001–2005 has been analysed.
  • 3. Observations indicate that: (i) drifting longlines are a major cause of mortality for sea turtles in the area; (ii) in addition to the hook, the piece of line attached to it (branchline) can easily cause death if it is long enough and well‐anchored; (iii) hooks and branchlines cause death in the short and long term, respectively; (iv) a turtle with a hook in the lower oesophagus/stomach has a very low chance of surviving the combined effect of hook and branchline; (v) the mortality of turtles with a hook in the mouth or higher oesophagus is probably important, though less than that of turtles with a hook in the lower oesophagus/stomach; (vi) in the study fishery, the average mortality of a turtle caught by a drifting longline is probably much higher than 30%.
  • 4. Without specific investigations on the mortality of turtles with hooks in the mouth or higher oeasophagus, which are usually removed, the mortality induced by drifting longlines will remain unknown, preventing a full understanding of the effect on population growth and the real effectiveness of conservation measures such as use of different hooks and fishing depths, and proposals for adequate fishery management measures.
  • 5. The number of turtles captured by drifting longlines should be drastically reduced, and because of the above uncertainty and the socio‐economic importance of the fishery sector, an ecosystem‐based management scheme should be promoted that is not limited to addressing only the turtle issue.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract  The bycatch in a tropical Australian banana prawn, Penaeus merguiensis (de Man), fishery is described and contrasted with the closely related tiger prawn, Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan and Penaeus esculentus Haswell, fishery. Most of the similarity between banana prawn fishery catches was accounted for by three teleost species constituting 51.4% of the total bycatch weight. The bycatch assemblage structure of this fishery was significantly different ( P  <   0.05) from the adjoining tiger prawn fishery. The banana prawn fishery had a higher mean bycatch catch rate from shorter duration trawls, but lower estimated total annual bycatch (1502 t yr−1) than the longer duration trawls of the tiger prawn fishery (20 073 t yr−1). This study provides new data for quantifying bycatch and improving the accuracy of quantitative risk assessments currently being used to demonstrate sustainability of bycatch populations. The information will be incorporated into collaborative development of a long-term monitoring programme.  相似文献   
近年来,霞水母的旺发严重影响了东、黄海秋冬汛张网渔业。为了维持渔业生产的正常进行,利用霞水母和目标渔获物的个体大小以及行为特性的差异,通过在网囊前安装网目长度为45cm的分隔网片和释放口所组成的兼捕减少装置(BRD)来释放霞水母。根据2000年和2001年的海上试验显示,该装置能有效减少霞水母兼捕,平均释放率达91.29%;而目标种类的平均逃逸率为13.35%,其中梭子蟹、鲳鱼的逃逸率较高,分别为52.84%和33.44%,带鱼和小黄鱼的逃逸率较低,分别为5.23%和6.27%,棘头梅童鱼的逃逸率为9.14%;同时由于霞水母的释放,使得作业中的暴网事故明显减少;霞水母BRD自设计开发、试验以后,得到了广泛的运用,自2003年起,已在江苏省启东市所辖350余艘张网渔船上全面推广应用。  相似文献   
1. Of the myriad of anthropogenic and natural threats to seabirds, one of the most critical global problems is incidental mortality in longline fisheries. Hesitance or failure by fishery managers and longline industries to adequately address this acute problem could result in the extinction of several albatross and petrel species within our lifetimes. 2. An integrated management approach is needed to comprehensively manage longline fisheries to address seabird bycatch. A review of relevant multilateral accords, declarations and actions by regional and international organizations reveals the need to augment international collaboration, especially to address pirate longline fishing. Management authorities and stakeholders need to collaborate to: promote adoption and compliance with effective legally binding accords that cover the ranges of all affected seabirds; ensure that all Range States and relevant distant water fishing nations become contracting parties to these accords; coordinate national implementation of the Food and Agriculture Organization's International Plan of Action on seabirds; set management goals; establish and implement policies to employ seabird deterrent measures; disseminate information on new deterrent measures; locally tailor seabird deterrent measures; standardize data reporting and establish a centralized data repository; coordinate research and monitoring; develop regional surveillance and enforcement systems; and augment less developed countries' capacity and resources to mitigate seabird and longline fishery interactions. 3. Establishing protected areas containing seabird colonies and adjacent waters within a nation's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is potentially an expedient method to reduce interactions between seabirds and longline fisheries. However, establishing high seas marine protected areas to restrict longline fishing in seabird foraging areas, which would require extensive and dynamic boundaries and large buffer zones, may not be a viable short‐term solution due to the long time it is anticipated it could take to resolve legal complications with international treaties, to achieve international consensus and political will, and to acquire requisite extensive resources for surveillance and enforcement. High seas marine protected areas may eventually become a feasible mechanism to address seabird bycatch if nations develop the will to close ocean areas to commercial fisheries to attempt to rehabilitate depleted pelagic fish stocks. 4. Direct involvement of longline industries, through partnerships with national governments and regional organizations, to develop seabird mitigation measures and policies prescribing the use of these measures, is critical. Direct involvement of stakeholders to find solutions to resource management problems leads to stakeholder groups taking ownership of and supporting rules. Bottom‐up approaches are successful in changing interest groups' attitudes and behaviour, to maximize voluntary compliance and minimize conflict and resources required for enforcement. 5. Data gaps must be filled and scientific uncertainty addressed through multilateral collaboration. Research to develop and improve practicable mitigation measures is most urgently needed. Information on the status and trends of albatross populations, where albatrosses forage, the causes of population declines, seabird mortality rates and levels in each longline fishery, and the type of impacts from longlining on seabird populations is also needed. It is well documented that several seabird species are at risk of extinction, incidental bycatch in longline fisheries significantly contributes to many species' decline, and proven mitigation measures are available. Thus, while additional research is critically needed, we should not delay taking precautionary action to wait for additional information, but should immediately act to protect seabirds from the known acute threat of mortality in longline fisheries. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Catch rates were compared between gillnets with and without bait in the Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum) fishery off Baffin Island, Canada. Two different types of baiting techniques were compared: bait bags where squid were placed into 2‐mm mesh bags, and tied bait where squid were tied into meshes. Both types of baited gillnets significantly increased the capture of the target species, Greenland halibut, with increases of 253.8% and 149.7% for the bait bag and tied bait, respectively. Common bycatch species showed mixed effects, with roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax Lacépède showing no increase in catch per unit effort (CPUE) for either bait type (p > 0.05), and porcupine crab Neolithodes grimaldii (Milne‐Edwards and Bouvier) only had a higher CPUE with baited gillnets when bait bags were placed on the footrope. Less common bycatch species—but with threatened populations—showed an increase in CPUE, including Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus (Bloch and Schneider) and Northern wolffish Anarhichas denticulatus Krøyer. Baiting gillnets affected the CPUE of gillnets in the Greenland halibut fishery, and management should consider how the increased CPUE of both target and bycatch species are affected by this new fishery trend.  相似文献   
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