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以16个水稻两用核不育系(4WSH0058、4WSH0247、4WSH0266、4WSH0268、4WSH0284、4WSH0886、4WSH0887、4WSH1108、4WSH1142、4WSH1324、4WSH1334、4WSH1339、4WSH1355、4WSH1357、4WSH1369、4WSH1555)和5个恢复系(R1998、R091、R184、华占、R412)按不完全双列杂交设计配制的80个组合为材料,研究稻米外观品质和蒸煮品质性状的配合力。研究结果表明:粒长、粒宽和长宽比等粒形性状主要受基因加性效应的影响;垩白粒率受加性效应和非加性效应的共同控制,主要受恢复系基因加性效应的影响;垩白度和胶稠度主要受非加性效应的影响;稻米直链淀粉含量受不育系基因加性效应及非加性效应的共同控制,其中受不育系基因加性效应的影响较大。不育系4WSH0247、4WSH0886、4WSH0887、4WSH1324、4WSH1339、4WSH1355和恢复系R184和R412在垩白性状和蒸煮品质上具有较好的一般配合力和较大的特殊配合力效应方差,容易配出外观品质和蒸煮品质俱佳的杂交组合。  相似文献   
为掌握南平市2012年烟叶外观质量总体情况,通过感官分析技术,对2012年入库验收期间抽取的78套烟叶样品进行外观质量定性评价。结果表明:县市之间外观质量评价总得分,下部叶建瓯市、政和县较高,中部叶松溪县、建阳市较高,上部叶松溪县、光泽县较高,武夷山市3个部位表现较好;从外观质量上,下部叶武夷山市、政和县、邵武市表现较好,中部叶松溪县、政和县、建阳市表现较优,松溪县、武夷山市、光泽县上部叶优于其余县市。品种之间对比表明,云系品种外观质量总体表现较优,K326上部叶表现较差,红大下部叶、上部叶较好,CB-1总体表现较差。  相似文献   
Sensory evaluation as a selection tool in apple breeding   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Several conventional sensory methods were adapted to provide aprocedure that is suitable for screening apple (Malus × domestica) breeding selections for dessert quality. Trained judges were presented with randomized coded samples (apple slices) and asked to rate them on 0 to 9 bipolar hedonic (liking) scales for texture and flavour, and 0 to 9 unipolar intensity scales for skin toughness, crispness, hardness, juiciness, aroma, sweetness and sourness. Appearance liking was rated on coded samples of five whole apples, using the 0 to 9 hedonic scale. A minimum panel size of eleven judges was generally sufficient to obtain statistical discrimination of one point on the 0 to 9 scales. Panel mean scores for breeding selections relative to standards have been consistent from panel to panel and year to year. A subset of selections and cultivars was rated for appearance and taste by consumers in blind taste tests. In-house panel findings were comparable to consumer ratings for taste and appearance liking, with a few exceptions in appearance. Panel mean scores for texture and flavour liking were regressed on texture and flavour components. Crispness accounted for about 90% of the variation in texture liking. Juiciness, aroma, sweetness and sourness were all important to flavour liking, but their relative importance changed from year to year and in total accounted for only about 60% of variation in flavour liking. Perceived sweetness and sourness were better predictors of liking than analytical measurements of soluble solids and titratable acidity. Formal sensory evaluation can be used successfully for screening breeding selections, and may provide more reliable data than the opinions of only one or two people.  相似文献   
The interplanting with zero-tillage of rice, i.e. direct sowing rice 10-20 days before wheat harvesting, and remaining about 30-cm high stubble after cutting wheat or rice with no tillage, is a new cultivation technology in wheat-rice rotation system. To study the effects of interplanting with zero tillage and straw manure on rice growth and quality, an experiment was conducted in a wheat-rotation rotation system. Four treatments, i.e. ZIS (Zero-tillage, straw manure and rice interplanting), ZI (Zero-tillage, no straw manure and rice interplanting), PTS (Plowing tillage, straw manure and rice transplanting), and PT (Plowing tillage, no straw manure and rice transplanting), were used. ZIS reduced plant height, leaf area per plant and the biomass of rice plants, but the biomass accumulation of rice at the late stage was quicker than that under conventional transplanting cultivation. In the first year (2002), there was no significant difference in rice yield among the four treatments. However, rice yield decreased in interplanting with zero-tillage in the second year (2003). Compared with the transplanting treatments, the number of filled grains per panicle decreased but 1000-grain weight increased in interplanting with zero-tillage, which were the main factors resulting in higher yield. Interplanting with zero-tillage improved the milling and appearance qualities of rice. The rates of milled and head rice increased while chalky rice rate and chalkiness decreased in interplanting with zero-tillage. Zero-tillage and interplanting also affected rice nutritional and cooking qualities. In 2002, ZIS showed raised protein content, decreased amylose content, softer gel consistency, resulting in improved rice quality. In 2003, zero-tillage and interplanting decreased protein content and showed similar amylose content as compared with transplanting treatments. Moreover, protein content in PTS was obviously increased in comparison with the other three treatments. The rice in interplanting with zero-tillage treatments had higher peak viscosity and breakdown, lower setback, showing better rice taste quality. The straw manure had no significant effect on rice viscosity under interplanting with zero-tillage, but had the negative influence on the rice taste quality under transplanting with plowing tillage.  相似文献   
米芾的书法作品既重视整体气韵,又兼顾细节的完美,随遇而变,独出机杼。他对书法的用笔、结构、章法、墨法等有着自己独到的表现。  相似文献   
不同收获时间和方式对水稻外观品质及加工品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以粳型水稻品种三江1号和空育131为试材,研究不同收获时间及收获方式(直收与割晒)对第三积温带水稻品种加工品质和外观品质的影响。结果表明,提前收获(9月26日以前)割晒能提高三江1号的加工品质及外观品质,能够改善空育131的外观品质;后期收获,直收与割晒对水稻品种的外观品质及加工品质的规律不明显。  相似文献   
文中对玉米大斑病流行过程中的3个环节——孢子萌发侵入、潜育显症和病斑扩展进行了定量研究。提出了孢子侵入概率与露时、露温关系,逐日累积显症率与显症日数关系,潜育期与玉米生育期关系等4个回归预测式;还研究了气温、降雨对潜育显症,气温、光照对病斑扩展的影响。  相似文献   
血尔宝补铁蛋白咀嚼片对大鼠胚胎致畸作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
了解血尔宝补铁蛋白咀嚼片对SD大鼠胚胎的影响,将SD大鼠雌雄1:1交配,发现阴栓作为妊娠“零”天,检出的“孕鼠”随机分到阴性组、阳性组、高剂量组、中剂量组、低剂量组,并称重和编号。于妊娠第7~16d灌胃;受孕的0、7、12、16、20d称体重,并计算给受试物的量。孕鼠于妊娠20d处死,剖腹取子宫称重、取胎记录并检查胚胎、着床数、吸收胎、死胎和活胎数。活胎鼠记录胎仔体重、体长、尾长并检查胎鼠外观有无异常。半数活胎固定于鲍音氏液中固定两周后徒手切片作内脏检查,另半数活胎以茜素红作骨骼染色,并逐步检查骨骼。结果表示,20d孕鼠体重增长阳性组与阴性组、剂量组相比有显著差异(P<0.05);16d、20d孕鼠体重增长高剂量组与低剂量组相比有显著差异(P<0.05);各组相比着床总数无显著差异;活胎的仔数、吸收胎数、死胎数、平均仔重、体重、及尾长,阳性组与阴性组、剂量组相比有显著差异(P<0.05);阴性组、剂量组相比无显著差异(P>0.05);胚胎外形畸形率敌枯双阳性组为58.96%,与其它各组相比有显著差异(P<0.01)。阴性组和剂量组之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。表明血尔宝补铁蛋白咀嚼片对SD大鼠胚胎无致畸、毒性作用。  相似文献   
绞股蓝属叶表皮形态与生态环境的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对安徽产6种绞股蓝成熟叶片(其中4种包括雌、雄)叶表面的扫描电镜观察和4种成熟叶片横切面解剖结构的光学显微镜观察,发现不同种类、不同产地的绞股蓝叶表皮细胞形状、外壁角质层的厚薄、蜡质复盖物的多少、气孔密度和气孔在表皮上的位置,以及气孔器外拱盖的形状均不相同。一般生长在比较干燥环境的种群,其叶片在控制水分散失方面的结构发育比较完善,反之,习惯在空气湿度较大的环境下生长的种群,往往由于不能很好地控制水分的散失而只能分布在极有限的区域内,并进一步演化为在遗传上具有相对稳定性和具有特定形态结构的特化类群。  相似文献   
香料烟叶片主要外观性状与化学成分关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究Samsun品种颜色、光泽、叶面积和叶质重等4个外观性状与化学成分的关系,结果表明,颜色和叶面积与化学成分的关系较为密切,控制颜色深化和减小叶面积能明显提高糖含量,并可降低总氮和蛋白质含量 ,利用改善烟叶质量;叶面积减小也会使烟碱含量降低。在皖南生态条件下,Samsun载植密度以18万株/hm^2比较合适,成熟采收时,除顶部叶可晾1~2d后再行晒制外,其他部位烟叶都可采后就晒。  相似文献   
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