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Finnish isolates of Beauveria bassiana (8 isolates), Metarhizium anisopliae (7), Tolypocladium sp. (2), Paecilomyces farinosus (2), P. fumosoroseus (1), Steinernema feltiae (3) and Bacillus thuringiensis ('Muscabac') were tested for efficacy against mixed populations of Delia radicum and D. floralis under field conditions in 1986–90. All pathogens were applied preventatively, the fungi as aqueous conidial or mycelial suspensions, dry conidia or dry mycelial powder. In only two of the nine experiments did B. bassiana or M. anisopliae give some control. In 1986, B. bassiana SF85–2 and Tolypocladium sp. SF85–4 (both at rate 1.2 x 109 conidia plant‐ 1), and ‘Muscabac’ (25 g 1?1, 1 dl plant?1) reduced the number of pupae by 80%, 60% and 50%, respectively, as compared with untreated and chemical (isophenphos) controls. In 1990, M. anisopliae SF86–39 at rate 1.6 x 109conidia plant?1 and 1.5 x 108 CFU plant?1 and S. feltiae SFS‐22 (35000 plant?1), increased the yield of cauliflower 2.2, 1.8, and 2.3‐fold, respectively, as compared with the untreated control, but these yields were only 19%, 15% and 19% of those of the chemical (diazinon) control. Paecilomyces isolates were ineffective in the 1986 experiment in which they were included. Our results suggest that it is difficult to find efficient control agents among the fungal and nematode species tested for use as biopesticides against cabbage root flies, but that the potential of M. anisopliae against these pests deserves further study.  相似文献   
23个欧美杨无性系苗期叶锈病抗性测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以引进23个欧美杨无性系为研究对象,通过对苗木叶锈病感病指数的调查,借助SPSS统计软件对调查数据进行统计分析,结果表明:对叶锈病的抗性表现超过对照品种I108的有19个,其中02-36-1、02-36-4、N177、N197和N195这5个无性系对叶锈病完全免疫;无性系02-34-334对叶锈病表现为高度抗病;02-01-119、324、03-04-111、03-04-97和02-34-278表现为抗病;03-04-141、03-04-170、02-34-347和03-05-184表现为感病;02-01-219、03-04-167、03-04-288和02-34-228表现为高感;对叶锈病的抗性表现不及对照品种I108的有3个,即03-05-206、03-04-171和03-05-156,均表现为高感。  相似文献   
The morphological basis of resistance to the whiteflyBemisia tabaci Genn. (Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera) was studied. The plant characters examined were leaf area, thickness of leaf lamina, hair density, hair length, angle of insertion of leaf hair, and density of gossypol glands. Hair density and leaf thickness were positively correlated with the population ofB. tabaci, and a positive correlation was obtained between the adult whitefly population and gossypol glands on stem internodes. Cotton genotype USA-22 (sparsely hairy) was found to be more tolerant toB. tabaci than was genotype USA-13 (velvety hairy). The use of thinner and glabrous leaved cotton varieties is suggested to minimize the whitefly menace in cotton.  相似文献   
在实验室内用5%增效浏阳霉素乳油1000倍液防治截形叶螨,24小时后的死亡率为95.5%。对三氯杀螨醇有较强抗性的二斑叶螨和朱砂叶螨,48小时后的死亡率也达90%左右。浏阳霉素对3种叶螨均无杀卵作用,但施药5~6天后,对初孵幼螨仍能杀死90%以上。低温能降低浏阳霉素的药效。在温室中施药一周后。对二斑叶螨的雌成螨无残效,但幼螨和前若螨的死亡率可达97.4%。以磷酸兰苯酯作增效剂的浏阳霉素比亚磷酸三苯酯作增效剂的药效好。在同一剂量下,对二斑叶螨的死亡率分别为98.2%和53.4%。5%浏阳霉素的1000倍液对智利植绥螨成螨的生存率、在叶上的定居率及着卵量均无影响。在温室栽培月季上喷药1次防治二斑叶螨,36天后防治效果仍保持在99%,而用三氯杀螨醇和敌敌畏防治,施药一周后需再次防治。  相似文献   
The effects of a seed tuber treatment with antagonistic isolates of fluorescentPseudomonas spp. were investigated on potato plants from 1981 to 1984. The experimental plots were located in fields in short and long rotations of potato. The short rotations are characterized by serious yield reductions which are caused by unknown microbial factors. The reductions varied from 30% in 1982 to only 3% in 1983 in the 3-year rotations. A statistically significant increase in yield (four to five months after planting) of ware potatoes varying from 9 to 20% was obtained in these plots through tuber bacterization, but only in 1981. In 1982 and 1983 initially significant improvements in shoot or tuber weight of seed potatoes were no longer detectable at ware potato harvest at the end of the growing period. Seed tuber bacterization had no effect on tuber yield in long rotations. Initial colonization of basal root parts by 53×104 colony forming units (cfu) of antibiotic-resistant mutants per gram of root (fresh) dropped significantly to 20×104 cfu per gram after three months. The bacterization effect on tuber yield depended on the development of harmful microbial activity and of introduced antagonists during the growing period. Seed tuber bacterization is more promising for seed potatoes than for ware potatoes in short rotations, the latter being harvested two months later.Samenvatting De invloed van pootgoedbehandeling met antagonistische isolaten van fluorescerendePseudomonas-soorten op de aardappelteelt, werd onderzocht in de periode van 1981 tot en met 1984. De proefvelden maakten deel uit van zowel ruime als nauwe rotaties met aardappelen. Kenmerkend voor de nauwe rotatie is, dat de opbrengst aanzienllijk gereduceerd wordt als gevolg van de aanwezigheid van nog onbekende microbiële factoren. Deze opbrengstverlaging varieerde van 30% in 1982 tot slechts 3% in 1983 in de 3-jarige rotaties. Pootgoedbacterisatie had in deze proefvelden een significante toename van de eindopbrengst (vier tot vijf maanden na pootdatum) van consumptieaardappelen tot gevolg, die varieerde van 9 tot 20%, echter allen in 1981. In 1982 en 1983 werd het effect van bacterisatie ook in de loop van de groeiperiode onderzocht. Aanvankelijk significante toenames van zowel spruit-als knolgewicht waren aan het einde van het groeiseizoen niet meer aantoonbaar. Pootgoedbacteristie bleek geen effect te hebben op aardappel in ruimte rotaties. Aanvankelijk werden de basale wortelgedeelten gekoloniseerd door antibioticum-resistente mutanten met 53×104 kolonievormende eenheden (kve) per gram wortel(vers); dit aantal liep (drie maanden na pootdatum) echter significant terug tot 20×104 kve per gram. Het effect van bacterisatie op de eindopbrengst werd bepaald door de ontwikkeling van de schadelijke microbiële activiteit en de ontwikkeling van de geïntroduceerde antagonisten tijdens het groeiseizoen. Pootgoedbacterisatie in nauwe rotaties biedt meer mogelijkheden voor de teelt van pootaardappelen dan die van consumptieaardappelen, die geruime tijd later geoogst worden.  相似文献   
Size and composition of the weed seedbank was assessed after 12 years of application of four tillage systems in two crop rotations. Mouldboard and chisel ploughing at 45 cm, minimum tillage at 15 cm and no tillage were compared in continuous winter wheat and a pigeon bean/winter wheat 2-year rotation. Weed control was based upon post-emergence herbicide application. Weed seedling emergence from soil samples taken at 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm depths was assessed in a non-heated glasshouse for 12 months. The tillage system influenced weed seedbank size and composition to a much greater extent than crop rotation. Total weed seedling density was higher in no tillage, minimum tillage and chisel ploughing plots in the 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm layers respectively. Density in the whole (0–45 cm) layer did not differ significantly among tillage systems. With no tillage, more than 60% of the total seedlings emerged from the surface layer, compared with an average 43% in the other tillage systems. Crop rotation did not influence either weed seedbank size or seedling distribution among soil layers, and only had a small influence on major species abundance. The weed seedbank was dominated (>66%) by Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. and Amaranthus retroflexus (L.), which thrived in chisel ploughing and no tillage respectively. Results suggested that crop rotation and substitution of mouldboard ploughing by non-inversion tillage (especially by minimum tillage) would not result in increased weed problems, whereas use of no tillage might increase weed infestations because of higher seedling recruitment from the topsoil.  相似文献   
林间释放平腹小蜂防治银杏大蚕蛾研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
笔者于1999-2000年在城口银杏大蚕蛾发生区释放用其卵繁育的平腹小蜂防治银杏大蚕蛾,结果表明:放蜂区虫卵寄生率明显提高,其校正寄生率为69.30%,是一种可利用的天敌昆虫。可在银杏大蚕蛾发生区内推广应用。  相似文献   
Colletotrichum coccodes is currently being investigated as a mycoherbicide against the weed velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti). Two isolates ofPseudomonas spp. (Ps2 and Ps5) reduced the percentage of germ tubes and increased appressorial formation ofC. coccodes on detached leaves of velvetleaf. A study was conducted to see whether this effect could be attributed to competition for nutrients or iron betweenC. coccodes andPseudomonas spp. Ps2 and Ps5 had no effect on early spore germination, but reduced the percentage of germ tubes at 24 and 30 h, compared to the nontreated control. This reduction was diminished by the addition of nutrients but not Fe3+. Ps2 and Ps5 stimulated the formation of dark-coloured appressoria without germ tubes (AWGT), but this stimulation was diminished by the addition of nutrients or Fe3+. Germ tube branching at 30 h was also inhibited by the bacteria, but was not diminished by the addition of nutrients or iron. EDTA stimulated conidial germination at 10 h, which was reduced by the addition of Fe3+. However, EDTA did not stimulate the formation of appressoria (AWGT). These results suggest that the reduction in the percentage of germ tubes and the increase in the percentage of appressoria induced by the bacteria may be due to the competition for carbon or nitrogen. Iron competition may also be involved in the stimulation of appressorial formation, but not in the reduction in germ tube percentage and branching. Phylloplane bacteria may compete for carbon, nitrogen and iron, limiting the saprophytic phase of the pathogen on the phylloplane and accelerating the development of the parasitic phase. This may enhance the field efficacy ofC. coccodes as a biocontrol agent against velvetleaf.  相似文献   
The ovipositional response ofHelicoverpa armigera (Hübner) to different cotton varieties and species was studied under caged conditions. Maximum oviposition (51.6 eggs/female) was recorded on LH 900, a variety ofGossypium hirsutum, and minimum oviposition (3.0 eggs/female) on G 27, a variety ofG. arboreum. Oviposition, in general, was low (3 to 6.5 eggs/female) onarboreum cottons as compared withhirsutum. Of the number of factors found to affect the oviposition ofH. armigera, the trichome length on the upper surface of the leaf, rather than the density, was positively correlated (r = 0.687*). Among different months in the cropping season, oviposition was maximum (552.7) during April. Oviposition was higher on leaves than on other plant parts.  相似文献   
Inoculation of leaves of resistantPlatanus occidentalis and susceptiblePlatanus acerifolia leaves withCeratocystis fimbriata f. sp.platani, the canker stain disease agent, induced foliar necrosis and biosynthesis of two phytoalexins, scopoletin and umbelliferone. Foliar symptoms keep localized and accumulation of coumarin phytoalexins was rapid for incompatible interactions. Necrosis spread widely and accumulation of these phenolic compounds was much later and lower for compatible interactions. The differential response could be used in a genetic improvement program for resistance against canker stain.  相似文献   
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