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改革开放以来,上海渔业经济的发展取得了巨大成就,但上海也为此付出了巨大代价:一是许多宝贵的水产资源逐渐衰竭;二是水产养殖导致了环境污染。上海如果要实现渔业的可持续发展,就必须注意搞好渔业产业结构的布局,发展自己的比较优势产业。文章针对如何确定上海渔业比较优势的问题详细介绍了用国内资源成本测定水产品比较优势的方法,并运用该方法测算了上海主要水产品的比较优势,旨在为上海市渔业生产结构的调整提供一定的参考和依据。  相似文献   
简单介绍了目前在.NET下的多语言实现方法,提出一种新的解决方案,它采用分散的资源文件和集中式的资源管理,实现简单且容易扩展。  相似文献   
以西藏北部羌塘草原高寒草甸为研究对象,研究不同退化阶段草地植物群落特征及16种主要组分种的繁殖分配,试图揭示多年生草本植物及其繁殖分配与草地退化程度的关系。结果表明:随着退化程度的加剧高寒草甸植物群落内优势植物发生明显变化,草地群落的各项指标随着草地退化程度的增加而降低;退化程度对群落内物种个体生物量大小和生物量分配有着显著影响,伴随退化程度的加剧各物种对繁殖的绝对投入所受影响不明显,但繁殖投入升高。在群落水平上,草地退化使植物群落繁殖分配增加,茎分配和叶分配减少。不同植物群落内共有种繁殖分配存在差异,表明其繁殖分配跟退化程度有关;植物繁殖投入随退化程度的变化,反映了植物繁殖对策和繁殖投入在生活史特征中的可塑性。  相似文献   
封育对伊犁绢蒿种群营养元素分配格局及贮量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑伟 《草业科学》2012,29(10):1503-1511
以绢蒿(Seriphidium)荒漠草地上的伊犁绢蒿(S.transiliense)为研究对象,从不同构件的生物量、碳(C)与营养元素含量、贮量及分配格局入手,研究围栏封育对其资源分配格局和生态策略的影响。结果表明,在围栏封育3~4年时,伊犁绢蒿根中磷(P)含量和根颈、生殖枝中氮(N)含量以及根颈、营养枝中钙(Ca)含量均显著增加(P<0.05)。除Ca、镁(Mg)外,其他营养元素贮量在围栏封育后显著增加(P<0.05);随着退化梯度的减轻,生殖枝、营养枝生物量与C贮量均呈增加趋势,围栏封育使其进一步增加。围栏封育后,生殖枝的N、钾(K)分配比例与营养枝Ca、Mg、C的分配比例均增加,根颈的N/C增加,生殖枝的N/C则显著增加(P<0.05)。上述结果表明,围栏封育后绢蒿荒漠草地土壤供给营养元素的能力增加,伊犁绢蒿在营养生长和生殖生长上的资源投入增加,有利于伊犁绢蒿种群的生态恢复。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to investigate if, or under what conditions, fires select given land cover types for burning. If fires burn unselectively then the land cover composition (the proportional area of various land cover types) of individual fires should approximate the land cover composition available in their neighborhood. In this study we test this hypothesis by performing statistical analyses of a data set consisting of paired vectors with the proportions of land cover types present in burned areas and in their respective surroundings. The statistical methods employed (a permutation technique and the Cmax statistic) are commonly used in resource selection studies where data is subject to a unit-sum constraint. The results of the analysis of 506 fires that burned in Portugal in 1991 indicate that fires are selective, with small fires exhibiting stronger land cover preferences than large fires. According to the results of a multiple comparison analysis performed for small fires, there is a marked preference for shrubland followed by other forest cover types, while agriculture is clearly avoided. A similar analysis is performed to test if fire selectivity is related to the ecological region where it occurs. The results obtained in this study contribute to the discussion on the relative importance of fuels as a drivers of fire spread.  相似文献   
Multiscale analyses are widely employed for wildlife-habitat studies. In most cases, however, each scale is considered discrete and little emphasis is placed on incorporating or measuring the responses of wildlife to resources across multiple scales. We modeled the responses of three Arctic wildlife species to vegetative resources distributed at two spatial scales: patches and collections of patches aggregated across a regional area. We defined a patch as a single or homogeneous collection of pixels representing 1 of 10 unique vegetation types. We employed a spatial pattern technique, three-term local quadrat variance, to quantify the distribution of patches at a larger regional scale. We used the distance at which the variance for each of 10 vegetation types peaked to define a moving window for calculating the density of patches. When measures of vegetation patch and density were applied to resource selection functions, the most parsimonious models for wolves and grizzly bears included covariates recorded at both scales. Seasonal resource selection by caribou was best described using a model consisting of only regional scale covariates. Our results suggest that for some species and environments simple patch-scale models may not capture the full range of spatial variation in resources to which wildlife may respond. For mobile animals that range across heterogeneous areas we recommend selection models that integrate resources occurring at a number of spatial scales. Patch density is a simple technique for representing such higher-order spatial patterns.  相似文献   
The conversion of forests and farmlands to human settlements has negative impacts on many native species, but also provides resources that some species are able to exploit. American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos), one such exploiter, create concern due to their impact as nest predators, disease hosts, and cultural harbingers of evil. We used various measures of crow abundance and resource use to determine crows’ response to features of anthropogenic landscapes in the Puget Sound region of the United States. We examined land cover and land use composition at three spatial scales: study sites (up to 208 ha), crow home ranges within sites (18.1 ha), and local land cover (400 m2). At the study site and within-site scales crow abundance was strongly correlated with land cover providing anthropogenic resources. In particular, crows were associated with the amount of ‘maintained forest’ cover, and were more likely to use grass and shrub cover than forest or bare soil cover. Although crows did not show a generalized response to an edge variable, they exhibited greater use of patchy habitat created by human settlements than of native forests. Radio-tagged territorial adults used resources within their home ranges relatively evenly, suggesting resource selection had occurred at a larger spatial scale. The land conversion pattern of new suburban and exurban settlements creates the mix of impervious surfaces and maintained vegetation that crows use, and in our study area crow populations are expected to continue to increase. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
为探讨楸树无性系对氮素的吸收、分配及利用特性,以2年生楸树无性系015-1、1-3、7080、1-4和004-1组培苗为试验材料,应用15N示踪技术对楸树无性系进行施肥试验。结果表明,5个楸树无性系氮肥的吸收率、利用率及分配率具有较强的一致性,氮肥利用率介于27.14%~31.24%之间。楸树无性系根和叶的肥料氮比例(Ndff)明显大于茎,楸树无性系根和叶对氮肥的竞争力较强,茎对氮肥的竞争力最弱。015-1茎部氮素分配率及无性系7080根部氮素分配率明显高于其他4个无性系;氮素分配率在各个器官中差异显著,叶片氮素的分配率最高,总体趋势为叶根茎。本研究结果为楸树氮肥的合理施用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
近年来,恶性捕捞严重,海洋渔业资源管理模式落后。同时,人类过度开发利用以及不可抗因素时有发生,使得海洋生态系统遭到破坏,渔业资源管理也面临着新的问题。对我国渔业资源管理现状以及非常态下渔业资源的恢复与开发利用等方面进行了综述,对非常态下渔业资源管理中存在的问题进行了阐述,并提出了对应的管理措施,最后对非常态下渔业资源管理制度发展建设进行了展望。  相似文献   
采用野外定点法、最小样方法和统计学方法对生长于青藏高原东北部的3种野豌豆属植物的植物学特性、生态环境、群落数量特征及资源储量进行研究。结果显示,救荒野豌豆、山野豌豆和三齿萼野豌豆的植物学特性、生态环境和群落数量特征具有一定差异,3种野豌豆在青海省的资源总储量分别为0.46×10~6、0.23×10~6、0.27×10~6 kg,表明3种野豌豆属植物的资源总量在青海省并不高,应对其进行有效的引种驯化,实现人工繁育和增加资源储量,这既可保护青海省甚至青藏高原的生态环境,也可对其资源进行有效地保护和合理开发利用。  相似文献   
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