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The Bergen Ocean Model (BOM), a three-dimensional physical coastal ocean model, was used for a numerical simulation experiment to investigate short-term effects of wind-generated coastal upwelling and downwelling on the dynamics of adjacent large outer and smaller inner fjords. The effect of the real alongshore wind regime on advection for an idealized fjord topography, resembling Masfjorden, western Norway, is used as an example. This modelling exercise is a supplement to, and its predictions support, the various hypotheses investigated in ecosystem simulation studies of the Masfjorden. The model predicts that coastal winds from the north cause upwelling and transport the upper water layer out from the fjords. Winds from the south cause downwelling and transport the upper water layer into the fjords. The transport is rapid and ≈50% of the upper water layer may be replaced within 1–2 days. Implications of these physical processes for the dispersal and retention of planktonic organisms and the early life stages of fish are discussed. If strong southerly winds occur frequently, this will transport planktonic organisms into the fjord and may increase the carrying capacity for planktivorous fish. In contrast, frequent strong northerly winds may reduce the abundance of planktonic organisms, including the early life stages of marine fish, and thus possibly reduce recruitment to fjord fish populations. Frequent shifts between southerly and northerly winds would cause an exchange of early life stages between neighbouring fjords and thus enhance genetic exchange.  相似文献   
This study examined the capacity of Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus phyllosoma larvae to absorb nutrients directly from the surrounding water. For this purpose, 48-, 81-, 124-, 160-, and 264-day-old intermoult larvae were starved for 48 h, held for 30 min to 4 h in 0.05 g L–1 solutions or dispersions of cholesterol, peanut oil, saccharose and horseradish peroxidase in seawater, and subsequently examined by histological and ultrastructural methods. Lipids, carbohydrate, and protein were detected in either the lumen of the midgut gland tubules, the midgut gland cells, the haemolymph or in the cells of the epidermis of all larvae examined after each experimental period, with general improvement of the cell and tissue characteristics over unfed controls. The lipids were also found in the cuticle. Thus, the results provide evidence of nutrient absorption via the digestive tract, and possibly also via the integument. Structural adaptations that may be involved in the process of absorption were tentatively identified. Our observations suggest the possibility that particulate organic matter (POM) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) can be utilized by the P. japonicus phyllosoma larvae, perhaps as supplementary sources of nutrients to macroscopic diets.  相似文献   
把5cm以上海湾扇贝亲贝按43-50个/m^3密度吊养于水泥沉淀池,利用附近井水调温:使池水温度达4℃以上。越冬两个半月,成活率84%以上,而自然海区越冬贝成活率仅70%.升温促熟后.亲贝产卵孵化率60%以上,而自然海区越冬贝仅为15.1%。地下海水越冬贝的单位水体出苗量为505万粒/m^3和544万粒/m^3,而自然海区越冬贝出苗量仅有209万粒/m^3.证明利用地下海水调温,在沉淀池进行海湾扇贝亲贝越冬,效果明显,完全可行.  相似文献   
Taurine is an important amino acid derivative for marine and freshwater fish, especially during early development. We investigated the range of taurine concentrations that influence the growth and survival rates of California yellowtail (CYT; Seriola dorsalis) during transition from live feeds to microparticulate diets, as well as the extent to which nutrient leaching from the microparticulate diets affects these ranges. We tested particle‐assisted rotationally agglomerated (PARA) particles with four levels of taurine: 4 (low taurine; LT), 45 (medium taurine; MT), 93 (high taurine; HT) and 122 g/kg (very high taurine; VHT). Our results showed that CYT postlarvae had no significant differences in growth, survival and feed consumption rates between the MT, HT and VHT treatments. However, it should be noted that the PARA particles containing 122 g/kg (VHT) taurine were especially prone to leaching and may have had taurine concentrations as low as 34.9 g/kg before they settled on the bottom of the tank. Therefore, the actual dietary taurine concentrations experienced by the larvae were likely lower than the initial dietary concentrations. More research is needed to evaluate the potential nutrient toxicity of elevated dietary taurine concentrations for marine fish larvae and juveniles.  相似文献   
In the present study, the hypothesis that the difference in axenic conditions in the incubation and rearing environment of European seabass larvae induces size and shape effects on the specimens is tested. This difference is studied between xenic and axenic seabass larvae of DAH (day after hatching) 0, 5, 11 and 15. The axenic rearing protocol involves an egg disinfection with glutaraldehyde after the primary one with iodine in the hatchery, and the hypothesis that this secondary disinfection induces size and shape effects is also tested. In order to accomplish this, three egg and larvae treatments are included: “DA” (disinfected axenic), “DX” (disinfected xenic) and “NX” (nondisinfected xenic). Regarding the effect of antibiotic‐induced axenity, DA larvae exhibited larger bodies than both DX and NX on DAH 5 and 11. They also had a smaller yolk sac than DX at hatching, but consumed it slower. Towards the end of the experiment, DA larvae were thicker, but slightly more curved than DX and NX, which may be an abnormal shape, or a slightly more advanced ontogenetic stage. As far as egg disinfection, it had significant but very moderate shape effects on DAH 5 and 11, and disinfected larvae consumed their yolk sac faster. To the best of our knowledge, this study is one of the first to illustrate the subtle but significant size and shape effects caused by antibiotic‐induced axenity and secondary egg disinfection in the early larval stages, which suggest the existence of bacterial mechanisms that play a phenotypic role.  相似文献   
Understanding the interactions among biological and physical processes is essential to determining how the environment affects transport and survival of fishes. We examined vertical distribution in larval Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) and Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) using 126 depth stratified tows in Delaware Bay, USA, during two cruises, in December 2007 and February 2008. Menhaden larvae were 16.8–24.6 and 20.5–26.2 mm standard length in December and February. Corresponding lengths for croaker were 9.3–17.9 and 8.6–19.6 mm. Using empirical observations, and statistically derived models, we explored larval concentration for both species as a function of location, depth, diel period, tidal period, size, and pairwise interactions. Menhaden concentration was best modeled as a function of station, cruise, and interactions between depth and size as well as between station and cruise. No significant differences in larval menhaden concentration were present among tidal and diel periods. Croaker concentration was best modeled as a function of size and interactions between station and diel period, depth and size, cruise and size. Despite tidal period not emerging as a significant model parameter, we observed larger croaker larvae during nighttime flood tides. Our statistical models are consistent with processes of up‐estuary transport for both species, suggesting larvae are increasingly affected by behavioral responses as larvae grow, exhibiting stronger patterns in vertical distribution. The results refine our understanding of the potential importance of size‐related differences in vertical distribution for larval transport in these species. Future research should examine the interactions among size‐specific vertical migratory capabilities, vertical distribution, transport, and retention.  相似文献   
Black snook, Centropomus nigrescens, have been identified as a promising candidate for aquaculture although, like many of the Centropomid species, high mortality associated with early larval stages presents a significant bottleneck to their commercialization. The digestive capacity of black snook larvae throughout the first 37 d after hatch (d.a.h.) was evaluated by quantifying digestive enzyme activities using biochemical techniques. Results showed that black snook larvae have alkaline proteases at hatching, which are known to be important during the first days of feeding for digestion. Toward the end of the study, acid proteases concentration increased (37 d.a.h.). Enzymes for lipid digestion, pancreatic lipase and bile salt‐activated lipase, were already present in the larvae before exogenous feeding commenced, and their activity increased with age and growth (length). Intracellular digestion, measured as the activity of leucine‐alanine peptidase, was high early on (5 d.a.h.) and decreased as development progressed (next 32 d). In contrast, alkaline phosphatase activity was lowest at first feeding and subsequently increased with age. Overall patterns in enzyme activity suggest the possibility of live feed weaning before 32 d.a.h. if artificial diets can be properly balanced.  相似文献   
To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying spatial heterogeneity in ichthyoplankton communities in the SW Atlantic, we examined for the first time the latitudinal and continental shelf–slope gradients in ichthyoplankton structure and oceanographic features in the Campos Basin during the relaxation phase of coastal upwellings (late autumn to early winter). This region, located on SE Brazil's continental margin, is the most productive offshore oil basin in the country and has ecological relevance owing to the existence of areas that experiences mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometers) processes (eddies, filaments, and upwelling) caused by the interaction of continental shelf and slope circulation with deep water masses. The present study collected a total of 3892 fish eggs and 10,030 larvae from 36 sampling stations, averaging 22 eggs per 100 m3 and 56 larvae per 100 m3. A total of 250 taxa (5 for fish eggs and 248 for larvae) were identified, encompassing 80 families and 145 genera. Species distribution exhibited a considerable degree of spatial variability, which was related mostly to hydrological characteristics. In general, greater densities were associated with higher nutrient concentrations areas. Through distance-based Redundancy Analysis, some discriminating species were found to associate with certain areas of the continental shelf characterized by colder temperatures. The ichthyoplankton distribution patterns suggested a potential influence from mesoscale oceanographic fronts, specifically those that induce upwelling of the cold and nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water. Nonetheless, the methodologies used in this study faced challenges in distinctly identifying these processes.  相似文献   
试验分析了投喂卤虫无节幼体条件下黄颡鱼(Pseudogrus fulvidraco)仔稚鱼生长、存活率、摄食力和体成分的变化。随着仔稚鱼的生长和发育,摄食率和胃充塞度逐渐加大,体长大于10 mm的仔鱼,摄食率都在93.3%以上,大多数个体胃充塞度都在3~5级。投喂卤虫无节幼体的黄颡鱼仔稚鱼生长较传统育苗方式生长快,存活率高。体内粗养分、氨基酸与脂肪酸含量都发生相应变化。黄颡鱼淀粉酶、蛋白酶与脂肪酶活性均在1日龄时即可检测到,开口期即5日龄时,3种消化酶比活力均达到较高值,15日龄后消化酶比活力又都降低到较低水平。卤虫无节幼体体内营养物质含量丰富,大小适口,是黄颡鱼仔稚鱼开口摄食的优质生物饵料。  相似文献   
利用室内工厂化育苗设施对缢蛏Sinonovacula constricta (Lamarck)进行人工催产,幼虫培育,盐度调控,育苗中后期直接投喂土池中天然藻类,减轻藻类培育负担,同步进行多批次苗种生产,大幅度增加了产量.2011年规模化苗种培育孵化率62.2% ~ 70.7%,附着率52.2% ~77.1%,幼虫成活率30.8%~ 60.2%,幼虫增重率为99.85%~99.96%,3个月内共催产915 kg种蛏,培育优质蛏苗约40亿粒.  相似文献   
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