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Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) postsmolts (0.17–0.26 kg) were exposed to four different levels of carbon dioxide partial pressure for 43 days in an open flow system: 0.6 mm Hg (control), 4.9 mm Hg (low), 12 mm Hg (medium), and 20 mm Hg (high). The water temperature was 15–16°C and the salinity 34‰. In the low carbon dioxide group (PCO2=4.9 mm Hg; 10.6 mg/l), no significant differences were found in blood parameters (haematocrit, plasma chloride and plasma sodium) or in growth parameters (weight, length and condition factor) when compared to the control group. After 43 days, the mean plasma chloride concentration for the medium group (PCO2=12 mm Hg; 26 mg/l) was significantly reduced, while weight and condition factor were slightly, although not significantly, lowered. For the high carbon dioxide group (PCO2=20 mm Hg; 44 mg/l) plasma sodium and plasma pH were significantly increased and plasma chloride, oxygen consumption, weight, length and condition factor were significantly reduced at the end of exposure. There was no mortality in the control group or in the low carbon dioxide group. The mortalities in the medium and high carbon dioxide groups were 1.1 and 4.3%, respectively. Nephrocalsinosis was not observed in any of the groups. The results of the present investigation indicate that the CO2 concentration of the low group may represent a safe level for Atlantic salmon postsmolts when the temperature is 15–16°C and the oxygen level is 6–7 mg/l. Further studies are required.  相似文献   
徐升 《江西农业学报》2012,24(3):151-155
综述了海水循环水养殖系统生物脱氮工艺,并对脱氮过程中常见的问题、解决途径及生物脱氮新工艺的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   
利用国家863课题支持研制的电阻率探杆自动监测系统,分别进行了海水入侵、地下水位升降、土壤盐渍化过程的动态监测室内模拟实验,旨在探讨该系统用于海水入侵、地下水位变化、土壤盐渍化等环境过程自动监测的可行性。结果表明,海水入侵形成的咸-淡水界面及海水弥散带,地下水位位置上下及包气带,及不同含盐量的土体,均具有显著的电阻率探杆测试结果特征差异。该系统可为海水入侵,地下水位变化,土壤盐渍化,土壤地下污染等环境过程的原位连续实时自动监测提供数据资料及技术支持。  相似文献   
本文报道双斑东方鲍、日本对虾及缢蛏在一口面积为1.6ha的海水池中混养试验情况.经合理搭配、精心饲养,通过生物间的相互作用和人为调节,使养殖池形成一个稳定良好的生态系统,有效地抑制病虫害的发生,鱼、虾、蛏混养的成活率、生长速度、产量均较为理想,获得了显著的养殖效果.  相似文献   
建立了单效蒸发机械压汽(SEE-MVC)海水淡化系统的分析数学模型,比较了分析和热分析计算结果的不同之处,研究了系统的利用性能,分析了主要独立参数——压缩机增压比、定熵效率和蒸发温度的影响规律,并探讨了改善系统性能的途径.  相似文献   
[目的]分析利比亚WadiBay干谷地区地下水水化学特征的形成原因,为地下水资源合理开发利用以及地下水环境保护提供科学依据。[方法]以利比亚Wadi 8Bay(Bay干谷)地区为例,运用Piper三线图示法、描述性统计、离子比例系数法、同位素证据,系统研究了利比亚WadiBay地区干旱气候条件下浅层地下水特殊的水化学特征。[结果]区域地下水含盐量很高,矿化度(TDS)在3.2~8.4g/L,地下水类型主要为Cl、SO4--Na、Ca,其次为Cl.SO4-Na、Ca、Mg;地下水中Cl-、Na+、SO42-等在距海70km处浓度产生突变,而Mn2+、Ba2+、Si2+、NH4+与NO3-并无同样突变现象。[结论]比亚WadiBay干谷地区浅层地下水水化学特征与溶虑作用、蒸发浓缩作用以及人类活动关系不大,主要成因为海水入侵过程中的咸淡水混合作用。  相似文献   
发展山东省海水健康养殖的构想和主要对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山东作为海水养殖大省,产量约占全国的1/3。在传统捕捞业面临近海渔业资源枯竭、传统渔场面积减小的形势下,加大现代生物技术、新材料等在海水养殖业中的应用,挖掘海水养殖潜力,推动海水养殖业可持续发展,对于发展渔区经济,增加渔民收入更具有现实意义和历史意义。本文针对山东海水养殖的现状和问题,对健康养殖的发展构想及对策进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
利用同源克隆技术从蒲公英中克隆到铜锌超氧化物歧化酶基因(Cu/ZnSOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶基因(APX)和过氧化氢酶基因(CAT)3个抗氧化酶基因,采用生物信息学方法分析基因编码的氨基酸序列,利用实时荧光定量PCR方法对盐胁迫下的基因表达进行检测,以了解盐胁迫下抗氧化酶系统变化机理。结果显示:蒲公英Cu/ZnSOD、APX和CAT的编码区序列长度分别为474、852和1 479 bp,分别编码157、283和492个氨基酸残基的抗氧化酶。多序列比对和物种进化关系表明,蒲公英3个抗氧化酶基因与莴苣和向日葵中相关基因的氨基酸序列同源性最高;与0 h相比,盐胁迫处理3 h和6 h时,3个抗氧化酶基因的表达量迅速增加,12 h时又有所降低;海水复合盐胁迫对Cu/ZnSOD的影响相较于NaCl单盐胁迫有所提高。综上所述,盐胁迫快速诱导了蒲公英抗氧化酶基因的表达,以抵抗逆境胁迫,但经过一段时间的高盐胁迫后,过量的活性氧在植株内大量积累,对其细胞造成严重的损害,酶活性降低,植株正常生长受到抑制,细胞内基因的表达亦受到影响。  相似文献   
江苏沿海养殖海水蟹类气候分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的]研究江苏沿海海水蟹类养殖的气候适宜性。[方法]主要采取农业气象指标分析方法。[结果]江苏沿海气候适宜养殖海水蟹类;常规统计指标和经验指标均表明,气候适宜性区域间有差异。[结论]从气候相对适宜性看,江苏沿海养殖海水蟹类的优先顺序为连云港、南通、盐城;造成区域间养殖贝类气候适宜性差异的主要是高温、低气压等灾害性天气指标。气象为海水蟹类养殖服务的重点应该是灾害性天气的影响程度评估和灾害性天气预报服务及其防灾抗灾的应对措施研究等。  相似文献   
《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):281-285

Two cultivars of spinach and one cultivar of komatsuna were sand cultured using a nutrient solution with Na and K in various combinations. The growth (fresh weight of shoot) of spinach cv. Atlas was significantly increased when 1.4 mM KC1 of the 7 m M KO was replaced with 1.4 mM NaCl, although the growth was reduced when more KC1 was replaced with NaCl. In another spinach cv. All Right, however, NaCl substituting for 20% of KC1 showed no significant effects. In komatsuna, Na used in place of K at any ratio reduced the growth. The growth of spinach cv. Atlas was increased by applying 20 mM NaCl, irrespective of K dose (480 - 2400 mg K2O per 1/2000 a Wagner pot). The growth of spinach cv. All Right was also increased by 20 mM NaCl when K was at a deficient level (480 - 960 mg K20 per pot), but was not when K was at: an excessive level (1920 - 2400 mg K2O per pot). In komatsuna, 20 mM NaCl reduced the growth. In spinach, Na prevented the decrease of the photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance caused by K deficiency.  相似文献   
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